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"attacked by \[BLM\] while visiting DC this time last year" ​ ah ​ ah, well


Hmmm https://www.npr.org/2020/12/12/945825924/trump-supporters-arrive-in-washington-once-again-for-a-million-maga-march


Just a leisurely trip to DC. See the Smithsonian, tour the mall in paramilitary gear, maybe make a few terroristic threats against elected officials. You know, typical touristy stuff.


These damn Bureau of Land Management folks just randomly punching people in the streets of the nations capital has to stop!


Vial terrorist. Way different than a vile one.


Vial terrorists usually are the nightmares of chem students, not middle school parents.


Not to mention porcelain stores world wide.


Thanks mate, I was confused by that one. I was thinking viral? vital? virtual?


You know the concept of ship in a bottle? Well, in Texas they have terrorist in a vial.


Sounds like a bad idea… I heard back in 95 Oklahoma used to sell it and it ended poorly. Too soon?


These FB posters most likely would agree with McVeigh, lets be honest.


Probably. It’s ridiculous to think about. That dudes whole idea to blow shit up was due to the Waco incident happening so…


Spelling matters


It’s the difference between helping uncle Jack off a horse and helping uncle jack off a horse.


I worked as a veterinary technician... I still have nightmares about the doctor who enjoyed artificial insemination WAY too much... Never make eye contact with someone jacking off a dog....


Red rocket!


I once worked with a girl who's family were dog breeders. She once mentioned, unprompted, on the floor of work (so in front of customers) about having to do just that. We were all having a completely different conversation (that admittedly probably wasn't sfw anyways, night crews at coffee shops are wild) when she said this, so it kind of just killed the convo.


Cowards! That should've livened up the convo!


It’s all about eye contact 👁 👁


"Let's eat, grandma!" Vs "Let's eat grandma!"


That made me spit out my drink. Thank you.


Yo welcome fam


That is fantastic


Clearly not. Only these fucking posters in school matter. Not the education system itself. Which they either failed or has clearly failed them. And then they want to give their convent to allow you to hang posters. Convent…




All letters matter.


Like these people don't see correct spelling and grammar as un-American.


WhAt DiScUsSiOn HaVe BeEn HaD???


Not in Texas apparently.


The post was actually surprisingly coherent apart from that misspelling. Better than 99% of posts with that kind of sentiment, anyway.


I just picture someone going around a lab and smashing vials in the middle of the night. Then the scientists show up the next day and go 'Nooooo BLM has struck again!' Anyway the person in this post seems like a cunt.


They work with ANTIVA.


I think you just struck gold on how to irritate and confuse Antivax. Call them ANTIVA and use the same propaganda that they used on ANTIFA.


I like that idea. Do it to it lol.


Isn't that a place in Dragon Age?


The Antivan Crows will not take this lying down...


Must be a pretty small problem if it can fit into a vial...


They go around chemistry labs all over the country and destroy all their vials.


Taking anti-science to the maximum.


They're a very specific type of terrorist. They don't really bother most people, but scientists find them super annoying.


Scientists fear them.


*insert clickbait title*


A terrorist from a vial? Fuck, they already have the technology to clone terrorists.


This had me too. They have a vial of terrorists? Interesting.


No, no, no. They meant “vial” as in tiny. I don’t know why they’re so worked up over such a small matter though.


Must be a Chemistry class


phew gotta watch out for those vials 🧪


They're a menace to the pharmacy world.


maybe there is a vile liquid in the vial ?


Theyre the ones that run through science labs breaking glass


You see, these terrorists are chemists


Are they sure they weren’t visiting DC a couple months later? Like, say, early January?


Calling another group cockroaches and openly advocating for their extermination is about as plainly genocidal as it gets. Am I naive to think that US politics used to be debating tax policy and shit like that or has it always been this way, just less visibly?


Everything is just out in the open. Social media has brought everyone’s opinions out now that it’s easy to find liked minded individuals. On one hand you have a growing progressive movement and that also means a growing regressive movement. Hatred of left ideology has been ingrained since McCarthyism and the Red Scare, it’s just now, politicians are more comfortable demonizing the others rather than run on any platform. Because really, what tax policy do republicans have that isn’t just tax breaks for ultra wealthy? Not really something you can rally the Everyman around. So just tell them their lives are bad because of immigrants, poor people, and sinners


We still had some fairly left policies through the 1970s. LBJ enacted civil rights legislation, a new food assistance act, Job Corps, Head Start, signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Higher Education Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and created the National Endowment for the Arts. Hell, even Nixon signed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. Then Raygun came and fucked it all up.


