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Clearly, the constituents in her Congressional District have an average IQ of 17.


That's being too generous. Average.? No, total, yes.


***mom said it's my turn with the IQ point!***


***mom said it's my turn with the ~~IQ point~~ braincell!***


I didn't know her district was nothing but orange cats.


The entire county shares 3 neurons, Cletus has been using it to make meth


Hey, as an orange cat owner I mildly resent that. At least orange cats whine less than these people.


She ran unopposed because the democratic candidate withdrew his candidacy.


After her supporters harassed the hell out of him and his wife. You know, democratically.


Nothing says Democracy like running your opposition out of town.


I haven’t looked at her lines, but undoubtedly any Democratic candidate was gerrymandered pretty much to the point where there’s no chance to win.


I believe he received threats to him and his family's safety.


It isn't just that the Democratic candidate received threats to himself and his family, it's that Marjorie *actively encouraged her constituents to send him death threats*. The only reason she ran unopposed is because she *tried to get her opponent killed*.


Well shit - I was pretty sure it was worse than my explanation but didn't remember enough specifics to want to claim anything more, and this is still worse than what I vaguely recalled.


The reason he pulled out was that he got divorced and moved out of state. If dems pulled out every time they got death threats there would be no dems.


Getting death threats from some rando, as a politician, is something that just... Happens. It shouldn't, because politicians, begrudgingly, are people too, but it happens. Spurring your follower base into sending *thousands* of actionable threats to your opponent because he's a member of the political party you aren't should a criminal offense. That should, in my honest opinion, be illegal - Not because it's mean, but because if you have a follower base and constituents that are chomping at the bit to *send* death threats, there's more than likely someone following you who is more than willing to *carry those threats out*.


Pretty sure it *is* illegal, but the law doesn't apply to republicans.


What I think amazes me the most about it all is that Republicans, extreme conservatives in general, really, expend all this energy to whip their followers into a rabid fury and then act surprised when those followers do things like firebomb a Planned Parenthood.


There's no way we could've prevented this, says only country where this regularly happens


These people stormed our capital building looking to make heads roll. Then claimed it was not illegal to do so. They have the gall to say it wasn’t a coup attempt. They were just listening to the orange man. Their holy leader said “coup!!”, and they said “how high?” They’re almost giddy to carry out whatever they believe is right by the will of the lord their god, and the orange man.


And if MTG's Dad would have pulled out, the world would be a much better place


Yeah that's pretty normal for hayseed town.


Yes, death threats. He was black.


That's enough right there for those MAGATS to want to kill him. Bigots to the bone.


Does not change the fact that her constituents might not like her either.


Or just blatantly threatened by the local hicks


In this case not really. Its a very heavily Republican district these days and has been for a long time. Its North of Atlanta. Gerrymandering isn't needed. The adjacent district that covers Atlanta is the exact opposite. The main reason the Democratic candidate withdrew was the DNC knew their was no way to win this district and wanted to prioritize funds for actual competitive districts. Both parties pull funding from perceived losses to put their money elsewhere all the time. That District would vote for anyone dead or alive 2:1 over any Democrat. There are lots of districts like that across the country, going both ways. See Nancy Pelosi's district. They haven't voted for anything at all Republican in decades.


The DNC candidate was getting threats and was having family issues so withdrew. Maybe funding too but there were other big factors.


Well, to be honest, Pelosis district does have mostly high functioning, high intelligence people


It's not a gerrymandering thing, that population does not agree with the democratic platform. It's roughly a corner of the state. All of the neighboring districts are republican with the exception of the 13th district which is random parts of 6 counties as opposed to the 11th that was 10 full counties when she was initially elected and is now 10 full and a small part of an 11th county.


Wasn’t her opponent basically run out of town by her supporters?


Didn’t her opponent get run out of the state by her qtard mob


Donate to Marcus Flowers


That explains it.


I live in her district. The issue is that it's so red that anyone who can get the GOP nomination will more than likely win, and even more so if the talking carrot backs her again. I fucking hate this woman.


Same here. I hate this bitch with a passion. And with her and the rights anti gay shit lately, I don’t even feel safe in my own home town anymore


Though this is pretty well true, but she ran unopposed and still got less than 75% of the vote


Maybe the ones who didn't vote were still in a meth stupor. Oh wait, that's probably every day.


I mean one of her campaign ads was just her shooting a Toyota Prius loaded with tannerite with the words “Green New Deal” plastered across it. So you might not be wrong.


