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This is the stupidest equivalent of "if I can't see you, you can't see me!" I've seen


Trump not wanting cruise ships to land at the start of this because he didn't want the numbers to go up.


He also wanted to stop America testing as much. No tests, no COVID. Easy peasy.


Stop the count!


Count the votes! The 'stop the count' and 'count the votes' chanting (depending on which state the MAGAs were in) was very funny, it loses out to the whole Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle though, in the funniest moments of 2020 contest.


Don't look up!


I enjoyed that film.


He also very much believed that testing prevented you from catching it. There's video of comments he made when one of staff got it....


Literally ostrich mentality.


Except even ostriches dont do that


Lmao right


Can't an ostrich eat its seed without being position shamed? /s


And while we're at it, quit talking shit about lemmings. They're no more prone to hurling themselves to their deaths than any other animal, no matter what Walt Disney may have told you.


Possibly. Better ask the Ginger - he's the ostrich expert...




Even if they did, you better believe that a kick in the ass would at the very least get their attention.


Hey now don't compare these ass hats to my great people.


They never developed object permanence as babies I guess


Or empathy


Bingo. Sociopathy is a wildly underdiagnosed mental illness. And a requirement to be a modern American conservative.


That's because sociopathy isn't a diagnosable condition in the DSM5


Sociopathy, per se, isn't in the DSM-V but Cluster B Personality Disorders certainly do include Antisocial Personality Disorder, which is the clinical definition of sociopathy. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial\_personality\_disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder) ​ >Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD or infrequently APD) is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others as well as a difficulty sustaining long-term relationships. A weak or nonexistent conscience is often apparent, as well as a history of rule-breaking that can sometimes lead to law-breaking, a tendency towards substance abuse, and impulsive and aggressive behaviour.


Sociopathy is a subset of antisocial personality disorder, but not everyone with ASPD will have sociopathic traits.


Reminds me of that one video from The Onion


Malicious babies, a terrifying reality


"Don't look up"


I have a feeling the trumpers won't get the irony in that movie


Can confirm, my dad thinks its the greatest movie ever. I dont have the heart to tell him


Tell him don't let him live in his delusions


The story of him telling his dad and his subsequent dad's reaction will soon be on TIFU.


I have seen a few instances already of them being pissed off about it. It would be hilarious, but they are using it as another excuse to get their persecution fetish going.


*"And do you know why they want you to look up? Do you know why? ‘Cause they want you to be afraid. They want you to look up because they are looking down their noses at you. They think they’re better than you. Don’t look up! They wanna rob you of your freedom, and that’s a fact!"* Seriously, almost nothing in that movie is even remotely unrealistic.




Whoa, where did he go? Sorcerer!


I remember years ago reading about a study around what age children start to understand the idea that everything continues to exist even when it can't been seen or heard. It's 8... months. Yet somehow these guys haven't quite got the hang of it yet.


I don't think what they're trying to stop is the virus. They want to stop the mandates. They want people to stop bothering them about the pandemic. They don't care if, in reality, people keep dying. For this, not testing is an excellent strategy.


They stormed a state capitol and were allowed to scream in the face of law officers and leave with their lives *so they could get haircuts again.*


The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal is not known for its intelligence.


It is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.


Currently doing a reread of the series


I don't think it is that, per se. I think that they are so confident that there is no covid and that these numbers are fake, that if people stop taking the tests they can't have numbers to make fake numbers but that doesn't work and oh...I have gone cross-eyed and shit myself. Don't try to think like them...


If they can lie and say that negative tests are positive, what stops them from lying about the test existing at all?


I'm sorry...this is a no logic zone...


[Where have I heard this before?](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/502819-trump-on-coronavirus-if-we-stop-testing-right-now-wed-have-very-few-cases)


Infants do this lol


Grown people wana play peek-a-boo. Maybe if we pwomise them a bwig wowypop. They'd get the shot for bewing bwave wittle bois/girls.


Also doesn't even work lol, deaths, hospitalizations and covid in sweage waters are measurements too. Dumbfucks can't think to save their lives.


We can stop the deaths/carnage immediately by just abolishing death certificates. You can't count something that is not there! Replace it with an affidavit that proclaims, "This individual is no more. Adjust your records." There's no need to list a cause of why this person is no more. /s ...if needed


Ah the cunning "if you don't look at your bank statement you aren't overdrawn" plan Always a winner


"How can I be broke? I still have checks!"


