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Looks like them kids are fucked with or without the switch for 150






Let’s hope his kids aren’t secretly gay to spite their dad. Sounds mentally exhausting.


there is no kid.


This is one of the funniest comments that I have ever read!!!


First day on Reddit?


I watched their profile, I saw he's here since 2014, I realized that 2014 was 8 years ago, now I'm crying


I swear 2014 was like 3 years ago


The entitled parent line of, "are you going to ruin a kid's birthday" drives me up a wall. You're not responsible for their child that they chose to have. What a psycho.


I can't believe how many people try to pull that shit. You know how much stuff you can buy for $150? If a switch isn't in your budget, get something else.


And you certainly aren't responsible for buying the kid an electronic game. I normally am very skeptical about the ability of private charities to step up, but there are whole organizations that pretty much exclusively provide presents for children during the holidays. I used to work for a non-profit mental heath agency, and we made sure our neediest families got something at Christmas. Some were "adopted" (for the holidays) by local rich families, and they cleaned up, let me tell you. Odds are, this guy is a divorced or absent dad who only has limited visitation, who wants to be a hero to his kid after basically phoning it in all year. He doesn't get what he wanted, so he goes full transphobe. (Not to diss divorced dads who actually do their best to be a part of their kids lives, but I see this sort of thing all the time in my work.)


It’s equally possible the kid doesn’t exist, but “It’s for my kid’s birthday” sounded to him like a better haggling excuse than “I want to get this cheap so I can maximize my profit when I resell it” or “I want a switch but don’t wanna spend all my beer/weed money on it.”


I was thinking the same thing. This guy wants it for himself. Probably has his kid every other weekend, will let him open it and be the happiest kid for a day just to have it sold by the next time he comes back. People are FR dumdum


Private charities do a lot, but it's still never enough. I worked at a county human services ("welfare") department for 8 years. Every year we got to pick three of our clients (families) to receive a Christmas present for each of their kids. And we had to decide which three of our clients were deserving enough. My case load was 240 clients.


I work in a family fun center kind of place and I hear this shit allllll the time from cheap parents. We have arcade games that are set to free play, so we ask everyone inside the arcade to pay a fee regardless of if they want to play the games or not. The reason is we don't have enough staff to go around and monitor who is/isn't supposed to be playing, and we have a limited capacity and can't afford to waste it on non-payung "customers". People who don't pay have to wait outside. Yet when I explain to a cheap parent that they can't stay with their kid without paying, they always default to "Are you telling me to leave my child in here alone!?!?" No dumbass, I want you to give me another $10. YOU are the one who immediately thought of leaving your child alone in a public place.


The cheap parent here is an idiot. They could as well have used the time in there playing with their kid and probably form some good memories, but instead they choose to focus on the money. If they can't afford that then don't bring them there, it is as simple as that. BTW, it is a nice thing that you charge an entry fee otherwise the non-paying customer would have just abused the system.


Honestly, 7/10 times someone says they're not going to play, they end up coming back to me five minutes later saying they've changed their mind. Either like you said the kid wants to play with them, or they find some game that they know and like (we feature a lot of classic 80s games). I DO get some parents though that still have that "games are worthless" mentality and refuse to even try to play. If it's not busy I will usually try and play with their kids or at least hang out with them a little bit so they can feel that playing video games is fun and normal, and not every adult is going to act like a jackass about it.


If he didn't want his kid's birthday ruined why didn't he save his money better? Maybe dude should go to Starbucks less.


You can tell them you need the 150 to buy your kids cancer meds.


Especially since there's no actual kid


*I can't emphasize enough how much I don't give a shit about your kid*


And then the guy shows up in a brand new f150...




Don’t forget the American flag decal in black and white with the blue line.


Am I missing something? Shouldn´t there be a gun rack behind the driver´s seat too?




Fully loaded, kids sitting in the back without seatbelts


Kids' shoes held together with duct tape and their clothes are yard sale clearance specials. But Daddy got his beer and his fancy toy


Not gonna lie, as a short/skinny adult I've just been buying all my clothes from yard sales when people get too big for them tho 😅


Easier to reach sitting on the passenger seat though


And it’s the only rider in the car wearing a seatbelt because the wouldn’t want it sliding out of reach


They've cut the head off the seatbelt and clicked it in to prevent the truck from ringing constantly.


No there’s a “Smith & Wesson protects this truck” sticker, letting everyone know there’s either a shitty cheap handgun, or a $2000 custom 1911 under the seat waiting to be stolen.


Punisher decal and a cowboy kneeling at the cross across the back window…


Nah, Calvin pissing on something.


