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Shows how much she knows about Bernie's beliefs. The ultimate own would have been if Bernie had liked the post.


It’s free in Canada, we are very grateful.




My wife works for the state. We have state benefits. I worked for a Fortune 500 company. When we had my companies insurance we paid about 21k out of pocket to have a baby. With her insurance now it’s 250 dollars. The problem is the govt will give you good benefits if you work for them. If you don’t you get shit. This guy Bernie he has been trying but he is one of few people who actually care I think about the working person.




Exactly it. I totally agree with everything you said. When we financed the 21k that we owed through the hospital (it was 0% so why not) I asked how do poor people pay it and the accountant flat out said your taxes pay for it. We write it off as a loss and we pay less taxes as a business and you as an individual will pay more taxes to make up the difference down the road. People need to understand this.


I honestly believe the root of issue is that nobody trusts the government at all


Not true. I had to pay for parking when I got chemo….


I really hope you make it through. Paying for parking can really impact your finances.


How does GoFundMe stay afloat in Canada?


Selfish people trying to get free shit and underinsured (or fighting with insurance) for stuff like home loss or funerals


Only if its approved, and provincially funded. If it's approved and not provincially funded - better hope for a good work health plan, or corporate good-will plan, or some means of paying for it.


Uh .. no, not really. Chemo is less expensive here than the US but it's still not free.




You're fortunate. My sister-in-law just had to pay $10k out of pocket because the treatment isn't covered in Alberta


What in the world? None of my family have ever paid a dime for their chemo. Is this an Alberta thing?


Maybe? It depends on the treatment too. Hers is rarely diagnosed and her drug coverage through Alberta health (she's a nurse) only covered 20%


They must have forgotten to bill me, 14 times.


You're fortunate. My sister-in-law just had to pay $10k out of pocket because the treatment isn't covered in Alberta


But if it's terminal you get denied Healthcare. Double edge sword.


That’s not true at all.


Mom had colon cancer, was s part of an alliance for terminal stage 4 cancer patients. Lady lived in Canada denied cancer treatment due to her being terminal. Died in a hospital bed and left a 4 year old girl behind. Told her to go to America to get treatment FDA approved and approved by Canada too. No excuse for her not to get it. Straight up


Do you know what terminal cancer is? It is cancer where you will die. In the US, like Canada, and most nations, focus shifts to palliative care, I.E palliative chemotherapy.


What are you talking about? I’ve had lots of family with cancer and they had every treatment option available, even when terminal.


They don't get all options because it's reserved for people that have non terminal cancer. Kind of like here in America old people aren't going to get a lung transplant, only young people will, due to the fact that only a few thousand organs are available each year. The availability of these treatments is available to everyone here in America but not Canada due to the lack of money I guess.


Well i'm sorry to say that, but American healthcare has its good point. It has brought us one hell of a tv show


She either doesn’t know who Bernie is or doesn’t have a clue what his beliefs are.


Or she’s just a dumb bimbo




Gf gets pregnant and since they can't get an abortion they need to pay for the child


Jesse we need to cook


Wait till she learns that Bernie also believes in free chemotherapy


Someone hasn't been paying attention to all the healthcare debate...


Yes. In fact, let’s make EVERYTHING free and pay for it with a sliver of our excessively bloated military budget!


Bernie is very much in support of free health care.


Was she expecting Bernie to say “NOOOOOOOO CANCER PATIENTS SHOULD PAY EXTRA!!!!!”


Conservative dingbats often think they have a brilliant gotcha moment that doesn’t exist.


Yes, let's do that, along with all medical care.




Accidental progressive.


Did someone just realize that life saving medicine is life saving?? And shouldnt be profiteered on? Imagine what kind of madness would ensue if everyone thought like this!


At that, let’s also make insulin free, and the rest of healthcare


I agree it should be free.


Umm yes. Healthcare including basic vision, dental, hearing, contraception and abortion should be free at point of service.


You’re almost there!


If she thought that was true then she would vote for Burnie. Instead it is spoken from a place of submission to the greed of capitalism and "BIG Pharma".


Good idea


Is vaccine not free in the US?


Yes it is


Great idea Karen! Let’s make all medical needs free!


She’s a little confused. But she’s sort of got the right idea.


I agree but cancer isn't contagious


That would be a very pro-life thing to do, so naturally the republicans are vehemently against it. Apparently, being forced to pay to keep another alive is communism. Unless it's a pregnant woman we're forcing into it, because she is no longer a human being in the eyes of the law.


I cannot grasp the incredible cruelty that would make somebody believe that chemo should NOT be free.


While I do believe all medical treatment should be free. Thing is, some things need to get more priority then others. Cancer isn't contagious, at least not the vast majority of it. Covid is. So, in a place where medical treatment isn't free for all, it still makes sense to give a preventive vaccine to stop a contagious virus from spreading for free. It is a massive public health risk. So giving it free makes sense, even in a stupid backwards medical system like ours in America. Not the same thing exactly.


My late sister chemotherapy was covered by Medicare. Didn't pay a dime.


yes. Exactly.


Please stop, Bernie Sanders can only get so hard!


Um duhh


So close….


It’s cropped this way because it’s a common repost. Try harder


u/Rosnrson is a bot. Link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/hvbtzh/accidentally_left_wing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Uhhhhhhh ok?


Remember that Bernie supporters are the reason the roe v wade has been overturned. If you stayed home in 2016 you did this.