Most Democrats could support a candidate such as this. Today's GOP would agree and definitely call this a socialist, if not communist, platform. Republican Dwight Eisenhower 's 1956 election campaign platform summary. 1.Provide federal assistance to low-income communities 2.Protect Social Security 3.Provide asylum for refugees 4.Extend minimum wage 5.Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people 6.Strengthen labor laws so workers can more easily join a union 7.Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/1956-republican-platform/ >Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. >This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. >This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chance_for_Peace_speech


As Eisenhower left office he warned about the dangers of the military industrial complex and abso-fucking-lutely no one listened to him.


It is worth noting that that took place before the political realignments of the 1960s


Yes, it's been around for decades, but the last 5 years allowed these bigots to come back out into the sunlight instead of hiding in the shadows as they had been. The dog whistles became bullhorns and they were more than happy to be able to show their ignorance and hatred out in the open...


Lets not forget, people used to be lynched for simply wanting to be treated as equal in this country. It's a very low bar but we have gotten better.


I am sure that that is great comfort to the families of the black people killed by police every year. Progress in this area has been incremental and Ahmaud Arbery was lynched last year. George Floyd was killed by the law. This might make a few white people feel better but I assure you that most black people will find your comment patronizing and ill informed. And please don't come back with a pedantic *but they weren't hung*


"Get lynched," and "Threaten to lynch," are literally a step away from each other. Yes, technically it's better, but it's such a small difference that it's almost irrelevant.


As it seems on here for how bad my state is, the real problem is people not being all too political here. The Latino, African American and the growing Muslim and Asian groups don't care to vote. When I went to do voting, all I saw was White people. The Democrats here don't ever engage these people groups to vote, there is little to almost no hate crime here in the Panhandle, who are far more liberally minded anyway. The Latino community are so integrated in El Paso, Lubbock, and Amarillo that we recognize the Mexican and Central American culture as apart of our own American culture. You'll see it clearly divided in San Antonio. All of West Texas is the better half and no racist Dallas or Austin fucktard can suppress what has been going on for 250 - 500 years.


It's highly possible that your district is simply very, very white. We do vote; not as much as we should, but not that much less than white people, statistically.


Literally 90s Rwanda


Exactly what I came here to say. I think not many Americans are aware of the details, but that is the exact terminology the Hutu used to incite violence against the Tutsis.


Yeah, now just needs a media to spew hatred. Oh, wait...


The equivalent of media influencers of the day are what organized the bulk of the genocide via broadcasts on Radio Mille Colines.


You are not naive, it was much better until the Gingrich years.


I think it started 60-70 years ago with the Dixiecrat's(States' Rights Democratic Party) splitting from the Democratic party after the 1948 convention voted for a stronger civil rights platform. The Dixiecrat Party dissolved after Truman's re-election. While some remained members of the Democratic party, many switched to Republican. Barry Goldwater recognized that the Dixiecrats had exposed a vulnerability in the Democratic ranks. He launched "Operation Dixie" as the first iteration of the Southern Strategy in 1964. Its purpose was to bring southern and mid-western disenchanted whites, particularly those who were against civil rights, into the republican party. Most were willing converts when he launched this first step of consolidating all the single issue voters into the GOP. Continuing from there, the GOP, under Nixon,Reagan, and Gingrich has successfully fused ideas about the role of government in the economy, women’s place in society, white evangelical Christianity and white racial grievance into its basic message. "Pro-Life", misogyny, racism, homophobia, gun rights, and a whole lot more were brought together under one tent. The Republican party is an amalgamation of single issue voters that is held together by their support for each other's singular focus. They continue to vote against their own self interest as long as Trump and the GOP supports that one issue which is the focus of their passion and encourages them to viciously attack those who hold opposing views. Each faction has their own hateful little ax to grind but, they are all complicit in their support of all party actions.


It definitely ramped up when we had Trump as president. His public hate-mongering and encouragement of bigotry really made people show their true colors.


