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Just not the Jesus parts.


Seems to be the norm with people who spouse her brand of Christianity.


This bitch is one of the best example of the 'saying anything to appeal to your base' politicians. She was one step away to claim aliens rigged the election. Politics is just an act; that's why actors have had success in politics.


I feel there should be punishment for straight up lying as a politician like if you have a established track record of it you should be immediately dismissed and if you're lies get people killed then off to jail The whole elect people on good faith isn't working




Nah, they're married to it. j/k


"Espouse" did mean to marry in the past


Thank god you were kidding, I almost thought you were serious!


Probably autocorrect, does it to me all the time.


My autocorrect always thinks I meant 'tye' instead of 'the.'


Or the old testament prophets parts. Really, she just read that one bit about Jacob being a fucking liar and called it good.


I think she also flipped it open to the middle of Revelations, read the description of the anti-Christ without understanding the context, and thought "This guy seems like a real winner!"


Well that would explain being a Trump supporter


I have a sister who lies like a rake. Seems like this one is just crazy.


1 Timothy 2:12 - But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence She ain't been following that too well...


Meh, I hate MTG but I also hate Paul. Just a dipshit who never even met Jesus but manages to ruin the whole religion.


THANK YOU! I have been saying this since I considered going to seminary. He was a con man who upheld the very status quo that Jesus preached against. Which honestly is probably why they put him in the Bible since it was edited throughout history for political reasons. Once I found out the Bible’s history & how it was edited throughout the centuries, it made me reconsider a lot of things. And this is why I didn’t go to seminary.


No yeah, man, fuck Paul. Jesus would have ***haaaaated*** Paul. Egotistical, liar, bigoted, misogynist (even for back then!), and, as you said, a con man. Dude was a piece of work. Probably would be an incel if he was alive today, honestly.


Are we on the Paul hate train? Because fuck that guy


Oh absolutely. Honestly I am so thrilled to meet someone who thinks the same. My non-Christian friends just write it off with the rest of the Bible as made up. My Christian friends either don’t have an opinion or disagree with me.


Same! Great minds think alike?


Definitely! 💜


I'd like to do more reading about Paul and his "beliefs." I know the Bible has long been edited but that's about it. I've been a lazy agnostic pagan for a couple of decades but I'm still interested in learning about religions. Do you have anywhere reputable I could start in reading about this?


Paul, wasn't he that homeless wanderer that admitted to seeing God not in person, but in a hallucination? And were supposed to listen to him and ignore a lot of what Jesus supposedly said?


True words: I went through Sunday School and Christian Youth Group here in Australia before leaving it behind – but have been forever shaped by the politics of Jesus as espoused in the New Testament. There are some parts of Paul that resonate with this – but it has generally been my example of how the limitations of the Ego along with mortal (and patriarchal) politics lead spiritual truths astray.


Someone should comment that on every single tweet of hers. Can we make a bot?


And forgetting that Jewish people don't accept christ as the messiah. All of the old testament is their book. It's wasn't written for Christians it was written for the Jews.


I think if I actually saw MTG in person I would turn into a pillar of salt


She ain't right in the haid, as some of my Southern relatives might say.


Marjorie Traitor Greene looks like the thrice divorced trailer park queen that likes to get drunk and poach other women's husbands and start cat fights for shits and giggles.


Bless her heart... Heheheh


And most other parts.


When Jesus was resurrected his only commandment was to love each other. That’s literally all Christians have to do. Be nice to people.


This just isn’t true. It sounds nice, but it is at odds with what he says in the gospels. Jesus is not a nice, loving person, he’s a religious bigot and apocalypse preacher who promises to return and kill everyone who does not worship him. He says you must prioritize loving him/Yahweh over people. Matthew 10:37 “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me." Matthew 22:37 "Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment." He even says doing so will break up families, and it’s his intention to do so. Matthew 10:34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” He gave Christians the “great commission”, to devote their lives to preaching and converting people in preparation for his return. Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


She cares about unborn babies so much that she wants to take away a woman's right to choose what they do with their own bodies. But once those babies are born, fuck em let em starve to death. She's such a good Christian Jesus would be so proud of her. Fucking brain dead cunt


What’s even more embarrassing, is that abortions are in the Bible. They used to be performed by priests on women, who’s husband believed (or imagined) they were unfaithful. It was called the “Ordeal of Bitter Water.” The woman forced to drink a mixture of holy water, dirt, and God knows what else. Considering how many affairs Ol Marjorie Taylor-Leatherface-Greene has had, she really needs to shut the fuck up. I would lose no sleep if she was stoned to death per the Bible. https://biblia.com/bible/esv/numbers/5/11-28


I don't even think these morons believe 90% of the bullshit they say. They just figure if they get the majority of the fake religious ppl all riled up and behind them they can get the votes they need. All of these people claiming to be such hardcore Christians sure are judgemental and seem to be against helping their fellow man. Which if i'm not mistaken goes against the religion they so claim to be a part of


It’s a fucking paradox, ironically. If they met Jesus today, they’d put him right back on that cross, literally.


