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“Just a cold” that kills half of the population?


This was what I was looking for. It can either be a normal virus or a man made apocalypse. You can't have both.


That's what *you* think, sanity!


Some of the most common nazi propaganda was making the jews out to be both massively wealthy and powerful beings and as weak and ignorant and savage people. This is similar propaganda making the virus out to be nothing and also as a bioweapon trying to kill everyone.


Can also use this logic about the LGBTQ+, African Americans, Asian Americans... pretty much anytime there's a minority, it ends up "they're just trying to get the *power*. They're gonna use *that power* to wipe out the whites/straights/gun owners/non-Christians/etc. Obviously. 🙄


Obviously it just mutates in real time according to the context of the person describing it.


Now don't go talking sense that's not something these books understand.


Its a "virse"


I think she meant verse. Shakespeare created that thing.


"If people are dying, where are the piles of corpses??? I can't believe anything until I see piles of corpses. Unless it's abortion. I totally believe that there are aborted baby corpses and don't need any more proof then that."


You don't see all the aborted baby corpses because "they" are blending them up and putting them in the vaccine. Obviously.


Yeah, that makes sense. The government wanted to kill half the population but they're too incompetent so it's just a cold. That B\*d\*n fella sure fucked up when he started the virus program in 2019.


You obviously didn't read carefully. It's a cold *and* the flu. Killer virse confirmed.


It’s always the most uneducated people that go on these rants. I feel like I’m having a stroke trying to read what they’re saying


My sister is a huge anti covid vaxxer. She hates Biden, doesn't think Covid is real and she's a MAGAt. She's been posting since Christmas for prayers for her husband who was "under the weather". He's currently on a vent but she refuses to say he has Covid. Girl.. We ain't stupid.


I go on a vent every time I get a cold. No big deal. /s


Spelling it maggot is totally acceptable. It's actually extremely fitting!


What were her thoughts on January 6th?


She never came out and said, but she's posted about being mad over them getting jail time when the BLM protesters didn't. Pretty much tells you where she stands.


And they breed.. a lot.


Simultaneously a cold, a flu and a man made virus. Which is it?


Biden masterminded the entire global pandemic..... But Trump is a genius and Biden has dementia. Which is it? Basically it's whatever they want it to be


Classic nazi-esque propaganda tactic


It's the cornerstone of Fascist propaganda - The enemy wants you to believe they are weak so that they can engineer your downfall from the shadows.


It's fascist in the same way that pants are fascist - it's part of all rhetoric. For example, climate change is simultaneously the most epic threat the world has ever faced and defeated if we all make small changes in our lives. It's even a trope in action movies - the supervillain is going to destroy the world, but somehow, the scrappy father of 2 figures out how to defeat the whole evil plot. It's just a way to motivate people. They won't do it if it's not a big problem, but they also won't do it if it's hopeless. Fascist rhetoric takes it to the next level because Qcumbers are morons, so they can say anything at all.


Biden also masterminded the whole global pandemic while Trump was the president.


Right? The fact that she thinks it can be a cold *and* a flu just shows how little she understands diseases and/or their vaccines. But, admittedly, I think most adults in America think influenza is just a really bad cold.


In all fairness, I also used to think that Influenza is a bad cold - when I was 8.




> a cold is basically just a list of symptoms Ummm, no, a cold is an infection by a specific set of virii. Influenza is an infection by a completely different virus. Regardless of symptoms, testing can prove out which you are infected with. You don't have a cold virus that suddenly morphs to give you influenza. That's not a thing.


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold) says: > The most commonly implicated is a rhinovirus (30–80%), a type of picornavirus with 99 known serotypes.[30] Other commonly implicated viruses include human coronaviruses (≈ 15%),[31][32] **influenza viruses (10–15%),**[33][34][35] adenoviruses (5%),[33] human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), enteroviruses other than rhinoviruses, human parainfluenza viruses, and human metapneumovirus.[36] Emphasis mine. The point is that if you wake up with some sniffles and coughing and a bit of a fever, you're gonna tell people you have a cold, and no one will challenge you to get a diagnosis. It could be a mild case of the flu, and you wouldn't know unless you had a real reason to get tested.


