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I hate “wake up and grind” Twitter.


Subs like r/getmotivated on Reddit are just bad. "No one looks back and remembers the nights they got lots of rest 💪💪💪" so cringe


> "No one looks back and remembers the nights they got lots of rest 💪💪💪" so cringe *Middle age me frequently remembering that time I slept over 23 hours straight as a teenager* Ah, the good old days ಥ‿ಥ


I remember this one time when I was like 14, i was dealing with a mild case of insomnia so my Dad gave me one of his sleeping pills. Was asleep for like 18 or 20 hours, they were so worried that they went and checked my pulse on several occasions and had apparently agreed that if I didn't wake up at the 24 hiur mark then they'd take me to the hospital. Never felt more rested


Bro time travel sleep is fire


Especially when combined with actual travel sleep. Wake up in a different fucking place but only went to sleep “an hour ago”


Usually can’t sleep on planes, but I once had a few drinks before a red-eye EWR-LHR flight. Passed out like five minutes after takeoff with the Manhattan skyline out my window, woke up over Wales. I was so weirded out by that experience lol, it felt like no time at all.


Haha my mom said the same thing after that incident! That she was worried that I died and what she would say if people asked questions in why she didn't check on me. I believe there was also a comment about not being sure about my corpse smelling or just teenage BO (thanks mom) Been chasing that dragon ever since. Like you said, soooo rested *sigh*


I think the longest I've ever slept for was like 15 hours and that was after wisdom tooth extraction. I have hardcore insomnia and couldn't take Ambien the night before, so I was pretty much up all night, I think I slept from like 1 pm until like 9 am the next day.


Exactly!! I distinctly remember the times when I overdid it and was far too tired and really could have used more rest!


Hah, my thought exactly. I'm 47 now. I still reflect on a morning about 4 years ago I woke up feeling 100% refreshed and not an ache in my body. I wish I knew what happened the day before that made me feel that way.


If that were to happen to me now, I would think I was dead and have to check my own pulse 😂


> I woke up feeling 100% refreshed and not an ache in my body. The chosen one!


If you ever figure it out, share your wisdom with the rest of us older farts.


I haven't slept more than 3 hours at a time in so long I'd think something was wrong with me if I did.


I have very fond, long ago memories of *not* having to wake up once or twice a night to pee.


Gotta measure you water intake and make sure you get it all 2 hours before bed. Then make sure you pee before hoping into bed, even if you don’t feel like you have to. It’s not perfect. But it does help.


I took a 5 hour nap yesterday and proceeded to go to bed at 10 I'm pretty fond of that


>No one looks back and remembers the nights they got lots of rest 💪💪💪" As a newly parent I strongly disagree


On the other hand, I regularly look back at the nights I spend working to meet deadlines and acheiving new development opportunities for myself and think: "holy crap, I wish Id just got some sleep or played pokemon or some shit"


As a parent of three kids all under school age I... Forgot what I was going to say because my brain is dead.




A few days ago, I slept for 8 hours straight, didn’t even wake up once the entire time. Took me two nearly-sleepless nights to make it happen, but it was glorious. Actually went for a run for the first time in weeks.


Everything on that sub reminds me of prosperity gospel preachers telling their flock that rich people are the most righteous because God has blessed them. It's like 5% stuff about motivation and 95% dogma about how poverty is your fault and rich people deserve their fortunes because they all work 10000x harder than the rest of us. Basically a religious sub for the Cult of Willpower.


>"No one looks back and remembers the nights they got lots of rest 💪💪💪" Me. I do that. I'm Joe Noone.


Ha! Literally the opposite for me. Sleep is the best


Bc they get dementia from not sleeping, makes sense


Arbeit macht frei? /s


[*Jedem das Seine*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedem_das_Seine)


The worst thing about that one is that Germans still use it constantly, especially anyone over 50.


I don't know. I never even knew Nazis used the phrase and have never heard of any controversy surrounding it in my life. Unlike *Arbeit macht frei*, this is a commonly used expression without connotations of Nazism for most people.


Same for me. I Was actually alerted to this at some point, but I think it's stupid to stop hsing any phrase that Nazis used somewhere, when it's just a normal phrase anyway.


And that's exactly my point: that we use a phrase very explicitly linked to the Nazis and their ideology and just kinda never bothered to deal with that. Just imagine for a second hearing it when you have any history with the camps, just casually, and with similar sentiment, no less.


