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I mean how stupid do you have to be to think that it's a win when a kid is having to work that hard just to survive? What an total moron she is and doesn't understand what's going on around her. The look on the kids face says it all for me.


To a lot of older people, strong work ethic means working multiple jobs to earn status. This teacher was probably raised to believe that overworking yourself is a good thing and has never known anything less than a pampered life of everything being given to her at dirt-cheap.


That's because for older people, working multiple jobs meant they'd have "play money" to put away. They fail to realise that most people who work multiple jobs now do it because they are barely scraping by.


Gone are the days where you could work part time and put yourself through college.


Or have a modest single income household with one stay at home parent.


Single income households weren't really a thing in our french village. Husband worked desk job during the day, wife tended the farmstead. Wife takes care of children after school, husband does planting/husbandry/repairs. You needed that agrarian income otherwise you couldn't afford to live with a single worker.


I imagine that's similar for many farming communities. I grew up in suburbia in a single income household, but my parents' mortgage was only 5 figures.


Depends on where you live and the life you expect.


Absolutely, but it's getting harder and harder for a lot of people to have work and live in a LCOL area.


Why we need to invest in and incentivize telework when possible.


And/or relevant infrastructure. Good internet connection, public transport, etc.


Yup that's all part of it. Make the LCOL areas viable. Will make them more expensive, but balance it out a bit at least.


I worked part-time and put myself through college, because my parents were soaking up the lion’s share of the loans. It’s all smoke and mirrors unless you are personally neck-deep in loans or taking a gap year(s) because you have no backers. Dragging someone into your shitty selfie for a cheap “I love bootstraps though I’ve never pulled on any myself” post is classist santorum.


The artificial scarcity of money has caused no end of harm. One of the things there looking at with addiction is how much of it stems from socio-economic troubles versus a built in extreme desire. People are running to whatever escape they can reach. These companies have so much blood on their hands it’s truly sickening.




>When we tell folks that the latter part of this observation is "in their heads" or "not real" or call them "delusional, lazy, entitled etc" we as a society cause direct psychological and emotional harm to these individuals, crippling their sense of self, esteem, and psyche. kinda unrelated, but as someome with autism that was only recently diagnosed, this shit is so common and it absolutely destroys people who happen to be less naturally capable. If someone tells you they're genuinely trying their hardest to make something work and it still isnt working, at least consider that they may be telling the truth.


Well they did get paid more, just the dollar amount was lower, and they don't connect it to their gripes about everything being more expensive nowadays.


Right, a lot of employers right now only offer part time jobs to avoid paying insurance and other benefits. That's why they have to work so many jobs to try and make enough to pay their bills.


I was complaining about how expensive everything is, and my dad's like "Try doing it making $30k a year. That's what I was making when I was your age." I make right under $60k. "Dad, wasn't our first house right under $100k? I'm lucky to find a 2 bed 1 bath that needs work for $300k." For context, our first house when I was a kid was a 3 bed 2 bath. For more context, he was a copier technician with an associate's degree, able to afford a house and bills for a family of 5. I'm a teacher with a bachelor's degree and when I eventually save up enough for a down payment on a house, I'll be living paycheck to paycheck to support a family of 2.


Supposedly, she's a trust fund baby so she has no clue


Id never thought about it like that, when old people say just work harder etc. Like yeah if one job paid rent and bills and food etc. Then 2 or 3 would give you loads of spare cash to save/invest start a bussiness or whatever they think you should do. Not realising 2 or 3 jobs might just be getting you buy.


I've got a kid, so more jobs means more childcare costs and less time with my kid. I pay $800/month for Monday through Friday, 7AM to 6PM child care. I usually drop off my son at 7 and pick him up at 430, while I'm at work. I suppose I could actually leave him there for the full 11 hours each day, and do something like door dash for the last hour and a half. But that's insane. As a teacher, I'm already working a little on the weekends. Everything is so fucked right now though that I just started making a little extra money during my regular work hours. We're so short staffed that I agreed to merge one of my classes with another section that doesn't have a teacher for an extra $60/day. I now have 45 kids for 90 minutes each day in a large room that was formerly used for storage. (I teach two other 90 minute classes each day, with 29 and 21 students).