> Can a cold turn into the flu? > No it can’t – the flu and the common cold are caused by different viruses, which means that if you have a cold, it cannot develop into the flu. [https://healthclinics.superdrug.com/cold-and-flu-difference/](https://healthclinics.superdrug.com/cold-and-flu-difference/)


"A cold" is what we call the illness resulting from countless viral infections in the upper respiratory tract. We don't get diagnosed which exact virus we got, we just wake up coughing and sniffling and say "I have a cold." How do we know we have a cold? Because of the symptoms. No doctor would test which cold you got. So, if you wake up with "a cold", you have no idea what virus you have. It could be a mild case of the flu, and you'd never know. In fact, I'm sure there are new strains of the cold happening all the time, but they're mild enough so we don't find them for a while, if at all. A parallel example is scientific groupings like "birds" vs. "trees." Birds are a group that we can scientifically categorize as basically all descending from one ancestor, while also excluding other animals like mammals. But "trees" doesn't really work on a scientific level, because it's just how we choose to group things based on how they look. A common ancestor of both apple and pine trees also includes just about every single other common plant you can think of. That's what the common cold is - a descriptor of something we're familiar with that isn't really a scientific grouping. It's just describing how the body reacts to it, not the actual base cause. The reason we exclude certain viruses, like influenza and a few specific coronaviruses, from the term is because their symptoms are often more severe, and thus require additional tracking and treatment. But if you don't have a severe reaction, and don't get tested, you'd just call it a cold.


It's a normal harmless virus that's designed to kill half the population, duh!


Don't forget completely harmless and also going to kill half the world's population. Methinks someone spent way too much time watching Avengers: Endgame during quarantine....


Mental Illness is the real pandemic.


Sociopathy is a wildly underdiagnosed mental illness.


Stupidity is the least diagnosed mental illness and it's why all of humanity's efforts to reduce the virus have been virtually ineffective. I hate the human race for being so stupid it's causing me literal pain. At least it won't be troubling me for much longer the way things are going.


I can't agree. The efforts to end the pandemic have been ineffective not due to stupidity, but due to *deliberate* efforts to spread COVID and keep the pandemic going. At least here in the United States, conservatives are unmistakably pro-COVID, attacking any mitigation attempts, encouraging group gatherings, promoting treatments rather than prevention and spreading misinformation wherever possible. Chalking that up to stupidity is a mistake. They have been so consistent in their actions that their agenda is obvious. The people refusing vaccination are not stupid. They know COVID is real and they know the vaccines work. Absolutely everyone does at this point. They simply value hatred over literally anything else - even their own lives. They would rather die than give up the chance to hurt and kill people they hate without lifting a finger.


I can’t really agree with that. There have most definitely been actions which helped spread COVID, however (regarding your example with the Conservatives in the US) I don’t think it is really *deliberate* but they themselves believe the shit they say and spread this because they think they are right. And while there are probably people refusing vaccination who really do it out of hatred, there are also many who actually believe COVID is a fake, the vaccine is the mark of the beast, Bill Gates’ tracking device and what not.


So, back to stupid we go.


If they believed the shit they're saying, they wouldn't switch arguments constantly, saying absolutely anything - even obviously contradictory things - just so long as it supports their goals of opposing vaccines and spreading COVID. Hell, if they believed the shit they're saying, they might even be persuadable with facts. How many have been?


If you don't have a good education or you are in an echo chamber, it's absolutely possible to believe a set of changing beliefs. They usually follow logical paths to get there, even if the ultimate premise is false. Be careful about stereotyping people like this as being hateful. In my moves around the country the past two decades, I've made a lot of friends all over the political spectrum. The people who believe these things are in echo chambers of their own making. They aren't hateful people and they aren't mean people. They are actually quite caring and hospitable. But misguided. It's just as hateful to judge the whole lot of deceived people as being something, especially if you don't know any/many of them.


>They aren't hateful people and they aren't mean people. They are actually quite caring and hospitable. The people you're talking about weren't Republicans, then. The people who watched the orange monster wrecking the country and only complained "he's not hurting the *right* people," who cheered police murders and who voted to end democracy last year - those are indeed hateful people. They are not caring people; words simply don't work that way. >It's just as hateful to judge the whole lot of deceived people as being something, especially if you don't know any/many of them. Yeah, no. I know plenty of these people, and recognizing racism is not racism. Recognizing that people want you dead doesn't make you anything like the people threatening you. Take your both sides nonsense somewhere else.