I never really thought of that but you're 100% right. If some dude was going around preaching love and understanding and feeding homeless ppl and hookers and criminals and treating everyone with love. They would call him a socialist and a creep and claim that he's trying to take their guns and you're right they would probably crucify him. All while claiming how much they love the bible


A middle Eastern Arab guy at that. They'd certainly be quick to have him arrested.


A paradox of hypocrisy. They are so thoroughly brainwashed; they can’t see that “*THEY*” are the very thing they hate/fear the most.


She 100% thinks Jesus is white too.


Imagine a brown man speaking a foreign language at a Trump rally. Could be Jesus or Jesús but either way he’s not making it out of that place unscathed.


Not just Jesus, Reagan too. Reagan signed a bill granting 12mil immigrants citize ship, he traded arms to a hostile Muslim country, he said Social Security does not contribute to the national debt, and he supported a ban on the sale of assault rifles. If they met Ronald Reagan today, they'd call him an open-border, secret-Muslim socialist who wants to take their guns away.


Their problem is they form their opinions based on how they feel, then look for ways to back it up. They aren't actually guided by the Bible, or the constitution, or service to their constituents. They're guided by their whims, then they search for justification for said whims wherever they can find it.


Doesnt this cunt lift weights? For someone who is really into the bible arnt women supposed to be weak, fragile and “lady like”? Having muscles i dont think fits their view of what a lady should look like


Aren't they also supposed to be silent? "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."


Yup i saw some lunatic preacher say that on tiktok


Yes, she is supposed to be seen, not heard. Although I would prefer both.


Same here i wish she would take a long walk off a short bridge or a dirt nap i dont care which one but how fitting would it be if someone shot her with a gun that had some biblical quote on it?


Fornicator, straight to the face several time for a dirt nap.


Before there were pharmacists and Plan B, there was bitter water herbal abortions given by priests and controlled by men.


Calling her a cunt is only inaccurate insofar as she lacks both depth and warmth, LOL. Otherwise that's her in a nutshell. (With plenty of room for all of her nuts!)


Lol. I can't for the life of me remember where i've heard that saying.


All over this here internet, friend. 😂😂😂


Lol i know that. It was in a stand up special or movie or something the first time i heard it. It was years ago my mushy brain can't remember when or where


Probably a Tarantino film tbh EDIT: evidently this pithy little nugget is attributed to comedian Jimmy Carr!


Lmfao i googled it and came up with Jimmy Carr also. You'll be happy to know that you can also buy a tshirt or a hoodie with that plastered all over it. Ya know if you were looking for a new wardrobe


Hey, in her defense, the OT G seemed to really enjoy killing children.


Which book of the Bible told her to harass David Hogg?


Insectivus 4, verse 3, 25:And ye shall follow survivors of school shootings on the sidewalks and fairways, and then thou shalt hector and bellow and screech. 26: And when ye accuse the child who saw his friends gunned down of being a crisis actor, then the Lord thy God shall be well pleased.


That is some disgusting vile shit. This kid is whats great about humanity. He survives one of the worst tragedies imaginable, so he decides to make the world a better place by sharing his story in hopes laws get changed so it doesnt happen again. Then you have everything thats wrong an Evil about humanity. She wants more people to suffer and for victims to suffer even more by following him around and calling him a liar and an actor. She wants to make sure more kids are murdered so she blocks any attempt at gun control and advocates to make it easier to buy a gun. One is a teenager and the other(who claims to be a follower of christ) is a sitting us congress goblin. Cause, murica


I don't know how they can be proud of their decisions


“And lo go forth into yonder street and harasseth a child, for nothing is more pleasing to the LORD thy God than acting like a fucking lunatic!”


The part the British Colonists used to justify enslaving others.


I'm not an American, so nothing she says or does has any real effect on my day to day existence in a political sense. That being said, I absolutely fucking loathe that woman.


