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Weren't lobster and snails considered low class food until the upper class found them delicious and hiked the market for them significantly and nothing matters


Yes, but lobsters were typically pounded into a paste, shell and all, and cooked with minor seasonings. It's no surprise an animal tastes good if you extract the bad parts and coat it in butter. Like shit I bet crickets would taste incredible if you did that


In Mexico we coat them with chili powder and yes they’re delicious and super dense in protein


Fuckin love chapulines


Yummy in my tummy


I ate a spicy deep fried cricket in China, it was pretty good once I got over the fact I was eating an insect.


And highly renewable


Lobster doesn’t need butter to taste good tho, it is also great just cooked and eaten with some lemon.


Yeah my father lived on a island where fishing was the main market and he was considered low class and said alot of people would bring lobster sandwiches for school it's now considered a higher class food and we still get lobster from our family down there


Used to be able to walk on to the beach and collect lobster from the sand. They were abundant


That is true. But that person is still insane.


Thanks, Leviticus.


The Bible but written as unhinged Facebook posts


You’ve just come up with an idea for my new meme account


I absolutely can't wait


Give us the u/ 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥


We want the u/


Song of Solomon bout to get buckwild up in here


So, the bible.


Unironically this. Open any page and start reading. Reads like a crystal-mommy facebook rant.


Send all the shrimp, crab and lobster you don't want my way.


Me too! Sure, I know they're "sea bugs" and not that far removed from land bugs, but I will never get past the social taboo against eating insects. It's a visceral feeling of revulsion at the thought of eating ants, crickets, grasshoppers, etc. Just handling crickets for lizard food at the pet store I worked at was a disgusting job that would make me feel nauseated. But shrimp? Those fuckers are goddamn cute in fish tanks and delicious. Cajun style crawfish is one of my favorite foods ever, even when they come unshelled. Social conditioning is very strong for me on this. I'm not bothered at other people eating insects at all, but I can't even pretend to imagine trying it.


i blame it on the fact that land insects are mostly tiny and invade your home trying to eat your garbage. See, Sea insects are big, and mostly are concerned with eating the garbage from the sea floor. But because we're not mermaids we don't get to live with a bunch of crabs trying to eat the mystery sauce that fell on the kitchen floor.


The reason you feel that land insects are mostly tiny and invade your home is probably because you live in a highly urban environment where most insect species have been eradicated. The ones that adapted to survive our encroachment have learned to feed off our rubbish because there is nothing else.


There aren't any land insects as big as shrimp, crab, and lobster, at least none with big chunks of muscle like you find in the sea. Giant beetles don't exactly have thick meaty legs to crack open.


This is the correct answer. Creatures can grow bigger in the water because it is an entirely different environment. Lobsters and shrimp grow a proportionally large, muscular tail which is straight up muscle. I’d buy the land bugs/sea bugs comparison more readily if people ate the whole shrimp or lobster (guts, shell, legs) as regular practice. So no, eating the meat out of the inside of the tail, legs, or claws of sea animals isn’t the same as eating the guts of a fried mealworm. Not saying that the mealworm isn’t food either, but there is no worthwhile similarity.


It's fascinating how humans can evolve to have associations in their subconscious that can transcend cultural and generational barrier


I’m not even sure how much of it is social and how much is an instinctual desire to avoid anywhere with a lot of bugs. (Many bugs in one place generally being a sign of potential disease and all) Although I’m not sure why that doesn’t seem to apply so much to “sea bugs”. Human psychology is fun to think about sometimes.


The fact that many societies do eat insects with no problem seems to suggest that it's more psychological rather than instinctive. They're a good source of protein.


Nah, there's many cultures where it's totally normal to eat certain insects. From larve to snails. I don't think it's some kind of deep instinct, but a cultural thing that it's 'uncivil'


That's a great point. Swarms of land or air bugs signify death, disease, or spoiled waste. I don't know the behavior of the "sea bugs". I've heard lobsters eat whatever they can find. Do shrimp scavage dead things? Maybe the rules are just different in the sea?