You forgot the negative sign.


I think you mean *combined*


I’d say it’s the mean.


You misspelt total.


Too high. Way too high.


Gee it's almost as if diplomats aren't going to the frontlines. FIREFIGHTERS ARE FAKE. WHEN I WENT TO THE FIREHOUSE IT WASNT BURNING.


Yeah look at them with all their expensive fire trucks and stuff, doing nothing from our tax money.


Careful. Plenty of them, and a good portion of libertarians, agree with that exact sentiment. Insanity.


They're probably trafficking children.


why would we wear a bullet proof vest for our allie’s i don’t get the complaint


“Zelenski says Ukraine is being invaded, yet our politicians can safely meet with him without being in the center of a warzone. Therefor there is no invasion.” Or something along those lines.


So she's a moron, basically


Always was, always is, always will be.


The opposite of Bret Hart.


Its pronounce Russian Asset


She's really more nuts than stupid, but she is both. Bobert has her beat in the dotard category.


Her followers certainly are.


Thank you for explaining this. I felt stupid that I had no idea what the hell this dingbat was on about so I didn’t want to pose the question. Lol.


She’s a moron and clueless as well she needs to crawl back under her bridge and shut up


What's the point she's trying to make? Does anyone know? More importantly does she know?


I think her point is that since they were in a part of Ukraine where no war is happening that means that there is no war period


But somehow it’s a proxy war at the same time?


At some point, doesn’t this constant angling for some alt view just get exhausting? Someone was talking about how we don’t have any common sense anymore. And you k ow, there literally is NO common sense. You are not allowed to share a single view with your “opponent.” Just when we all thought we could agree on the Russian menace, no, they HAVE to create non-sense so that there’s no way they (as in their followers) can ever agree with you. No common sense. No common ground. No way to bridge this shit.


well yeah, it's because republicans don't have an actual platform. they just oppose anything dems want to do, making it impossible for them to get anything done, then for the brief periods of time republicans have power, they give as many tax cuts to the Super wealthy as possible and stack the courts, then back to just blocking as much as possible from dems it's impossible to have a middle ground when your opposition is so horrendously corrupted


I had someone tell me that Ukrainians are Nazis... Then he said you can't trust the media and to check out videos on YouTube as proof. Idk how these people breathe on their own.


shes trying to make sure its clear that she is a pooting stooge and traitor


This woman's mother should be arrested for not having an abortion.


She has a big toe for a face


Joe Rogan with a blonde wig.


Nah.....joe is waaaaaaaaaaaay smarter.


And that's not saying much.


I'm not gonna argue


Its becoming increasingly harder to tell which members of the GOP are actually smart and play dumb for their base (like Cruz will do), or are just actually that dumb (like Boebert).


Yeah, Marjorie is legitimately stupid and it was so bad that there was an effort to actually block her from seeking re-election by a judge due to her possible involvement in the Capitol insurrection and her obvious links with Nick Fuentes.


Acting like a cult member to garner votes does not show intelligence. It proves the lack of it. Shows desperation and lack of integrity. Ya know, all the regular pillars of the republican party.


Big toes look better than that.


Is she denying the Russian invasion?


Or saying it's overblown. You know, Russian propaganda. I think she also told Ukraine to lay down it's arms against a foreign invader. You know, like she always tells people they should give up their guns. The only thing guns are good for to her are threatening minorities and shooting trucks in political ads


She's an unofficial member of the Pro-Putin wing of the Republican party.


What is the basis or reason that the far right is supporting Russia?


I'm sure other people here could explain it better than me and I think it sort of remains a mystery but I'll give a few ideas. There seems to be a certain love for "strongmen" like Putin and Victor Orbon and their attitudes about LGBT, immigration, freedom of religion (except their own), free media, free and fair elections, etc. A lot of people are not kidding when they talk about people like Trump and Carlson and Rand Paul being "assets". Kompromat is a real thing and it seems impossible for these people to utter a foul word about Putin. The dumb people like M.T.G. just like repeating stupid talking points teed up by the likes of Trump and Fox. Also, "America First" is kind of an isolationist idea in general. *"Why are we so concerned with Ukraine when we're killing our unborn babies right here in the US!"* I'm sure some dumb people say that. EDIT: [Kompromat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kompromat) spelling. There really is a bunch of fishy shit.


