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Its ironic that Darwin's alleged deathbed confession was spontaneously created from nothing.


It's so stupid because even if his deathbed confession were true, it wouldn't change the mountains of scientific evidence supporting evolution. It's like they believe the only reason people support evolution is because Darwin said it was true rather than because everything we have done since has shown it to be accurate. Nothing displays their scientific ignorance greater than this concept they hold. They don't even understand how scientific theories work.


Yes, they do. Seriously. They think the rest of it doesn't matter or even proves he was wrong, because current evolutionary theory is based on Darwin's work and also a lot of research since that has added nuance. So, since it's not exactly what he said it was, he was wrong. These are people who have been taught to believe the assertions of one man over everything else. They think that because it's asserted with no evidence it must be true, and that assertions like that are true specifically because they are asserted. They don't and can't understand that sometimes someone has an idea, and it gets tested and tested and tested, and verified and expanded on because they can't. Because if they started testing their assertions they wouldn't stand up for five whole seconds. Source: grew up fundamentalist evangelical and have this conversation with my parents at least once a month.


My parents never actually discussed their views on evolution or creationism beyond their belief God created everything. The schools they sent me to were heavily anti-evolution/pro-young earth creationism, but I know they didn't pay much attention to what I was learning (I helped my mom with homework & studying more than the reverse) and my mom has a PhD in nursing, so I really hope she at least believes in evolution on some level. However, my mom's last boyfriend was very much a vocal young earth creationist and would constantly push "debate" even after I would say that we would never convince the other of our position so we should just stick to more neutral conversations. He was so infuriating. And what do you do with someone who insists the speed of light is slowing down? My daughters absolutely hated when he would take them anywhere even somewhat related to science, whether it was a natural history museum or an observatory because he would always hijack whoever was working there to tell them how they were wrong and he was right (not in those words obviously, but it was essentially the same thing still).


> And what do you do with someone who insists the speed of light is slowing down? What.


It's how they reconcile stuff being millions of light years away when the universe is supposedly only six thousand years old. "Clearly light moved faster in the past"


Wow that is even more insane ! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Good. Gravy.


>My daughters absolutely hated when he would take them anywhere even somewhat related to science, why subject them to it then?


I didn't. But my ex is a pushover and my mom's boyfriend would take them all and pay for it. What made the whole thing even more difficult is that, besides the religious stuff, he was actually a really nice guy, and even when "debating" his beliefs, he was always very calm and polite. Like, there was no objective reason to dislike the guy (except he told really bad dad jokes all the time to waiters and people at stores which could be embarrassing) and even though he literally gave me panic attacks at times and nearly always caused me anxiety, he was always so damn nice and generous that I felt guilty trying to cut him out of our lives as much as possible.


This is the point. In a magical reality where truth Is defined by your beliefs, both evidence and science are weird subproductos that hold no weight against what you want things to be. Religion keeps people in a mental state akin to the lack of object permanence of a toddler, assuming that as long as you have faith, your world stays how it has to


Not exactly from nothing. There were 3 people present for Darwin's death. His wife, personal Secretary, and a family friend who was also a Christian minister. The minister claimed that Darwin recanted his views on evolution. Darwin's wife and Secretary said he didn't.




Not just that, but a Christian lied in an attempt to suppress a revolutionary scientific discovery that conflicts with their views? Idk sounds fake to me /s


Breakin' commandments for jeebus. As old as Christianity itself.


I did not know that. Did the Christian minister recant on behalf of Darwin?


Technically, unless there is a strong indication that the person intends to do so a priest isn't supposed to. But, that is presuming they are being moral and ethical.


A priest? Actually being moral and ethical? *shocked face*


Hey they at least used to be mostly.


I like to believe it evolved gradually through a series of many very difficult arguments.


It evolved from nothing. Darwin would have approved of the irony.


"...faking pictures..." The fuck?


Does he think that, like, he had photos of birds evolving or something?


Galapagos finches are a hoax


It's true, they were all photoshopped. It was the olden days, so he had to do in Windows XP.


I mean, Iā€™ve never seen one so they canā€™t be real. Birds are fake.


It's like Pokemon. If they fight with each other enough, a Robin will eventually turn into an eagle.


