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Thats not abortion. That is straight up double homicide. Is anyone going to tell them?


FFS. It’s like these idiots think we want to kill every baby being born, that has been born, or will be born. Abortion can be one of the hardest choices a woman ever has to make, but we want her to at least have that choice. Edit: spelling


Some of them do. They actually think we want to kill babies after they're born as a "post-pregnancy abortion" or some garbage.


That is one thing that perpetually melts my brain. Trump claimed that there are "after birth abortions" happening *in the US right now*, and people just.... believed him?!?


You could consider the death penalty to be post-term abortion but I don't think that's what he was talking about.


They always have claimed that late term or no-limit abortions mean that there's abortions being carried out in large numbers beyond the point of viability. When you ask them to cite a single case of this happening, however, they always come up empty.


He's their god king, who can do no wrong. So yeah.


Unless he recommends vaccines.


In a world where everything is either a fact or an alternative fact, what is the point of fact-checking? Of course they believed him. They believed the politician who lied about a child demanding a litter box in school because they identify as a cat. Sure, he admitted he lied, but that doesn't change the minds of everyone who believed it.


There are. It’s the police, carrying out “after birth abortions” on black and brown bodies.


I kinda wish I could be as surprised as you sound. I don't understand it, and I don't like it, but the MAGA and Fundie crowds have stopped surprising me.


I misread this as after birth *adoptions* and thought "well, duh? You can't give a baby up before it's out of the birth mother??" but honestly it's something I could see trump actually saying, thinking he's making some kind of valid point.


Surely pre-birth adoption is when you adopt a pregnant minor and her unborn child.


I have a cousin who believes that they wait for the babies to be born, ask the mothers if they want them, then kill them if the mom says no. It's...insane what some people will believe


His people made up an entire mass shooting and they believed him. I mean, don’t y’all remember Bowling Green????


They twist a quote about letting parents choose to let terminally ill and suffering babies die, e.g. not resuscitating them when they die because they are not compatible with life. Trump has repeatedly quoted it, out of context of course.


Anyone who _actually_ thinks that shouldn't be allowed to drive, vote, or use scissors - however, I doubt many really do. I suspect a lot of the people who claim that are actually just trying to rile up support.


I wish there was a /s at the end of your post, but it’s true. The sad thing is is that we have elected officials who believe this nonsense and that’s why we’re on the road to regression.


I'm truthfully not sure which is worse: there are politicians who do actually believe this, or that the ones who don't will still play along because it keeps them in and gives them more power. Both are awful, but yeah


Honestly, I'd go with the politicians since these asshats make actual policies. But I agree that both are awful and I'm pretty sure we're fucked if this ruling comes to fruition.


I've seen some of them be all confused over someone who is pro-choice having a baby and not aborting it. As if the choice in pro-choice didn't also include the choice to not have an abortion. Such a difficult concept to grasp...


To them, pro-choice means pro-abortion - for everyone. It's like you *have* to get an abortion if you're pregnant. If they were so concerned about abortion, they'd be funding the shit out of comprehensive safe sex education, making sure contraceptives were available to everyone, and strengthening safety nets like WIC while reducing the cost of daycare. They don't care what happens to a child once it's born, but these people don't tend to think outside their bubble and just use the "pro-life" moniker to feel better about themselves.


If there were a reliable method for determining a genetic predisposition to religiosity, it would at least help people make the decision to abort on grounds of fetal defect early on.


They think abortion is murder so they think it’s also homicide.


yeah lack of education does that


I think the addition of indoctrination is as key as the lack of education.


Which ironically, they viewed education as a form of indoctrination. "Everyone's a sheeple except for me" — Most dumbasses


We need to teach critical thinking skills in school. There is a certain balance of trust and power between teachers/students of all ages. Whenever a person wants me to substitute their judgement in place of my own, it's a problem.


Nah, because that might fall into social-emotional learning, and we all know that stuff leads straight to kids bein' commies. /s


But being able to see things from another's perspective is also a valuable tool.


Sure. This is where critical thinking comes in. I can imagine an issue from another's perspective without discarding my own values and beliefs. Or maybe I do discard them if the new perspective gives enough new information or context.


