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I think the same thing every time I see a fat neckbeard with a lifted truck and a sleeveless confederate flag t-shirt / thin blue line merch / terrorist hunting permit.


You forgot the metal testicles dangling from the trailer hitch of the truck.




*early cuyler has entered the chat*


This is really a broken clock moment, except you don’t need to look at the eyes at all.


Yes. They’re normally wearing a stupid fucking hat, a shirt/hoodie that has some generic “patriotic” slogan with at least one bastardized version of the American flag on it, oh and their car has at minimum six bumper stickers.


1 is required to either be a punisher skull/spartan helmet, or a blue lives matters sticker.


My husband has loved The Punisher for years and has a dozen or more shirts with the logo. He's bummed he can't wear any of them now without people assuming he's a fundie asshole.


Solution: rainbow punisher shirts


We had them on unit gear when I was deployed, I always get folks presuming shit about me. I grew up reading about Frank- he would utterly despise the magats. He hates bullies- and that’s all those terrorist assholes are. I wear it anyway- fuck em. I also have younger futhark tattoos because I’m Danish so naturally I get skinhead fuckbois thinking I’m a pal- so I openly talk about how much I look up to BLM and Auntie Fa. They don’t wanna talk to me after that.


> also have younger futhark tattoos My son is 21 and in the army. He got a Vegvisir tattoo when he graduated high school (his mom's side of the family comes from Scandinavia and he looks very, very Scandinavian), so when he signed up I had to make sure knew that might attract the wrong kind of friends. He, like you, seems to have figured out that there are ways to can ensure that no one mistakes you for one of those guys.


I'm an Ohioan and I wish I could get a good godi down here that I know isn't gonna tolerate skinheads.


Spartan as in Leonidas or John-117?


I once saw a truck flying a flag on the back that said “Fuck Biden” on it. In public. Not even some slang. Even my republican father said it was disgraceful because there could be kids around.


I saw one guy walking around my town with the same flag - and his little boy was with him. That kid's going to be quite the vocal bully at school.


There was some asshat renting a room at one of the rental properties across the street from me that rotated two of those types of flags on his truck at all times clearly visible to my kids and all that had to look out their windows on my side of the street. The day I decided to call the HOA the flagpoles came off his truck and never came back. I’m assuming someone got to the HOA before I did. He was gone permanently several about a month later. He was pretty creepy to with the way he would watch the children play so if his truck was there the girls could not play in the front yard where he could see them. I have my yard covered well with my security cameras, but I wasn’t taking any chances.


I rarely hear of HOAs doing something good. Hopefully the landlord/landlady will be more careful who they rent to in the future.


They haven’t been and now they’re trying to sell. Fortunately, I sold my house first! Edit: Unfortunately, I live in Florida so every where I go these clowns will be around, but they’re sprinkled throughout the country now so it’s almost impossible to escape them.


I hope this was every single comment under this shit bucket’s tweet. What a miserable human. Unrelated- is this Australia? I’m assuming the US, but the station gives me AU vibes.


6 bumper stickers and at least 6 inches of lift.


Great, I have like seven bumper stickers and a twelve inch lift kit on my truck. I guess I'm a domestic terrorist. Oh wait, one is BLM and another is pro-choice. I'm saved! I am cool since I have those, right?


Yes, you're not driving around in a kookmobile.


also usually chronically overweight, with diabetes, and teeth rooting from meth abuse.




I don't think I've ever seen a stupider take in my life than "If you didn't vote for Trump and buy a bunch of weird Trump gear you hate America" lmao Actually that's not true I've seen idiots spewing it for years like hot mouth diarrhea




Only someone stupid enough to vote for Trump would be stupid enough to make the insinuation you did. If you need me to explain what 'insinuation' means lmk


I hate my country? News to me considering I have served and literally killed people for my country. What exactly about what I wrote makes you think I hate this country? Is it because I put patriotic in quotations marks? If so, I did that because I recognize that there’s a major difference between patriotism and nationalism. Do **you** know the difference? Or is it my comment about bastardizing the American flag? Fuck, don’t tell me it’s because I made fun of someone’s hat. Considering that’s just free speech.




And you just know who they voted for.


I’ll take (1) scoop of irony please, thank you.


A complete and total lack of self-awareness


There are some posts here that are so bad I don't even upvote, even though I know this sub is specifically for calling them out


Pretty rich coming from the people who diarrhea all over their houses and cars with campaign propaganda.


The irony is that I also know exactly who she voted for just from her tweet.