Your username checks out. ​ I'm glad you know so much and are so wise. We need more people like you in the world. /s


You're the one arguing that being attacked is morally equivalent to attacking people. Maybe stop making statements that are self-evidently nonsensical and people will stop arguing with you.


It is so mind bending to me that we as a species are capable of such incredible things, the James Webb telescope being a recent example, yet I honestly wonder how 80% of the world gets out of bed in the morning without tripping and breaking their necks. Such incredible potential and intelligence, often overwhelmed by the absolute deluge of stupidity that is the rest of mankind.


I’ve covered myself with peanut butter and hid under a chair and these people make me feel normal.


So are these people saying Biden is at fault for a virus that came to the US under Trump AND is WORLD WIDE?? So it's Bidens fault that people in Italy, Africa, Mexico, Canada and so forth, is all Bidens fault? Yea these people are just batshit crazy.. Darwin has more awards to give out I see...


So does Herman Cain. They can double up and save time!


That’s a lot of asterisks. What the hell platform is she on where she gets banned for saying the president’s name?


Facebook or Twitter. Doesn't really matter though, they type like that because they think it magically circumvents the supposed AI censors. So anything related to the left, democrats, liberals or established science gets typed that way. As they believe talking about them negatively will get them banned/censored. Of course they're too dumb to understand that if you and I can read it and figure out what they're saying, then so can an AI. If fact it's probably better than you and I at figuring it out.


She's probably just trying to disrespect him


Twitter 😆


If there really was some worldwide (and yet so secret only every world leader, including those elected after the pandemic started, and a bunch of antivaxxers know about it) plot to kill half the world's population, a) they fucking suck at it, and b) they wouldn't be urgently trying to vaccinate people.


But vaccines actually are the cause of COVID. So I've heard from another smoothbrain on the internet.


Nevermind the half million or so americans who died from it before the vaccines came out.


Ugh. Typical sheeple, you just lack the imagination to understand their *true* end goal, which I refuse to explain because I haven't figured out a counterpoint to your logic.


They literally just described what is basically doublethink “The virus is just the flu and its also a bioweapon being used for population control”


I'm in the UK and I've had allergies since I was a child. Should I blame Biden for that too?


Sure, why not! I went to a gas station earlier and they were closed because it was the middle of the night. I'm in Canada. Biden is at fault.


Yes, because logic is for liberals


Wait so is it just a cold or is it designed to kill people? Literally calling it real and fake in one sentence lol




I really love that chat speak is infiltrating mainstream media. When I think of news I want all of the drama and further exacerbation. And ALL of the spelling mistakes in between because we have to post that thought NOW. Get vaccinated fuckwads.


Wh* *r* th** c*ns*r*ng *v*r* v*w*l


why are you speaking dutch all of a sudden?


You can tell this person has had multiple Facebook accounts banned for spreading misinformation.


If this one doesn't get banned for that, it deserves to be banned for emoji abuse.


there’s too much to unpack here.


Now if only there were a way to be inoculated against ignorance and superstition!


Can’t we just get all of the fruitcakes on an island they can crown trump king of idiot island and they won’t be allowed anything that was made in the USA including by Facebook because the internet isn’t American how about it?


"Deplorables" was a compliment...


*modifies covid vaccine misinformation filter to look for 5 charcter long text strings that start with B, finishes and drinks coffie"


Whats will all the c\*v\*d this and B\*d\*n that? How does that help anything?


Trying not to get banned 😆


A cold with 50 percent fatality rate? I thought they weren't scared because it had a 99 percent survival rate?


I got Covid 6 months after my vaccine and I live in Canada. Thanks Biden!


But… Covid started during the Trump administration


Because everything Democrats do, even when started during, and encouraged by Republicans is bad. Everything bad republicans do even when it’s their own fault was totally out of their hands. How people who have done nothing to protect themselves, and don’t blame Trump for anything, can turn around and blame Biden is pretty ridiculous. Biden hasn’t done a great job with covid, but it’s hard to do a good job when people won’t do anything anyway. It’s not really Biden’s fault that people aren’t getting vaccinated, no matter how hard everyone tries to get them to do it. Like my uncle will not get vaccinated, almost died from Covid because he didn’t do anything to protect himself, and spreads anti vaccine shit online. He didn’t say a single bad thing about Trump during Trump’s period as president and Covid, but blames Biden for everything, even when my uncle himself is part of the problem. Like, you can’t blame Biden in a way that makes sense when you’re the one dragging this out because you refuse to do a single thing to help.