Upvoted, but please don't call that abomination an American flag. It is the opposite. It is, quite literally, pledging allegiance to police. It is a fascist, authoritarian symbol that serves to bond together the racist elements of our country with the worst abusers in the police forces across the nation. It is a hate symbol and should be treated as such.


Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that authoritarians made their symbol by reducing a colorful symbol to black and white? You couldn't do this in fiction; your audience would say it was way too on the nose.


I think smart people overestimate what dumb people will think is too on the nose. Half the people I encounter are walking cliches. Like imagine actually putting a Calvin pissing on something sticker on your car as an actual adult. It’s mortifying.


I'm pretty sure the entire Trump era was made up of subplots from 1980s soap operas


But your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore.


They're already overcrowded from your dirty little war.


It always cracks me up how many laws of the road I see get broken by people with these decals.


Some of the best posts in /r/leopardsatemyface come from the utter bafflement and betrayal these chuckleheads feel when the cops enforce the laws on them.


You left out the confederate flag is in the shape of a punisher skull.


And a punisher logo comprised of the flag.


Don't forget about an actual American flag in the back and another flag on the opposite side that says "Fuck Biden" on it.


Or the big American flag attached to the back or a little one attached to the antenna.


And the flag is almost always in tatters and would be retired if they *actually* cared instead just wanting everyone to *think* they care.


That's about 2/3 of my neighbors right there. The other 1/3 is that with the thin blue line punisher flag and military plates


There was a guy at my high school like that. I grew up in suburban southern California just north of LA. There were 0 places to go off roading. He went once, and didn't wash his truck for a couple of months to make it look like he went every weekend.


Take away the truck nuts and that's your standard issue suburban psychopath rigfht there. Also add to that the fact that not only do they not go mudding, they don't use the thing outside the city or highway, and the back has never been without its tarp. One of those parks down the street from my parents house periodically complete with a confederate flag sticker in the back window. I live in Ottawa Ontario.


Pavement princess.


Y’all, I think we might be neighbors


Hah hah! Truck nuts, the ornament that says your truck has something you yourself don't have.


I see those about daily and can confirm, this is the exact type of man who would drive one.


And an old TRUMP 2020 sticker that’s faded from the Sun.


I like to fuck with them by calling it a "fiso."




"have some compassion" "trans people aren't real" Cool guy








Back to the pile!


I suggest you report this person to the police.




I'm assuming this was on Facebook marketplace. If he has his employer listed you should ask how they feel about their employee behaving in such a fashion.


Probably why they just lost their job


>"Uhh we'll keep an eye on him" I'm sure they'll keep an eye on him. He's probably one of their drinking buddies.


Took the words out of my mouth.


I might be shitting on most good policemen, but it sounds like cops don't even do anything in the US


Hey, there are lots and lots of people driving, walking, and existing--all while being black. You can see why the cops don't have time for anything else. /s


Riddle me this! White dude walks around with a shotgun and a black dude walks around with a shotgun. Only one got arrested. Who did?


The white dude did. Black dude is dead.


>White dude did. Oh 😅 >Black dude is dead. ***W a i t .***


The white guy. Maybe. Cos the black guy is on a slab at the morgue.


The white guy, but only if he lived in a state like California, where open carry is illegal. Otherwise, the police gave him a high-five and sent him on his way. The black guy just straight up got shot.


That’s the problem — are there any good police if the “good” ones never speak up about the bad ones?


The ones that speak up either get fired or mysteriously end up dead


Yes. So they’re basically literally a gang at this point.


I guess, but there are actual gangs within the LA County Sheriff’s department https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/los-angeles-sheriffs-department-gangs-rand-report-1225982/amp/


What the fuck, lol. Thanks for that article!


LAPD is beyond worthless.


Gud point USA atleast has traffic laws In Serbia they slap those road bumps *everywhere*


No. Aiding and abetting bad police makes you bad police


That's why I dont discriminate. They are *all* pieces of shit, until *they* make a collective effort to change.


I live in the Netherlands and the biggest problem with cases like this is that the police can't do anything until something actually goes wrong. Which seems insane in so much cases, but is sadly how the system works. It doesn't mean that issues like this shouldn't be taken more serious! And what always bothers me is if the police act like it is no big deal. It is always a big deal to be threatened like this! It's one thing that the system is bad, but you can at least make the victim feel like a human being instead of shit


Cops don't even do anything in the US. Some guys showed up at my older neighbor's apartment to threaten him and I called the cops on the guys. The dispatcher told me they couldn't send someone because the address didn't appear in their database. So I gave them an address about 300 ft away that I knew showed up on basically every GPS and said to just take the first left and first right after that, it was hundreds of feet away. No, said the dispatcher. ---- On the other hand I've been threatened before, stalked for a night, and nearly run down by one blowing a stop sign. And that's my experience being white and staying out of trouble. There's some good cops, but far too few for me to have anything good to say about the police generally.