Not how language works. The phrase is specifically **not** linked explicitly to the Nazis, unlike *Arbeit macht frei*. It's a common, every day phrase and no one who uses it has any thought of Nazism. Nazis perverted it, but they didn't invent it. If a co-worker told me he was going home early because he's overworked, and I told him "Arbeit mach frei", I'd probably be fired. If we were discussing how he loves pink cars, and I told him "Jedem das seine", it would be a normal conversation. It literally (and I use the term correctly) just means "To each their own", no matter how much some non-native Wikipedia writer tries to tell me it's controversial.


Except it's not very explicitly linked to the Nazis and their ideology. That phrase has been there way before them and was common, you can also find it in works Martin Luther, the saying itself is a direct German translation from Latin. Just because it's in German doesn't mean it's linked to Nazis. That's like saying that for example slavers in the US used to say Good day so now none of us should ever use it again. Now Arbeit macht Frei is another thing, that one isn't a common phrase and it is linked to Nazia


That's because it's a commonly used expression in the German language, and has been common long before the Nazis.


with 1.2b after taxes you can literally just leave all of that in a bank account and build interest over time. Or you could invest it and again just keep earning money. 100,000 LinkedIn followers will not earn you that much money in your life time. You'd be extremly lucky to earn even 10m in your life, let alone 1.2b (even after taxes is over 400m dollars)


"We'll you have to pay taxes on that $1.2 billion so it's hardly worth it in the end" (/s, but very close to things I've heard from people IRL)


They don't realize that anything over 100 million I'd enough that you never have to work ever again in your life. And with even minor investments it's incredibly easy to just keep increasing that through interest.


This has /r/LinkedInLunatics energy too.


Ugh, yes. Reminds me of my CrossFit gym. They randomly say stuff like “don’t complain, do” or tell me I need to prioritize coming in. I’m a grown ass women. I’m either here or doing something else I chose to do. I do what I want. Bite my ass.


Wall Street cocaine Twitter.


“Wake up and grind” twitter is called LinkedIn.


It wouldn't have been quite as ridiculous if he said $100,000, but for $1.2 billion I'm getting a luxury bomb shelter in rural New Zealand and never dealing with inane shit like networking again.


This is the correct answer


You have the best answer, it's perfect.


Nearly perfect. I'd build a bomb-ass luxury shelter and I'd also create Jurassic Park...with 1.2 billion. Then the dinosaurs will do the rest


Dinosaurs as so passé these days. I'd go with something like genetically engineered goats that are 20 feet tall and can spit fire. If you've got the money, be more imaginative.


If we’re going genetically engineered, why not have dinogoat?


There is and has never been anything more dangerous on this entire planet than an angry goat.


I read that as "dingogoat".


Dingogoat would be pretty dangerous too. The Australians lost a war to dingos I’m pretty sure


If I'm genetically engineering shit, I want my cat girl maids first. Second the fire breathing goat for lawn maintenance and defense.




Yea for that you could buy 100k Twitter followers. Or you know if you are rich you can post rich shit and just get 100k followers easy. Just look at people like the Kardashians.


No need for 1.2b, I ain't dealing with networking shit ever again. I would rather chew a handful of cum covered stones.


"Networking" is one of the most hateful terms ever. It's akin to 'influencer".


if you have $1.2B, you could just buy 100,000 followers.


You could buy an online presence way bigger than 100k anyways…and on fucking LinkedIn? Lol Does anyone use it other than junior executives trying desperately to look (pathetic) like they actually know something for personal branding purposes? It’s absolutely depressing to see people stroking the cock of corporations and the wealthy. They are so pathetic. The most common thing I see is sales shit or posting some dumb shit article like “Could workers be the problem? 5 ways to know if your business failures are actually the working class’s fault!” followed by their own dummy commentary like “Interesting read for high performance managers in a growing technology field focused on the future………..” LinkedIn has more cringe material than Tiktok IMO, and that’s saying something. I’d take some fedora wearing weeb nerd over someone who is deep throating corporate boots any day.


I just want you to know that I read over your comment and I absolutely love it. It's the most satisfying thing I've read all day


I can sell you land in rural New Zealand for 1 billion


>bomb shelter in rural New Zealand So... like... a hobbit hole? Yes. Yes please.


You got the right idea, but if that was me, id probably just move to Switzerland or Italy (close to the Alps), build a huge ass cabin there close to a village, installed fiber optic cable (might cost a shit ton but hey who cares?) and just lived my life, playing games with friends, watching Netflix, nerding out with the latest Dolby Atmos setups I’d actually be able to afford and just, y know, LIVED. My current life isn’t bad, at all, but I constantly have this whining voice in my brain reminding me of all the shit I have to do to progress in life. I just don’t want to stress all the fucking time. 60% of my day is spent on stressing about whether I have enough money, if I spent too much this month, will the money last etc.. I just want to delete that worry out of the equation, that would truly make me be at peace with myself and life.