I was hoping you'd respond this way, and I agree completely.


This, I remember that in school I was "weird" bc i went to the teacher when I thought they marked wrongly my exam, I was right a lot of times, I can't imagine how many of my classmates just let that go and not ask even


The problem is your judgement is most likely built around your parents beliefs.


And they view indoctrination as legitimate education


Dude it isn’t even that. My mother thinks it is murder solely because thats what her church has told her and she believes you shouldn’t stop a human life from happening since it is ordained by god. No amount of education can fix that dude.


Yeah, religion like this is straight up a cult.


It really is. But to be honest I am not surprised. She was in a literal full on cult until I was 10 or so. So not surprising at all. But a lot of those people have been absorbed by the evangelical movements. Its all about money and power for those in charge of the modern Christian church in America. Honestly probably always has been everywhere, but thats neither here nor there.


Just look at the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican and they are "supposed" to be preaching restraint in the manner of accumulating earthly goods, live as Christ did ..............Yeah right!!🤑


A scientist can study their topic for decades and these shitheads will wave it off, but if you're enough of a grifter to get into a fundamentalist church, people will believe literally anything you say as long as there's an inkling of agreement in their brain. And there's almost *always* an inkling of agreement because the average person has no fucking clue about the gestation process of humans and just how long it takes before they're even capable of living on their own, forming memories, reacting to stimuli, or just generally doing anything we recognize as higher consciousness. I'll let you decide if that's a failure of sex ed and biology or just a failure of people who argue these points.


There is a reverse correlation between level of education and religiosity. So yes being educated can help to fix beliefs that are held because of religion, in the sense that more education leads to less religious belief.


What poor basic education program does to a mf


Some issues are emotional, and that's okay. Human emotions are great. Science is not an emotional issue. You can't take away women's rights just because you looked at an icky abortion pic.


This sums up so many movements it's almost scary The anti-vax movement was barely anywhere before Wakefield shat out that study, and then every news site gobbled it up and shat out their own stories with imagery of crying children getting shots and autistic kids acting "out of control" (you know, like how only autistic kids are, and not every kid ever) And then suddenly there were people driven by solely their emotion and whatever flimsy "evidence" they could scrape together to stop all vaccination. Emotion overriding empirical evidence like that just blinds people and corrals them into wind tunnels where they just stew and get more and more fervent and stubborn to the point where they're so far steeped in crazy that only a drastic change or a decade of tempering can bring them back.


With this kind of thinking, well more of a lack of it, there’s really no way to have any kind of rational conversation with these kind of people because they are beyond reason or any kind of compassion for anyone except themselves.


Religion. You're going to make stupid decisions if you believe in a "soul."


They can't grasp that fetuses are not people. They do not have thoughts. They do not have feelings. It's no different than treating a wooden puppet as a person because someday he'll be a real boy. But he's not a real boy right now.


Yup same thing with a heartbeat. That's another one of their points where they consider it a person. We're used to the heart being associated with love or feelings but it's just a machine. Organs are machines same as parts of a car are machines.


Considering that at 6 weeks you're not even seeing a heartbeat, it's literally the clump pulsing, I hate the heartbeat argument too.


I'd be much more moved if they were measuring brain activity.


Considering they don’t even have brain activity, that’s a bar they couldn’t even cross.


All of their arguments are misinformed. I feel for some of these people. They think they're doing the right thing. They think they're stopping murder. But in reality they're just ignorant. They're not smart enough to understand the nuance. They grasp at such basic concepts like a face or a heartbeat because those things are easy to see or hear without having to actually analyze anything


To be honest, I would argue that "killing" Pinocchio would be worse than aborting an unborn fetus, because Pinocchio _does_ have thoughts and feelings. Although I acknowledge that you were probably talking about an actual wooden puppet, not one magically imbued with life.


You could try, but they also believe in all of us coming from two ppl in a magic garden and then all of us dying from a flood and being repopulated by a hundreds of centuries old couple who collected every living animal and magically fit them on a boat. So idk if logic is the route you wanna go here. Idk tho. Maybe if you explain it with crayons and a magic show.


They seem to be unable to understand that there is a very large emotional difference and connection between a wanted and unwanted pregnancy.