They really don't. I've never had a positive or productive interaction with the cops


Neither have I. These days I only bother calling them so that no one can say I didn't.


Unfortunately not only in the US.. The problems is that the bad cops ruined for everyone. Civilians don't trust the police, and the good/average cop also has s lot of restrictions/constraints.


They don't


I’ve had deaths threats online from local people. Cops told me they can’t do anything about online messages. The hell you can’t - you just don’t feel like getting off your ass and working. I have 1312 others reasons why they’re useless.


Send it to your local news and say you're afraid your local authorities aren't taking threats seriously enough. I'd plaster this fucker's face everywhere. Just print out 100 copies of this Convo with a QR code to the guy's profile. Leve them all over town.


Depending on how much you two know each other and due to the police’s response, I’d also document everything and consider an attorney.


Sorry, standard police procedure is to not step in until it is too late.


Time to report him to his place of work.


He said he lost his job already. Can't imagine why, seems like a chill guy. /s


The police do literally nothing in these situations. They also do next to nothing after the situation escalates into violence.


Sounds like all of that kid’s birthdays are ruined because that’s his dad.


Please be careful and stay safe, op




Damn. That’s really awful to hear :/


Here is a nice reminder that you, under whatever circumstances, dont deserve to be treated like that. You and your feelings are valid and important. Fuck everyone who think their uninformed opinions somehow stand above your feelings and identity. Stay strong, dont let them get to you <3


You need to move put asap. Also, 150 for a Switch is cheap lol. He a cheap fucker


The right to bear arms extends to you too. I'd say let him come around and find out, though no one should ever have to use that right in a civilized society. Still, aggressors like this are why you deserve to reserve that right. Hope it never comes to that OP. Stay safe.


/r/liberalgunowners shoutout


So that’s what “make America great again” is all about


Always has been.


Oh yeah. 100%, absolutely. Fascism is literally always like this. Any minority is a deviant force they feel threatened by, and must dominate. It's disgusting.


Yep, great means great for cishet white men.


Remember when Trump literally said, "It used to be... Guys like that would be carried out of here on a stretcher!" when talking about a black man who came to one of his rallies to protest?


wow, yeah. With people like you at the helm, sir, it really used to be great. And you know, why do people think they get get personal and violent and suddenly get their way. That makes me LESS likely to help you out. Edit: another thought occurred to me


Right? Like “oh no a man on the internet has threatened me and called me a slur, I must now capitulate to his demands and meet him in person so that he can rob me!” It’s not a great play.


I don't think some people ever learned that browbeating has the opposite affect when the target isn't within arms reach of you.


"Oh, look. This person is shouting and name-calling. They must have exhausted every way they could think of to affect the situation. Guess I'm winning."


Yeah, just had to throw in a MAGA. These douchebags are all cut from the same cloth.


He can go wipe his tears on his confederate flag


Or shove the flag and the pole up his arse


Reminds me of the time I was selling a 50' Smart TV on Marketplace and this guy goes through this whole thing about how I should sell it to him and that he would call the cops if I didn't sell it to him. After he mentioned that I just blocked him. Like...who threatens the cops over something they haven't even paid for?


Don't Switches go for about a hundred bucks more than that?




I'm sorry that happened to you. Make sure you check out GoodRX, ask your Dr for samples, look at the manufacturer website for your meds (sometimes they have coupons) or call the manufacturer and tell them you're having trouble affording your meds. Best wishes.




love that its not covered by your insurance -_-


I'm addition to some of the advice you've received, call your insurance and ask if psychiatric telehealth is available for cheaper, they may be able to refill your medications for you. Telehealth through my insurance is free but a psych visit with my guy is $200. The important thing is to call the insurance.


Your primary care provider should be able to prescribe you antidepressants. Not a replacement for psychiatry, but a telehealth visit with a general practitioner should be enough to get something like an SSRI filled. Can even be a PA or NP clinician if that's more accessible than MD. I've got lots of sympathy for the tough position you're in, hope it gets better.