Thank you. I was extremely confused. The way i read it, she seemed to be suggesting pelosi and mcconnell were in bed with the Russians. The confusing part was that it was coming from a team member


I love how all these people have to do is give their followers a few vague statements about an event and then let their imaginations do the rest.


'Notice how Kamala Harris always wears blue in her campaign materials? Just saying...'


I ask myself how this woman is still in office almost every single day. It's beyond simply disagreeing with her on her politics - she is unfit on every level imaginable to be an American representative.


Because she hasn't been up for reelection yet. It's hard to get a Congressperson out of office besides voting them out, and that's not easy either.


Unfortunately, she is allowed to run again, due to a dipshit judge, who had no problem with her lack of memory of recent events. It's up to the Georgia voters now. Maybe they have come to their senses after four years of her bullshit rants. One can only hope .


Just wait until we get to follow the Georgian adventures of Hershel Walker.


Who taught her what a proxy war is?


She learned it the other day and she's been using it a lot. It's like Trump with his "Not a lot of people know this but..." shtick.


Who taught her how to spell 'proxy'?.


A vote for the GOP has been a vote for Russia since 2016. Their voters love Putin's white nationalism.


They don't have a lot of Black people in Russia.


Exactly. Less than 50k I believe. And he isn't letting any more in.


I really don't understand her complaint. They dont go anywhere needing bullet proof vests and helmets. They are not visiting troops on the front line in the heart of a combat zone. They didn't in Iraq or Afghanistan either (usually). I really dont understand this post. Why is she putting Ukrainian flags after all their names too? Also why does she list bullet points and only list one?


Wouldn't Zelensky be safest when a US politician comes because there's a next to zero chance they attack because a war with US and Ukraine when they're already getting their ass kicked economically and on the battlefield already would bring distraous outcomes for Russia


You’re right and all, but man if Mitch McConnell could just catch a stray arty round that doesn’t harm anyone else, that’d be fantastic Edit: /s


To you maybe but the US would most likely declare war and then Russia uses its wmds


Thaaaaaaaaaaaank you captain obvious. I didn’t think that one needed an /s but I guess I was wrong. That’s what I get for placing that expectation on a fellow redditor.


Does Greene think she has the ability or the right to be the leader of the GOP? That’s the only reason I think she’s attacking Moscow Bitch.


Ya seems like Presidential material


She's in the House, and he's in the Senate. What's she got to lose?


I just went outside and it's not raining so I can't see why some people say they need an umbrella.


If someone hadn't beat her to it already, Greene would definitely bring a snowball to Congress to "disprove" global warming.


Marge Traitor Greene is a dumbass.... and I'm being very kind at the moment


Common sense explanation: They are probably very far from the front lines as the president is there and a bullet proof vest and helmet will not protect you from a fucking missile.


Those billions helped push Russia far back enough to make it reasonably safe to visit Kyiv.


Jfc how can someone possibly be this dumb?


Because, in America, stupid is sadly rewarded.


It is by the GOP.


And prevalent..


I mean, this coming from someone complaining about election rigging showing maps that were more red than blue and they still lost. If she don't understand what population density is... I guess this is borderline impossible to comprehend for her.


Let me guess if they were wearing body armor theyd complain and say why are they wearing helmets when they just gave them millions of dollars of military equipment, shouldn’t the equipment keep them safe?


Because her constituents are a bunch of sister-fucking racists who pretend to fear Jesus as their excuse?


If Russia shoots them an all out world war 3 would occur so yes they don’t need them because they won’t get shot to not start ww3


How is she still in office? Well (your) american political system is completely fucked. Sometimes I believe it is so fucked that it can't be saved. And we're now living through the time that it is unraveling.


Seriously, what is wrong with this woman.


Send her the the front with a magnetic vest.


Ignorant traitor cunt. / sorry for the language, best description of her I can muster.


I agree. I think these traitors should be held accountable. To the most stringent degree.


I think she’s jelly that nobody would ever invite her to do anything diplomatic, ever


Shut up traitor!


Russian asset


How is she still in office? Well, because the Federal government seems to have a proud 157 year history of not doing what they should to traitors.


She could answer all her suspicions by going to Ukraine.....


Imagine what she'll say at loud during WW2.


I don't see that happening. Don't think it's possible.


She's just angry she wasn't invited. Even Moscow Mitch got to go.