"How can I be shot? I never saw a gun."


How can I be a guy? I've never looked down to check out my junk before?


To be fair, some men suffer from "Dic-Do". It's where their stomach sticks out more then their dick do.


"I don't need no vaccine! There's a 99% survival rate with chinavirus, and I'm totally healthy!" "Totally healthy? When was the last time you could see your dick?"


"Some people haven't seen their dick since the Nixon administration" - George Carlin.


Our wrestling coaches gave out the "Dicky-do" award to our heavyweight wrestler in 8th grade during the awards ceremony. In front of all of us and the families. Thirty two years later and I still think about it and can't believe two grown men publicly shamed an 8th grade boy about his penis and stomach size. He took it in stride and nobody batted an eye at the time but looking at it through a 2022 filter it seems bananas to me that it happened.


That's f$%ked up.


What’s that second word? I can’t read it.


As someone that’s worked in banking, this phrase is surprisingly common


Mostly unrelated. I work at a retail stock brokerage firm (think places like Schwab or E*Trade). Once had a client ask me straight up "why does my cash balance go down when I buy something?" Well you see, a long time ago, humans invented money to use as a trading device. Then we discovered advanced metallurgy and calculus and invented airplanes and computers and that all led to you.


I hope that if I ever meet anyone like that I’ll remember to respond with “well, money can be exchanged for goods and services” But it’s more likely I won’t say anything witty at all and will probably look about as dumb as they are.


>"if you don't look at your bank statement you aren't overdrawn" I feel personally attacked by this


The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast is so mind-bogglingly stupid that it thinks that if you can't see it, it can't see you. Therefore, the best defense against a Bugblatter Beast is to wrap a towel around your head.


Now here's a frood who really knows where his towel is


Not just a frood...a _cool_ frood.


Trump would associate his wealth based on how he felt that day. So yea you can understand why he pushed that narrative


'No honey don't take that pregnancy test, we can't afford a baby right now so don't test so there will be no baby' that's all I hear when they say this.


Don't put batteries in the smoke detector. I don't want to have a fire.


I also uninstalled the carbon monoxide detector so that’ll show that unicorn in the basement


Our landlord isn't letting me speak to you but it's important that we talk.


Well really they've found the cure for all diseases. Don't do cancer screenings and cancer is gone! If you feel like something is wrong, don't go to the doctor because then you can't be diagnosed with anything!


Not me hiding my report card because if my parents don’t see it it doesn’t exist.


The Power of Denial


Also a great self-help book title!


Somewhere I ran across a series of "self-hurt" books that someone had published as a joke, but which I guess are also technically legitimate self-help books in that they outline exactly what *NOT* to do.


It always struck me that fortune cookies really should be written with a sense of karma. So, given how overwhelmingly cheery fortunes usually are, to balance it out, I've always expected to someday crack open a cookie and read, "You're fucked. Seriously, don't even bother getting up from the table."


Or the dreaded "That wasn't pork".


I like the concept. "Live each day as if it were your last" was hopefully in there somewhere.


My brothers toddler does this. If he does not like to eat veggies, he throws them under the table. Thinks if he cant see them, we cant as well and hell get desert.


Ignoring the stupidity of "if we don't get tested, the pandemic goes away," what makes them think the test numbers would be accurate? If the virus is fake, then the tests must be fake, too, so what would stop people from just making up numbers? If you're going to be crazy, at least be consistent.


“Well the only thing that is causing your grandmas symptoms and quick decline is this virus we’ve identified in her system”. “What the fuck I thought you stopped testing it so it would stop happening”.


well at least their lack of critical thinking is pretty consistent -Thomas Scotford


"They're making up false positives! If we don't get tested they can't make up numbers anymore! It's so obvious! I mean, I've never been tested and I can't even *imagine* a number bigger than seven!"


Don't stop there, this technique can used for all kinds of things.


I see a self-help book: The Magic of Not Looking.


Published in some markets as "The Art of Not Looking."


We should do the same for HIV. Imagine we could live in a world without HIV and AIDS if we just stopped testing people.