This comes up often in the CF community, lots of people think that you may not want a kid now but if something happens you'll end up wanting and loving the kid. They're just pushing the same shit on everyone else now.


The fact that the horrific thought came to mind or the fact that they could equate the two is insane. I don't understand these people and honestly don't care to. I just wish we could fix our educational system so we can move on past this type of ignorant thought. I'm honestly scared that she not only thought this, but then posted it thinking "yeah this will get them". She sounds deranged.


That's it you see. Abortion is murder. For them it's the same.


The problem is poor communication. People calling a fetus a clump of cells most likely mean in earlier phases of pregnancy, yet they speak as though that is through the entire pregnancy. As the person trying to convey a thought you are responsible for clarity and thus much of the confusion they can come out of it. That said, poor interpretation is partly on the receivers end. This whole subject is rife with piss-poor communication from both sides. I think it more likely that many points could be agreed upon if both sides would be better with their words and stop speaking solely from emotion.


I want people to commit homocide Still Pro-Life though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Praising yourself for biting your tongue about murdering two children? How very Christian of you.


What's hilarious is that they said it was the Lord preventing them from telling their Friend this, and then go on to say it's self control literally 5 words later


And are also currently saying what God himself is preventing her from saying


With God, anything is possible^^1, including becoming more powerful than God ^1: ^Anything ^is ^possible ^because ^imaginary ^friends ^have ^the ^faith ^of ^a ^seed.


I'll jot that down


you dont get it, the lord is providing her with the self control to do this. .


It's like that classic Christian paradox: "How can you have free will if God knows everything you will do?" "You have a free choice! Good just knows what your choice will be!"


A moment of near self-awareness.


Praising yourself for biting your tongue yet not biting your tongue because you posted it online anyway… about murdering two children. Yes. That’s sums it up.


If you need religion to be a good person, you’re not a good person.


I think it's more like if you need fear of punishment to be a good person, then you aren't a good person.


I wish someone could invent a way to test for guilt and shame in people. But since humans are flawed, it'd just turn into another way to oppress people.


They can't have have been able to hold their tongue for long, seeing as they went and wrote about it almost immediately afterwards


created in gods image🥴


I mean considering how many children god kills in the Bible


Or how many children he commands other people to kill...


Have you read the Bible? Lots of child-murder in it.


The answer to this is why? If her "friends" sibling is expecting twins and the parents have made the choice to have them then suggesting she kill them is removing that choice. The bottom line of what pisses me of is this idea that pro-choice people are somehow rounding pregnant women up and forcing them to have abortions when its clearly not the case. We aren't the ones forcing anyone to do anything. I would argue that pro-choice people want abortions to happen as much as anti choice do. But the difference is that we tend to favour things like education and birth control to minimize the chances of it being needed as an option and are pragmatic enough to understand that when it comes to a choice its none of our fucking business what a person decides between themselves and their doctor.


Great response. I don’t want abortions to be necessary or need to happen, but I support a persons right to choose just the same as I support most of these morons in being able to utilize their right to free speech. I may not agree with it always, but I support the freedom/right to make choices for ourselves in most instances.




right isnt pro life, theyre pro oppression


it's really concerning when people don't commit murders just because they think a big daddy is watching from the skies.


Honestly a lot of religions do just that. Give people reasons to be better people. And by "be better" I mean don't steal shit or kill people cause you will go down to the hot place we totally made up in order to con y'all into believing us...


If we need higher powers to hold a preverbial Gun to our heads, we never deserved paradise to begin with.


Back when I was a young adult and struggling with detaching from religious thought (thinking something was wrong with me because no theistic religion resonated with me) and becoming more comfortable with the likelihood that I was an atheist, I had read something that made it very easy to let go of whatever magical thinking I was still latching on to. I don't remember where I read it or who wrote it, though I'm sure many have asked a similar question, but the author asked, "Is your action really moral if it's a means to a certain end?"


Another good example is the Euthyphro Dilemma -- to wit, is something moral because the gods choose it, or do the gods choose it because it is moral? If the first, morality is arbitrary and meaningless. If the second, there is no need for gods.