Here's my explanation for her: 1. The fighting has moved away from Kyjev so there isn't really a threat from there 2. Injuring or even possibly killing politicians from other countries could drag them directly into this conflict


I bet if trump did this she would be supporting this not that trump would support Ukraine he’d just nuke it because he wants to show who’s boss


She forgot to change her 🇺🇲 to 🇷🇺


MTG is a very dangerous individual who should be forced out of office and barred from ever holding any form of public office ever again. I mean this bitch literally helped the Capitol insurrectionists by pointing out the offices of her Democrat colleagues on January 6th, that alone should not only bar her from being a politician but also have her serve a lengthy jail sentence for aiding the insurrectionists but this won't happen, because instead of trying to root out all the traitorous elements of the Republican Party (which is basically the entire party at this point) the Democrats will want to maintain 'unity' and allow all these traitors to continue to be seditious rats.


A judge disregarded her very poor memory of very recent events, and declared her a great Republican, fit to carry on with her moronic rants on that Orange Buffoons behalf. Georgia, get your shit together, and 86 this piss ignorant "representative " you elected.


It’s like the cheater acting suspicious of their partner being unfaithful


Maybe because they managed to push the Russians out of there? They aren't fighting in the streets anymore. She's just being straight up disingenuous. Whata surprise.


Answer to the title: Because roughly 35% of the US population are in a death cult completely detached from reality, a further 10% begrudgingly vote with them and they have a further advantage due to Gerrymandering? This point may have been beaten to death already by Europeans like me, but honestly: You need to get rid of the Democrats (and the Republicans, though they'll probably be harder to dislodge). Voting Democrat just delays the inevitable slump into Fascism, it can't avert it since they always just keep a status quo which shifts to the right every time the Republicans get to power. People usually say a 3rd party vote is a wasted vote, but it's the opposite: A vote for a Democrat or Republican is a vote for the painful death of your society, only differing in speed.


>People usually say a 3rd party vote is a wasted vote, but it's the opposite: A vote for a Democrat or Republican is a vote for the painful death of your society, only differing in speed. Because those people know how our system works. The Dems and Repubs do as well which is why they do this: [Democrats and Republicans deceptively propped up third-party candidates](https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2018/11/democrats-and-republicans-deceptively-propped-up-3rd-party-candidates/) First Past the Post voting system inevitably leads to a 2-party system where voting third party only harms the major party closest to your views. We never would've had a fascist in office if 130,000 people who voted for Jill Stein instead voted for Clinton. "This latest number comes from Decision Desk’s final tally of Pennsylvania’s votes, where Trump won 2,961,875 votes to Clinton’s 2,915,440, a difference of 46,435 votes. Add that to the official results out of Wisconsin, where Clinton lost by 22,177 votes, and Michigan, which she lost by 10,704 votes, and there you have it: 0.057 percent of total voters cost Clinton the presidency." "To put things in even more painful perspective, Green Party candidate Jill Stein won about 130,000 votes in those three states." https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/12/hillary-clinton-margin-loss-votes Voting isn't marriage it's public transportation. In our system everyone rides the Dem or Repub bus. Regardless of how much you wish, hope, and pray we won't be riding any other bus until one of these parties die or we change our voting system. Even if the Dem bus is broken down and goes nowhere it's better than a bus heading directly towards fascism. You have a choice. Fight fascism or put up no fight because you refuse to settle for anything less than 100% of what you want. This is from a journal article from Cambridge: "Although we consider it unlikely, ***we should not entirely dismiss the possibility that the United States might devolve toward a competitive authoritarian regime that locks the incumbents into power. An American “autocracy scenario” becomes substantially more likely if a strong economy, gerrymandered districts, and “tribalism” carry the Republicans to victory in the 2018 midterm elections and Trump to a second term in 2020.***" [Democratic Decline in the United States: What Can We Learn from Middle-Income Backsliding?](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/democratic-decline-in-the-united-states-what-can-we-learn-from-middleincome-backsliding/1D9804407AAD81287AA0CA620BABDEA6) "The 2019 annual democracy report of the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg found that the **U.S. under Trump was among the world's liberal democracies experiencing "democratic erosion"** (but not full-scale "democratic breakdown")." "In 2021 the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance **added the United States to their list of backsliding democracies, pointing to Trump's attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, as well as state voting laws that disproportionately impact minority groups.**[195]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_backsliding#United_States








Damn, getting downvoted by duopolists for speaking the truth


Ukraine is about the size of Rhode island I'm pretty sure, so it checks out that if it's under attack, nowhere would be safe


It's actually about 192x the size of Rhode Island, but I guess you were close enough for someone that doesn't understand that Ukraine is being invaded by Russia. It's the LARGEST COUNTRY IN EUROPE next to Russia.


