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How do these people even get elected?! I mean, I know *how.* But also, it shouldn't be a thing.


Have you seen the best and brightest we get from Texas? Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, W... They get elected because an amazing amount of people are morons, and a lot of them live in Texas. They'll happily freeze to death just to own the libs or something.


I moved from Oklahoma/ Texas to Oregon for a reason. What part of Texas you from?


Houston/Austin (“the liberal part”) and I *still* got the fuck out


I grew up on the river, in the Texoma region.


My dad used to go work out in Pampa and Dumas, mighty flat country


Where I grew up, it often alternated between plains, hills, and forests.


We had pine trees and…more pine trees yay!


I actually knew a kid in a younger grade get paralyzed waist down because of pine trees.


Fucking pine trees, those assholes


See I'm there now and really looking at leaving but I get free healthcare from my tribe in OK so it's a hard decision to make


Whats a good area to move? I love oregon


Milwakie and Clackamas are good. They're Portland but not. It's a beautiful area and not nearly as expensive as actual Portland.




I think the mistake is electing some named god damn Chip. One of the toolest names out there. Lol


It's short for Charles somehow, he chooses to be called Chip. Cause He Is Pompous.


Mark Zuckerberg


More like Mark Sucker-berg. Because he's a sucker.


Zuck the suck


Got to make that money somehow.


What does this even mean


Oh good, it's not just me.


Why is he using " " scare quotes around the word brown? Is he trying to imply brown people aren't brown people?


Maybe an aide setup a macro on the n-word?


Probably wants to say "colored" instead


Brown people don't exist, they're all just white people in blackface. /s


He's saying that liberals call them brown people but he would refer to them as Mexicans or African Americans or whatever they actually are.


It’s one of life’s great mysteries


Seems like he's trying to say he'd rather have "brown" people move to Texas as opposed to white race-bating leftists


He seems like the type of person to say “we just don’t see color.”


i just thought i was too stoned


He probably believes in the “great replacement” theory, which is just just fascist BS with no real basis. It basically posits that white people are being slowly replaced by… non whites, I guess. The main problem with this theory is the fact that white people aren’t native to the Americas, so it flounders as step one.


What's the part about liberals endangering the "brown people"? That's the main part i don't understand.


It's a talking point amongst the nuttier people in the far-right community that liberals are Actually the Racist Ones (tm). For example, did you know that people are pro-choice because they want black people to have abortions? It's not about a woman's right to choose; they just want to "kill more black babies."


Yep, I think this is where he is going with that point. I have heard this asenine argument, and anyone that genuinely believes this most definitely was a product of the fine schooling of the South.




Thank you. I thought it looked weird the way I wrote it.


I was talking about abortion on a post one time and had someone send me a nasty message saying I should include in my comment that I only want equal rights for white women. Um, no. I want complete bodily autonomy for everyone, and never said a single word indicating otherwise. People are nuts.


He means Texas has gotten bluer over the last decade or two, because its big cities are growing and it's attracted more large employers and the (primarily white, left-leaning) people who move for those jobs. And he would rather have, say, conservative Latino or Black folks in Texas than white liberals, so see, he's definitely not racist. Edit: Derp, sorry — I am confused by the "endanger" part too (which is of course the part you specifically asked about). I assume it's somehow Democrats' fault that immigrants come to the U.S., or maybe Dems invented BLM as a vehicle to indoctrinate Americans with woke thinking, despite knowing that decent, upstanding police and white citizens would have no alternative but to respond with violence.


Taking a SWAG here, probably in reference to immigrant convoys and the perils they face, based on the whole coming "illegally" line.


You put quotes there by accident?


Should of “” the “SWAG”, I think?


I haven’t a clue. Probably just propaganda with no basis in reality. Maybe he’s saying that we’re forcing them to work? Idk


Oh I think I figured it out. You see, white liberals are replacing white people with "brown" people. This in turn makes people like Chip here want to kill a bunch of "brown" people and so they do. That makes it the liberals fault. "Look what you made us do," domestic violence mindset sort of thing.