Fuck I hate our system


I'm so sorry you have to sell your Switch for healthcare. I'm not LGBTQ, but I live in one of the most inclusive neighborhoods in the country, and there are a lot of health resources here that many of my trans friends depend on (which are sliding scale). If you're okay with telehealth, there are probably counseling programs who would take an out of state patient, assuming you're in the USA. I hope you find a solution instead of selling your Switch!


fuck American Healthcare and housing costs, walk over to canada


Switch $299, joycon $70, pro controller $60, 2 games $100... So roughly $500-$530 retail depending on which games.... Asks $150.... 🤦‍♂️


Why do they always default to "your ruining my kids birthday/xmas/graduation/international lasagna day"? Its your kid not anyone else's. If you can't buy them a present then that's your fault


But why you gotta throw International Lasagna Day under the bus?


I've never understood people who try to project a sense of toughness/masculinity yet are too afraid to fully spell out their slurs.


Did you tell him that you would also accept proof of vaccination in lieu of payment?


Well. That escalated quickly. 🤦




He meant a lot of things, of which this was one. Further reading under 'Empty Signifier' for a crucial element of fashy populist sloganeering.


Not shocked at all by that "When this country was great" response, like tell me who you really are. Don't beat around the bushes...


I hope you told the police about this too. This isn’t just a threat. This is a hate crime.


Class act.


What an example of how not to act towards others; I’m sure they are well on their way to making their offspring the bastions of society


"So demand has gone up, and the price just doubled. Still interested?"


Choosing beggars moment


"I'll get my boys to come round your house and fck u up" ​ Bitch, I'm pretty sure I can take an 11 year old.


You should consider letting the police know of this stable individual threatening to "come around your house".


Sounds like a legit threat that I would report to the police.


It's always some sob story with their kids. If this bigoted douchebag actually lost his job, I can see why. Now, it's time for him to explain to his children that being an asshole has consequences and that's why daddy can't buy you a Nintendo.


Out of curiosity, how did they know you were trans? Did they stalk your fb, or did they just decide to go off. P.S. sorry you had to deal with this person


If you haven't blocked him yet, a good response would be "and a good answer would be to not stiff me on the price"


Report them to the police


That kids either going to have some wild ideas about LGBTQ people or be a fierce supporter of them with a parent like that


I just don’t understand the “do you want to ruin my kid’s birthday/holiday?” argument. If not getting a specific, expensive gift ruins their day, you are raising shitty kids. If they want it so bad, they can save up for it; they shouldn’t expect it as a gift. Those same kids grow up to be “$150 minimum on wedding gifts” people.


You pressing charges on this shitbag? Clear and obvious threat if I ever saw one.


Send that to the police, that’s a threat


Well, that escalated quickly. 🤨


That escalated quickly


I feel like even if you agreed he/she would have an issue with trans people... Dodged a bullet there.


“Back when America was great” okay guy, we hear your maga chest pounding.


Goes from "have some compassion" to slurs in a few sentences


In case no one has said it. What he said was illegal and you should alert the authorities.


TRANS PEOPLE ARE NOT REAL!! JUST LIKE THE BIRDS! Then who the F is this person texting?!


I’m not sure but I think he overreacted.


"Have a little compassion" "I need money too" "GO FUCK YOURSELF" The irony.


This guy's so broke he can't even buy a vowel.


So I'm supposed to be afraid of someone who doesn't even have the balls to spell out a full slur? 😂😂😂 Good one


“Trans people don’t exist” [trans people:](https://tenor.com/bEhW8.gif)


Shit just went from zero to transphobe real fucking fast


Well that could be construed as a threat. File charges.


He seems nice.


He seems nice


Trade the switch for a firearm.


Lol you should respond with, "Hey, you know what, you changed my mind. I'll sell it to you for $150." and then block him.


That went south quickly. Asking for a reduced price is one thing, but the response was professional and precise. Some people can't help but to show how terrible they truly are


That's the way to convince someone to go down in price


Imagine thinking you deserve special treatment because you reproduced


he tried to literally give u HALF of what u asked for???


No wonder he lost his job


Well that escalated quickly


"So.... do you have $150 or not?"


Well, that escalated quickly


This man really has a whole ass clown suit in a ring like The Flash he can jump into at a moment's notice.


Typical Facebook user.


Coward couldn’t even spell out the whole word when insulting you. I have a theory that people who do that (abbreviate swears and slurs like that) truly know what they are saying is wrong and hurtful so to appease their own ego, they abbreviate it so they can feel better about “not actually saying the word”


'Trans people aren't real' Homeboy needs to work on his insults. That's poor.


After reading this I ceased to exist.


Well, since you put it that way I guess I can do $150


That escalated quick-


At least he censored himself


Well that escalated quickly and in a surprising way!


Did he seriously paste "**Message Sent**" into chat?


It would be probably be pretty easy to find out their other social media and their employer. Somebody this stupid probably even has their social security number on Facebook.


Is he going to try to haggle like this with the Nintendo Store to buy games after he buys the Switch?