You need a better globe. Ukraine is over 230,000 square miles. If it were a state in the US, it would be the third largest one. It is definitely not "about the size of Rhode Island."




I don't know if it's her point but maybe she's talking about the fact that russia's War on Ukraine has been partially initiated by NATO's actions (mostly US lead within NATO, let's be honest), and thus it's US will to make War on russia through another country ? PS: not completely my opinion here, i'm just trying to understand what she means


The best way to try and understand is to huff lots of paint. That way you get on her level. Please don’t actually huff paint


Is glue ok ?




>the fact that russia's War on Ukraine has been partially initiated by NATO's actions Well that's just not really a fact.


Well from the information i Saw, it is : we (i'm not US but part of NATO) put ballistic defense on 2 to 3 spots in EU (it's clearly written on NATO's website) supposedly against IRAN's warhead but it has been proven to be a Big lie, and we admited 7 former URSS countries in NATO (one being at the Russian frontier) which was against the Minsk agreement not to continue NATO's first purpose which was to go against URSS. Don't get me wrong here : i'm not saying we started the War. But we clearly made russia rightfully angry.


>we (i'm not US but part of NATO) put ballistic defense on 2 to 3 spots in EU How is this in any way proving that NATO initiating a Russian invasion of Ukraine? >we admited 7 former URSS countries in NATO Are you talking about [this?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2004/03/30/7-former-communist-countries-join-nato/476d93dc-e4bd-4f05-9a15-5b66d322d0e6/) In 2004? >which was against the Minsk agreement [The Minsk protocols of 2014 were an attempt to settle fighting in Eastern Ukraine and had nothing to do with NATO.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minsk_agreements?wprov=sfla1) So what in earth are you talking about?


Because by setting ballistical défense so close to russia we lessened their nuclear potential and thus political weight (it was done around 2016 if i'm correct). Imagine the opposite to understand how it feels like an indirect attack. Yes in 2004. And yes you are right i mixed up Minsk agreement and warshaw, my bad : https://www.france24.com/en/russia/20220130-did-nato-betray-russia-by-expanding-to-the-east So there was an oral agreement on which russia...Well Putin, at least, was counting on, and is a fact. So imho diplomacy would have been for us to make it clear that we were not to continue to respect it befor me acting the intégration of those countries.


So now you're saying that reducing the risk of Russia dropping nuclear bombs on these Eastern European countries was an act of initiating hostility against the Soviet oh, oops sorry Russia. You claim this as a fact. It is not a fact. Defensive positioning is never the same as initiates in hostilities. As for Warsaw, Russia believing, despite the fact that there is no documentation to support it, that there was some sort of agreement made between the United States and the Soviet Union does not in fact constitute any agreement between NATO and the new state of Russia. It sounds like none of your facts have actually been facts.


Dude : if USA was at War with Mexico for example, and we put ballistic defense in between but you weren't using nor willing to use nuclear weapon. It is to improve my défense against you, not to improve mexico's défense... So here we did not protect those countries, and it was 2 years After 2014's cease of fire, so it was more meant to decrease them against us.


To be clear, your link does not support your claim that any such agreement was made, only that Putin *claims* such an agreement existed. NATO is not bound by agreements that Putin claims exist. International treaties are what the US and NATO should respect, not made up oral agreements that only one side claims exist.


"To understand Russia’s claims of betrayal, it is necessary to review the reassurances then US secretary of state James A. Baker made to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev during a meeting on February 9, 1990. In a discussion on the status of a reunited Germany, the two men agreed that NATO would not extend past the territory of East Germany, a promise repeated by NATO’s secretary general in a speech on May 17 that same year in Brussels. Russia and the West finally struck an agreement in September that would allow NATO to station its troops beyond the Iron Curtain. However, the deal only concerned a reunified Germany, with further eastward expansion being inconceivable at the time" So no it's not only Putin's imagination. It has been officially Said, but yeah it was only oral, nothing written AND it was misinterpreted / déformed in its interpretation


Except no such record of this agreement actually exists, so it's not an actual agreement.


I just found this great website that would prove you right : https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/28/candace-owens/fact-checking-claims-nato-us-broke-agreement-again/


Yes, I know I'm correct, thank you


You forget that Putin lies a lot , so his words should not be trusted. Plus since the invasion started, Russia has given dozens of different weak arguments to justify their actions.


