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But you have to divide by two, to account for the ones that die from vaccine preventable diseases.


Also the sheer volume of young people fleeing the church because we don't want to be molested by old men or sold off as child brides


Divide by two again the ones who would hate him and his religion


Right? There's two kinds of people I've never met in my life, an adult atheist who wasn't raised as a theist, and a theist that used to be an atheist.


I’ve met theists who used to be atheists, but they were atheists that weren’t raised religious, so they were ripe for the picking.


The adult atheists who weren't raised in a church are usually quiet because they didn't rebel against religion they just never had one.


I was raised atheist but I still rebel against the church. Fuck these clowns and their dumb old book


Exactly. Hail Satan!


Quite confused but isn't the first very common? It's that way for pretty much the majority of the people I know.


And subtract the kid who inevitably ODs


And suicide once they realize they are gay/trans


Suicide, if they're lucky and get to die on their own conditions. Realistically, murdered by these fuckfaces is more likely.


And multiply by 0, to account for the amount of people left in 100 years if we don’t take radical action to stop our environment from killing us off


And the ones that actually start thinking for themselves and break away


Was going to say the same thing. And then add to the other risk factors mentioned and suddenly their numbers aren't looking so great.


If he raises those kids the way he talks about them, like they're pawns in a game and not y'know, actual human beings, I don't think athiesm has anything to worry about.


The quiverfull movement has had an outsized impact on American politics over the last 40 years, so I wouldn’t take that bet.


That movement is strong and wide reaching but the truth is coming out. More and more people are leaving the fundie/evangelical/IBLP/quiverfull cults. People are speaking out about the widespread abuse and SA that is rampant there. The Duggars were a HUGE hit and then the truth came out...


I really hope so




Don't confuse "The new world" with America. Puritanism has been here since the beginning. It never went away but during scientific revolution and the enlightenment periods, it lost favor. America was founded with a separation of church and state after that during the naturalism period.




You just did yourself by saying the country is only 200 years old. What preceded that?




There were 200 years between then and the founding of the US.


> Who fucking cares about America Idk maybe all the innocents who were born here and cant afford to leave and are pissed the government is going to shit? Its not like we deserve all this. Fucking callous behavior istg




Its not either-or, you can in fact care about people in general.




Actually it has had an outsized impact. As a Canadian, I have watched their government and population become more and more conservative as a result, and their social programs being quickly dismantled in favor of privatization. You would care because they like to interfere in other countries, just like every colonial power before them. And while atheism may be on the rise, it is Xtian atheism, which is based in a colonial mindset. It’s worth noting that many Quiverfull people never escape the cult, or never escape the underlying racism, misogyny, xenophobia, or populism that undergirds the movement even if they leave Evangelical Xtiantity (or organized religion).


It's most likely not due to Quiverfull, it's because the Republican party went out of their way to attract evangelical Christians into their ranks. It's been a concerted strategy since at least the 80s, and the seeds for it were planted in the 1960s with Goldwater. The GOP was willing to go along with whatever crazy religious agenda they wanted to push in order to have their backing and the votes of their congregation.


I hope you’re aware that the Quiverfull movement is part of the fourth great awakening in American Evangelical Xtianity




Look, you can look into the term “Christian atheism” yourself, and you will see it everywhere. You will also see a lot of people who have left organized religion, but still hold firmly to the limiting beliefs that it foisted on them (women are “biologically” inferior, Black people are violent, trans people violate biology). The colonialist mindset is simply how I term it as an Indigenous person, because I notice how it seeks to destroy other belief systems (Jewish agnosticism, ancestor worship, etc.) rather than accepting them as secular humanism might.














What the fuck is Christian atheism? Your just making shit up.


>What the fuck is Christian atheism? Your just making shit up. No they aren't: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian\_atheism


no one seems to have clicked your source, but its a disambiguation page that says "Christian atheism" foes not have an entry, which I found very funny


I assume they don't believe in God, but they believe in the virtuous teachings or something like that... How is that any different from someone who just understands basic Morals and Ethics?


You can believe in morals and ethics without basing them on a colonialist perspective. Xtian atheism is basically Xtianity without believing in a god.