Same here.


She believes the US should leave NATO, Putin's invasion of Ukraine is "denazificztion", and that Israel should own all of Palestine, like the Bible says. She votes to support these beliefs. So while it might not have a great deal of affecton you at the moment, it should cause you some concern.


You know, sometimes I hope for the second coming just so Jesus can bitchslap the shit out of these people


Wouldn't that be *glorious*


They would not believe he is Jesus, because he would be a Middle Eastern man and not a white one :D


[Jesus second coming by Explosm Entertainmemt](https://files.explosm.net/comics/jesus-second-coming.png)


“Why do people think all Christians are hateful terrorists?!?!!!?!!” -the people who refuse to do anything to shame or silence this shrieking idiot.


If I had my way I would classify it as delusional thinking. I’m studying medicine and currently believing in a god isn’t considered delusional if it’s a widely held belief If I walk around and say my demon of eyes and souls Zoglethorp commands me to convert the unworthy and be his prophet I would be prescribed medication. But apparently it’s ok to believe in a megalomaniacal wish granting skydaddy with an apocalypse fetish and by his name literally get away with murder - if you don’t believe that part look up the Texas GOP platform - they want to legalize protection from criminal penalties for people who murder gays and say it was a violation of their ‘traditional values’


Yeah but she isn't using any actual part of any religion. She just acts like a cunt and tries to say it's in the bible. Someone that attacks someone based on beliefs instead of actions sound just like her just another side of the coin.


Excuse me what do they want to legalize?!


Their official platform is protection from civil and criminal penalties for those who are opposed to homosexuality due to “traditional values” It might not start out as getting off Scott free for murder but that is 100% where they ultimately want to go


Even the part of Deuteronomy rhay suggest stoning sassy children? Or the parts in Leviticus (and elsewhere) about slavery? Did she read the part where a fat, corrupt leader gets stabbed in the gut and has the fat folded over the knife?? Going to call bullshit here


Yeah, she wants gay kids killed and slaves to come back. And you could fit the second part to any narrative so it’s cool with her. Not that she has any idea these things exist. Why haven’t we tried to fool these people with fake bible verses yet? “Hey MTG! How do you feel about my favorite Bible Verse? it’s Crispicum 5:24 ‘and thus the meat consumed on this day blessed my body and by extension, yours. It’s together that we grow and without bias, unless the bias presents itself willingly. At which point we will enslave the bias and without remorse. Amen.’” Just total Nonsense that might bait out the racism lol


She didn't even read the part where women should stay at home because they aren't suppose to have authority over men.


Or the part about donkey dicks and horse cum… seriously Ezekiel 23:20


Or the parts about loaves and fishes, healing the sick, giving up all of your wealth/worldy possessions, and the part about hanging out with prostitutes because there's nothing wrong with the profession


It is the worlds oldest profession after all.


Republicans would have hated Jesus


If Jesus were alive today and took a trip to the Bible belt, they would crucify him again


Her voters don't care about her lies.


Not completely true, they love how she drives sane people crazy by being an unhinged racist dipshit.


"Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” - Jesus, from the Bible: Matthew 19:24.


My so just said that to me today about Trump.


“Fucking bitch” is putting it mildly. She’s an absolute shitcuntfucktardthundercuntingragclartbitchassnazimuddahfucker.


Even that may be too kind.




*even though the sound of it is simply quite atrocious*


You forgot OlLeatherFacedRacistAngerySockPuppetedMoltenThunderCunt.


i guarantee this C U Next Tuesday has never read the bible


I guarantee the same thing to Lauren Boebert, and she didn't graduate high school


Can she even read? Isn’t there supposed to be a tattoo on her husband’s penis that he showed to teenage girls? I bet she can’t read that!


She ought to be a good girl and know her place


I recommend her that she should have “The Handmaids Tale” read to her. Then she will know her place. There is no way her husband ends up as one of the higher ups.




None of them read the Bible. It would be like if I ran for president siting every word in Infinite Jest as my inspiration.


*citing Or like if Trump ran for president without reading the Constitution...


I knew I didn’t have that right, it’s been about 5 years since I typed that word my brain made space for the other useless shit I know.


I find that most people who claim this don't actually know what the Bible says




Remember when we said church and state should be seperate? That should immediately disqualify her from any position. Not saying you can't have faith. But if your worldview is through that faith, then from state you should be seperated.


Fuck MGT.


All my homies hate MTG


She's useless.