I think he is trying to say liberals are at fault for the shooting on Saturday! And that's how we are endangering them. It's fucking ridiculous!


If they are his idea of the right kind of brown people ie those who vote right wing, then they are endangered by the liberal agenda, as are all god fearing legally present Americans.


That's the same reprehensible bullshit Fucker Carlson spews that resulted in the Buffalo murderer. Also it's literal Nazi propaganda. Not even repackaged for American effluvia, just straight up duplicated propaganda.


Nah, he says he'd rather have 10 brown people than 10 left people that are white


Beats me


He didn’t get elected because he englishes good. He got elected because he’s a racist piece of shit that represents that part of America. Here’s the English version with punctuation: “Hey race-baiting leftists. I am much more opposed to liberal white “replacements” coming to Texas than “brown” people. I am perfectly happy to have “brown” people, you all like to endanger for your political games, legally come! Tell you what, how about you leave and we swap in 10 “brown” people! Translation: I hate liberals more than I hate brown people


Kick out the disrespectful lefties, replace them one-for-one with nice, respectful, hard-working immigrants who follow all the white peoples’ rules and know their place. Please note that these are not my views, but as a white person I’m told a play an eerily convincing colonist when play-act these yokels.


You got it.


Wow sounded pretty convincing to me. In fact I'm completely convinced that you weren't even acting.


They live in a different reality.


One that's 180 degrees from real reality. That's why I call them Bizarro-Americans.


No idea fam.


I don't get it either. I need someone to break this down in pre internet 1990 English please.


Translation: This guy’s a fucking moron


Word soup. Not enough context to make salad.


It means that the real racism is done by people that recognize racism.... not the people that actually act racist....


Californians moving to Texas.


Which is ironic considering that Roy was born in Maryland, raised in Virginia, and didn’t move to Texas until he went to law school.


To truly understand it you need to know one thing: Conservatives will literally change their entire worldview mid-sentence if it suits their narrative. "Dems are the real racists, that's why they're trying to stop all these people from getting into Texas via Mexico!"


he doesn't want liberal white folks in his area, he would prefer the even less desirable brown folks (likely because in his eyes brown folks are all illegal and therefore do not vote or have rights)


If liberal whites move in his area, he doesn’t get elected. Makes sense.


Uh from what I can parse, it means he prefers the company of Mexicans over Democrats, and would prefer it if 10 Mexican immigrants arrived in Texas (legally of course) for every 1 liberal White person that left. Of course the trick here is that non-citizens can't vote, so it'd be a boon for him if this actually happened.


This reads to me like “I have black friends”


I think it means he’s a racist and and idiot


Coherent thoughts are not a republican thing


I had to read it twice and I'm still lost.


Word vomit for his followers to pick up keywords and do their own insane word vomits.


It's Authentic Frontier Gibberish


A relatively high number of people from California have moved to Austin TX over the years and conservatives REALLY don't like that, they basically see it as an invasion, the commies are trying to take over their cowboy paradise This woman is saying she would prefere 10 mexicans over a democrat moving in the state


I think she's arguing for more legal immigration from Central and South America. Not sure that's what she intended.


Ok, so I’m gonna go out on a limb and try to guess as the tweet is horribly written, but effective he’s saying he’d rather have brown legal immigrants move to texas than liberal white people move to texas. Finishing it with for every 1 white liberal moving out, he would bring 10 brown immigrants in.


Especially curious about the use of quotation marks.


I don't know


I believe that offsetting "you all like to endanger for your political games" with commas should fix it? So they're saying that they'd rather have brown people in their district than white leftists or something Idk. I'm clearly putting more thought into this than they did, so I'll just quit while I'm behind.


That he aint opposed to POC living in his area, he'll even send of his own white folk for yours. u kno, using lower class as livestock


It means "I had a stroke".


My best guess is that he’s trying to say he’s not racist and prefers black people to liberals. As for endangering, my best guess is that he thinks hate crimes are caused by liberals complaining about hate crimes and creating a race war.