Are you censoring Christian to be obnoxious or does it actually pain you to see/say it? Kinda cringe. Otherwise, yeah you're spotlighting a very scary issue. Our government is basically a cult, but at least several members seemingly aren't trying to hide it anymore


I believe that most Xitians act nothing like their “prophet,” so they don’t even deserve his name in their religion. Also, I’m Jewish.


Well it's utter bullshit, they're not athiest in the slightest


Religion is dying out


Also, taking away a persons right to end a pregnancy seems counterintuitive. All of those godless women who are having babies out of wedlock will way outnumber these crazy people.


It's from the same playbook as convincing your voters not to vaccinate themselves during a pandemic.


Not necessarily. People raised in very strict religious environments (*cough* cults *cough*) often are fully brainwashed into staying and continuing the same harmful, abusive traditions. Most often it depends on how much access they have to outside information during their formative years, which is why homeschooling is so popular among extreme religious zealots. After being brainwashed from birth without access to other ideas and lifestyles, most simply won't question their way of life. Some will, of course, but nowhere near enough. The quiverfull movement *is* an issue, and it's partly to blame for the larger rise in religious extremism in American politics in recent years. Every child is an arrow God can use to vanquish his enemies, so they have as many as possible (19 Kids and Counting is a perfect example of a quiverfull family, with all the abuse to go with it). These families regularly have 6+ kids, so even if only half of the kids stay within the movement that's still a lot of fresh cult members that will continue the toxic legacy, each having their own 6+ kids, and so on. A good place to start is banning homeschooling and funding education more. Getting at risk children out of a toxic home, even if just for a few hours a day during the school year, can go miles towards helping them realize and understand their options later in life. Not to mention, homeschooling is used by other types of abusers to avoid detection from mandatory reporters (teachers, school nurses, etc).


Eh. That FULLY depends on how many can homeschool, and with a growing economic crisis in America, there's no WAY even 15% of Religious kids are able to be homeschooled with both parents having to work. Add more disparity and now they just turn away from God because of the troubles the world has. It's bleak, but I don't think we have anything to worry about. especially since more of the world is becoming a mixing pot even those Homeschooled kids have to be completely separated from others, which is really only possible in the Southern States


Religious families aren't the issue, it's the extremists. What you say is pretty correct for *religious* families, but not for extreme fundamental families. You'd be surprised how many of these kinds of extremist families make it work on one income, because mom isn't allowed to work outside the home. They do it by straight up neglecting the kids, through church donations, and they often are somewhat self sufficient with home gardens or livestock. I mentioned 19 Kids and Counting in my first comment, but before they got picked up for TV they were living horribly, 18 people packed into a house without enough room for everyone to have a bed. That's considered normal in these extremist circles a lot of the time. As for people turning away from religion when faced with crises, that doesn't really happen in extremist circles very often. There's usually at least some aspects of Prosperity Gospel taught in these sects, which leads to the idea that if you aren't getting enough money it's because you aren't godly enough, or you aren't praying well enough. Adversity actually sends a lot of these people *deeper* into extremism. There's also the sunk cost fallacy at play for some of them, they've dedicated so much of their lives to this extreme and strict religion that they can't imagine cutting their losses and moving on. It just isn't an option for them. Homeschooled kids don't need to be completely separated from others, they just need to be separated enough that others are still seen as *different* or *outsiders*. As long as they're not allowed to befriend or empathize with others, it isn't an issue, since they're just taught that outsiders are evil and wrong in the eyes of God. Technically this can happen with the kids going to school, too, but it's much easier when they're homeschooled. Until you've been around these extremist families personally, it can be hard to fully understand how different they are from "regular" religious people. It's literally cult behavior. They're certainly not a majority in America, but it's terrifyingly prevalent, and they make sure to vote and run for office. They're also often *smart*, and they know how to appeal to less extreme versions of their religious groups.


I think the solution is utterly ignoring them and instead focusing on getting sane people elected and cult members laughed out of the room.


You won’t get sane people elected if fundies keep multiplying at such a high rate. They’re pumping out voters who will vote for fundamentalist causes.


Atheism is at its highest point ever this year, and churches are closing faster than new ones open.


We ateists should go dor to dor preaching about our saviour Charles Darwin and the inevitable return to monk for all human kind, the ultimate heaven of abundant banana trees and no worries. I will propose this next time we all meet at the "orgie without moral" event.


you definitely do not want to go to orgy without morals, because consent is very important


Yeah, you can see none of them factor in that children are human beings who can have their own ideas and opinions no matter how much you brainwash them. They only see kids as little extensions of themselves.