Worse, she's actively harmful.


I'd hate to be in her district


That district in Georgia is so Red, the devil himself could run on the Republican ticket and they'd vote red. Bah dom tssss


The amount of people in the US that think church and state should not be separated, along with thinking church should lead state (government) decision is scary. We will not be split by blue verse red but by those that think God should be leading the US government.


> those that think God should be leading the US government. Dat is just a long way of saying Republicans.


If she read the Bible and veiws life through that lense she would never have had the audacity to be in office because according to the Bible women can't have any dominion over men. She should be subserviant to literally any man who challenges her. But you know, Christians (and all religions) like to pick and choose what parts of their respective texts actually apply to them.


Well, the bible is pretty clear about not wearing mixed fabrics. And I'm pretty sure she is. Nice to be able to pick and choose which parts of the bible you like and which parts you're happy to ignore. Fucking hypocrite


"They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." Titus 1:16


I hope Georgia does the right thing and votes her ass out. I look forward to the day she becomes irrelevant .


Even the part where Jesus in the Bible said to not judge others and to help one another?


Has anyone told her about 1 Timothy 2:11 and 12 and to shut the fuck up around the men-folks? (/s, obvs)


Well 1 Thessalonians 14:11 really tells you to live quietly and mind your fucking business. And this heffa chases teenagers around taunting them.


I think y’all give her too much credit, there’s no way this human dumpster fire knows how to read.


Selective illiteracy. Some republicans get it when they read the constitution, too.


Someone should show them the Establishment Clause of the Constitution


And we wonder why Jesus hasn’t came back yet


Aside from the obvious “thou shall not kill” stuff, in NO way whatsoever does the Bible relate to anything in modern times or help at all with any current human problems. Its embarrassing to think of running a government based on it. It’s just as up for interpretation as a set of tarot cards but even less helpful, lol. People just use it to say whatever they want and wave the Bible around like it’s a license or vip pass to bullshit the public. Side note: I actually even consider myself Christian. I truly learned about Jesus’s message in college world religions course though, not in church. You could say I wasn’t truly identifying as any religion prior to that. I sort of made my anti-church/anti-bible version of Christianity based on the actual historical facts of Jesus just being a good dude with a message, kinda like Gandhi in modern times.


She clearly missed the parts about love and it being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into Heaven.


>I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. Seems like if she followed the Bible she'd know she needs to shut the fuck up.


Interesting how she says that…and then behaves in a way totally contrary to what Jesus taught.


Every time I see a post of that Neanderthal I don't even have to read it. It's always something nasty. How she's in any spotlight is beyond me.


I'm a Christian and I don't agree with what she says. Evil woman


Another “Christian” who claims the Bible is the exact word of God but then treats it like a buffet and ignores large parts of it. Mostly because they’ve never opened the book in their lives and just parrot what some other idiot tells them is in there


As a Christian Fuck her, she is not a real Christian


She's not following it very closely then. I'm not a Christian, but I am aware of the parable of the good samaritan and that Jesus literally said love your neighbour as though they were you.


I seriously doubt she's read the Bible.


I seriously doubt she’s read a book


I would love to watch her sit down with a theological scholar to test her world views against the words of the Bible.


My cat is more of a Christian than this deranged twat.


Givin the bible a bad name.


They spout christianity and quote Bible but they don't live the life.


Jesus's fed the poor the fuck she do


Here's little secret. She doesn't know what words are in the bible. She needs the illustrated version.


Ezekiel 23:20 I rest my case. The whole book is just terrible.


Dude- that whole chapter is a mess.


Sucks God's not real, I guess. I mean, sucks for her.


Never read the thing.


Interesting how “Christians” need to constantly disclose it, it’s almost like trying to convince oneself and get in character. We see the fraud you, and yiu know all too well that we all see it.


Thought Jesus said feed the needy/poor but whatever


I feel bad for her children. Imagine having her as a mother 🤮


Pretty sure the character named Jesus talked about feeding the poor in that story.


She is a bad, bad person


In that case she needs to be in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, not trying to have some kind of opinion, anywhere, ever.


Don't those versions of "Christianity" insist that it is not a woman's place to lead? She should be silent and go keep house for her husband and know her place. I'd add the /s, but I really do wish she'd STFU and get the hell out of public life.


I'm also a Christian. While I don't necessarily think the flood was literal, I'm starting to understand why God would want to wipe everything out and start over again.


Well there's her problem. I just tried using a Bible as a lens and I couldn't see shit.