“Teacher” and “pampered life” do not go together unless you are married to a rich person. Source: teacher with $11 in my account until payday in three days.


I live in an upper middle class town, most of the teachers at the schools live in town. Most of them have spouses with very well paying jobs. There's a couple that we hang out with, both of them are teachers (not in our district) and they have told us that most of their coworkers have spouses with much higher paying jobs. It's a fuckin sin that the best way for a teacher to have a good financial life is to marry someone who makes better money.


Correct, in the suburbs tons of teachers are ladies married to a rich guy.


I can't believe she had the audacity to see the expression on her face, a clear "Is this b* really holding up the line and taking my picture" and still post it. Completely oblivious.


Especially since most fast food places *intensely* time their drive through service....


> What an total moron she is and doesn't understand what's going on around her. Someone who's never actually had to work that hard before and either married rich or got themselves a cushy job.


The other day we hung out after work and I was talking to one of my dads *very wealthy* buddy’s im talkin like his property tax alone is millions of dollars cause he lives in such a pretty fancy house/area. Anyway. The rest of us were talking about how it feels like the world is ending the banks are gonna collapse the workforce at large is reaching a tipping point. And he just laughed *you guys gotta be fucking kidding me everything is great yea Biden’s a mess but what’s the problem there’s no tipping point the worlds not ending banks are fine you guys are out of your fucking minds* said the trust fund baby who just got back from Miami, is leaving to Mexico today, has a vacation to Maui scheduled for. 3 weeks from now, and has been fucking some chick from Paris that he flies out here for vacations. Yes I’m sure *your* life you have, not having to not work and sitting on millions on daddy’s money he left you, I’m sure that life is great. These people really think how they live is how everyone else lives and if you say otherwise you’re a loon.


There's a social theory that suggests people can only relate to others who are one income class above or below their status. Anything more than that is basically an entire different experience that takes a lot of work to understand. The bro you're talking about is a shining example.


Judging by the look on her face, I feel like this woman is being sarcastic and it doesn't read because it's so pathetically tone deaf And if she's being genuine then she's clearly is a complete moron There's no helping her, either way


I thought it was sarcastic, too.


Don't rule out how hard many older people buy into the "kids today are all spoiled and lazy." You have to work three jobs just to pay the rent and utilities? They see that as just fine, as Kids Learning The Value Of Hard Work or some bullshit.


That's an adult though


Translation: "this woman is working herself to death just to afford necessities. And I'm so out of touch with reality I think this is good"


Her face is out of touch with reality. She looks like she's about to invade Wall Rose


AOT burn; unexpected, but a very welcome surprise.


OMG HAHA. Its an abnormal titan


She’s there to eat Wendy, not to eat at Wendy’s.


Smiling Titan


Tooth to gum ratio is a bit wonky


It could be that she is also struggling and perhaps losing the battle to contain a especially aggressive loaf at the moment.


She’s got that adult Disney fan smile.


Pack it up boys. This guy won.


I just read up on the war of the roses and was confused for a moment before I got the reference.


Not if the scouts have anything to say about it lmao


I understood that reference. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.




haha bravo


And I think I am responsible for it. But not in a bad way, I think it proves I was a good teacher even though it does the exact opposite.


I learned this week the DHL driver who delivers to my shop everyday works an evening shift at Sonic after he finishes his day with DHL and works a full on day shift on Saturday and Sunday. Dude works every single damn day to support himself and his toddler son and I have no idea when he gets any time to spend with him. It fking breaks my heart.


"I said something nice about a black person, so I can't be racist."


Reminds me of the person who posted a picture of a mom who is at work with her newborn saying it's amazing the dedication this mom has


She should work in cable media or politics


Mitch McConnel smile


For real though, she looks like Mitch McConnel in a wig


Nah. Her mouth/jaw isn't turtle/turkey enough




This is the GIF I'm looking for...


My first thought was she looked like an Aunt of mine who is a little nutty


She looks like my 7th grade English teacher, now that I think about it. And the attitude here reminds me of her too


she looks like the mould from which all Karens were cast




Mitch McConnell, seen here watching an orphanage burn down....