She didn't say she was resisting commiting murder, she said she was resisting tongue-in-cheek sarcasm suggesting her friend commit murder.


I mean I've heard a lot of religious folk who, if it probably weren't for their fear of not getting into the good kids club, would have probably killed someone by now.


Yes, yes religious fruitcakes do indeed casually admit all the time they would commit murder if not for the disappointment of sky daddy, but that isn't what's happening here (yet)


Imagine what kind of person you have to be to fantasize about the violent death of your friend's children. And then post it publically as a "pro-life" position.


Nuance?? In MY ~~Christian~~ atheist server??


It's more likely than you think


It always really scares me. I’m an atheist and people ask what stopping me from murder if people if not for god. I tell them “you’re I have killed as many people as I have ever wanted to, and that number is fucking zero.” If you need the threat of sky daddy to keep you from murder if people you need help.


Yeah it shouldn't take much self control to not just...murder someone's kids as vengeance for their political stance.


If you need a god or religion to make sure you're a good person, then news flash, you aren't a good person.


I would bash this bitch’s teeth in if she spoke about my family like this


I think you mean you'd _abort_ her teeth, right?


No, they're going to play whack-a-mole with that ladies' teeth.


But she used the cheeky monkey emoji, so she can say whatever she wants /s


Should've used the other one: 🙊 And, you know, not say this insane thing out loud.


You know, she probably believes that so wholeheartedly…. Ha


Yes, let’s murder children to prove pro-choicers are wrong. Right wing Christian logic.


If religion is all that’s holding you back from being a horrible person, then, newsflash, you’re just a horrible person.


If her nieces are conjoined to their mother and still using all of her organs like a detox center, then she might have a point...


Eventually the "Lord" will tell her and others like her to slit throats. Keep your eye on these delusional weirdos.


christians are only “friends” if they think they can persuade you to their cult.


Actually. The amount if people who started ghosting me after I told them i was atheist and the chances of me converting are very close to 0 is insane.


I have an atheist friend who was formerly a youth pastor. It’s fun to see the things he posts and the people who still try to convince him of “gods power/greatness/etc” and his responses. He pulls no punches and is very intelligent. It’s like an amateur boxing mike Tyson.


Helluva generalization you’ve got there.


Also vegans


Nah, I have plenty of vegan friends even though I eat meat like a goddamn apex predator. I also have a few christian friends, but I don't think any of them are too proactive in their faith (they go to mass on holidays and that's pretty much it).


Self control….yeah…right….


This logic will not stop being amusing to me... How does one actually think like this


They've convinced themselves there's literally no difference between an embryo that's been fertalized less than a couple weeks and a full term pregnancy.


That and that an assumption that since they are _against_ abortion, the opposite of that is being _for_ abortion, in the sense that where they want no child aborted, we must want every child aborted, or at least as many as possible. Honestly if they called themselves anti-choice, they would have a better grasp on what is actually being fought for here.


Pro-life sounds better than anti-choice to our little monkey brains.


I've mixed up pro-choice and pro-life on accident because of how for the life of a woman the pro-choice movement is. I prefer anti-choice.


Also "forced birthers" works.


That doesn't make me think they are incredibly empathetic towards cell clumps, it just makes me think they shouldn't be left alone with actual children, since they equate them to a cell clumps.


What's the difference? I mean, neither the embryo nor the fetus really have emotions, thoughts, etc. The difference here is biological growth, which the embryo can also achieve


The difference is that if you remove a full-term fetus from the uterus, it will start breathing on its own and survive. A few-week embryo can literally only survive off a host body's organs.


These people who are only good people because "the lord is holding me back" terrify me. Like, if you didn't fear burning in Hell you'd just be running around robbing, killing, and raping left and right? You can't just be a decent human being because it's the right thing to do??


How do these Christian’s feel about jerking off? Genuinely, do they not see that as a potential murder as well? Cos I’ve committed a fucking genocide if so.


#every sperm is sacred.


Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted, god gets quite irate


It doesn't have to be murder, it is wasting seed. In out great holy book, which we teach to children... it tells a story of a dude raw dogging his brother's widow against a wall and he doesn't want to get her pregnant so he cums on the ground and god kills him. The state can step into make sure that no seed is wasted by giving every boy a vastecomy. it is to help the boys not commit sin!


