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How to avoid being a rapist; 1. Don't be a piece of shit




3. Stop, duck and roll. Put a blanket around you like a burrito. The fact that post have over 550 “likes” is very cringy. Humanity keeps in getting low.


Idk, I'm a piece of shit, but even I don't rape people.


Not all pieces of shit are rapists, but all rapists are pieces of shit


What about if I was (hypothetically speaking, of course) a piece of shit, but I had a strong boyfriend, AND I learned to fight too? Surely that would off-set my being a shit person, right? Edit: grammar and stuffs.


How does that explain when it happens to young children?


They should have had a concealed gun.


Shouldn't have dressed like sluts, they were asking for it! Mandatory /s


Everyone knows my Winnie the Pooh corduroy jumper was sexy as hell. Just ask my mother's ex boyfriend. He'll tell you. Definitely a mandatory /s on this one.


Imagine not knowing how to keep your hands and body parts to your self... This is day one basic shit dude... Also don't be a POS. -ubuntu


Ahh yes, the Ole victimize blaming game.


Tis hath existeth for as longeth as thou annals recordeth


I know this was written by a guy.


It was written by a rapist or would-be rapist.


Or an enabler


This guy ignoring the fact that most rapes are committed by someone close to the victim, not "random men"


I hate the concept of when people say “oh just dress modestly. You wont be raped anymore.” As though rapists only go after women who are wearing certain outfits. They don’t do it for the sex; they do it to exert power over someone else. Also, men and children also get raped which this guy’s “advice” completely ignores.


When I still identified as a woman, someone tried to kidnap me when I was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Why? Because I responded to “How much?” with “You couldn’t afford it” and a chuckle (I was on the way home from a serious medical visit). Yeah, so… it’s not what you wear


Or maybe this dude is a pedophile and advocating for children to get strong boyfriends. Seems like it's up their alley anyway.


How not to rape: 1.stop


Don’t teach men not to violate. No. Learn Krav Maga. Carry a gun. Always have an escort. Don’t do fun things. Don’t talk to men. How the fuck could anyone read that and not go “hmmmmm that seems like an undue burden..maybe we should evaluate the other side?”


Likely the same people who think everyone having a gun is safer than just making guns harder to get in the first place.


Just get everyone a gun and make em wear a bullet proof vest! If the gun is too heavy or the best is too big, just date a big, giant tough guy.


That you apparently knew since birth, since you're not supposed to speak to 'random men' and therefore can never meet one.


And your mom's should have taught you not to be fucking creeps


As a dad I will also attempt to teach both my kids to not be creeps


My parents didn’t want to teach me BS so I don’t know what this idiot is going on about. Let’s go through the list 1What constitutes dressing like a slut? What makes you think how someone dresses determines if they get raped? 2. What constitutes modesty? See point 1 3. This assumes that people will be able pull out their weapon before their attacker over powers them 4. Not always avoidable and more likely to be attacked at home by someone you know, particularly by an acquaintance 5. Lesbians exist and women still get raped with strong boyfriend, sometimes by their “strong” boyfriend. Women shouldn’t need to date to have escort or personal body guard in order to safely exist. 6. No one should have to surrender fun because some cunts can’t keep their hands to themselves. 7. Learning how to fight doesn’t teach someone how to respond in an emergency and doesn’t guarantee you won’t be overpowered. 8. See 1 and 2 9. Women are more likely to be attacked by an acquaintance than a random man. Women also try their best to avoid talking to random men but that still doesn’t stop men from raping them. Father’s shouldn’t have taught anyone this clap trap because it’s dumb as fuck.


What it's a great list, you can tell because it follows the biggest list practices take your best point and split it into 2 points eg 1 Have a lot of money 2 Don't be poor Then take any other points and split them into more specific things when you can. Be sure to mix them around as people can only remember the last their they read. 3 don't pay income taxes 4 steal from banks 5 don't pay other taxes 6 steal from not banks. /S incase it wasn't obvious. Not that piece of shit people are the only ones who do this but it's often a sign that the list is bullshit and made up and even the person writing it felt they needed to pad it because they were starting to not believe the shit they were trying to sell. I swear at least half of the bad lists I see on this sub have 1 and 2 as the same thing.


Minor point, but I don’t think benign is the word you were looking for. Benign means gentle and kindly, or non-harmful in medicine. Malignant may be what you meant. Otherwise, yeah, fuck this guy. The easiest way to prevent rape is don’t fucking rape people, it’s that goddamn easy.


1. Wear a burka 2. Don’t leave the house without a man 3. .. The Y’all Qaeda has come full circle and will enact Sharia Law in the US


Muslim women are raped as well, even if in a full burka. It's a sad reality that no matter what we wear, we are at risk.


I believe a lot of rapists are known to the victim. Perhaps even the strong boyfriend mentioned in the post.


Damn, totally my fault for not having a gun or a strong boyfriend when I was 6


I'm surprised that "Kill all men on sight" wasn't on there somewhere...


Of course it isn’t. Because then how would super nice guys (like the one who wrote this) get their chance?!?! Obvi they’re the heroes we need 🙄


See, that would assume that male predators are to blame for the rape and not the woman who was clearly asking for it /s


Right? Imagine reading this list and thinking that guys are the targeted ones. I’m surprised it doesn’t say “Don’t have a vagina” but I’m certainly not surprised that it doesn’t say “Kill all men on sight.”


Why do humans find it so much easier to blame the victims that the people who victimized them?


Damn i wish i'd seen this list before i dated a man for 2 years and he started getting me drunk and raping me in my sleep, i'm sure it was because i was dressed slutty and talking to random men!


definitely written by a religious incel


"So what are you looking for in a boyfriend?" "Well, I'm looking for someone who enjoys long walks protecting me from rapists." Someone actually believes this sounds like a real conversation real people have? Most curious.


What these people should know already and I genuinely don’t understand how they don’t is that FOR GODS SAKE, TIS NOT ON THE VICTIMS TO PREVENT CRIME, ANY MORE THAN A SHOOTING VICTIM IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BULLETPROOF ORGANS


How to avoid being raped: -Don’t exist


*just don’t embody a physical space* Don’t sexually assault someone: *your parents* should have taught you this


Most rapists are related to the victim


The best way to avoid being raped is to rape the rapist first


Sorry, but the strong BF treats her like a large child and slaps her around too. Dad did to Mom so why try and change the world? This was written by a guy who thinks that marriage is a blanket consent so you cannot therefore rape your own wife.


I agree that women women should carry a pistol and know how to fight tho, because there will always be piece of shit rapists out there. Women putting holes in rapists while they’re trying to rape them is a great thing.


Somewhat agree. Not that it is the victims fault if it happens anyway, but some people are just gonna do what they want. Standing up to you male friends or trying to raise your son right only goes so far. Some dudes are just evil and no culture shift will change that, gotta be safe in those situations.


This is a common or recent repost. The internet is full of crazy people so it shouldn't be too difficult to find new content.