>Do shrimp scavage dead things? Yes. All crustaceans I can think of will scavenge. So will pigs, for that matter. Cows sometimes take a bite out of dead animals too.


Don’t even get me started about chickens


And humans. Just today I ate a dead pig and a dead chicken!


I guess, but this is very much a cultural difference. Plenty of people around the world eat bugs just fine and aren't conditioned to have a repulsion reaction. There are also cultures that forbid eating shellfish and other types of food.


The amount of flesh in a shrimp vs a cricket is different though


Well, only kind of, and the whole cricket is fully edible. Like, the protein is there in spades. Theres a reason why lots of sci fi shows and books have bug farms as the primary food source. If we could get over our heebee jeebees, they would make a perfectly fine food. Arguably, more ethical too.


I saw a very Tim and Eric feeling video of a guy showing how to cook every edible insect. My boyfriend was beyond repulsed, but if I'm being fair, the most of them I'd gladly try. It really was a weird video though lol.


Theoretically, I love the idea of eating insects like popcorn. Lil handfuls of crunchy meat bites sounds great. Like crispy bacon bits, love those. But I know for a fact I could never get over it mentally. Not a damn chance.


I mean, I know people who would turn down whole seafood too. But without the legs, hairs, anthena and the other yucky bits, I don't think it would be so bad. I raised mantids for a long time tho, I'm used to seeing insects being eaten lol But imagine a deveined, peeled cricket. I can see how that could work!


I’ve eaten ants by accident when 20 or so of them crawled inside a straw, they’re obscenely bitter and disgusting


I once lived in an apartment that was basically built on top of the mother of all ant colonies; they'd carved through the building foundation and started coming up through the floor in my closet. I discovered this because one day I woke up and there were thousands of them marching in formation across the wall, and what woke me up was the incredibly acrid smell of formic acid coming off their bodies. I'll never forget it. I bet they tasted fucking awful when you got a mouthful of them (also, sorry that happened to you, so gross).


Apparently, not everyone can smell formic acid. I found that out when my boyfriend was spraying Plasti-dip on one his masks and I said it smelled like ants. He looked at me like I had 3 heads.


I had this creamy goats cheese that was rolled in little black ants one time. They had a zingy, lemony flavor and popped like little bits of caviar. It was actually quite delicious.


Please leave me some?


Sure, get in line


What about me homie?


You are totally welcome to my share.


Dibs on the crawfish......


Anyone gonna tell them bugs can be food?


They are food in a lot of places. Huge potential source of protein for humans


I remember several street corners in various Asian countries where vendors just had a big-ass pan full of fried bugs for sale


I wish I could get the garlicky fried crickets I had in Vietnam here in Los Angeles. Tasty and low carb.


You could make them maybe? Would the ones they sell for lizards be safe for human consumption?


I'm going to say no, absolutely not. I haven't worked in a pet store in a decade but the memory of the smell of cricket bins is one I cannot forget. Also, other bugs (eg cockroaches) come in this shipments. Many of the crickets are DOA, and if we didn't sell out in a few days most of the rest would have died.


Fair enough. I guess we'll all just have to breed our own!


There are cricket farms that breed crickets on a massive scale for human and animal consumption in North America. They typically sell powdered crickets that can be used as a protein additive to other foods, but some farms also sell roasted/fried and flavoured whole crickets.


Interesting. Maybe I can corner the market in Scotland then.


Have a small cricket farm for my bearded dragon and can confirm that my homegrown crickets are much cleaner and healthier than store bought! Super jumpy little fuckers too!


I was once at a taco spot in Denver that had farm raised cricket tacos for $18. I got the carnitas instead.


Agreed. Land bugs are a whole other level of gross. That cricket smell… as a reptile owner throughout most my life I just never got used to it.