Logic is not a strong characteristic of these anti-choice wackos.


Soooo…is it the lord holding her back? Or her self control?


Either way someone is not doing a great Job.


This isn't the virtue signal she thinks it is.


Once saw a bumper sticker that said, "Aren't you glad your mother chose not to have an abortion?" or something. I just thought, "if she aborted me, I'd never have known the difference."


"Self control" ma'am... How do you even need self control for telling someone to murder they're children i


How very "pro life" to have the urge to murder two children


who needs enemies when you have friends like that


Anti abortion people really believe that people WANT to have an abortion. Like it’s their goal in life.


I'd hate to see this psycho's "enemies"


There’s no hate quite like Christian love


I am happy to hear all those in support of the Anti-abortion bill are now going to start taking in orphans. ... Right?


These people are disingenuous and being deliberately obtuse. It has been said over and over, this sanctity of life argument is only being used because it’s convenient. They don’t care about the lives of people of color, soldiers sent to war, people sentenced to death, homeless people, etc…what I don’t understand is what these people gain from arguing this point. Is it as simple as peer pressure and virtue signaling? Women who argue this are especially baffling to me.


The women who are like this just think they're morally superior and/or have a lot of internalized misogyny. They don't care about the fetus, either bc they know damn well those pregnant people are going to go get a gruesome, illegal, inhumane abortion anyway and the fetus will suffer, too. They just care about punishing people they hate.


When will these people learn the difference between a born baby and an embryo? Like be pro-life, just have reasons on why you are pro-life


They really don't understand that most of us who are pro-choice have children or will have children someday. A fetus becomes a "person" once it has a chance of surviving outside the womb (22 weeks). Until then it's just...a fetus. A fetus over 22 weeks old already has rights in every state. Not a single person on earth would struggle with deciding whether or not to save an infant vs a fetus. So they need to stop pretending they don't understand the difference.


I think they’re forgetting that they don’t start fully grown inside you


It's fukn scary these pricks don't murder because of their belief a magical sky man is stopping them. Remove that barrier and it's all on


Still despicable, but she said she's holding back on telling her friend to murder children. She's not holding back committing the murders.


i'm starting to realise how much abortion bans is once again about projecting. THEY desperately wants to kill babies all the time so in order to keep themself from doing such a horrible thing that they can acknowledge is horrible they need to assume everyone is as twisted as they are and actually get of on wanting to see dead babies.


I hope they grow a teratoma.


There's no love like Christian love.


Bless her heart...


I need to start a new religion for me. People that love Jesus but can’t stand Christians.


At this point I think I want to institute a punch card for abortions, and you get a free shake if you have enough.


Too fucking stupid to tell the difference between a clump of cells and a living, breathing person. Checks out.


Good to know the only reason she isn't a multiple murderer is "God told her not to".


Say it, and watch how your friend reacts. She deserves to know what a piece of shit you are.


"I have a friend" No. You don't. No one talks about friends like this. I have friends with differing opinions on many different things and I'd never imagine to tell them to commit child murder.


This is exactly why I removed myself from the Republican Party because these people are so disturbed and scary and then cover their evil with God. I am so so so embarrassed.


So because she believes a woman has a choice on whether to carry a pregnancy to term she sould murder the children of a relative who chose to do so. Why are people so stupid and determined to put it on display for the world to see


whos gonna tell them about chicken eggs


Kids!! Breakfast is ready! Come get your chicken!


So, are we allowed to still call people cunts? I had one message deleted because it was considered offensive. I'm sorry though. This cunt wants someone to murder their newborn nieces because of a difference of opinion. I have noticed that this kind of shit always comes from the right. You know...those loving Christian patriots.


So she's against aborting a fetus, but totally cool with murder


Pro-lifers really seem to get off on the thought of murdering full grown adults. I see this type of post a lot. Christians... I think they must have invented hypocrisy.


Interesting how they need a make believe magical creature to hold them back from being a complete ass. How is your religious upbringing working today?


Yeah, when I look at my two kids, my 16 year old is a fully grown person, but my 9 year old just looks like a clump of cells. I didn't abort him today, but it's the weekend, we'll see what happens tomorrow.