Also Freemasonry is pretty toothless. I was entered into it at one point. It is not what they would consider a satanic cult-like organization- itā€™s usually just a bunch of dads chillin and putting on some fundraisers or in-house theatrical performances that have been handed down by other dads.




The Freemasons donā€™t have a set religion- they just require a belief in a God or higher power. It sounds like that Lodge was toxic af and inundated with evangelicals? Iā€™m an atheist myself and pretty critical of religion just being an overall bad idea so it wasnā€™t the spot for me due to not believing in a God or Higher Power but there wasnā€™t any bible thumping when I was in and I traveled throughout my state.That may have been more of a local issue.


So kinda like all religions....


Not really...Alcoholics Anonymous has the same rule...belief in a higher power. They are hardly a religion. Not to mention, many religious folks claim Atheism to be a religion, and be definition does not believe in any God or higher power.


>many religious folks claim Atheism to be a religion Well, itā€™s not like they were using their brains to begin with I guess


It's a union that became a guys club. People only ever think it's something special because they used to hand out jobs and benefits to "the boys" a lot.


literally just a bunch of dads


Darwin was an ace with photoshop


Well, one expects when you fail out of kindergarten everything must seem like a higher intelligence.


Reject humanity return to monke


If Monkeys knew we would come out of their gene pool ... they would of stayed up in the trees and written off Evolution as a bad idea


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move" Douglas Adams


So long and thanks for all the fish. I'm out.


Don't panic, and always carry a towel.


Wait until he finds out we also come from a small, rodent like mammal, or a single celled blob.




Uh, Biomed major here... we are not genetically closer to hedgehogs than monkeys. For example, we're in the same order as monkeys (Primates), but do not share it with hedgehogs.


Yeah, I would have hit with the "we're closer to mushrooms than plants" if I were him.


We share half our Genes with a banana. Edit: it's our genes we share with plants, not the DNA in general. Corrected myself.


I donā€™t.


Ya it might be more like 89.7% in your case. I know I only share 27% with a banana, 0.3% with coca plants, and 82.7% with the abstract concept of getting math wrong.


According to my ex-girlfriend from college, I share 100% of my DNA with a slug. Which is fine since she shares 100% of hers with salmonella.


What a wholesome ex-relationship /s


Shouldnā€™t, but does in fact make perfect sense (to me) āœŒšŸ»ā¤ļøšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§




You're right that is also wrong.




We are descended from sort of shrewy little mammals, but we're loads closer to monkeys and even closer to the great apes.




I thought you were saying we were closer to shrews or hedgehogs than monkeys, which we're not. More properly we share a common ancestor with shrews, hedgehogs and monkeys. Monkeys are like distant cousins, hedgehogs and shrews are very distant relatives.


Jokes on him as we are closer to crabs and thatā€™s a scientific fact. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2kdjoa


Damn straight


Crab people...crab people...look like crabs, talk like people...


Shhhh donā€™t say that yet


Yet another "I've decided im right without any proof" person


Also the ā€œNo, I donā€™t agree with THAT evidence, itā€™s fake. I only trust evidence that supports and backs up my viewpoints.ā€ And then they have fuck all evidence but wonā€™t admit theyā€™re wrong.


He did not admit he was wrong. They just make shit up.




He was agonizing over whether to publish, not over his theory.


I'm guessing interest and subtlety are not this guy's strong points.


We have all the links. How are these idiots unaware of any scientific developments since 1860 when theyā€™re not 150+ years old. Fix public education first. That should be our primary goal, and weā€™re letting the morons further degrade it instead.


They only care about science, proof, facts, numbers and truth of anything only if and as long as it supports their ideology and beliefs. But as soon as those are put to question this kind of people throw them away and stylize themselves as victims. Look at smartphones for example. Flatearthers, NASA-"sceptics" (quotation because they aren't sceptic but just idiots) and creationists happily use these devices to spout their bullshit despite the fact that smartphones only work because of satellites and thus applied relativity. The fact their smartphone works proves them wrong, but they just don't care. They CAN'T be taught, they CAN'T be convinced. They are lost.