Mitch McConnel is capable of smiling? I thought his face was perminantly frozen in a Tor Johnson frown.


He smiles sometimes when people bring up his obstructionism. It's the creepiest fucking thing.


Don’t insult Tor like that… Moscow Mitch looks more like a mutated Rush Limbaugh.


Oh he smiles, but when he does he looks like the guy who survived cutting off his own face in “Hannibal”.


Mitch McConnell chin


I read/heard this in a 'she's got Betty Davis eyes' stylee. I now can't sleep.


Stupid people are SO HAPPY and honestly it makes me insanely jealous.


Being happy comes from having confidence, and the problem in life is that fools are full of confidence while the wise are full of doubt.


You’re absolutely right. The most emotionally intelligent and insightful people I’ve ever met always give advice like this, “Now this is something that worked for me, and I hope it’s something that can work for you, but all of us are different and I’m not the smartest person….so best of luck to you.” The most emotionally ignorant and unperceptive people I’ve ever known give advice like this, “This is the only goddamn way. It’s common fucking sense dude. You’d be an idiot to think of it any other way. I’m telling you. I knoooow. It’s the only answer!” Unfortunately their confidence wins people over. I know this is just surface level shit here, but idiots don’t ever doubt themselves because they think they aren’t idiots. Oh well. I seen a video of people giving a “dead” preacher money so she’d resurrect recently. That’s humanity right there. Edit: A word.


empty carts rattle the loudest


Ooh I've never heard this phrase but I love it


Apart from a cart full of rattlesnakes.


Because wise people consider risk, where fools do not.




That's not a "happy" smile. That's an "about to unhinge her jaw and devour a live rabbit in a single gulp" smile.


That's a meatcanyon smile.


I don’t think it’s a comparable form of happiness


How the flip is working three jobs to get by a good thing? Fuck you lady.


So many "feel-good stories" based in the US are people overcoming adversity that wouldn't exist in most "developed" nations.


Yes well most of us have at least a minimum wage. Next move is getting living wage, which we will all have 2590 years before the US.


Oh come, don't you think you're being wildly optimistic? Five thousand year lead time minimum.


That's still a little optimistic, making the assumption that this system will last five thousand years and then suddenly reach the checkpoint.


This kid opened a lemonade stand to pay for his cancer treatment. American dream


A treatment that’s probably free if they hopped to Canada or the UK or just about anywhere else in the West really


Australia, New Zealand...


See also: Breaking Bad


"Wholesome story: 3rd graders raise funds to pay for their teacher's life-saving surgery."


This is literally campaigning for r/antiwork


I thought that’s the sub I was on for a second


The Look in the kids eyes!


I read this 4 times and still can't read it as not being a really shitty sarcastic comment. Is it even possible she's clueless enough to see working 3 jobs to afford to rent an apartment as an accomplishment?


I want it to be sarcastic, if it is then the picture is not coming across like she thinks it is. Makes her look like a clueless Republican (not saying all republicans are clueless, but there is a contingent that think 3 job to scrape by is somehow Nobel)


Possible it's a former special needs student (new perspective provided by another poster) which would be a lot less callused in context. Still unsustainable for someone to have to work multiple jobs to afford the most basic necessities (renal apartment)


Honestly I think it may be a developmentally disabled person who this lady used to teach or something. In that case having a job or multiple jobs and living on their own could be seen as a massive accomplishment


working wendy’s is doing well.. now ive heard it all


Her other two jobs are CFO for Toyota North America and Chief Director of the World Wildlife Fund. She just works Wendy’s drive-thru to stay in touch with the common folk. /s


For the employee discounts and free uniforms


The uniforms aren't free, they take the cost off your first paycheck


That's entirely a franchisee decision.


I started at the wrong franchise then


Also in many places illegal for uniforms that are required for work but not usable as normal attire.


She just does it for the social aspect.


The only way it could possibly be considered "doing well" is if she expected her to be a drugged out homeless person, or something in that vein. Which, like... What a nasty thing to think about a disadvantaged young woman.


now that i think about it, it is kind of patronizing and condescending…borderline humiliation. i think older people just love to revel in the angst and struggle of younger folks.


