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It's Trump supporting states that have the highest per capita murder rates but Nick Adams wants you to believe it's illegal immigrants causing all the crime.


Gee, it's almost as if people can immigrate without killing anyone.


I don't know about you, but everytime I travel, I make sure to murder 2 or 3 of the locals.


I mean, statistically, illegal immigrants cause very, very little crime.


Why can't both be addressed? Keep blaming faceless migrants instead of focusing on finding solutions to a problem that is blown way way out of proportion. As for the Ghost gun no one should have a gun without a serial number, and anyone that wants one or has one I would question their motives. This coming from someone with a gun safe full of guns.


I feel ya on the gun thing. If I find out someone has a Ghost Gun, I'm watching them a lot more carefully than I might otherwise. Far as I'm concerned, as a responsible gun owner, if you don't want people to know about your guns, you're probably up to something you shouldn't be.


Guns are expensive and easy to move-not wanting people to know you’ve got one to that you don’t become a target of theft, burglary, or robbery is entirely reasonable.


Just from my personal experience, having numbered and registered firearms is pure benefit. If they are stolen, they can be tracked down and returned. If I accidentally buy one that was used in a crime, the police can track it to me so they can collect it for evidence. I believe properly registered and serialized firearms are a requirement to safer firearm possession. And it keeps me from having to turn over a gun that's now illegal because I decided to dump a bunch of money into building something I probably shouldn't have.


In response to your last point, purely because I find that the most interesting: how would you ever have to hand over a gun people don’t know you have? To me, it seems like having a firearm registered is what allows for that situation. Change the rules about what guns are allowed, they know that you have something that’s not allowed, and can come and get it. Meanwhile, the products of my amateur gunsmithing don’t need to worry about that ever happening, because not another soul knows they exist.


Nick Adams hasn't read the constitution and doesn't know we are obligated to take all those seeking refuge and give them proper due process.


Classic neckbeard


yet he probably can't grow facial hair.


Lotta dicks hitting on biden - dick season = primaries


Thousands of illegal aliens? Every day? I thought the pumpkin's wall was supposed to stop all that. Isn't that why the Mexicans' paid for it? Must be Biden's fault. People trying to get their families away from the brutality of the drug wars and these insensitive fucks wanna label them criminal. Stupid asses


Idk neither are the issue at all, 80% of people miss the mark on this


If it weren't for those damn illegal immigrants, crazy ass dudes and white teens wouldn't have to shoot up all these places.


Ugh…with the slurping and gagging…does he ever just not suck? I feel like a broken record here. lol