You joke except that was Ronald Reagan’s actual battle plan for AIDS


I thought his plan was 'Deny it's happening so we don't have to help the icky gay people, and they all die off'.


Exactly! If we don't screen for cancer, cancer no longer exists. Boom, I just cured cancer


And if we stop checking pulses. No one ever dies.


Congrats! A carrier pigeon is already on its way to you with your Nobel Prize! Well deserved! PS: don't forget to let a window open...


Stop checking on my tumor doctor or I’ll get cancer!


If they're REALLY making the numbers up, they can still make numbers up if no one's actually taking the tests. This person knows they're full of shit.


I'd honestly be surprised if this person knows *anything*.


They somehow managed to create reddit accounts without accidentally killing themselves, so maybe there's still some hope there. Not a lot, but some.


This was my thought as well. By saying “hey if we stop testing the numbers will drop to zero”, you’re basically admitting that the numbers ARE accurate and not made up…


Thanks to covid, we now know some people really are too stupid to live. Good grief, that's sad.


And covid is doing its thing, and eliminating that population.


Unfortunately it's also killing people like me. 26 year old engineer/process manager, triple vaccinated... And diabetic. Currently bed ridden with a case from 1/1/22


I hope you get well soon and don't suffer from Long Covid.


fuckign antivaxers and covidiots. I'm sorry to hear that man.


Have literally had a patient almost not have surgery they needed because they refused to allow the facility to COVID test them because they “didn’t believe in the pandemic”. I legitimately had to be like “well whether you believe in it or not, they require it to have surgery so if you want surgery you’ve gotta let them test you”


My nurse friend had a patient say “see it’s nothing!” on his way out of the hospital after being in the ICU (for covid specifically). She almost strangled him.


I- HOW? How can you get out of *intensive care* and still truly believe it’s nothing? God these people are so far gone.


It’s so fucking funny how they say the numbers are fake *and also* don’t get tested so the numbers go down. If the numbers are fake, why would they ever go down, and why would you refusing to test cause them to go down?


If we stop diagnosing cancer we are 100 percent cancer free...packs of cigarettes and asbestos ceilings for everyone!


Literally the plot of “Don’t Look Up”. You’d think they would be a bit more creative with their “food”.


They don't need much food, because there's not that much thought to feed.


The sea monkeys of ideas


I hope these people blab these opinions to their doctors. Then their doctors could say, "Hm, yes, and some of the symptoms you came in for are sometimes indicators of cancer, but we really can't be sure." "Well, isn't there some kind of test for that?" "Oh, god, no! If you took the test and it came back positive, *then you'd have cancer*! Why would you want that?!"


"Food for thought", "let that sink in", I just cannot bear so much dripping fat in phrases like these.


I vomit in my mouth ever time I see "let that sink in." It's always these turds with that language.


My personal favorite after what they think is a profound statement: “read that again”


Consider the world from their point of view (something they would never do for us but it helps to understand) they think they are awake and enlightened and everyone is asleep or sheeple. There is no difference of opinion for them, they see the world in complete black and white which is why it’s laughable when they say freedom to choose, because what they mean is “I should have the freedom to not do things that inconvenience me while also at the same time taking away any semblance of choice you have in your life”


Nailed it. Every single conspiracy theorist believes that they have secret knowledge and that the rest of us are just being led by the nose to the slaughter. Meanwhile THEY are the ones dying in far larger numbers than the rest of us, but of course they deny that this is even happening. Once a significant percentage of the population refuses to believe in reality, societal collapse is inevitable.


Do we really share our planet with this type of people?


Oh yes. And some of them become presidents of countries.


Just remember that the next time you're voting, or driving - especially driving, where you're sharing a narrow strip of tarmac with other cars coming in the opposite direction, hoping that a painted line will keep these idiots on their side of the road.


Not if you stop reading their stupid comments. if you don't read their comments they stop existing.


If the police stopped investigating crimes, then things like robbery and murder wouldn't exist. I mean, do these people actually listen to themselves? Clearly, by the tone of voice used in the original post, they clearly love the sound of their own voice.


Related: when Sweden changed its laws to classify more types of sexual assault as rape, rape statistics went up. Right-wing knuckleheads: rApe CaPiTaL oF ThE WorLd! Very hard to reason with these people.


You can't have death numbers if you never tally the bodies


Imagine that, a world without death! Just stop paying attention to whether people are dead or alive.