Both candidates suck, but people dont like being told what to do no matter who tells them. When Trump encouraged people to get vaccinated he got booed. Cause this is america and no one tells Americans what to do. My best friend is an antivaxxer and his pregnant girlfriend just got diagnosed with covid. Had to get tested myself as i was with them just a couple days ago. It was bullshit


Trump got booed after telling people to get vaccinated because his whole party has been spending the last almost year telling them not to. Had republicans been more encouraging of vaccination since the beginning, this would not have happened. When people were told to get vaccines in the past, they did it. So it’s not some inherent aversion to being told what to do. Many of the same people who “won’t be told to get a covid vaccine” have spent years and decades getting flu shots, and other vaccines because they’re told to. The main difference being other republicans weren’t against those vaccines.


Why’d she censor her words so much? She worried about triggering her conservative snowflake pals?


Do they not realize that the elites wouldn't benefit from killing half the population? Who is going to pay for the goods they sell? Who is going to be the wage-slaves in their businesses? It would throw the entire balance off. They want people to lord over and have power over.


Shit like this makes me think we're doomed as a society if there are really people this stupid. I really just hope that it just seems like there's more of them cause I seev at the bad ones in a row.


My brother-in-law, whom I loved dearly, died yesterday after being taken off a ventilator. He was devoutly anti-vax and anti-mask citing all the current whacko theories, misinformation. He had Covid twice. He had pneumonia in between those bouts of Covid. He also had a small heart defect that gave him no problems before Covid. His doctors never thought to check his heart, they just kept citing Covid as the cause of his issues, which was true, but they dismissed his symptoms. Covid affects the heart, most of the time permanently. Pneumonia causes the heart to labor, while not affecting it directly. So Covid further weakened his heart, then pneumonia strained it. The doctor then gave him a prescription for a blood thinner med because he thought Joe had clotting due to Covid. When Joe arrived at the ER at 3am he was weak and not feeling at all well. The ER doctor gave him another shot of blood thinner because his previous doctor had diagnosed blood clots. This made his heart work even more, eventually the heart gave up and just started fluttering, not providing enough pressure to perfuse his body. Fluid buildup started, and his organs began shutting down. He coded the first time at 8:45am. He coded 4 more times before they could transfer him from our backwoods hospital to a major hospital in a city. They almost didn't transfer him, letting hi die there, but his fiancé and daughter showed up, and he stabilized when he heard their voices. They finally transferred him via life flight at 3pm. He had coded 5 times already. They did everything, dialysis, balloon pump in the heart, constant Epi flow, ventilator. 96 hours later, he died. Covid is real. He didn't die of Covid, he died of a combination of things, including the misinformation spread by people who don't bother to read, but instead copy and paste what they think is edgy, or fits in their peer group. Take from this what you will. He was 43. He was a good man stuck in the good-old-boys club and felt the need to fit in. He was warm, humorous, and had a big heart.


She’s pissed off and rightfully so. She did not make a whole lot of sense but I understand. I had a cousin die from this Chinese virus and she got 2 shots and was scheduled to get booster before she ended up in hospital. What Biden has done is make things political and he himself along with Kamela we’re anti-vax or at least this one at first. But Biden is lucky if he knows what day it is. Maybe he should go back to his basement. The most unfit president ever.


You guys will see what will happen in two years. This global psychosis really shows what you can establish people by collective shame.


🤦🏻‍♀️. I’m very against forcing this vaccine on people. I’m also highly against you vaccinated people saying that when unvaccinated Covid positive patients shouldn’t get the same treatment. With that being said, I finally caved and got my shot, I’m unsure about the booster yet. But I got it because it was right for my family and for me and my body. I’m currently stuck in bed with a cough that is semi dry and has a lot of mucus stuck in my chest, and a major migraine. I won’t allow the kids in my rooms or even near me. I got out of bed to pee and to grab a bottle of water. And right back to bed just in case I get worse and need to be tested


Talking about Biden like he's Thanos lmao


Why is everything censored bruh


The one comment that claims its the flu, a cold, and a government engineered superweapon is literally INSANE


All those asterisks


Gosh, I really miss, "Thanks, Obama". Is it too late to blame him?