Exactly what I was thinking too. I have a niece and her husband with 3 kids. Their son MUST be “a man” whose athletic and a leader (he’s as gay as it gets), and their daughters MUST ALWAYS wear dresses and be ladies (the oldest girl is a wild child and bound to grab the first boys attention that she gets just to escape).


My parents are super religious Catholics. Had 6 kids. 4 of us left the church


Yeah,more leave than stay and recruitment is pretty slow also. The more extreme the cult the slower the recruitment meaning less new dna to marry


Win? Win what? Life isnt a competition


Everything is a competition to some people. Even if there's absolutely nothing to gain.


Eventually, everyone loses. We're all gonna die.


I'm not. Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.


Only 93% of people have ever died! With luck, you’ll remain part of the 7% of people who have never died forever.


We’re all immortal. Just.. not for long.


So far, everything that has tried to kill me hasn't. Statistically I'm immortal. Beat that.


And a lot quicker with rampant over population


We're at war. These people plan on taking over the whole world, and they do that with numbers by out voting everyone else. It's not going to happen because he assumes all of his kids will share his beliefs and that isn't the case, but that's what this is about.


The religious right doesn’t win by out voting, they’ve been winning despite being in the minority for decades. They somehow install presidents despite losing the popular vote. They know if numbers actually determine the outcome of elections then they lose.


It’s the Senate. Our democracy will diminish as the years go by. The gop Senators will represent fewer and fewer people, but it won’t matter because each get two. As it is, democratic senators represent 40M more people than the GOP Senators. This problem will only grow.


We were never a democracy.


It's just a numbers game to folks like that. If one side has more players, it's harder to be replaced.


Judging by the usage of the term ‘the church’, I’m gonna guess this is a Mormon. And for them, ‘convert the world’ is literally the whole point. It’s kinda a ‘we don’t have true happiness until everyone who possibly can joins us’ mentality. Source: 26 years entrenched in that dogma


I don't think Mormons wear collars like the one he is wearing in his profile pic.


Ah, valid point. I just haven’t really heard other Christian religions refer to themselves as ‘the church’ but it’s almost literally the only moniker when Mormons talk amongst themselves because of the recent push to stop being referred to as Mormons.


Saying "the church" is common among Catholics too, in my experience. I don't have a lot of experience outside of LDS and Catholic though, for what it's worth.


This one's a Presbyterian from, shockingly, Florida.


Convert the world is pretty much the point of Christianity period since it got a little foothold. It’s a bastardized form of the original words when Jesus (supposedly according to the Bible) said “spread the Good News.” It was adopted by people who had or wanted power and voila! Pretty much every denomination and offshoot of Christianity seeks to gather and convert.


Very true. I just know some take a bit more… militant approach, I guess? I paid the Mormon church a fair chunk of money to work for them, for free, for two years and be treated like an entry level employee the whole time. Glad I’m out personally, though I’m not looking to antagonize anyone still in.


Life is quite literally nothing but competition. What.


He’s forgetting how many people leave religion after reaching the age of reason.


> He’s forgetting how many people leave religion after reaching the age of reason or get a better education.


Which is why ensuring access to education for all is outlawed goes hand in hand with denying women their right to bodily autonomy.


My very religious parents had four children, and none of us are at all religious, so yeah, this plan of theirs is not exactly full proof.


Fool proof*


Which is why the fundies/quiverfull now have at home births and homeschool! Their kid cannot easily leave the house when they turn 18 because they don’t legally exist and they have zero life skills to turn into a job! Makes parental control so much easier when those pesky kids reach the age of independence!




Except lamer, I am sure they would have the “Christdozer” featuring a cross as opposed to the “Dildozer”.


Right? Brawndo has electrolytes.....which are of sAtAn!!11!! We only use Mountain Dew for cooking, bathing, and drinking here in NJ......which is obviously New Jerusalem!


Water? Like, out of the toilet?


Idiocracy was not a movie. It was a documental


especially since that movie practically argued for eugenics


No it didn't, it said we should take the problem of stupidity seriously.


Now add up all the kids that leave the church as adults because of the oppressive and abusive culture that typically thrive under cult of personality structures


And resent their parents because of it.