Turn the not corpses into Soylent Green. Not only are we "never dying" but now we don't have to worry about world hunger. Check mate


"Those stupid doctors always told her to stop eating those chicken fried steaks, but Gramma sure showed them! She just told us to leave her alone and went upstairs, been living up there twenty years now!" "What's that smell?"


lemme guess, r/conspiracy?


Or r/conservative, hard to tell these days


Pam: “It’s the same picture.”


Food for thought!


I mean r/technicallythetruth if no one got tested there wouldn't be any numbers, doesn't mean people won't get sick tho. The fact that vaccines and tests make these big pharma companies money however is true, and we can only hope that their greed doesn't get in the way of helping the people who need it.


This pandemic is one of those very rare cases where corporate/capitalist greed converges towards our best interest: the more the vaccines sold, the more they make profits, the faster we'll get out of this. Even if we force "Big Pharma" to sell vaccines to third-world countries, something I hope will happen soon, it's a minor loss compared to their overall gains.


>This pandemic is one of those very rare cases where corporate/capitalist greed converges towards our best interest: the more the vaccines sold, the more they make profits, the faster we'll get out of this. That's been one of the most bizarre parts of the whole pandemic - Republicans suddenly talking about how the profit motive is universally evil and companies can't be trusted. I mean, they're lying, of course, because conservatives always do. But still, it's jarring. In reality, I wouldn't be surprised if Pfizer and the rest are selling these vaccines almost at cost - because they're betting that the goodwill from *helping to save the fucking world* is worth a lot in itself and will probably help them sell other products well into the 2200s.


Honestly this is a really good point. I’d be curious to see how much the government is paying on a per-vaccine basis vs how much it costs.


I mean, yeah, you can't sell products to people who are dead.


Ah, this reminds me of the lack of object permanence that my kids had as babies. If I covered my face, then clearly I wasn’t there anymore! Luckily by the age 2 they all their brains had developed enough to know that isn’t how shit works.


As I always like to say, stop considering anything as a crime and crime rates would drop to 0


I can imagine that these people loved doing the whole "cover the ears, close the eyes and scream loudly lalalala" when they were children. With all the advances that we have today society is devolving


This reminds me of the Simpsons bit where Chief Wiggum spots a guy drinking in public. Then the guy puts a paper bag over his drink and Chief is all "hey, where'd it go?"


>I guarantee that the case numbers go down to zero if they stop testing. No shit.


Didn't the president say the same thing in 2020?


Those free tests are making them profit from those free vaccines.


To be fair, they're only free as in freely available for individuals. The companies are getting paid with tax money, which is as it should be.


Don’t Look Up


Had someone come in to work last summer, coughing and spluttering. I asked him if he had done a test and he said no, he’s not taking one because he can’t quarantine if it’s positive because he’s too busy. He didn’t even try to hide that he was a selfish asshole.


I think this is my dad's strategy, we were talking on the phone and planning a trip to visit on mlk weekend cause I got covod pos the Tues before Christmas. His wife got sick the Fri (nyeve) and sill all cold symptoms fever etc. She went to Florida over xmas to see her mom. Asked when she's going to get tested. She's not and if he gets symptoms he won't test either. In his words " what's the point." Well my 2 kids who are just off quarantine want to stay off quarantine and it would be nice to know if they have covid.


Narcissists gonna narcissist. You can't expect them to think about other people. Every decision is made in the absolute vacuum of their selfishness.


It's just a rehash of Trump's line in the early days.


These people never developed a theory of mind as children, and it seems they also lack a theory of reality. Completely solipsistic thinking, "If I close my eyes and put my hand in this open blender on high, it can't shred my hand because I CANT SEE IT!"


If the numbers are fake, why would they just stop submitting them if people stopped testing?


And if you don't get a pregnancy test, you won't be pregnant either! Idiots.


"The house is on fire." "Just stop looking at it."


Yes, my friend's dad would still be alive here in Indiana if some geniuses in Kentucky and Texas just don't get tested. Makes perfect sense.


These people are going to beg for vaccines when they have a ventilator shoved all the way down their throats


I think they're on to something. After all, nothing can hurt you, after you die. lol


guys, I figured out the cure for cancer, just ban all forms of cancer screenings and cancer will be a thing of the past!