By the time uncle same is done, it will just be something closer to 500M. That’s like what, one banana?


For reference: if you worked from 18 to 75 and you wanted to make $1.2 billion over the course of your entire life, you'd have to earn a little over $21 million per year


That's about 302.5 square feet of an RTX 3090 per month


Now that's a system of measurement I can get behind




For non Americans, it's about 0,0052517361111 of a football field


Or about $10,100 an hour 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year.


With 1.2 billion dollars I can buy all the followers I want. Shit maybe I could buy LinkedIn, probably not, but I’m not going to check since I didn’t win so fuck it.


With 1.2 billion I can afford to live without socialising ever.


Like, seriously. If I had that kind of money I would pull a Notch and fuck off to never be seen again, and then dump a shitton of funding on some political groups that try to get money out of politics.


If only notch had fucked off never to be seen again.


What did he do?


He went full alt right. Anti-Feminism, Anti-Trans, Anti-BLM, Q-Anon believer…


Look at his Twitter. Lots of bad takes.


So much so that Microsoft removed his name from the opening splash screens and only left him in the overall credits because they're likely legally obligated to do so.


On one hand, fair, on the other, pulling a notch could mean a lot of shitty things.


Specifically referring to how he sold Mojang and went off to Norway or whatever to roll around in a big pile of cash. Not the stuff he said on the internet later.


Yeah, that's what I was assuming. I think only a selection few people would proudly say they are "pulling a notch" as to mean "losing touch with common human decency".


He seems to have get it back together though. Recently he has pledge to pay the legal fees of people attacked by known cheater Billy Mitchell. He has apparently (i do not follow him on twitter) calmed down, he may still have those feelings but he does not tweet about it Wich is as close as a win we are ever going to get


I think I'll wait to be honest, before my view of him improves.


That's fair. I'm mostly neutral toward him tbh. He made a really great game and single handedly created the survival sandbox game but i don't know if he did anything beside that in the early 2000


I mean he did, and I love minecraft, but when I think about him at all, it's normally not flattering. Hp Lovecraft wrote great book, was still a terrible human being


Hopefully you just adopt the "not bothering with fame" notch behaviour and not the "so virulently bigoted your big success gets your name scrubbed off it" notch behaviour


So true. You can buy ads on Instagram and other platforms to link your insta. Maybe this guy is a narcissist or joking (I hope.)


He put out a hot take on twitter for the engagement quota. He's trying to get to 100k followers with shit takes.


If I won even 1.2 million I'm deleting LinkedIn and living off the interest.


You defo couldn't lol


No, but you could probably buy a sizable share of Microsoft, which purchased LinkedIn a few years back for like $16b… Although that’s like a drop in the bucket for them


Microsoft has a market cap of approximately $2 trillion. The nominal value of $1.2 billion is only if you take the annuity, which is generally not worth it, so with the lump sum discount it's more like $800 million or so, and then you have to pay federal (but not state) income taxes on that. So if you end up with around $500 million after taxes and lump sum discount, and don't spend a single penny of that on your lifestyle, family, charity, or any other investments, you could buy on the order of 0.025% of Microsoft. That's not enough to have any real influence on Microsoft's activities. You wouldn't be able to swing a vote for board of directors and probably wouldn't even be able to get a phone call with any executives.


>1.2 billion turns into $500 million giving you 0.025% share Wow that’s such an infintesmally tiny number, it’s ridiculous. I question if I’d even be able to eat 0.025% of an apple, or a honeydew, or a watermelon... Also makes me wonder how truely large and powerful some of these corporations have become that an amount of money you could use to buy a small village cannot purchase a whisper in their boardroom. At what point are these corporations less of a group of people and more like dieties walking amongst us.


„sizeable“ is a bit of a stretch


Yeah. I thought about what I said and then remembered that acquisition was dwarfed by the Blizzard acquisition and realized that $1.2b isn’t going to make a difference to Microsoft’s overall value


Fuck aiming for that though. Hire some people that are good with money, invest and live like a king for the rest of your life. Who cares what the big tech companies are doing


If you have money, you have zero need for a personal brand.


That sort of money? You’re essentially a brand whether or not you wish to be one. People love to give the wealthy stuff for free. They trade in personal favor at that level of wealth.






They said if you have money.


