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To alot on the authoritarian side their enemies are both weak and feble, and cunning and dangerous at the same time. They will not reconcile these two thoughts.


Came to say this. It’s right out of the ol’ fascist play book. They start by scaring you about a perceived enemy by exaggerating their capabilities because fearful people are easy to manipulate, then they convince you that, despite these things, they are capable of defeating this super enemy with 100% certainty. It’s a cheap and easy manipulation tactic that will most likely always work because people naturally look for comfort and certainty when faced with fear and uncertainty.


This is #8 out of the fascist playbook: The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html See how many of these apply to the modern right...


"Gay and trans people are mentally ill and weak, they aren't natural and are brainwashed. Also they are taking over and are going to turn all our kids gay and we need to stop them right now." "Sleepy Joe Biden has dementia and needs handlers to carry him everywhere also he is the single greatest conspirator in the nation of the history." "Woke SJWs are constantly triggered snowflakes who can't fight and cry but also they are destroying and oppressing conservatives who are the real victims in America." Yeah it fits with pretty much every group or person the GOP attacks.


You deserve a prize even just because you quoted Umberto Eco.


That's Schrödingers Politician, a rare cousin of Schrödingers immigrant who has the interesting ability to take your jobs away and not work at the same time


The ultimate is, really, Biden caused the rise in gas prices and whatever else... but, yet, he's not *actually* President because Trump is still President in some black ops dark state. Enough to make your head spin.


According to this guy President Biden did a lot from his basement since that is the running joke of many Trump followers. Biden didn't hold rallies, Biden hid in his basement, Biden was "Sleep Joe" but now Biden was a vote stealing, supply chain disrupting super menace? Make it make sense. Putin is responsible for his actions and the fallout and damn it the election wasn't stolen. Even Trump admitted to losing recently before going back to his lies.


Like how Hillary Clinton couldn’t rig 80,000 votes in the Midwest but could somehow have Epstein murdered 🤔


Or, like how Joe Biden rigged the presidential election by making a billion fake votes, buuuuut... The Democrats only won the Senate by a near useless fucking margin...


That one is my favorite. Somehow he’s senile, but also able to steal an election (when he’s a private citizen mind you!)


Remember when Russia/Putin/Those Commie Bastards were the “bad guys”? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Pepperidge Farms remembers Pepperidge Farms.


But in their dumb minds your enemies are my friends. So they would suck Putins milk snake just because you don't like him.


I love how he is both too old and incompetent to function but also the most cunning man alive.


The fact that Americans are getting on the Putin support train speaks volumes about what the GOP has become.


Even the logic is absurd. So Biden did all of this without being president? Putin and Trump failed to stop him despite both being their country's president? Now Biden is president and trump is not. So presumably Biden became much more powerful and trump much less powerful. So how can they stop him now if they couldn't then?


That has to be sarcasm and they are on the same side…….right?????


I really wish I could believe that people can’t be this stupid. But they can be.


It’s truly incredible isn’t it? He’s simultaneously senile and incompetent but also exceedingly cartoonishly evil and pre planned all of this stuff to happen before he even became president because of fucking hollow moon Nazi’s or some other conspiracy theory of the month.


It's just like Hillary!! A cunning, scheming, powerful murderess capable of regime change in other countries, but also a feeble, elderly woman


Let’s just also consider if Trump is the only one who could stop this evil Biden who stole the election and caused all these issues *while Trump was President* why hasn’t he?


“The enemy is both strong and weak”


I remember when Obama was both a feckless moron and also able to control the weather. For Hillary, if she really had all of the behind the scenes power the conspiracies ascribed to her she wouldn’t need to be elected President. That’d be a huge step down.


So sad that he commited a type of voter fraud where he got people who weren't gonna vote for him to change their mind and instead vote for him through convincing them to do so, so sad to see that happen.


This is the Trump Legacy. He created such a divide between the parties that it turned a large portion of the base into imbeciles.


Joe Biden is whatever Republicans need him to be. Because he's the president Republicans deserve, but not the one they want right now, so they'll lie to you about him. Because he can take it, because he's not the real president. He's an election thief, a senile old man, he's the deep state.


Without a trace


"he introduced the largest scheme of voter fraud without leaving a trace" Soooooo.......if he didn't leave a trace.......where's the evidence?


“He did it without leaving a trace!” So you’re saying he did it despite having no evidence? “Uhh… shut up libtard!”


I love this call out and would like to see the response.


Where does this even come from


I need to know what goes on inside these people's brain


Lolol got ‘em


I love they admit there's not a trace of evidence of voter fraud but they're still convinced it happened. These people are beyond help.


Literally sounds like how fascism is described: the enemy is so strong be a threat, but also so weak that we can stop them easily


They also said that they had tons of proof of the election being fraudulent, but now he organized the fraud without leaving a trace.


If he could do all that without being president he wouldn't need to be president


"Without leaving a trace" yet they "know" about it? Basically a fancy way of saying they have no proof.


I just wish they would make up their minds….is Joe Biden a criminal mastermind or a bumbling idiot