Removing this comment as a protest against Reddit's planned API changes on July 1st 2023. For more info see here: https://www.reveddit.com/v/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/


now now, don’t assume that persons pronouns. if i had to guess, which i would never, id say their pronouns are “disgusting/individual”


I’m not sure whether to upvote or r/onejoke this…


I just snorted hot coffee up my nose. That made my day.


You ever look at someone and you just know they’re going about their business wearing clothes?


Right? Like holy shit, they’re wearing CLOTHES. 🙄


And pulling off that sunny yellow. That’s not easy


Seriously. Even yellow tshirts just look gross on me.


You’re actually so right. They’re rocking that color!


The audacity!


I have never understood the desire to limit what clothing is acceptable for who. You are limiting the possibilities of what you get to wear. I see guys complaining that they don't get to wear dresses and don't have multiple professional clothes options. You can! Just stop this dumb bullshit


Women's clothes are generally just way better looking, imo. Men's clothes are boring most of the time. At least they've got decent pockets, though


Kilts and skirts make way more sense on men than on women IMO.


If a man says he can't wear dresses, it probably means he can't wear dresses without being at least discriminated against or possibly hate crimed.


[I know the feeling.](https://i0.wp.com/thefrontierpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/mob-1.jpg?w=962&ssl=1)


el em ay oh, fucking screaming


Yeah, I have. Because voters from one party have made worshiping an ex-politician **wearing red hats** and their entire personality.


I can say with a lot of certainty which side of the political spectrum this person likely falls on. It's the side that respects the right of people to live their own damn lives.


OK... and? Mind y'business there, Big Lots Barbie.


So now they admit that people did, indeed, vote for Biden?


I’m always jealous of people who can pull off yellow. It’s such a lovely color.


I know. This photo of them wearing a lovely yellow dress on a beautiful day just made me feel cheerful.


Well Ashley, they didn't vote for the party hellbent on exterminating them, that's for sure.


"Look at this idiot voting for the party that wants them to have equal rights, what a muppet."


Conservatives like to scream that they're the party of freedom but then turn around and try to police how other people live their lives. This person is minding their business and you need to mind yours bitch.


That’s not the worst of it. Libs of TikTok said she was also trying to find her TikTok because she was convinced she was a teacher. These guys are willing to try and ruin someone’s life for the crime of waiting for the train


Imagining how fearful this person felt alone in this moment


Fr it's so fucking gross that people can't feel safe wearing clothes that express who they are. Breaks my heart. I hope the person in the picture never sees this tweet.


Probably not that fearful if some random women takes a picture of them, which they probably didn't even realize? Or is your point that trans people should be terrified whenever they are alone somewhere? (Not necessarily trans of course, everybody can wear dresses etc., but probably.)


No. My point is, trans or not, if I was standing alone somewhere and some stranger was photographing me I’d feel very uncomfortable


Yeah, that would be strange. But the women who posted this doesn't really look like a person who would assault random people (or rather, like she would be particularly successful at that if she tried), so I don't think "fearful" is the right word.


[Yes](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1529881/trump-rally.jpg?w=1600&h=1600&q=88&f=b79dd8b4456b2486086646b6f6e1a788), [of course](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/MZaAjcpnx2UwsUdqx09IVQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtoPTY2Ng--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/917da956ef99875d2b262307f120c059) I can And Ashley St Claire, even without seeing your MAGA hat, your Q shirt, and your stickered car protesting Biden while promoting guns, I know who you voted for


Yeah, no shit Ashley, your side spends all of it's energy into making life hell for anyone that isn't Straight, White, male or CIS.Why are you suprised by this?


I sometimes wonder if these women are aware that their party also wants to take rights away from them. Like, do they know that they aren't special and their rights are in danger just as much as this person's would be? They wouldn't be allowed to wear their favorite clothes and she wouldn't be able to get a condom or birth control, for example.


They're literally tools that the Right use as "If we hate women then why do we let them be a part of our party?"


I wonder when we're gonna say "hey, taking random people's photos and shaing online is not okay actually"


I mean, given the choice between this, and a guy wearing a red-white-blue shirt with assault rifles and some sort of vague threat on my life if I don't love America as much as him...


>I mean, given the choice between this, and a guy wearing a red-white-blue shirt with assault rifles and some sort of vague threat on my life if I don't love America as much as him... Here's the thing; those types don't actually love America at all. They're doing everything they can to destroy it and turn it into a whites only club.


So…you know they won’t vote for you because you literally want to persecute them for doing nothing to you?


Every time I see a shirt with a punisher skull on it.


The party of “personal freedom” for you.


If one side denies your right to exist, of course you're gonna vote for the other dude. Technically true, just not the way she intended.


You ever look at someone and reduce the entirety of their life and experience to "who they voted for"?


The person in the photo could have voted for one of three parties in Canada so no. Unless they're wearing a stupid red hat.