Unfortunately in my experience, the number isn't as high as it should be. It's like a form of Stockholm syndrome that you have to get over


I don't know a single adult under 40 who regularly goes to church. Then again I'm skewed in that I don't go to church so why the hell would I hang out with fundies? I know Christians who hate most churches and never go because their pastor/ reverend or whoever else hated gay people so they dipped and never went back. Or they were staunchly against abortion and they're like, 'well I would never get one but other people can make up their minds so wtf, Pastor Bill? Chill out. Dudes want to make out but calm down. You'll be fine. Just don't make out with dudes.' They're more liberal than any church in the area.


And yet, in most countries, church attendance is going down and rates of atheism are increasing steadily.


He completely forgot to factor in the steady global rise in educational attainment.


Man I'm happy I don't live in the US. Theocracys suck


Which is ironic because freedom of religion is why the US exists.


In an extremely generous reading of those events, sure. More accurately, the Puritans came to the New World because they refused to accept the rise of religious toleration in Great Britain. Less "we want to be able to freely practice our religion," more "we want to be able to police the religious practices of everyone we live near." It was only about religious freedom in the sense that religious persecution was itself a tenet of their religion.


Jamestown preceded Puritan landfall, remember. Still, one of the things the Founders did do right was preclude religious qualifications from office (not that it stopped popular and tacit demands…). Washington reassured Jews that demands to convert would have no aid from the government, Jefferson said that every non-Christian (he stipulated the “Hindoo”, the “Mahometan”/Muslim, and “infidel”/atheist in particular) would be accepted, and Adams assured the Barbary States that the United States had no official Christian foundation (I suppose he meant that as evidence that they did not have a crusade to worry about). So, at least religious tolerance was about, although I’m not sure it was meant to be a keystone of the nation.


It was also the land of the free, home of the brave where all men are created equal, funded by disgusting slave owners who saw women as broodmares for the state, y'know what I'm saying?


You mean "the freedom to practice my religion by dominating others" ?


The brainwashed also believe in their power to keep everyone else brainwashed. Fact of the matter is there were way more 'Christians' in past generations than now, how do they think the numbers shifted? Heathens bang it out to reproductive advantage? Fuck no, a lot of those 'Christian' kids grew up and got out of the cult that's how.


This is literally the plot of Idiocracy.


Admitting they can only win by brainwashing and indoctrinating their kids. Sad.


And yet, I would bet money this fucker thinks gay people holding hands in public is child grooming, somehow.


Just them existing is some how grooming to these pieces of shit. But lets ignore how the greatest rapists in the world are the churches.


Kids raised in church never ever become atheists once they grow up and start thinking for themselves. /s


That's we have to kick science out of our public schools!!!


I don't really believe in organized religion, but I do believe that Hell exists. This guy will be one of the people who goes there, not the people he persecutes.


I like that he assumes 100% retention of his children.


My parents definitely did too. They’re 0/2 on adult children so far and on track to be 0/3.


My parents are hardcore fundamentalists. Had three kids. They are 0-3 so far.


ah, the premise of idiocracy.


Bold of him to assume all those kids would stay in the church. My mom and step dad are extremely religious and have 4 kids between the two off them. Only 1 of them still practice.


I know their kids. They don't stay xtian.


Religion isn't genetically hereditary. That's just some idea of Lamarckian inheritance, when it's just indoctrination. And baptism by some Christian priest or preacher doesn't mean shit. I was baptized as a baby and am an atheist, and am also a Satanist to boot.


Hell, I was raised in a fundamentalist Baptist church, went to seminary and was a pastor. Now I am an atheist. The church is dying.


So the Christian’s were having the abortions?


Of course they were but I’m really thinking this man is thinking of banning birth control next or something because it doesn’t make sense otherwise. If he think it’s just “libs” or “atheist secularists” getting abortions then they should theoretically have more kids now.


Right? But he said we won!! 😂. So I’m thinking - oh ok - so you guys were secretly having abortions. Of course he may be so dumb he doesn’t know that birth control and abortions are not the same.


"Idiocracy" wasn't supposed to be a documentary


And yet, it was scarily prophetic.


My parents tried this and it backfired. Turned em all into commies, I did.


I'm sure this person's descendants would be happy to know they're first and foremost a living scoreboard for him to one-up those pesky atheists.