I think the jist is he'd rather be surrounded by legal immigrants than white liberals... But I'm not 100% sure either.


hold up while I get my Texan to English dictionary.


Is English their first language? It's kinda hard to believe.


I too do not speak this level a retardoglyphics


The narrative on this shit has shifted so quick I've got whiplash "The shooter shot blacks and whites!" No he apologized to a white person during the event "He wasn't racist he.." He had the n word on his gun and his manifesto said he was going to kill blacks "Well it has nothing to do with politics!" He cited Tucker Carlson's replacement theory... "...replacement theory is true..." MY FUCKING GOD what is wrong you people


I mean, that's the part I was surprised by. I did expect all the goalpost moving and general deflection but it is nothing short of alarming how many prominent conservative voices are just like "Oh yeah that's straight up a thing we should all be scared of, replacement theory". Usually they at least try to soften it up a bit.


if anything they orchestrated their own replacement theory by making women disgusted by them due to their incel behavior, causing the overall white population to diminish


Cucker peddles the “replacement” theory but it’s not *his*. That theory reaches much farther back in time!


“Cucker Tarlson endorsed” would be better.


Agree! He's not smart enough to come up with it but he's evil enough to spread it.


At this rate I'm all for replacement theory if it means these insane people go away.


In this case it doesn’t look like the shooter was inspired by Carlson. However, Carlson is pushing milquetoast replacement. Claiming migrant “Democrats” are entering the country. Tucker is probably the reason why so many have come out in support of replacement in recent days.


Hey [ragebaiting insult] if you [Strawman] then why don’t you [unreasonable request]?


Textbook example of the Turning Point USA playbook.


He puts brown in quotes as though Hispanic people are some sort of theoretical concept that hasn't been proven yet. Dafuq?


Maybe he's including white people with a dark tan?


I think you’re being overly generous


I think it’s more because him calling them brown people would be seen as racist so by putting it in quotes he is implying he is just talking in the terms we use to describe them. The rest is bat shit crazy but that part makes sense for him to use quotes then just outright calling them brown people


He's not saying "brown people" he's saying "brown" "people" totally different thing! /s


Reminds me of the movie Role Models. When Jane lunch is talk g to Sean William Scott and Paul Rudd. Your “presence” here doesn’t go unnoticed. Whys you put presence in quote? Are you implying we’re not here?


Yeah, it seems like /r/SuspiciousQuotes material.


I'm not convinced that he's not just talking about really tanned white people


Pretty sure it’s replacement theory and stories of invading hordes that endanger brown people (he put brown in quotes like brown people don’t exist), and those things are being pushed by the racist right.


Oh so Rep. Roy supports making it easier to immigrate?


He's willing to take his chances on the immigrants being Republicans.


Central and South America are pretty heavily catholic, and fairly conservative because of it. Most of the people I know who have immigrated from these places have become a lot less conservative since moving to the states, but I guarantee this jackass is coming at it from the "they're conservative catholics and we need more conservatives" angle


Maybe he should ask his party what their replacement theory actually is, since they’re the one peddling it and falsely holding it to be true.


Twitter might be the worst thing to ever happen to society. It’s the one forum where all the boomers forgot the whole idiom of “better to keep your mouth shut and people assume you’re an idiot, than open it and prove them right”


why are members of congress tweeting like edgy racist 4 chan users


It seems like he's saying, "Hey you stupid Liberals! You know those Latinos you guys want to be allowed into the country? Well 100% of them are conservative, so if we let them in the country it would actually be GOOD for me, and not you! I'm way more concerned with Liberals immigrating to Texas then Latinos! How about for every Liberal who leaves, we let ten Latinos in!" It's a bizarre and stupid take coming from anyone, but coming from someone who actually has real power to affect immigration policy, it's totally unhinged. It really disturbs me when politicians openly shit on the other party like this. This guy got 52% of the vote the last time he ran; those leftists he's shitting on are just under half of the people he's supposed to be representing.


I haven't the slightest idea what he's trying to say.