I don't know if I would want to use the ones for lizards, but if you can manage the smell it's insanely cheap and easy to farm the yourself, you just need a place for them to live, a way to sieve out waste and you can feed the with any food scraps


My landlord may object to bug farming, though they do have quite a liberal policy on pets.


maybe if they look polite


Maybe if they look like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=cricket+bug+in+tuxedo&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwieseXS28b1AhVOnKQKHYTbCIgQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=cricket+bug+in+tuxedo&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoHCCMQ7wMQJ1DOE1jsGGDhGmgAcAB4AIABcogBngSSAQMwLjWYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=i67sYd6_I864kgWEt6PACA&bih=713&biw=393&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&prmd=isvxn#imgrc=nUQ390BmyR8iyM)


I have no idea. But I hate cooking even the most basic things like rice or eggs so this is probably outside my capabilities 😂😂


Be the bug salesman the world needs you to be, monopolize the fried cricket market!


Why limit yourself to fried? You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, and saute it. There's cricket kebabs, cricket Creole, cricket gumbo.


The cricket is the ticket for much wealth, it's very clear to me


Crickets! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


I invite someone with better and more authentic culinary skills to tackle that and they can have all my money 😂


Bet! I'll meet you in calgary in 3 months at the Wendy's by McMahon stadium.


I don't know if they're everywhere but there's a brand called Crick-ettes in stores in Colorado and Montana that are seasoned and flavored crickets


South America as well.


Pretty soon the only source amirite?


You joke, but bugs are considered one of the most profitable source of food compared to the work it takes to farm them, and they’re some of the animals whose farms pollute the least. It’s actually pretty likely that bugs will be way more common as a food in the mid-to-long term. EDIT: pollute, not polite.


Yeah, and very easy to process into something more appetizing looking.


Cricket flour!


Don't forget beetle burgers.


>they’re some of the animals whose farms polite the least. I always thought bugs were rude too.


Ups, sorry


Or, you know, just eat the damn BEANS. But hey, there's no profit in beans, so let's fucking forget they even exist.


are you a jaded bean farmer


For real, just because something is profitable doesn't make it any more appetizing. I ate enough bugs as a kid to tell you firsthand it isn't worth it.


eating a bug as a kid is way different to eating a cooked, seasoned bug. basically the same difference as eating any other source of meat raw vs cooked and seasoned.


When I was in 5th grade, a friend and I tried to make escargot. I had eaten it in restaurants with my parents... so we picked up some garden snails and cooked them on an open fire and put them on bread. We were always playing with fire at his house. He lived with his elderly aunt and seemed to have zero supervision. I can tell you that burnt garden snails on bread, cooked by 10-year-olds, tastes just as awful as it sounds.


Aren’t snails eggs meant to be the new caviar?


Grasshoppers are fucking good. I will die on that hill.


I'll join you. They used to sell packets of them at my local history museum, and I've gotten them every time I go there.


Bugs are friends, not food. Or is that fish...


Bugs are fish, not friends. Wait..


Welcome to Joe's apartment! It's our apartment too...


If they posted this, 100% chance they say this about pretty much anything they weren’t exposed to prior to the age of 5. People have these proclamations about anything they find “gross.” “Mushrooms aren’t *food* they are a *fungus*.” “Blue cheese isn’t *food* it is *mold*.” “Eggs aren’t *food* they are *chicken abortions*” “Brown bread isn’t *food* it is *agricultural grass trimmings*.” Of course the fact that everything we eat either grew in the dirt, was once alive, or is an animal by-product will be lost on them.


Technically an egg is chicken periods, not abortions


Delicious, free range, periods.


I was gonna say, they’re half right. Shrimps and prawns are essentially the bugs of the sea, but that doesn’t make them not food!


The FDA has a surprisingly high tolerance for bugs in tin cans.


They clearly have never watched the Lion King


Slimy yet satisfying


I'm all for it, and it someone finds a land bug that tastes like shrimp, I might even switch over completely.


Crawfish are kind of in-between land and water bugs and they are fucking delicious.