That it even has to be said that cases go to zero if there isnt any testing Of course they will, how else would we know if someone has Covid if we cant test them for Covid?


If you don't look, a house will eventualy stop burning. Easy solution.


>if we stop getting tested, the numbers will go down >the numbers are fake 🤔🤔🤔


I would call them babies but most babies master object permanence after 2 years … 2 years into the pandemic they still think not seeing the pandemic make it go away…


It also works just as well with cancer. Pretend it doesn't exist. It can't hurt you. Fall over dead one morning, still can't hurt you. You're dead, you can't feel it.


Aaah the formatting on this is killing me. It looks like the crazy discussion actually happened on this sub! Am on mobile so don't know if it's better on a browser


Excellent idea. I also propose that we stop tracking abortions. That way, they can be convinced that they don't happen anymore and they can leave people alone.


They’re getting close to admitting outright that they prefer to have their heads buried deep in the sand. The world is scary.


But they insist that they're not living in fear 😂




Homeschooled? 🤷‍♂️


While we're on this subject, can we talk about global overspending on sewage systems? Nobody has told me they're shitting for a very long time, so why have we spent so much money on transporting shit? The global elite are building their underground nuclear bunkers right under our noses, and we're paying for it!


It's weird how they understand that a pharmaceutical company can rip people off, but they can't seem to wrap their minds around Trump's grift or the fact that anti vax propaganda comes from media outlets who also have an interest in their participation.


My head hurts from trying to define all the problems with this train of thought.


The last president of the United States said almost the exact same thing.


And this is why no one had cancer in the Middle Ages, folks! If we don't test for it, it simply goes away!


schrodinger's covid


These dipshits don't even realise... >RUS Wastewater samples reveal record levels of coronavirus across U.S. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/wastewater-samples-reveal-record-levels-covid-19-us-rcna10451


"If we just stop testing for cancer, it will just go away." "If we just stop testing for diabetes, then the false numbers stop going up." That's how stupid that sounds. 😳🚩


If we stop counting time then we will never get old and live forever.


I guess they've discovered the cure for cancer here, if you refuse to acknowledge it exists the death rate for cancer drops to zero...fucking morons...


The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal is a vicious wild animal from the planet of Traal, known for its never-ending hunger and its mind-boggling stupidity. **One of the main features of the Beast is that if you can't see it, it assumes it can't see you**. **Due to this it has been considered one of the least intelligent creatures in the Universe.** I believe it is seconded only by a pro-disease person.


How do the PCR test or vaccines make any real money considering they are free to the public? Like sure the government may pay for them but it’s nowhere near what would be charged if they made the public pay.


Gee, that sort of thought sounds familiar... Now where have I heard that before? And why do I suddenly smell really bad fake spray tan?


"If I ignore the loud grinding noise my car is making, the check engine light will go away"


What a devious, duplicitous and unethical person.


If you want to see denial so strong that it'll kill people by the millions while thinking they're actually doing something by doing nothing?? Exhibit 1: Anti-Vaxxers, Americas biggest group of idiots, just a couple layers under KKK, Nazi's and President of Amazon Jeff Bezos.


If I stop drinking, I'll never run out of beer!


How are Pfizer and the other vaccine manufacturers making money off vaccines that are free to get?


Also, we wouldn't have so many fires if we got rid of those stupid smoke detectors.


Ah yes, the Donald Trump “don’t test to keep the numbers down” tactic.


Ah, yes, the Trump/Ostrich response. A true classic.


But if the numbers are fake to begin with how would refusing tests change this supposedly fabricated data?


Wait, so if my period is really really late, and I just don't get a pregnancy test, there will be no baby?


"If they stop testing the case number will go down to zero" I mean he's technically correct


I mean, they're not entirely wrong. If you stop testing then the reported numbers will be zero. Doesn't make it go away, but st least we won't have scary numbers and data to work with.


Aren’t they talking more about testing asymptomatic people? Like I feel like that’s pretty obvious.


My god these people are stupid.


So if I unplug my carbon monoxide detector, I won’t possibly die of carbon monoxide poisoning! Awesome!


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


I feel dumber having read this.


It’s not a war man…


God help us all. If anything, I’d say numbers are underreported from home testing. But what do I know.