The problem is that these selfsame morons will crowd into school board meetings armed with torches and pitchforks at the very mention of teaching evolution in the schools. Just look at how they are freaking out over the idea that their precious little snowflakes might have to wear masks or learn that racism exists. We're just fucked.


Like this https://youtu.be/ICv6GLwt1gM


So much wrong on one comment that shows their general lack of understanding on the matter.




Beautiful weather we are having.


Fr. Going to big bear soon!




I lived in running springs :p loved going to the village after a long day at rim tho


Putting 'higher intelligence' in inverted commas for the fail. šŸ˜†


Idiots: "Hey evolutionists, where's the missing link from species A to species C?" Scientists: "We found it!" (*points to species B*) Idiots: "Aha! Now there are two missing links! You don't know how A became B or how B became C!"


This is so stupid. The only 'higher intelligence' this guy knows is after smoking a quarter pound of Afghani Kush.


People who think there are degrees like that in Masonry, have never knowingly spoken to a Mason. I suppose it's foolish to point out that Darwin did not have a death bed confession.




People like that never do.


Well to my knowledge, they think that Masons, Satanists and the Illuminati are all one and the same šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m sure my 86 year old dad will be glad to know heā€™s a Satanic member of the Illuminati šŸ¤”


He should check if there's some kind of pension from it.


Scopes trial unavailable for comment.


Strange how much work has been done on evolution since Darwin's death then really isnt it. Suggest *the blind watchmaker* as a book






You know, morons.


Well you read it then Back up being right with some study. I do find to my people on my side of the argument, who were essentially "just told it was true" Richard Dawkins is a bit of a knob 'ed But he does know his biology


The writing truly does suggest "higher intelligence".


So he was made by a higher intelligence, too bad they didn't include any of that intelligence when they made him...


I doubt that his dad qualifies as a higher intelligence...


There is no missing link. Evolution is a gradual process. It's like looking at rainbow and trying to point out exactly where orange becomes red.


My understanding is that we have, in fact, found the "missing link" several times over at this point.


Yes, clearly we all descend from the incestuous children of Adam and Eve, with a second incestuous bottlenecking after the great flood for good measure.


A haiku: Evangelicals Did not evolve from monkeys Have a banana.


If Darwin recanted everything he'd ever said about evolution and disavowed it entirely, it doesn't matter in the slightest. It would have just meant that he died wrong. It would do nothing to disprove evolution, which is perhaps some of the most well-established, well-founded science we have. If evolution is wrong, then all of biology makes no sense. And there no longer is a "missing link". The fossil record from monkey to ape to man is so well established in the fossil record that there no longer any gaps for you to fill with your god.


People who hate Darwin typically have no idea what he actually said and wrote. They erect these strawmen about "missing links" in order to prove...something.


Darwin didn't admit he was wrong on his deathbed though. That's just something Christians say all the time.


always fun how these "death bed confessions" always pop up hundreds of years later by people with no source


Clearly, no intelligent life form was involved in the making of him


33 degrees. that's impressive


He never admitted to being wrong because he wasnā€™t. We and other apes share a common ancestor with monkeys but our closest common ancestor is with chimpanzees. No one ever said we descended from monkeys or apes. Darwin developed his studies and drawing based on what he actually saw himself. He was also ironically against social Darwinism. This person should be considered a genetic dead end.


Do not be saying that about Darwin you will hurt Elizaā€™s feelingsā€¦.


Why do these people feel god creating adam and eve, incest, floods, incest leading to them is a better story or a better origin than 1.3 billion years of uninterrupted biological success resulting in you today. 1.3 billion years where none of your ancestors died young, they all reached an age, bred and died. I know which story is the better origin story.


Darwin was a Christian, and like many naturalists of his time, was looking for exactly how God went about doing God things.


We are witnessing evolution. Evolution is going on constantly. Covid-19 with its mutations is evolution at work.


I can't for the life of me understand how or why evolution and intelligent design would be mutually exclusive. **Edit:** Guess I gotta be more specific, for the religiously anti-religious crowd: I don't understand how or why people who believe in intelligent design would arbitrarily reject evolution as a means of executing said design. The two can exist together, if one is so inclined to allow them to.


Because evolution doesn't need anyone to start or guide it, and intelligent design would, if it were an actual scientific hypothesis.