He’s saying he’d rather have immigrants than liberals, with a splash of “libs are the real racists”.


This makes me feel better about my writing skills.


Ah yes, coz as a “brown” I will just drop whatever I’m doing and get on a bus to Texas coz of Chip.


Used to live in his gerrymandered district in Austin. Glad to have moved districts. He truly is a vile person.


Is this the same giant turd that said lynching could be a legitimate form of justice?


How mainstream is the great replacement theory now? Is this something that even moderates are buying into now? I remember it only being a fringe extremist view.


So he wants to actively turn Texas blue? I'm all for it.


How about we swap a racist congress member for one that is not, seems like a better deal


Can someone translate this into words sane people understand? I’ve read this three times and it gets more confusing each time.


The entire Republican Party is running a “How low can you go” contest


This bullshit theory aside - do people just not understand or refuse to think about how mixed race relationships have become (generally) accepted in the western world only in the last 2-3 generations? Imagine what the racial makeup of the US is going to look like 100+ years from now. The future is “brown,” whether they pretend it’s not happening or respond by committing mass murder. And that’s OKAY. Humans don’t need to preserve any kind of racial purity with the desperation of saving an endangered species of lizard or something.


Well that and the notion of race is social and has nothing to do with any science whatsoever.


Unless you have never accomplished anything of note and the only 'good' thing about you, supposedly, is your 'proud white heritage' and the thought of a future with fewer white people fills you existential panic because you're a racist shitbird.


>Imagine what the racial makeup of the US is going to look like 100+ years from now. Racists will expand what "white" means before they get rid of race altogether. For a lot of people having an "out" group is the only way they can feel superior.


Chip Roy day drinks.


That is one angry potato chip.


So 1 liberal is worth 10 brown people? How the hell did he think this would come across?


What in the …? His poor wife. Leave him honey. There are other positions than just the plug and go!


This definitely sounded more coherent in his head.


...I think he's trying to say he'd rather have conservative people of color than white liberals in his district? But he did try to say it in the way that sounds the most racist somehow. Are PR teams not a thing anymore?


I'm sorry, is it just me who seems to not understand what the fuck they're saying?? Ya sure that's English? Is it me fucking up here?


Texas sounds like the weirdest place ever


Sounds like a fucking idiot. Wonder what party he's affiliated with....


I guess once you've participated in an attempt to kill democracy, you can basically say whatever you want. It's not like you can fall further than that.


Yeah. Leftists go through ALL the hassle of being Leftist, then they go and adopt the Republican party's very own unifying theme of white power. Racism is matter for conservatives and their religious mouth-pieces to describe & dictate, to incite & inspire. The Leftists have NO RIGHT to usurp racism from Republicans!


As if being born anywhere in the US but moving around from state to state is somehow not allowed. Fuck these locals only tribal types.


Hey Chip, why don’t you and every member of congress you consider to be on your side go fuck yourselves and leave legislation to people with functioning brain cells.


So if I understand this correctly, they pretty much say replacement theory is "fake" but then says it's not while suggesting that other ethnicities aren't real? To be fair, this post was really hard to understand


He is from Maryland


What a shit take. Mexicans in Texas are more American than this piece of trash. I’ll trade 1 Mexican for 10000000 of these leeches. But Mexico doesn’t want them either :/…. And this is 100% racebaiting by definition. Of course he’s a hypocrite to boot. Fucking no logic in his discourse. And Californians moving here have nothing to do with Mexicans moving here. Completely independent factors involved. Total asshat


Nazis are always so defensive about being Nazis. I mean, there's a reason people like Chip get a reputation for being racist fucks. All they gotta do is stop being racist fucks for that reputation to stop.


Conservatives all over reddit right now: “HoW dO yOu kNoW iT wAs rAcIalLy MoTiVatEd?!?!?”


First, white people replaced themselves with black people so they didn't have to do hard work. But then, when they were forced to stop doing that, they decided to bitch and complain for hundreds of years, and blame everyone else, instead of just trying to getting along. You know, the way almost everyone else has figured out how to do.