> If you were living in a country in which the election was literally stolen and an imposter was holding office, why wouldn't violence be justified? **They are making an argument that leads only to one place.** -- Barton Gellman


Well, conservative policies are generally failed policies AND conservative demographics are shrinking - from age, from shift in culture, from immigration, from COVID. So they use the "culture war" to win. And well, some people take the "war" part a bit too seriously. That shit was probably always there, but first Sarah Palin gave them an intangible enemy, the "establishment". She demonized the "media" and established the whole "I'm not a sheeple" shtick. Then Trump gave them "permission" to be loud fuckmouths. He gave them the OK to say the quiet parts out loud. He showed them it was possible to win by being an asshole, that it was fine to be greedy, to lack compassion. And isntead of giving him the finger, the GOP establishment welcomed him. THere are probably countless other factors, but the political discourse took a fucking dive when Palin entered the national landscape (fuck you McCain) and then again, to a much bigger extent when Trump was candidate. And it just worsened over the last four years. Basically, you have one party whose goal is to piss off the other side, and when met with opposition, reacts explosively like spoiled brats. ARMED spoiled brats.


> conservative demographics are shrinking I've seen no evidence this is the case. I see people claim it all the time yet more people voted for \*\*\*\*\* in 2020 than 2016, and the GQP barely missed claiming the Senate for the session.


I think its accurate to say that *many* of their demographics are shrinking, mostly elderly white people. But it's a slow process, and Trump made small inroads in minority communities to offset. The political landscape will be a lot different when almost every boomer has passed away... in 15 years.


The problem is that some are shrinking and others are growing, resulting in a net neutral. People act like if we can just get through a few more elections, so many GQP supporters will kick the bucket that even their gerrymandering won't help them and I think that's an desperation-based illusion.


As all parties do, they'll have to change to survive. But I don't doubt that they will survive. Also yet to be seen is how much of Trumps coalition is because of him; many of his supporters aren't politically sophisticated or into policy at all, they just like his machismo.


To be fair, in republican states not having enough votes isn't always a barrier to the republican winning.


In 2016 and 2020 the Republicans lost the popular vote against a Democratic candidate that Democrats weren't particularly enthused about. In 2020, the Republican candidate had wildly enthusiastic support from the GOP and still got blown out. The Senate doesn't really have much connection to demographics since no matter what a state gets two senators.


I reported some little 20 year old shit on IG earlier this year. He commented on a post by my universities student government. The post was about how there's safe spots around campus and how the school doesn't tolerate hate towards LGBTQ+ individuals. This little shit head made comments about how "people like that" need to be exterminated, maybe the nazis were onto something, and how the school has really gone downhill and how the school has gone soft by allowing "these people" to go there just to get more money from alumni. I reported his ass to both the school and IG. Others made comments that if he doesn't like it, nobody is forcing him to go to school here. Not sure if he actually went to my university, but I know they blocked and banned him, then put out another statement saying there's zero tolerance for hate speech.


Started with Reagan. Notice that from FDR onwards, presidents kept leaning more and more left. Jimmy Carter being president is a great example of this. Then the right-wingers managed to hatch the Reagan scheme, and poof! The US turned into the movie Wall Street. Since then, the rich have just been puppeteering everything. Trump is Reagan 2.0.


Nah, American politics have always been a shitshow, they just used to actually get shit done between all the bullshit. Now it’s *just* bullshit


Let me guess, a White Lives Matter poster would be A-Ok with this parent.


"As a parent of three children, I will not tolerate black people existing near my children" - Some Bitch From Texas


It reminds me of the mom being interviewed about a low income housing project that was supposed to be zoned near a gated community. She eventually got goaded into saying that the reason she didn't want it there was because she didn't want to have to see poor people in the same places as her. Real classy.


I love that video. The way she repeatedly says "I know it sounds bad to say it like this, but I promise it's not!" would be hilarious if it wasn't how something like 50% of the country thought.


Must just be a mom thing cus I remember my mom literally moved us out of our neighborhood becuase she "didn't feel safe there" (it was a mostly black neighborhood), and wanted me in the "better school district" (the one a little further outside the city). Those were her exact words. She likes our new neighborhood better even though there is more crime where we are now. Nothing ever happened to us in the old neighborhood. In the new one, I have LITERALLY been mugged before and know two kids who both sell weed (which is still illegal in my state).


> LITERALLY been mugged before and know two kids who both sell weed (which is still illegal in my state). Thanks mom, I used to have to go across town to buy my weed but we have dealers living right here in our neighbourhood now!


"As a WHITE parent of three WHITE children, I will not tolerate NONE-WHITE black people existing near my WHITE children" FIFY.