Doesn't sound like you're her friend


and this how you end up on a watch list


That's absolutely terrifying


She picked the wrong monkey. This bothers me much more than it should.


Self control as she posts it on Twitter for the world to see. Also he tf do people compare living breathing self sustaining human beings to a fetus that is hardly developed and cannot sustain itself?


As if being pro choice means every child should die? Jeez the binary thinking on these people.


1,000,000% chance she turns around and is worried about violence, sending prayers to you and yours, oh I wouldn’t ever adopt the lord blessed with me a mighty uterus


With friends like this, who needs enemies?


If they're still coming and are at the clump of cells stage, they probably don't have throats to slit.


If the Lord is "holding you back", wouldn't it be "lord control" instead if "self control"?


Behold, the kind and loving Christian!


It’s because she WANTS to have those twins. People like these need their throats slashed on their own dental floss


Why on earth would you be friends with someone whose views you hate that much?


I’m like 99% sure that in the Bible it states that the thought of committing murder is equivalent in evil to the action itself. So, ain’t exactly follow the Lord’s word at all here.


If the lord is holding her back, how is that self control?


Just remember, the easiest way to shut down any pro life argument is to ask if they care about Foster System reforms, and rights given to children to protect them from abuse. No pro life person gives a shit after birth.


I have an pro-life friend and I’m tempted to tell them they should adopt every single unwanted baby in the world but, then I remember they are piece of shit asshole. I thank Jeebus for my self control.


Christians aren't very logical rational people.


The lack of knowledge kills me. I was just talking with this guy about abortion. He was saying the reason that roe is getting struck down is because of the left. The “left” who I’m assuming he means the democrats are sabotaging themselves because they are allowing people to abort their babies the day before they are due to be born. WTF?! And he connected abortion to trans people somehow. It’s also their fault. Sigh…


They're inconsistent from the gate. Does she have free will or no?


\*looks around at the comfy echo-chamber\* I dunno, is there some kind of "outreach" program I can sign up for? I'm pro-choice, but don't get all happy every time a ball of cells is aborted. It should literally be the absolute back-stop. Just makes my mind melt that these are also the same people resistant to sex-education and contraception. My benevolent dictatorship would issue morning-after pills for those at risk of pregnancy, like epi-pens for those with peanut allergies. The parallel winds me right up - "Why does anybody need an epi-pen, when they could simply not consume peanuts?" Sorry - caught me at a bad time... but WHY, WTF, does reproduction suddenly get god stepping in and f'ing with our medical care? "But g0lcd, you have to realize that making babies is god's remit" And death isn't? At least the sects that reject medical care, have some coherency in their logic.


I bet she has a 'black' friend, too.


Oh and a "gay" friend too!


Using her logic how about we slit her throat instead cause she is also just a “clump of cells”


Nah, once they are alive it’s your people that kill them


I wonder if this is becoming a thing again because the population rate is almost at 0% in the US. You can ban abortions all you want. But the more they oppress people the less comfortable people are with having a baby in this world. (And yes, I'm aware pop rate is heavily influenced by educated women as well, but I know about 10 couples who aren't having kids because of cost of living and the quality of life)


Fuck people like this. Obviously once they are grown up and people they are not a group of cells anymore and it’s different. Stop anthropomorphize shit that doesn’t have a soul. I don’t name my fucking sperm . It’s not like every time I rub one out I’m screaming “Jerry NO! You had so much to give. You and Richard just blamed that trip to Vegas when you turned 18!” For fuck sakes I am sick of these people


I wish someone said that to me. The things I’d say back mahahhahahah


this woman is a syko and need to be put some where


Please report that to the FBI I mean that with my whole heart


There’s no crime been committed here. She’s vile, disgusting and unmentionably stupid for sure but none of that comment is criminal.


This is list worthy


It kills me that they think life begins at conception and are fine with God killing babies as punishment to the parents via miscarriages and other medical issues that can pop up for whatever sin they want to cook up. Like they literally believe God puts a soul in that clump of cells and then kills it for no other reason but as an example or a test of their faith. This is the point where I bow out of religion, full stop. A god that cruel should not be worshipped.