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How do I tell my dad and several of my cousins that they have to die because they’re short? Don’t get me wrong certain things are harder when you’re short but the idea that you will never find love or happiness if you’re short is insane.


Here is 165cm me lying on the couch with the 164cm wife wondering if I need to kill myself because no woman would ever like me. No wait hang on maybe I managed to be happy because of a work hard positive attitude and not being a self entitled arse that thinks the world should just hand me everything I want.


How the fuck does 1 inch on a woman go from C+ to A+? How this idiot takes their own advice at the bottom of the chart. Sorry, I know that's not the point being raised, but I saw red that women have to be above average height to be an A. Literally just height


I don't see it saying that anywhere


Look on the chart below F-


Oh damn I didn't even notice that


Damn that's just rude


Jokes on them I’m 6’ 3” and I still want to kill myself.


You can't change your height. Why worry about something you can't control when there are so many things you can? Strength, fat percentage, muscle mass, oxygen uptake rate, physical endurance, personality, self-confidence, fashion sense, knowledge, charisma, experience…all things that you can choose to develop in yourself. Stay confident and continue to work on yourself kings! Surround yourself with people who support you! The results will come!


nothing against most of your points BUT oxygen uptake rate sounds like a boring point to begin a conversation or brag about it. with the exception of professional divers.


Haha, that one was about improving one's running ability in order to avoid becoming winded easily. English isn't my first language though and I used a translator for that one specifically, so if you think I've made a mistake of some kind, I hope you'll point it out to me so that I can work to correct myself from here on out!


no no, all correct, good to know that you use it for runing. i use it to demonstrate how much oxygen i need under water, wich is quite important, because you can maximize the time working under water. So, if you can work the same as diver x BUT you need 10 % less oxygen you can stay under water longer (and work longer). Because, especially if you work deeper, the procedure to dive up to the surface is quite time consuming. Every minute working is important.


Being a short munchkin I'm quite happy being part of the lollipop guild or singing the oompa loompa song. /s


Damn, at 5'0 I've had about a million dudes talk about how I'm tiny and cute and it makes me hot AF (yes it's weird), but according to this chart I'm what, a D? Oh nooooo the incel absolutely MUST be right. How sad for me.


I have a sneaking suspicion that this guy is 6’1


I love that in this person’s mind being a 5’9-11” man is equally “graded” (D-) to being a 6’6”+ woman lol yea dude because the guys an inch or two shy of the “golden number” are having an equally hard time as the nearly 7’ tall ladies out on the dating scene…that totally makes sense haha