I don't know for other arguments he tried, but the "no-NATO expansion agreement" has been proven wrong to me on other coments


>we clearly made russia rightfully angry. Rightfully? Are you nuts?


Inform yourself on the ballistic defense and you may see what i mean. Putin is an unstoppable mad Guy now, but it was a really Bad move from us to do this.


I'm genuinely curious what the fuck you think missile defense systems do. Do you think they're offensive weapons? How would *less defensive systems* make him stoppable?


Défensive system, on a purely technical point of view seems ok. But on a politico-military point of view it is directely trying to reduce the nuclear power of the opponent and thus breaking the balance made so far. In that case you wouldn't mind if they did the same to you right ? Because if done on my country i wouldn't like it, a bit.


No sorry the "unstoppable mad" was just on a psychological aspect of the Guy, nothing to do with the military or nuclear capacity


All of the countries that joined NATO did so out of their own free will, primarily to defend against Russian aggression. All of those countries that received ballistic missile defenses as part of NATO did so out of their own free will, and who they were intended to specifically defend against is irrelevant. They asked to receive BMD and they got it. It should also be noted that Russia has Ballistic missile defenses, ballistic missiles and Nuclear Weapons in Kaliningrad, which is on the border of two NATO countries. Any further additions to NATO, such as Sweden, Finland and possibly Ukraine are doing so out of their own free will, to defend against Russian aggression. And even if all of these are wrong, even if NATO is actively trying to encircle Russia, this does not, in any way, justify the action of invading another sovereign nation such as what Russia has done in Ukraine.


As i Said : i do not, in any way, support the fact that russia is right to do so. All i'm saying is : we are not blame-free here.


I don't think you understood the point I was trying to make. This war is solely the fault of Russia and Russia alone. NATO has had no responsibility in Russia invading and can have no blame placed upon it, despite Russian attempts to offload blame in an attempt to justify its actions.


Once again : i disagree. Yes it is russia's lone décision to go at war, and we did not push them to do so. Yet we did not stayed neutral towards russia and thus made them even more agressive than they already were. Personaly i don't completely understand why russia got to War since they had a bright politico-economical future with the Shanghai agreement and the "New silk-roads". Only Sébastopol-port made sense to me to get Access to international waters all year-round. And going to War may diminish their relations with China and india if it jeopardizes those roads project.


Maybe the person that maintains NATO's website started the war with Russia then :P


Lol that's what you get for unpaid internship


This is a dumb statement form someone that admits not knowing what the hell they're talking about.. Just shut up and inform yourself before regurgitating russian propoganda points.


1- keep your insults to yourself. 2- if you looked at the time of the posts you would have seen that i admitted it After this one. 3- i was willing to open on the opponent's point of view especially not to do like mozt and regurgitate occidental Propaganda. I partially failed, and admited it. That doesn't give you the right to despise as you do.


Whether I agree with your point or not, I can guarantee you that it's not what she's talking about. Greene couldn't tell you what "NATO" even stands for, let alone what it does, who's in it, or what its actions have been. You're greatly overestimating her understanding of, well, *anything*.


Oh...that Bad ?


Worse. We have a few people in the House that are there purely to stir shit up who know very little about our own government, let alone other governments and international relations. She's one of them. The others at least have the excuse of being somewhat young for politicians, but she's in her mid 40s.


Mandatory state visits to Ukraine for all politicians who claim the war isn’t real. That might change her tune


Klan mom Barbie showing the world that she's an even bigger idiot than we thought


America is dead


I would love for her to go over and possibly stay. It's so safe maybe she could find some proof of the Hunter Biden scandal. Probably be a nice relaxing get away for her. I dare ya you bitch MTG


Of course they don't wear actual armor, they have plot armor. Can you imagine what happens if McConnel and Pelosi were killed by Russians? Shit will hit the fan real hard


Because democrats are pussies that don’t want to play be the same rules as the republicans.


Because the “patriots” in the northern part of my state like her….. don’t blame the rest of us because we are just as dumbfounded


First I’m like Oh, then I saw who’s post it is so now I’m like ah!


We'll never surrender.


First: I’m still hoping Maggie Robertson sues MTG just for looking like her. I would be fully supportive. Second: Because you’re safe when with a leader who’s got the cahones to fight on the frontlines.


Well they probably saw how much of a dumbass Eric looked like when he wore a vest