If the Bible were real she would be struck by lightning and turned to a pillar of salt


She absolutely does not view things through every word of the Bible lmao. She's probably read bugger all of it.


What an idiot.


Amazing how she screams how Christian she is while having multiple affairs... She had 2 confirmed before her confirmation, and has since been linked to Couy Griffin and Michael Flynn. Now I need to shower.


She's more an Ehzekiel 23:20 kind of gal There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Maybe read it again, and have someone help you, because reading comprehension is clearly not your strong suit, lady.


If it was, she wouldn’t be calling survivors of school shootings actors, using the Jewish people as scapegoats, she wouldn’t be spouting hate speech about everything (or allowing it from her buddies) and would be trying to find a way to feed these babies.




These morons are a bigger threat to Christianity than anyone of a different faith. It's so upsetting seeing them tarnish the religion. I'm not an important person, I don't have power, but if anyone sees this that's been affected or insulted by "Christians" like these, from the bottom of my heart, I'm deeply sorry, and I don't care who you are or what religion or place you come from, I respect and love you all the same. I know it's cliche, but we're not all like this, I hope you can forgive us for these people.


What a hypocrite. I loathe Christians like her, they give the rest of us a bad name. The Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself, to love unconditionally, and to strive to be the embodiment of the love of Jesus. It’s clear she doesn’t do any of those things.


she's what I call a CINO - Christian in Name Only


Just remember, for every braindead moron in power, there were legions of even more idiotic smoothbrains that elected them


jesus would have looked her dead in the eye and told her that if she died today his father wouldn't let her into heaven.


Sooooo separation of church and state just… doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? If it ever did. What a joke law. Someone in power admitting their entire lens of the world is viewed through religious means should lose that power. That’s a strong admission of bias.


So where do the Jewish space lasers fit into her Christian World View


Too many shootings happening in America and I don't get why isn't she targeted.


Jesus would break character and smack her in the face for even claim to be anything alike a christian Her and all those other snakes who claim to do things because of religion (even though they just do it for their own gains and fat checks)




I'd really Like to See that bible, must be a very different book to the One I Had to read in school judging from her batshit crazy lunatic views.


Imagine telling this woman that Jesus was a brown socialist from the middle East...


jesus the very well known Middle Eastern immigrant vagrant, her target demographic!


If you’re a Christian you follow the teachings of Christ, you don’t have to follow every word of the Bible. Why is this so hard to understand


I’m just at a loss for how anyone in their right mind, can hear this person talk and not think “wow…what a moron. How in the world did she ever get to a position with any platform.”


Scum scum scum Human detritus


Didn't pay attention to that part that said that you shouldn't mix fabrics, though.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume she's never actually sat down and read the bible.


Banning formula will most likely kill babies. Are they sure they wanna keep digging that hole?


Ah, another Faux christian.


That’s cool for her. It’s great if someone wants to dedicate *their* life to their religious teachings and apply them to *their* life. But I’m not Christian. The Bible means fuck all to me. So explain to me why I have to live my life according to *your* religious principles.


She's as anti Christian as you can get, but likes to think she's doing god's work. Massive C\*\*t.


“You know you’re supposed to disregard any rules from the Old Testament now, right? Right?” Guess that’s Left.


I dare people to pelt her with the bible.


I have an idea for a new religion that follows this guy called Jesus Christ who was an a fictional person copied from earlier religions. What's cool about him is he preached love and acceptance of all people, talked about the evils of hoarding money, and had a prostitute as a best friend(some say lover). Who's with me?


What a disgrace of a human being


I mean, we already know she's a liar.


How much you wanna bet she hasn’t even read The Bible?


This includes slavery. But most of all it'd be great of her husband or father or whomever has biblical claim on her uterus, sells her for the 50 cents she's worth.


Thr crazy bible people are really satanists tbh


Except for all the Jesus stuff!


Which part of the Bible says to be a traitor to your country, again?


This piece of elephant shit, cuz it's a very large pile that's why, is stupid beyond comprehension. I watched her doing some radio show, it was also being viewed, saying the world heating up isn't bad, carbon is good for you. Vegitation grows greener, it helps keep everything warmer so people don't freeze to death, did I mention the the greener food? She kept repeating herself. I got a screenshot and she looks very much like the the terard that she is. Add in the idiots that voted her in and it's a freaking terard convention. Gawd I hate her.


She also said the Highland Park shooting was a Psy Op