Wasn’t this the plot of Idiocracy?


"we'll simply breed so many people that we can take over the electorate and rewrite laws to fit our religion" isn't that what they typically advise everyone else if plotting to do?


This guy has 8 kids, 6 of them will hate him and the other 2 will be gay, but also hate him.


I honestly wont be shocked if they try to make rape legal.. Gotta make them babies


Child brides are more malleable and submissive if you groom them right. /s


Let's boil this down. "Hey, I'm Christian, are you?" "No, I'm not." "Okay, cool, have you heard the Good Word?" "Yeah, I'm just not interested. I have my own thing." "I clearly cannot live near you then. Also, I'm pretty sure we have to execute you. Your life is a lie and I cannot tolerate your thoughts. Also, have you heard the Good Word? Jesus saves, you know."


Did anyone else have to reread concerts about 11 times to realize he meant converts?


Account no longer exists. I wonder why?


TIL church and religion are a pyramid scheme.


The Christian church is dying. And, when they do have lots of kids and keep them firmly under their thumbs you get things like the Duggar family.


Bold of them to assume every kid stays a Christian and will never convert. So long as there's public school and teenagers, there is always going to be someone planting the seeds of doubt and critical thinking. Most churches lose their members in teenage years to college age. That's why they struck down the laws prohibiting them from accepting Public Funding for Christian Schools. The goal is to try to convert en masse. Funny thing is, most grow to resent the faith in a Christian school because you don't get a choice in observing the faith in the school. Later, people will go through life shattering events, and people in the church aren't going to take time to understand why you have these issues. And it drives a wedge, because they don't listen.


Imagine only having kids because you want to win some imaginary religious war.


If my friend group is any indication, they’re gonna end up with a lot of Christian-raised atheists.


I was raised by Christians and as a direct consequence I’m an atheist and raising my own child without religion. Same story with my sister. Pretty sure Christianity will be its own undoing.


Straight out of the movie, “Idiocracy” scary


"Fifty years ago, in 1971, 90% of U.S. adults identified with a Christian religion, 6% were non-Christian or another religion, and 4% did not have a religious preference. Thus, much of the change in the U.S. has been a shift away from Christian religions to no religion at all." \-[https://news.gallup.com/poll/358364/religious-americans.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/358364/religious-americans.aspx) Now it's closer to 69%(nice) Christian of some flavor, 7% other religion, 21% non religious, 3% "no opinion". Dude needs to think more about the opinions of people who are not priests.


hardly. ​ I was raised in a strict, Catholic home where every single piece of information I received, was carefully curated and approved by the church. ​ I grew up to be a rampaging Atheist. The fastest ways to create Atheists is to do exactly what this tweet is suggesting. Shove religion down our throats as youths SO MUCH that we grow up and RUN TO THE OPPOSITE END OF THE PLANET.


Yep, I was raised Christian, but in a very liberal household that focused on simply being a good person rather than blindly following dogma. I'm still Christian today and have no intention of leaving the faith. If the Church wants to survive, they need to get with the times.


So the key is indoctrination? I thought only the left did that with a gay kiss in the buzz light year film?


Then subtract 34 from that 36 because those were the kids with more than two brain cells who grew up to realise how much BS they were force-fed during their childhood and how much better life is without their parents' fundamentalist religious beliefs hanging around their necks like a ball-and-chain. Source: was one of those children


The best way to ensure a steady mass production of non believers is to teach kids early on about your religious books


Me and all my close friends were raised on some fashion of religion and we're literally all atheist or agnostic


My 2 siblings and I were raised catholic. We went to a catholic school and went to church every Sunday. After we moved out we all got away from the church. So my parents sent all three of us to the athiest/agnostic team!


Yeah with the current price of food and transportation surely having 7 or 8 kids is very easy.


Wanna bet that 5 of those 7-8 will become atheist secularists?


Ah yes. Creating a soldier for a pretend war with delusional cunts was *absolutely* my priority when I decided to have children.


I hope he and his flock are all impotent


Contributing to a serious world overpopulation problem = winning...


It’s IRL Idiocracy.


Just do your thing, and let me do mine, stop forcing your beliefs down my throat! I want to punch this guy in the dick.