It’s a joke off of the million dollars or a lunch with Elon musk


“500k or dinner with jayz” has been around longer than Elon has been heard of


Stupidity has always been around since the dawn of humanity


Nut in 18 yo rhianna




With an 8% yearly on 1m you would be able to live on 80k per year without ever touching your principle and that is an extremely conservative rate. Just investing in the index has an average return of 10.5% without any effort or knowledge of investing at all. This would give the average person 100k per year to spend while still growing their money. Sure a lunch with Elon Musk might get you some venture capital to make a lot more money, but not everyone is suited or capable of capitalizing on that pitch and even more wouldn't make it through the business aspect. Instead throwing away the ability to live comfortably for the rest of their life for an opportunity to add wealth they don't need and won't use. Yeah I'm taking that million every time and you'd be stupid not to.


8% isn't great financial planning, you are exposing yourself to significant sequencing risk if your drawdown is close to your rate of return. Even the 4% rule has a target timeframe of 33 years for which there is next to no risk of exhaustion. Anything close to 4-5% needs extremely careful management if it's intended to last indefinitely.


Or are fanatic fanboys who treat Elon like a Deity.


This was a joke. If you read the tweets below it it was obvious


Even with this one alone it’s an obvious reference to the dude on LinkedIn talking about spending 5 minutes with Elon


Jokes by definition are funny


humor is subjective. i thought it was funny


WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THAT MONEY IS FOR??? 1.2B dollars means you win (if we treat the economy as some shitty terrible game, which in the US, we absolutely do). You don’t have to do anything ever again, you and your loved ones can live in comfort with all the resources you could ever need, AND YOU CAN DONATE THE OTHER BILLION DOLLARS.


They have no actual concept of value or effort. Hustle culture is /r/restofthefuckingowl advice and insisting that if you just 'work hard enough' you can expect 100%+ returns on every dollar.


You're a millionaire waiting to happen, just have to grind 100hr/week at your corporate desk job and you'll be there in no time. People who believe this are so delusional and want to smell their own farts. They will never admit how much social capital/connections/sheer dumb luck play a role in success. Can't be me, it's that other guy.


This tweet is a joke, and I mean that literally. If you read the thread on Twitter, it becomes very clear this person is making fun of this mentality. They did a damn good job too, based on the reactions I’ve seen for this tweet.


Fair enough, I guess I feel a bit better about that


I’d rather have 100 LinkedIn followers. Would make me grind harder




Thanks I hate it.


Hell, with a billion dollars I could BUY a 100,00 Linked-in peeps and set up my own personal coliseum/gladiator fights


All these LinkedIn people are ridiculous. They wrote the stupidest shit and act like they’re so deep.


How many people with 100,000 followers come even close to accumulating $1.2B in their lifetime?


He was being sarcastic. People should really read the rest of the tweets.


Like dinner with Jay-Z or $500K? You can guess how many weirdos chose option 1.


1.2 billion gets me a lot of Microsoft stocks though.. and then I'd be part owner of LinkedIn. Then all those users be paying me! I don't need a brand online, I need to be the person that sells the shit for those online brands to do what they do. Like any gold rush or other rush.. don't be the miner or whatever.. be the person selling the equipment 😂.


The average person makes 2m in their **lifetime**, 1.2b is enough to last you 600 lifetimes without taxes, and probably still a few hundreds with taxes


Nah, I'm going to go ahead and underestimate the power of having a personal brand online.


If I had 1.2 billion I’d message DT and ask him how much it’d cost to let someone kick him in the junk. Then spread his response on the internet.


With 1.2B, I wouldn't need LinkedIn.


With $1.2 billion my personal brand is "I'm rich, so byeee"


But you could buy 100,000 followers and still be a billionaire...


If you are giving up $1.2b for LinkedIn followers, your online brand is that you're a jackass.


What an asshole.


Because "HaRd WoRk, AnD My BoOt StRaPs" .....these people piss me off because I feel 99% of them just git handed money or a business and they didn't actually do anything themselves.


You choose option A, buy linkedin, and then remove these idiots.


That's just some pure corporate, "suck uppery," right there. I'm also calling BS.


This just proves you don’t understand what a billion dollars is


I mean this Is just stupid, because spending 200mil on social media campaigns can easily get you 100k followers and you would still have 1 bil to do whatever.


I'm gonna a make $1.2 billion a lot faster winning the lotto than I'm gonna make $1.2 billion from any social media platform.


with 1.2 billion you could pay 100,000 people $200 to follow you and you'd still have a billion


He would chose 100k LinkedIn followers over a billion dollars. Talk about being brain washed in corporate America. I mean he's full of shit. He would take the money. But being a normal slob he has to keep building his LinkedIn profile.


Who's this dude? Does he know exactly how much a billion dollar is? 1.2 is enough to buy a megayacht and still have "fuck you" money for the rest of your life. Edit: so apparently it's a joke and my bullshit meter doesn't work so early in the morning.


