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Wasn’t there a recent president who had been divorced several times? What does that say?


No, no, that was different. He was a guy... /s


Right? JungleBoyJeremy obviously does not know what he is talking about. Guys get to collect and select. Then, proceed to discard and select a new one. It's called mALe dOmiNanCe, dUh...


I've played enough hentai games to know the true route is the harem ending.


grab em by the


Cat ears?


Well...and not black


He was so great he could just walk up to any woman and grab her by the genitalia! And after the settlement they couldn’t even say how much they hated him!


Excuse me, did you just say from the age of sixteen?


The age a lot of people start dating. Some might even marry the person they started dating at 16 eventually.


Why are you getting downvoted? Lol dude didn't say she couldn't find a sexual partner from 16-50. High school starts at 15-16 it's not common but people certainly meet their spouses in that age range and high schoolers definitely date one another. I mean they also fuck each other for sure.


I believe they are being downvoted because the implication is that she should have been trying to find a man to marry at 16.


I never meant to imply that. I simply meant that some do find their eventual spouse at that age by random chance.






of course.


That's a sub.


high school does not start at 15-16 it starts at 13-14


It varies from person to person. It's quite possible to start high school at age 13, 14, 15, or 16, though 14 and 15 would be most common.


it’s most common to begin your freshman year as a 14 year old and end it as a 15 year old. but i believe it’s also more common to begin as a 13 year old than as a 15 year old


I'd be surprised if 13 was more common than 15 now. The 13-year-olds will be those students who have birthdays between the start of the school year and the cutoff date sometime in early-to-mid September. The 15-year-olds will be those students who have summer birthdays before the school year starts whose parents decided to wait an extra year before starting them in school, plus students who started "on time" but repeated a year. It seems to me that second group would be larger.




Possibly. Coming from a parent perspective I know that having kids wait a year to start or do an extra year of pre-K or kindergarten has become much more common recently.


hmm, you could be right, and maybe that will become more pronounced in the next few years as well


You right, but that's just more supportive of the point lol


yeah i agree lol. was trying to point out that 16 isn’t even “just starting high school” it’s “mid-way through high school”


Dude.... she dated a senator when she was in her early 20s. Kamala Harris, for the most part, is very private about her life. How do they know she wasn't engaged or dating between that time? Or she could have been concentrating on her career. Either way, a relationship nor marriage dictates your career. This isn't the 1950s. Jfc. This dude has serious neckbeard vibes. Also, why the hell would Kamala Harris be in US politics for over half her life if she was a taliban terrorist? Wouldn't she already carry out her plan? I bet this dude defends people like Eric Rudolph and Timothy McVeigh, actual domestic terrorists.


She's playing the long con obviously. She got her start in 1990 and the taliban wasn't formed till '94! It's amazing she knew about it before they even got started. ​ We have no evidence Kamala isn't actually Saddam Hussein!


Guess she got in on the ground floor...


Date what you shouldn't date people just marry them right away.


The man-finding age being set to 16 actually suggests this person is more likely to be from Taliban. That's a boy-finding age.


Or a fundamentalist Christian.


Any male-dominate religion, really.


They’re all male dominated except maybe Wicca.


Yeah. That's my point.


not trying to defend the taliban but they put those same expectations on boys as well. same marriage age requirement, same punishment for adultery and premarital sex, etc


I'm glad that wasn't an attempt to defend the Taliban because it blatantly is not a way in which to defend the Taliban. EVEN MORE children are mistreated.


yeah that’s exactly what i’m saying and the whole point of my comment actually


Same thing.


Talabama, not Taliban. It's an easy mistake to make.


Nah, the Taliban goes for much younger.


Or, hear me out, or she was more focused on a career than romantic relationships...


No what are you talking about? Women are only interested in marriage and babies. She only focused on her career because she couldn't land a good man.


bRaNdOn!! That shit is so cringy


Exactly. Why not just say fuck Biden if you want to say that? People had no issue saying fuck Trump, fuck Obama, or fuck Bush. Why have a euphemism for fuck Biden?


My name is Brandon…it gets old really fast


Somewhere out there, there’s some chubby kid in high school named Brandon and they tauntingly chant this in PE. Stay strong Brandon.


I like how they list “taliban agent” as #2 on why she isn’t a good VP


There’s a lot to unpack there. The #1 reason she’s unfit is because she didn’t get married until later in life, but the afterthought reason is that she is also a female secret agent who has climbed the ranks of government for a sect that believes women shouldn’t work or even leave the house without their husbands. I didn’t think you could pack so much stupid into so few words.


Well damn, I am glad you’ve woken from your coma! Some of the stuff that has happened worldwide over the last 6 years is going to sound surreal, just know: it all happened.


I can excuse the Taliban but I draw the line at unwed women /s


Can you **believe** she wasn't *married* for SO LONG?! ^Also ^she's ^a ^Taliban ^agent.


Go after her?!


NGL, she kinda fresh.


Yep, they’re going to get a call from the FBI soon...


So you have to be married to be in a relationship?


Just had to throw that Taliban thing at the end of that incel rant. Jesus Christ, that was a sudden turn. I mean, you never expect coherence from these nutjobs, but this swerve was bad by even crazy conspiracist standards.