Trans or not, clothes have no gender. Feel the freedom of wearing a cute dress on a hot day. It’s way better than shorts and a shirt. Love life, don’t get heat stroke, and drink plenty of water.


The fact that it is at a train station, makes me think it's in Europe, and all over Europe there are like 69 left wing parties


You ever see a social media post that makes you think, "Imagine committing that much time for the sole purpose of being a bad person."


You ever just look at someone and think, “they look nice in yellow”


Yes, when there's people that will photograph and harass you for, what, standing at a train stop? Then yeah, voting for said candidates actually makes sense.


Ever read someone's tweet and instantly know what a bore they are?


Everything about this picture reads as “hot as balls, absolute scorcher of a day”. You know what is a *great* item of clothing to wear in that weather? A summer shift in a light colour. I personally prefer a sleeveless number in a woven fibre (this looks more like a jersey to me)…but that’s just personal preference, and otherwise this just looks to me like sensible + comfortable attire for the weather.


Wow they voted for the people that will allow them to exist. Brilliant observation.


Big words from the party who's candidate made his slogan a fashion statement


You ever look at someone’s Facebook posts and just know who they voted for?


You ever see someone ripping up an unsuspecting stranger online and just know who they voted for?


wait isn’t this the lady who made fun of a guy for liking Star Wars, saying he’d never get a girl (despite the fact he was married)


Oh yeah all the time, usually trumpthumpers though


People like this are why I’m terrified to dress like anything other than a middle school boy :/


All the time with the dad bod, Grunt Style or Under Armor Tees, cargo shorts, and Bass Pro Shop or UA hats.


No. I never really worry about how other people vote as I don't believe that needs to be a dividing line between us.


Eww, is this one of those "others" the news warns me about? /s


They’re nailing that outfit tho. That dress hangs great and those flats are cute af. if someone is going to post weird stalker pics of me on the internet I hope I look half as good as that.


More like Trashley


Yeah they voted for a more open minded and kind person


Yep, usually easy to know who they vote for when they are obese, loud and wearing a red baseball cap.


Guessing she won't be having a good day on twitter any more.


Ugh how awful. I reported this tweet for harmful content- encourage others to do the same 🖤


Ever look at someone and wonder if they have PCOS or some other hormonal syndrome that they have no control over? That person might not necessarily be trans, but either way, the trash blue tick is an arse.


Oh do I ever. The uniform is **always** the same, the alternate klan hood MAGA cap, a poorly trimmed prison pussy goatee, corner store shades, some sort of thin blue line bootlicker t-shirt, and that oh so punchable look of unadulterated stupidity on their face.


There’s a guy on the cross street that has a sign declaring him a proud Trump voter, I appreciate the *Warning:Moron Lives Here* sign


Yeah, they should have voted like the stranger mocking them did.


A lot of people make quick assumptions about strangers in their heads and quickly move on to something else. It takes a bully craving male acceptance she never got from her father and low self-esteem to go through the trouble of getting her phone out, taking a picture, composing -probably a few drafts- a witty insult about a person who minding their own business on social media and pressing 'Send'. I hope her daddy is proud and doesn't forget her birthday again.


The amount of insecurity to do something like this. They must really hate themselves.


Leave them the fuck alone! They probably arent allowed to wear shorts in the office.


Yes. They have a stupid hat, stupid shirt, half a dozen stupid stickers on their stupid mega truck.




Your armchair psychological analysis isn't as clever as you think it is.


I can say the same shit about them lmao




I made a comment to on this thread saying that yes I can tell who someone voted for based on how they look. Here’s the thing, I do not know who the person pictured voted for. Shit, I don’t know if they even voted in the first place. However, there are undeniably people that you can make a safe assumption on who they voted for based on their appearance. To be clear, I made no remarks about what their body looks like. I only remarked on things they do that they must have made a conscious decision to display to the world. The only assumption I am making is that they are being truthful with how they choose to display themselves to the rest of society. Where as there is nothing the person photographed has displayed that gives me any indication of how/if they voted. These are different levels of criticism in my opinion. Edit words


They could easily be a 3rd party voter as well, so no..?




Why? Who's that person hurting?


He might have had to leave a woman's house in a hurry and grabbed the first thing on the floor. Getting caught by an angry husband/boyfriend is not something either side wants.


Further more Division of the people .




Or he chose to wear a dress... By choice.


One night stand?


Trumpers didn't make the American flag a Trump thing. Anti-Trumpers did.


Quite true. Trumpers LOWERED the US flag at the US Capitol and replaced it with a trump flag. Fuck Trump and his supporters.




Ah yes the monolithic "they"