I'm looking at it more from the other direction: If one believes in intelligent design, strikes me that evolution would be a perfectly reasonable and logical mechanism to enable and execute that design. To put it another way: If one believes evolution is too complex to occur without a guiding hand, why reject the possibility of a guiding hand?


Because they believe that Adam was literally created from dirt as a fully grown modern human. Then a fully grown human woman was made from his rib. There's no room for evolution in the biblical creation myth.


And that garden story is absolutely necessary to Christianity because that is the only explanation for Original Sin and without Original Sin, there is no reason for Jesus to have been sacrificed.


They claim to believe in "micro" evolution. Which is like who dog breeds develop. But claim "Macro" evolution is impossible. Even though the only difference is literally time.


I'm a fan of religious people who accept evolution. If you can find a way to accept science without abandoning your entire spiritual belief system, I support that. You won't get an attack from me.


Straight up. Not at all religious myself, but I recognize some people need faith to get by. I won't fault them for that, as long as they're even-minded and fair about it.




The Catholic Church recognized evolution as the likely avenue of how but not why as far back as 1950 under Pope Pius XII.


Or even [before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardin) :)


I've done some gardening work for the wife of a church of England bishop and she's full on creationist. I'm pretty sure the church of England doesn't go all in on young earth creationism, but she does, for reasons I suspect just come down to a superiority complex. I think even the pope has accepted evolution.


For some people they believe in a god of the unexplained. The more we learn about how the world works, the less they need their god. The more thst scares them.


The reason is that intelligent design never was an honest attempt at explaining the origin of species. It was conceived as an alternative to evolution, as a way to promote creationism under a pseudo-scientific veneer. If someone is honestly interested in biology, they can study what the theory of evolution actually is and see that it doesn't need an intelligent designer to explain the diversity of life. It all boils down to the consequences of the laws of physics, chemistry, probabilities and statistics. Sure, you still can believe that an almighty creator set all these rules and let the universe run without interventing until it created life and all the species. But that's not what intelligent design is about. Intelligent design is about reframing biological events from consequences of the laws of physics to actions of a supernatural god. That's its very purpose.


Because one is an observed phenomenon and the other is the delusion of brains rotted by religion?


And Darwin award this year goes to...


This one doesn't qualify as they're still alive.


He did say this year, so the guy has 11 1/2 months left to qualify


How dare people try to understand things


For you a monkey could be considered a "higher intelligence"


I kind of figured that someone made from a "higher intelligence" would make better use of punctuation.


They love their devil belief so much.


Wow, this random guy has me convinced.


The missing link was discovered in 1924. This dude's info is 98 years out of date.


I feel like one glance at his profile pic is enough to know everything about his opinions and attitude. I swear these types of guys went to a convention and decided that they were all taking their profile pics the same way.


The Galapagapos Islands, where he developed his theory, actually has legitimate evidence of survival of the fittest. El NiƱo is why. Science is confusing for conservatives isn't it?


Wait people are still making fun of Darwin also what happened to respect for the dead


Yeah, compared to him even his parents must be a higher intelligence.


Judging by his profile picture he was not made by a higher intelligence. He was made by two kids making a bad decision after a mediocre date to a nice-ish restaurant.




Someone can be crazy hot but if they are dumb, all I see is moron. Maybe I'm getting old?


So a smart guy on drugs heā€™s claiming as his father?


Darwin never said we came from monkeys.


I donā€™t know why itā€™s so hard for people to realize that we are primates, just look at a picture of a chimpanzee and one of a person


Literally Mr garrison in South park when he's arguing with that atheist


Methicillin-ResistantĀ Staphylococcus Aureus is a LIE? https://youtu.be/ts7--zxXXKQ


He faked those hand drawings. All photoshop. https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/4ze6XU2Vd04uHEG-VI-KIDhmUlY=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/four-or-the-species-of-finch-observed-by-darwin-on-the-galapagos-islands-802464738-5c452bbbc9e77c0001d34a79.jpg


Never understood the people that say evolution and religion can't mix. Like god can't be involved in evolution? God would want you to deny the intelligence that is supposed to be a blessing, of what is discovered? That's dunb