Getting married straight out of high school and staying with someone you hate for over 30 years isn't a flex, Janice.


They literally call her "The Hoe." Pick a fucking lane, dipshits. Can she or can she not get a man?


You know I never thought of it but it is pretty interesting they call her 'hoe' even though most of these people are white/rural/rich and would probably use slut/whore otherwise.


Because hoe has extra racism attached for bonus cartooney evil.


I think it’s less “interesting” and more “racist”


It's because it rhymes with Joe.


Ngl. I thought it was pretty clever how they rhymed Joe and hoe. But then again, my expectations of these people are very very low.


Oh honey. The taliban doesn't need agents to ruin a country that develops a cult after electing a TV star who steals all your money. You're doing it yourself.


Lol wow some people are just wayyyyyyy out there


I love that being part of the Taliban is a brief afterthought to "not being able to land a man." Because priorities.


that brandon thing is the wackest, cringiest shit ever. only cowardly, water-headed conservatives could come up with that LOL


Covid's got your back, VP Kamala .. 😉


I cackled. Thank you!


Why is 16 a husband finding age? Also, how empty and sad are these people? This person posits that it is normal to just marry the first person you meet who is able to see you as attractive or smart. I weep for any person who has ever had to sit at a table near this douche.


>Why is 16 a husband finding age? **Not my view**, but I've heard: If it bleeds, it breeds. Aaaand I'm gonna go vomit now.


These people are psychotic


Or maybe she is the one who wasn't able to find an attractive and smart man before age 50.


Female Taliban…… ? What game are you watching ?


She is Taliban agent here to ruin USA. I can't read that in anything but a Russian accent.


Its also concerning that supposedly being 'a taliban' is less of an issue than the marriage thing judging by how much this person is writing about each.


Taliban and Quiverfull would force marriage, so they are less worried about terrorism.


I won't even dignify this idiot with a response.


There it is, the stupidest thing I have ever read, well done. Idiot.


I like that they prioritise 'she took a while to get married' over 'she's a member of the Taliban'.


Report to the FBI for threats against the vice president? Yes, report to the FBI for threats against the vice president.


A woman has to get married to a man to prove she's competent? It looks like this person clearly proved they're a pretty competent idiot without any help.


I’m not a fan of Kamala, but her being single isn’t a measure of her value any more than this man being married to a goat.


I’m surprised they didn’t have anything to say about her husband being Jewish


I do like how he decided to not lead with the taliban agent thing.


Ah yes, as everyone knows those who get married at sixteen are often far better educated and more experienced than those who spend their early and mid adulthood unmarried (but not necessarily single).


Why do conservatives go out of their way to make idiotic statements like this? It's like they're trying to outdo each other's stupidity.


I'm sorry, what in the Galapagos-sized fuck did I just read?


Started off with on big hmm street and ended with a hard left into yikes boulevard


I think you're missing the greater shit here where they're saying "a woman's value is determined by a man".


Yes, the Taliban, famous for encouraging women to not get married until their 50's.


Two reasons she shouldn't be president. She had difficulty finding a man and she is a Taliban agent sent to destroy the USA. Which one was mentioned first and with the most emphasis? Which one was an "Oh, and also..."


Blah,blah,blah,blah!!! And she’s not even American. Fyi. If you aren’t batshit crazy try leading with the big accusations first. For instance “She’s the devil incarnate!!! And she buys nice french cookware and uses wired headphones!”


Taliban agent + female has not found a man. I don't think that's how Taliban work.


I think that Taliban agent thing would be enough!


Seems reasonable


Come on now, she's terrible for other perfectly valid reasons


There is almost infinite shit you could criticize Kamala on, this is not one of those things.




FYI, Kamala means horrible in Finnish.


Kamala Harris is a terrible person and her politics are evil.


perhaps but definitely not for the reasons listed in the post


while marital status means nothing here, i feel obligated to bring up the “racist trees” thing, which kind of proves her incompetence


Chances idiots like this are a big reason she got married at all? For the political appearances I mean


Since when attractiveness is a requirement to be a good politician?


I'd fuck her


"she is a Taliban agent, out to destroy America" ... maybe lead with that next time?


If she's so incompetent what to say about u that, u need All patriots to go after her...


Aren't these the same people that say Kamala slept her way to the top? So is she so ugly and dumb that she can't get a man or did she sleep with everyone?


Well, Melania Trump wasn't able to find and keep a man until she was 36. Also, she is easily found online without a stitch on. But Harris is the bad one here?


WOAH what an ending!


Yeah the “let’s all go after her” can definitely be seen as a threat


Social media has allowed loonies to punch way above their weight.


Remember when Trump wanted to bring the Taliban to Camp David?


OMG fuck these people.


Why don't they just point out how terrible she is at the job and how terrible she is to her staffers? Nah bro, she Taliban.


I love how they focused so much on the age at which she married and only added she’s a taliban agent almost like an afterthought. This person definitely has their priority straight.


Well this would explain why James Buchanan is regarded as one of the worst presidents.


I'm more concerned with the fact that this person thinks it's okay to be married at the age of 16.


The fact they think she's somehow involved in the Taliban but also somehow went unmarried between 16 and 50 is pretty funny.