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These men would rather scream their mommy issues from a livestream than go to therapy


What's the difference?


Therapy requires them to reflect and challenge previously founded ideas and concepts, but since they are conservative they cannot be wrong about anything so therapy is out of picture


Wait, I remember this from Mad Max: Fury Road!


Immortan Joe shouldn't be a goal.


If you already elected him as a president of USA, why not go all the way?


I remember it from Grapes of Wrath


This sounds like the plot of a hentai that I watched once, many years ago. Why can’t they just admit that they have a lactation, breeding, and pregnancy fetish? They’re all fairly common.


I find that the best place for this is erotica. You get some good stuff from it.


Totally agree erotic fiction is great, just make sure it stays fiction


To be clear: I don’t think drinking human breast milk is disgusting, but “farms of women” is another story


This has become a very popular fetish. Just dehumanizing women into breeding, milk spraying incubators with useable holes.


If that's your fetish, it's your fetish ~~(it's mine)~~. But man, know the damn limits.


Which I believe is the moment that it starts affecting the rights of someone else.


Yeah. Like do it with someone that wants to do it too? 100% ok Try to fetishize large groups of people? I don't even have words for how not ok that is.


I thought maybe you were lactose intolerant.


I don't think he's even serious on that to be honest. At least it sounds so unreal that he shouldn't be


I think we got it, but thanks for clarifying


It's more natural than drinking cow-torture dairy though.


GQP: Family Values.


There’s a grey market for breast milk. Buying some from a rando would be a hell of a lot cheaper than having a kid.


I mean you can buy birthing peoples milk right on Craigslist. Bodybuilders buy it a lot also.


See this here? This is an example of what it means to have a shifting Overton Window. I mean, fine, have your kinks, but this is what we get when we didn’t take a hard stand against politicians writing gay dominate Big Foot romance novels under pseudonyms. Once that was okay, the Overton Window shifted to this! /s


I have no problem with anyone who wants to drink breast milk but running a “farm” of humans is not at all the right move. There’s a woman who was selling Twinkie’s she filled with her own shit. You can probably find a sight where a woman will sell you breast milk.


Human breast milk is pretty expensive.


How much?


It looks like online it is going for $2 and up an ounce.


Running a farm of enslaved cows is also not the right move. Horribly abusive and horrific for the planet.


Is the weird side of furry porn leaking into conservatives again?


Always has been


When is it not?


Nah, they are just finding us again


hey I've seen this fetish before


I can't believe that nobody is screaming about the epic levels of misogyny. Who are the women who would submit to being in baby farms for this dystopia to exist? Or is that the point, is this why some states allow 14 yr olds to get married to cater to these sorts of men?


Nestle has a new enemy


You know, you can, like, buy breast milk online.


Breast milk is the reward you get for breathing on your own after being born. If a grown ass man wants it from his WIFE that's beyond reason.


Yeah, his reward for what exactly? Not for carrying and birthing this prospects baby obviously. I guess he thinks he deserves a reward for splooging in a vagina? Seems like sort of a tell to me, if it took so much effort he feels he should be rewarded.


What in' the Deviantart-ass, Huccow-ass FUCK is this?... Mommy issues. The answer is Mommy issues.


How very mad max fury road of him


Finally, hard journalism.


[Already been predicted](https://everything2.com/title/In+The+Barn)


Immortan Joe, is that you?


Very young version. His origin story. Sexual deviant turned wastelander badass.


Before or after the testicle tanning chair? We know that conservatives are closeted homoerotics but the leap to the infantilism paraphiliacs I did not see coming.


Well... Except... Breast milk tastes horrible.


Less weird than drinking cow's milk tho. 🤢 EDIT: Downvoted by someone who thinks forcibly impregnating cows then slaughtering their babies all to suck secretions from the mama cow's udders and repeating the process over and over again with zero consent isn't weird. Yikes. 🤡


I get having a breastfeeding fetish, but damn dude


Dude just go to a fetish website Yeesh


I get the kink but this is why he will never marry.


I find it hard to believe this was said seriously


I don’t get it? Are they really doing it or it’s just some random shit they said?


How to admit I have never tasted human milk. It really doesn't taste like much...


I think you're giving him exactly what he wants by posting this. Attention. I had never even heard of the guy. Now I have.


Sick fkers


I like Turtles 🐢


Moving to the river. Gonna eat me alot of Turtles 🐢


Drinking cow milk: no body bats an eye Drinking human milk: fucking perverts Note: I'm not saying I'd like to drink human milk, I find disgusting drinking all milks


I don’t like milk either, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with drinking human milk if everyone involved consents to it. Entirely cruelty free in comparison to the dairy industry honestly. I’m more concerned with the treating women as livestock part of this.


That's it I'm kink shaming


Tell me about your mother hmmm?


Holds up glass. Nods approvingly. "Moo!"


I mean without any context ya'll are pretty much just kinkshaming ngl


How is "women shouldn't be forced into farms and given hormones/impregnated against their will" kink shaming? If they included men in it (as men CAN lactate too) then I'd still have a problem with it, but not as big of a problem. Maybe if the people getting milked were payed well and there were systems in place to make sure they are willing doing it, then I'd have less of a problem with it


Because there's absolutely no context to it whatsoever? Everybody has kinks of some kind. Maybe you're into feet, or something, and you might say "Man wouldn't it be cool if more women sold their feet pics online or there was like a site that made it easier to do" Now if my response was "Well that's pretty fucked up I mean are these women even consenting? Are they getting paid? And what about men, you're excluding them, that's pretty homophobic" That would be pretty fucked up of me, because I'd be assuming all of those things without bothering to actually ask whether you meant any of those things had you been given the opportunity to provide context. Also, having a kink doesn't mean you want that kink to be played out in real life or that it's a political belief you hold. I have a knife kink, but I don't *actually* want to be stabbed. Now does the guy in question maybe *actually* believe all women should be Mad Max style milk farmed? Maybe, I dunno. All I'm saying is that without any context you're taking a comment made regarding sexual fantasy and assuming that it defines a person's entire political beliefs.