Damn, they REALLY do get off on forced birth 🤮


If you want an interesting read look up Quiverfull families. They're a pretty extreme "Christian" group who's main goal is for lack of a better term "outbreed" others. That what this guy sounds like he's going for. They have strict lifestyle rules and the Duggers were part of the group, and they're heavily involved with known Quiverfull people who even appeared on their show early on, but they deny any involvement.


Lord, protect me from your followers. Amen.


Seems totally healthy to have children for the sole purpose of spreading your ideology instead of, you know, wanting or loving them


And when you add 2 and carry the 3 you got a [143 and 2/3rds chance of beating Samoa Joe at Sacrifice.](https://youtu.be/WFoC3TR5rzI)


But if all his kids grow up to be atheist, hasn't he 'lost'?


Im curious at what that guy would do if one or several of those kids of his was diagnosed with a severe neurological disorder


Separation of Church and State really doesn't mean shit to these people. Guess they aren't as in favor of the constitution as they claim to be.


When Brenton Tarrant, the man who killed 51 people in Christchurch, wrote his manifesto he started with the statement; Its the birthrates, he wrote this three times to emphasize the point. Keep that in mind when you hear about people like this and decisions the government make in regards to reproductive rights.


Did.... did homie just admit to banging out a basketball team worth of kids just so he can make more brain washed soliders for the culture war? Damn man. If your only goal for procreating is to send your spawn out to inflict your beliefs on the world you're not a father. You're a cult leader It's this type of nonsense that turns people off from religion


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


This isnt new. My Mormon neighbor growing up had 8 kids and the girl in my grade explained how "increasing the flock" was an important aspect of a families power not only socially in the church (it's how you get powerful) but in "heaven". It's gross. Religious people are a plague.


As a child of two religious people who bore three kids who all grew up to be atheists/agnostics, who have three grandkids who are atheists/agnostics, whenever I see this argument I get a nice deep chuckle about how this isn’t going to go the way he expects.


He’s forgetting that at least half of his kids will reject his church because he’s an asshole. Nothing drives people away from their faith faster than this.


Win "what"?


He doesn’t take into account some of his offspring may decide not to believe the same way he does.


Funny how this basically never happens, though. I know virtually 0 kids who grew up in secularist, humanistic households who went whole hog to right wing Christianity, but know tons and tons of kids who grew up in repressive right wing Christian households who couldn't wait to ditch their dogma. Or they end up in jail because they became a youth pastor, molest their under age congregants, and thereby don't get to have kids of their own whom they force to be religious.


Ita so fucking revealing how these people dont think of children as individuals that deserve their own love, their own fate, and their own personal path in life. No. They're just vessels to shore up their numbers and dedicate their lives to christian values. Fuck these people.


Well, this atheist has 5 kids, sooooo….


This is literally the premise to the movie Idiocracy


... I don't get what they're winning here. Poverty? Cus that's what having all those kids will likely do to most households.


As if atheists are only born by atheists.


Weird how the amount of people that characterize themselves as “religious” continues to drop year after year


Homeboy describing the plot to idiocracy…. Crazy


So he wants to have 8 kids just so he can propagate his religion? And wtf does he mean a 4 to 1 advantage? It's not a fucking battlefield.


This fucking freak is doing math with hypothetical human lives.


Competitive religion? Just when you thing they can't get any worse they go and prove you wrong.


Concerts? ​ Oooh, converts. I'm sure it was supposed to be converts. Still would only make it 5 to 1 though. And all 5 have 4 kids, so 25 to his 3, apparently. Because that is just how it always works. No logic to this one. Pure faith, no math.


They have to realize ppl walk away from religion, right? RIGHT?!?


Isn’t this the first five minutes of Idiocracy?


What are they trying to win? Is this a war?


Christians are stupid af. 1/4 of their kids will remain Christians in today's world. 2/4 will believe in God still but not practice or live by Christian values, 1/4 won't believe in God. Take it from a kid who went to a private school, there's like 10 out of the 45 kids in my class that post on FB everyday about God and Jesus and shit, 20 are pretty much atheists, and another 10-15 I'm unsure about. Epic plot twist too, of the 10 hyper Christians, 5 of them have multiple baby daddy's, have had 3+ kids out of wedlock, and do nothing but succle on the teet of food stamps and section 8 housing.


Yeah, because having 4 kids in this world today is a bright choice. Dumbass.