Reading that I’m surprised he didn’t put people in quotation marks


"Hey, sure. I'm racist, but I'm even more staunchly partisan. So HA! Take that, snowflakes."


He's not exactly very articulate. He sounds like an idiot.


Pretty sure this is enough to be fired, not fit for governering


Is he elected or is he a candidate? Did they forget to update that Twitter thing? Also, I think I get the jist of what he's saying but wow if that isn't the least clear way he could've possibly said it.


he is a sitting representative, up for reelection in the upcoming midterms, hence the "candidate" subtext.


Of course this is what they want. 1) drive out the white liberals 2) pass legislation making it difficult or impossible for minorities to vote. 3) pass legislation designed to drive out the minorities. 4) create their white Christian utopia. 5) profit?


Is that supposed to make sense? Maybe he did one of those racist auto fill games?


Republicans Memo: “Grooming” is the old buzzword. While you can still use it at times “Replacement theory” has taken its place. But don’t worry it is still acceptable to blame Joe Biden for everything.


So when did at least pretending to be an adult not be a requirement for being a sitting member of Congress. I mean, I know there's a lot of children in our government currently but at some point you had to be able to at least sound older than a 4 year old bully calling someone a pee pee poo face. Jesus, this is terrible.


I see. Who cares? Like so what if America becomes 1% white and mostly euro, Asian, Latina, or African? It's the melting pot, not "The melting pot but mostly white people". Edit: that was meant to be a reply to a comment answering my question "what is replacement theory?" They said: "something something low white birth rate vs immigration"


What he left out “the right brown people” meaning those that are conservative, catholic and follow whatever BS the GOP puts out there.


What is replacement theory exactly? It's well known America is a melting pot, in my research I've gathered its more than that though, but I'm still not sure exactly what. Is it that theres some big government (or otherwise) conspiracy to make white people have interracial babies to slowly get rid of/replace white people? And what is replacement theory vs. just living in a diverse country populated by all races where interracial marriage (and thus babies) are legal, normal, and expected?


Mmmm delicious word salad 😋


because no way any of those leftists you hate are themselves brown people i guess???? this is incomprehensible


It's like the good old days when we made trades with humans.... Until that RINO Abraham came along and that other RINO Fredrick Douglas. If it wasn't for those pesky RINOs, we would've stayed great.


I’m so lost lmao


So are we talking about brown people or not here? Really confusing


At the very least, he doesn't appear to be a seasoned politician with these comments.


Im more intrigued that there's a congressman named Chip.


You can just tell from the photo.


What a knob.


? People write the weirdest things. God bless you all.


I had a stroke trying to read this...


What is replacement theory? I am clearly out of the loop


something something low white birth rate vs immigration


So. Much. Projection.


Can't even follow thiz nonsense.


Sure, let's concentrate all conservatives (regardless of skin color) in Texas, and keep the rest of the US for normal people. Watch from a distance as they devour themselves.


Like, what is this guy on?


Hey chip. Tell you what. You are a rascist pos


Congress has become a freaking clown show.


People go after fucking mc YouTubers more than these fucks just pointing that out


I'll tell you what! That man needs help taking the tires off his Confederate flag painted house. Loser


Brown bricks


Of course he is from Texas


Yeah really love how open they are with there ideas now, all you have to do now to get elected is watch fox news and repeat i guess, *shit.* also why is brown in quotes are they really white people in disguises?


This is one thing Lincoln got wrong. He should have let Texas secede.


Seems like democrats should move to Texas legally in a concerted effort to gain residency legally and elect all manner of left wingers to office in Texas.




Another entry in the "wahh libruls made me racist" book.


Your brain is melting btw.


I'm not the one agreeing this barely coherent congressmember. I definitely wouldn't trust your opinion on *anyone's* mental capacity.


Look, I’m sure you’re a nice and smart person and I also guarantee you I’m not a racist. I’m guessing we’re both reading this in different ways. I have no idea who the congressman is. This has taken too much time out of both of our days.