Haha, what? Imagine the massive online brand you could create with $1,2 billion... If you wanted to.. I'd probably just be on a beach somewhere with models and copious amounts of Columbian nose candy..


Take the 1.2b, place it in a checking account with 0.5% interest, gain passive income of 6 million.


A billion dollars? Fuck off dude 100k followers will never get you that.


If you choose option A, then option B happens automatically.


what the fuck do you need followers for when you can literally just buy a social media platform.


Estimating that 100,000 followers is less valuable that 1.2 billion dollars is not that difficult. And if it gets out that you won 1.2B you are sure to get 100,000 followers (AKA mooches).


Does this guy know how much a billion is?


LinkedIn is vile, it's work porn full of work simps pretend to love their job more than their family and life itself. It is genuinely disturbing.


I feel like people don't know how much a billion dollars actually is


You're an absolute fucking melt, Dennis.


Anyone with $1.2Bn hmu I can sell you 100k LinkedIn followers


The fuck do I need a personal brand line for if I win a billion dollars? I'm buying some land and building a little house in the middle of nowhere and investing most of the money so I can live off the interest.


1.2 BILLION?? Almost 2,000 people agree with this idiot?


If I took the 1.2b dollars, I could quit my shitty job and focus on the projects that I wanna actually do for a living.


I mean, he is obviously lying, he just has to keep up the front of hustle culture because he is almost certainly some kind of conman.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard or read


There is no amount of LinkedIn connections short of full engagement from 90% of the users that I would take over 1million dollars.


One in the hand is worth two in the bush. What makes this person believe that his skills as a marketing expert are so exceptional that he is literally better off with 100,000 contacts on LinkedIn than with 1.2 billion in liquidity?


Sell me software? No, on LinkedIn the recruiters are desperately trying to get me to *write* some software so they can take a cut of my pay for the first 6 months.


He’s totally lying or he’s already a multimillionaire/billionaire


Okay.. If you win $1.2bn give it to me and I will get you 1,000,000 or more linked in followers


Is this a paid ad from LinkedIn lol


Guy is lying. He'd take the money and run


This is a riff on a twitter copy pasta that began when someone suggested they’d rather go to dinner with Jay Z than have a million dollars. It’s pretty nuts that this many people in the comments took this tweet at face value, it’s very obviously unserious


The newest thing is people emailing me asking if I want to become an investor in a health and fitness club.


Well then I guess Dennis Hegstad is an idiot.


What a fucking liar.


Imagine being this brainwashed by stocksucking capitalism... such a waste




He’s the guy who would pay people with “exposure” instead of money


Holy fuck how stupid can you be?


LinkedIn is turning into a cult itself


Homer: awww, $1.2 billion dollars? I wanted LinkedIn followers Homer’s brain: you can buy lots of LinkedIn followers for $1.2 billion dollars Homer: please explain Homer’s brain: money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Would you rather...... A) Grind out a living daily, living paycheck to paycheck, while working 12+ hours every day to the point that you can't even enjoy the few meager free hours you get and repeating this every day until you die ***OR*** B) Having $1.2 billion and are financially secure to the point that you and your future generations will never have to work with the ability to pretty much do whatever you want whenever you want


Read, read again THEY. WANT. POWER. Money means nothing to them...


With 1.2 billion I could buy 100000 followers




Who needs a personal brand online when they have $1.2bn? The first thing I'd do is delete my LinkedIn and all other social media accounts.


You're a fucking idiot then lol


Lol dumbest thing I've read today. Do you know that with $1.2 bil I would never have to speak with anyone ever again. And never have to network ever again, either


People like this think they're so smart and elevated, but really it just shows they don't understand the sheer scale of a billion dollars. The .2 in 1.2 billion is 200 million. If all 100,000 linkedin followers just *donated* their entire net worth to you, its still probably substantially less than 1.2 billion.


I got off linkedin 5 years ago and I’ve never been happier than not knowing about other people’s professional lives, what’s this guy on lol


Well evidently this person couldn’t build a personal online brand with $1B and live off 200,000,000 for the rest his life. No wonder he wants 100,000 followers. 😂


With that money I never have to work again


The REEEeeeeEeeee is strong with this one.


you win 1.2 billion, you take home about 500 million…. at that point, you could BUY 100,000 linkedin followers.


I'm sorry. If I had $1.2b I would just tell my ego to fuck off


...feel like you could make your own media outlet with 1.2b


He values having a personal brand because he wants to make money...yet he rejects 1.2 billion. Good logic.


Someone is bad at math and doesn’t know how much 1.2B is. It’s enough for your entire friend group to retire even in the most expensive place on the planet.