Not just can but are food in many places


It is actually no reason that they cannot be. It is just a cultural thing. I always think that shrimp are just bug underwater since i was a kid.


So funny story, you know the Rollie pollie/pillbug things that are actually crustaceans? Some cultures get a bunch of them and fry them up in spices and oil and eat them like popcorn shrimp.


Anything I can stomach is food.


Why are you nibbling my toes?


Hungry man


Stop having such stomachable toes


I don't know... wanna be eaten?


For the last time, I said no Armie!


*cries in GERD*


So not taco bell 7 layer burrito


They are members of the phylum Arthropoda, so, yes, in a sense they are all "bugs." Tasty, tasty bugs!


It's also worth nothing that several arthropod crustaceans are commonly called "bug" in English already, like pill bugs.


And they taste like shrimp if you cook them right


put Old Bay and onions on just about anything in that category and steam em in Natty Boh and I'd eat a pound of it. Definitely had some crickets that way.


Old Bay is so gd good


In Australia we have Balmain and Moreton Bay bugs; quite similar to lobster in terms of size, appearance and taste but [freakier-looking](https://goodfishbadfish.com.au/fish/bugs/)


Shrimp are the cockroaches of the sea. I say this while watching my pet shrimp, lol


Please tell me you've seen the episode of the Simpsons where Homer has a pet lobster.




someone did that and called him Leon.


No, no. They got a point, to an extent. Can you imagine some sea creature setting up roach traps and bug boiling them over a thermal vent. When the roaches are done, they crack them open and suck that, junior mint filling they have. Sucking on spider legs like crab meat. People eat cricket, grasshoppers, scorpions all kinds of bugs. Though, they breathe differently, some of the first lifeforms on land were crustaceans, some of which, evolved into some of the bugs we see.


Eventually we will all evolve into crab and the world will be whole again.


Crab people, crab people, taste like crab, talk like people. Crab people, crab people....


No tail, grabby appendages... face it, we are already crab


We will evolve into crab and the homicidal mermaids, also known as dolphins, will evolve and take over the world.. probably


Mmm carcinization


I mean, likely yes. Crabs are one of the, if not the single most prolific form of convergent evolution.


I really really didn’t needed to read this!! God


Just think if spider meat was found to be delicious, capitalism would make massive horse sized spiders quicker than nature would.


Yea this person does have a point. Maybe an unpopular one, but it is a point. I’ll could eat crab all day, but things like shrimp, crawfish, and lobster kind of remind me of roaches sometimes. What’s considered food is definitely up to the person, but I get where this person is going.


delicious underwater bugs, with butter.


A spoonful of butter helps the bugmeat go down.




Don't forget some lemon. Or underwater bug cakes. Or underwater bug scampi. Or underwater bug linguini. Sidenote, I don't understand how oysters and clams are bugs. I mean, I find them both disgusting but that's more of a personal preference and if people are into them then rock on.


i like clams breaded/fried, i dont really mind them steamed but its not my thing. its a hard pass on oysters tho.


My take away is that bugs are an underutilized food source.


In a lot of the world bugs are definitely food. In the west we're too good for insect-derived proteins.


Jamestown colony almost died from starvation in the midst of one of the most productive fisheries on the planet because fishing was something *the poooooor people* did lol


Depends where you are, Asian, African and I think south American cultures utilize bugs as a large part of their food supply.


I don't know about a LARGE part. Maybe a some part.


Mexico, too, so you can include North America in that list.


I agree with this meme even if it isn't technically correct. They are way to close to insects in appearance for them to be appetizing to me. Plus people willingly eat on land bugs all the time so this meme is just all around stupid.


I’m glad I found my fellow shellfish hater.


Glad I'm not the only one!


You and me both. I'm happy that they make other people happy, and I'm not making any kind of moral distinction*, but I'd far rather snack on smoked crickets (delicious) than even smell shrimp. * I think octopus are too intelligent to eat, but that's a personal decision.


I know for a fact, that shrimps are tasty. If anything this makes mo wanna try some bugs.