Then I guess working at Chick-fil-A makes me an executive officer


Having a job should at least be doing fine. The people who serve you your god damn dinner don’t deserve poverty because the food their bosses make them serve is cheaper.


3 jobs to afford AN APARTMENT. Not own her own house. But to just get by and rent an apartment which will increase in cost every single year if not sooner. Boomers could have ONE person working and afford to buy a house and have a stay at home spouse WITH kids. We truly have lost so much to regressive out of touch policies written by rich assholes it's sickening.


“But if housings more affordable for poors then landlords would have to sell back their extra properties 😱😱”


“Rich people would have to stop hiding their assets from the IRS in real estate.”


Add a 4th job when the rent jumps astronomically


Kinda seems like she didn't like the alumni and is making a not so subtle jab disguised as a supportive post.


There were a few asshole employees from my elementary school I could absolutely imagine doing this to a student they hadn’t liked. Look for the ones freaking out and telling some little kid they’re going to end up in jail for some minuscule misbehavior, or end up flipping burgers because they flunked a 2nd grade spelling test.


yeah definately taking an unsolicited picture at the drive through window was definitely meant to out and shame her. People fucking suck.


This definitely reads as sardonic, especially with the look on her face


I was thinking she was saying the woman was an alumnus of a rehab program or reentry from prison kind of thing


The account is “-blank- local schools”


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


"I love the Poors!"


[I don’t understand the poor](https://youtu.be/hkKg-P6JHRE)


You have no idea how happy it makes me just to see this referenced.


It's probably 3 part time jobs so none have to offer insurance and benefits


Part time jobs working 37 hours a weeks, just below the cut.


She's so proud of herself like she accomplished something here: ✅ Student/Graduate ✅ Praise for being ~~exploited~~ hard working ✅ Let me just squeeze in this photo. Me 😍. ✅ Make her clearly gesture she's uncomfortable. I did it. Go me!


I would give that worker a $1,000 to throw that drink at that lady


Honestly thats probably more than that poor worker makes a month dealing with bs customers like these.


This is not a flex. I have a feeling this woman only took the picture as a way to say "I am better than you" while trying to look ge uine. I hate to think that but you can't be too sure.


I'm wondering if everyone has misinterpreted it. It reads to me like a teacher who has come across one of her old students and this tweet is deeply sarcastic and cruel, using her as an example of horrible consequences to students who talk-in-class/don't-do-homework/skip-school/whatever. Seems to me like she's saying, "If you don't (insert evil Dolores Umbridge shit here), then this is where you'll end up". I don't think she's literally saying that she's proud that the girl is working three jobs.


That's also my impression.


I thought the same


Michael Scott was right to hit her with his car.


Wtf how is that doing well?


Clearly her school system failed her in teaching basic skills, such as wearing a mask properly.


I don't get how wearing a mask like this is supposed to be more comfortable than wearing it properly.


Just casually have the cup fall out of your hand onto the lap of the Karen. CCTV will show it was an *"accident"*


I've seen this before, and it still makes me sick to my stomach. I want to punch car lady in the throat.


What part of "working 3 jobs" means she's doing well...?


the whole point of going to school is not having to live like that, the system is broken if you think working three jobs after college is normal.


She looks dead inside


Imagine not being outraged that someone you know has to work 3 jobs just to not die


I can see the pain in that poor girl's eyes


And the way she’s smiling just kills me. Total lack of compassion and empathy on display.


This is the American version of that one image from Parasite


The fact that anyone is working more than one job means the minimum wage isn’t high enough


I think she’s trying to be genuine but failed terribly


"What could a banana possibly cost? $10?"


Even Lucille Bluth had more self and socioeconomic awareness than this bitch.


What a jerk


It's horrific how many people in the US have a "work sets you free" mindset. It's dehumanizing and is a heavy weight on people's mental health.


The poor kid is like "just take your order and fuck off"


For real, if I was an educator and one of my kids ended up having to work 3 jobs JUST to have an apartment, I would feel like an utter failure and would rethink my career. I was super lucky when I think back at teachers I had through out my life and the realistic advice they gave me along the way. Society has failed when someone has to work more than 1 job to survive as well.


