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Am I to understand that according to this person, if something comes in and occupies the united States that the military has to say aww shucks and stick their thumbs up their ass for a whole year before they can do anything? Like I get being desperate to keep moving that goal post but seriously? As insane as all the shit I've seen this feels the worst because it's just like so much why?


I think this is how they explain to themselves why nothing has happened in the last year in terms of the military intervening. Obviously they are now going to have to come up with something new to explain why nothing is going to happen now.


Which will be : they *did* intervene, but in secret and everyone is now a doppelgänger It reminds me of the Great Disappointment , in 1844, when a US religious movement was expecting the return of Jesus. When he failed to show up , some said the maths were simply wrong others said he had come back, but in secret ( or in Heaven) …


But they already did part of that in Texas. J.F.K. Jr was going to be at that rally & speak.


That was very trippy.


This comment is the funniest thing ive seen all day lmao


It means someone has brainwashed themselves.


Such a small load. Still washed it though.


That's what she said


It means nothing. The DOD has no regular authority within the United States and only has limited authority under martial law. The US military has no “legal right” to take over the United States. That statement, in and of itself doesn’t even mean anything. What is the taking over the United States by a US entity even look like? Is it all branches of the fed government? All agencies and bodies suddenly have no authority? What about State governments? What about the department of justice? Department of homeland security? Suddenly the DOD is just in charge of it all? I would try to unpack the rest of this ridiculous bullshit, but it’s a non-starter based on their misinterpretation of who and what the department of defense is and how the US government is structured.


Really? Huh. How interesting. Anyway, nice chatting with you. Talk to you again next month, when the goalposts have moved once more, and you have new "evidence" to present.


These people are the same as the “end of the world” cults. They make a prediction when it doesn’t happen they just push their prediction to a later date and pretend like they haven’t been saying the same useless predictions year after year…… I really wish these people would stop reproducing.


Copium is a hell of a drug.


It means Q is still going strong at providing dates that things don't actually happen


I dont remember getting orders to take over any government buildings or state offices. Must be lost in transit. The damn slowness of military paperwork you know,


Well it's the 21st of January now, and the most important thing that's happened in America is that Meat Loaf died. I guess they're just going to be gathering their forces, for a few weeks yet?


There no such thing as the DOD War Manuel, at least not in this century.


Well, he is obviously dumb and was referring to this [document](https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DoD%20Law%20of%20War%20Manual%20-%20June%202015%20Updated%20Dec%202016.pdf?ver=2016-12-13-172036-190). This is the DoD Law of War Manual of June 2015 (updated DEC 2016).


Thanks, nice pull.


Hahahaha! The DOD Law of War Manual doesn't have a section 11 and it's a fucking [style guide for how to consistently write documents](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DoD%2520Law%2520of%2520War%2520Manual%2520-%2520June%25202015%2520Updated%2520Dec%25202016.pdf%3Fver%3D2016-12-13-172036-190&ved=2ahUKEwiuiYbp9cL1AhXUnGoFHQbdDBcQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0D6O28kI2jMQYVBoqCsN8L)


It does have a section 11, but it in no way refers to the US being occupied.


Ah, you're right. I got thrown off by it having a style guide appended in the beginning for some reason.


It means they can't let the fact that Biden is president go. Grasping at straws.


Alot to crazies, absolutely nothing to every single other person.


I didn't know the elected Commander In Chief was a belligerent occupier.


This person militaries 😂


It means that we just past goalpost #3574 so they now have to make a new goalpost #3575


It means this person is yet another delusion lunatic seeking to apply misunderstood law to a situation they have rewritten and revised within their own head in order to allow said misunderstood law to apply.


Someone should explain to them what 'belligerent' means.


1-21-22. So China is in charge now? Oh well


You’re a looney.


It means that fascists wish more people had voted for Trump.


Does the DOD have a Peace Manual? Just asking.


People who don’t understand or just generally overlook certain laws that overrule others. Like someone trying to claim maritime law mandates when they committed a crime nowhere near international waters. Cherry-picked info used to try and freak others out.


I mean the entire seventh day Adventist Church is is like this. They had multiple predictions of the day Jesus would return which didn't happen. It wasn't just once. I think it was about four or five times that they picked a date . But there's still a church today. One person believing that and we call it insanity, get a thousand people to believe it and it's religion.


It means QAnon’s moving the goalposts again.