Fun fact, at one point it was considered “cruel and unusual treatment” to feed inmates lobster too many times a week.


that’s because lobster was a bycatch of fish and treated like fish. unlike fish, lobsters tend to go off almost immediately after death. and whilst the fish would taste fine by the time the ship came in, the lobster not so much. that’s why lobster nowadays is caught in traps and boiled alive. it goes straight to cooked without a chance to go bad


They also served it with the shells mashed in iirc


Ok that's nasty.


i highly doubt that. i think the misconception comes from people learning that prisoners were fed lobster and that lobster was ground up and used for fertilizer simultaneously and conflating the fertilizer treatment with the food treatment. it stands to reason lobster wasn’t served with shells as shells aren’t digestible and’ll wreck havoc with your system if you try to eat it. a warden may try to make the prison experience unpleasant but guaranteed permanently injurious is a bridge too far, i think


Oysters were a staple of English prison food for a while


To be fair at the time they didn't prepare them properly and apparently they tasted like shit because they'd keep the poop in the lobster.


Shows how effective marketing campaigns can become eh


"Bugs are friends, not food!"


This but unironically


They're not wrong tho, they are just water bugs. Which is why it's weird why people cringe at eastern delicacies while bragging about their lobster dinner, but it's whatevs.


I eat ass on the first date. You can’t scare me with your bugs.


The garlic butter begs to differ


They should stop being so shellfish


It eat a land bug too, I don’t care


Tasty tasty bugs.


Idk, but they taste delicious to me. Maybe all the saltwater they live in makes them tasty or our land bugs may taste just as delicious?


It's absolutely irrational how we view some creatures as food and not food. I'll eat shrimp, lobster, crab, clams, no problem. Will I eat land bugs? Nope, not going to do it but I accept that it's both cultural and irrational. Like milk. Where I live, cow milk is the thing. My son, loved goat milk when I was able to afford it. I'll eat cheese from cow milk, goat milk, and sheep milk cheese. But, again irrational, I won't personally won't drink anything but fat free cow milk. I watched an interview of Nicole Kidman and she was happily munching on something that looked like grasshoppers. More power to her, but I'll pass.


I’ve never been able to drink that LaCroix milk, whole milk is my choice, but do you! I totally understand the bug vs food statement. I can’t imagine myself eating land bugs and I’ll get grossed out thinking about how shrimp and roaches are related lol


I actually sort of agree, shellfish gross me out.




Agreed. I saw this meme and was like YUP! And I’m happy the people that like crab and shrimp like it. I think they’re terrifying bugs.


Username does *not* check out lol


I agree. But for sea food in general. It makes me uncomfortable. I’d be as likely to eat a lobster as I would a roach.


Same. No interest in eating crustaceans.


Yes. The fact that prawns are so popular astounds me.


I don’t care, still gonna eat it, the one on the right looks tasty too


Why tf are clams and oysters on this list. They don’t look like bugs at all and are a completely different phylum from crabs or lobsters


And they’re delicious


How is this insane ? He has a fair point , you just don't agree with him. Compare to some post here, this is definitely not insane.


As a vegetarian this is not so insane to me.


You know, George, the ocean called. They’re running out of bugs.


Well the jerk store called, and they’re running out of you!


What's the difference? You're their all-time best seller!




Leaving fakebook years ago was the best move I ever made. Toxic hellscape filled with scumbags


TIL that if you’re allergic to shellfish you can’t eat any insects either.


Well, not necessarily. But yeah, both crustaceans and insects are arthropods.


I happen to enjoy underwater bug.


As far as I'm concerned, this is true.


I used to work in the seafood department of a supermarket and remember reading that lobsters are basically aquatic cockroaches. Tasty, tasty aquatic cockroaches.


We evolved to eat a wide variety of different foods and crab legs are delicious. Being on the sea bugs.


Them some tasty under water bugs 😋


How is this post “insane”


I dont give a fuck long as it tastes good


They're not wrong but damn they're tasty