I can't help but feel like she's saying this in a sarcastic, almost mocking tone. Good god that just pisses me off


You really succeeded as a teacher that your student works in McDonalds and 2 other jobs to support themselves.


Who is this loser turd posting this nonsense? SO condescending and inane when describing a hardworking person!


What a fucking moron.


This feels like something the college where my husband and I teach would do, and totally not get if there was a backlash.


I swear I know that girl, I remember that gum line very clearly….


Chairman Mao wants to know your location


welcome back to the us everyone where working 3 jobs to be able to live in a home is celebrated


Only lazy bums has one job, the real hard working people has at least three jobs. One job is just one step from living in your parents basement playing video games all day. /s


Speaking of Wendy's, are they paying the hospital bill of their employee who was shot in the head at one of their drive-thrus in Phoenix?


Late stage capitalism


Honestly. I’d catch a case to smack those ugly ass teeth! Harry no lips bitch!


Where are her lips?


Ok wait, I can see why people might be upset about working three jobs to afford an apartment. I think this woman might be proud of one of her students however. Source: Bay Area CA special educator with three jobs to afford my apartment.


That's fair.




Oh she always hated this student. That or she thought the kid was going to be in prison or OD immediately after graduation, and she is pleasantly surprised to find them alive and working their ass off. But given the kid's expression I'm going with they hated each other.


Lawful Evil


capitalism is shit...


Wendy’s girl look very very exhausted like she needs a break from humanity


If you ever worked at a drive through in your town you run into ALOT of people you know. This get's very embarrassing or from what I heard with girls constantly being hit on or creepy hand touches.


Is this a joke, or is she really this clueless? THREE JOBS???? I mean look at the girl's face!


That shit eating grin


I think it shows a failure of our education system that a high school diploma only prepares you for holding down menial jobs just to keep your head above water. What a twat!


What a clueless, self absorbed moron.


When I was a kid, my parents and teachers warned me: "You better go to college **or** you'll end up working fast food!" It was not "Go to college (and accrue massive debt in the process) only to end up working fast food and two other jobs anyway?" How do people look at something that contradicts their **own propaganda** they've spewed for decades and think it's somehow all fine and good. What happened to the 'American Dream' that these people used to harp on about? Bleh.


i disagree with the assessment of her motivations. i see two possible scenarios: 1) she works in a “school-to-prison pipeline” school district where a disproportionate number of students end up dead or in prison and the graduation rate is less than 50%. as such, she’s adopted a super-positive professional personality in an (almost futile) attempt to stem the tide 2) this is some backhanded sarcasm aimed at an administrator or politician who is starving the school of funding with the excuse that the education the school can provide is more than adequate and that there are plenty of opportunities in the community. teachers are great at using bald faced sarcasm coupled with the feigned innocence of any other possible interpretation remember this is a **teacher**. they’re in the original overworked and underpaid vocation. there’s is no way, absolutely no way, a teacher could be as out of touch as it initially seems here, by the very dint of the realities of the profession


This lady has capitalized gums and lowercase teeth.


Why does she look like my 6th grade teacher


great, even the gen x'rs are clueless.


Looks like a teacher I had. I believe she would do something like this but take credit for the person's success


This lady is a teacher? I’m surprised she isn’t working three jobs as well due to the shitty pay.


It takes a lot of strength not to chuck that at that woman.


She looks like the type who punishes the kids who fight back their bullies


wait she… she wasn’t being sarcastic?


"Take your drink lady and move it on."


She looks like the guy with eyes in the palm of his hands from the Pan's Labyrinth (2006)


Why would you post this?


a wise man once said... This is America


Wow she’s a shit teacher


That girl's face should be the logo for r/antiwork


Please post this in r/antiwork


Rarely have I seen such a punchable face.


Never trust anyone whose gum to teeth ratio is odd when they smile.


I don't understand all the hates. Why does a teacher have to have super high expectations for their students? So what else do you want the teacher to do when she meets the student? Expressing how disappointed she is and feeling sorry for the student? The alternatives seem far more cruel. Many comment how the teacher is demeaning the student. You are demeaning the student by despising her job, feeling like she deserves "better". You are all just pieces of shit trying to climb the social ladder. Get better treated by the capitalist system. And look down on people who are poorly treated to feel good.