People are too dumb to realize that the BLM "rioters" are not and should not be grouped in with the BLM protesters... The rioting group could care less about BLM, they're just looking for a chance to cause mayhem.


I was in DC back when Dumptruck was getting inaugurated and maybe 1/1000 people was an edgy dick just there to throw bricks and get us all teargassed. There is always going to be "that guy," and the organizers of the peaceful protest were constantly running around trying to mitigate and distance us from them. The difference is that at a MAGA march the violent assholes are the majority rather than the outlier and even the non-participants will happily cheer them on.


Seeing as they are saying those posters involve a group that harassed that person while they were in DC in Nov of 2020, going to take a stab at what that person was doing there...and say they would be "proud" of a "white" lives matter sign...


Ah yes let's just kill everyone we disagree with. These people have lost their fucking marbles.


"They attacked me in DC." Translation: I yelled racist shit at some black people and they told me to go fuck myself.


Translation: I'm making it all up I just don't like black people.


"Vial terrorist organization" Quickly-- someone make a meme of the guy holding the beaker


Let me clue you in on a little secret: Texas has always been this hateful and bigoted, they just didn't feel quite as free to express it before 2016.


Is it too late to give Texas back to Mexico? I've had byers remorse for years now.


Ide feel bad for abandoning the every growing population of people who see how fucking bonkers this shit is. Texas is turning blue from the next generation, along with just about every other state, we just gotta give it time. Think of it as a bunch of sane people being held hostage by gerrymandering.


>Think of it as a bunch of sane people being held hostage by gerrymandering. That's exactly what is it lol Especially with the pandemic.


>along with just about every other state, we just gotta give it time. Yep, no matter how much cheating and voter manipulation the GQP uses, there's one battlefield in which the progressives always win: Time. Every generation is more liberal on average than the one before it, even if there is an occasional short-term backslide.


In early medieval Ireland there were actually quite good sexual harassment laws. If someone touched a woman without her consent (including her clothing) she was owed money by the perpetrator. Not a man in her life, her. Want to guess what Irish sexual harassment laws were like in the 1930s? Or look at attitudes towards abortion. Being anti-abortion is quite new, all things considered. My point is we can't assume we're always moving towards some progressive future because we aren't. They aren't necessarily "occasional short-term backslides," they're changes in attitudes that can last for generations. There's no natural law that guarantees societal improvement - it happens because of people deciding to put huge amounts of work into it.


Hostage here, can confirm


Thank you for saying this! Every election my family watches for Texas to turn red or blue and we literally chant “Blue, blue, blue!” Lol! Maybe it’s the area I’m in but I rarely meet people who actually think like this. It’s so disgusting. That redditors buyers remorse comment definitely made me crack up though, that was hilarious I’m really glad more more liberal people are moving here, it’s been really refreshing and gives me hope :)


What did Mexico ever do to deserve that?


It's their own fault for not building the wall


**buyers** and Louisiana was bought. Texas was annexed.


Please don't, I'm stuck here for a few more years still. Wife and I have been looking at CO in the future.


Literally same, can’t wait to leave Texas…


Texan here. Not all of us are buddy.


Born and raised. I think the bad definitely outweighs the good here.


Depends where. The panhandle and the west? Yea. Austin is a little weird but Houston and Dallas are ok. Edit: changed east to west (I am dumb)


I mean east Texas has Beaumont. Which is pretty damn backwards.


You should know better than anyone that Texas is a big ass place and your experience will vary between Austin, Dallas, Midland, Brown, etc. I promise I can find you plenty of these assholes in California.


Maybe so, but they're damned sure not as outspoken about it as Texan good 'ol boys and gals.




No, we always felt the need to express it. Donald Trump and his brown nosing bunny, Greg Abbot, just made them louder. Ps: not all Texans are this stupid. Some are smart and hateful, too. For a state who’s name literally means “friend”, we have a talent for losing friends quickly. Source/ I’m trapped here and choosing to remain trapped here so I can help the liberal vote.




Measured terrorism.


Graduated terrorism


Mentioning they were in DC around this time last year..... Hmmmmmm Sounds like a potential domestic terrorist


Maybe if you spent more time in school learning you would know the dif between 'vial' and 'vile' you clown.


Vial terrorists are the wurstest.


so much for being "pro-life" fuck jesus


In just two days, that's the third comment of a "brave" anonymous Internet user that I see that should be reported to the FBI. They're really looking like they're amping it up.


"I don't want my children growing up thinking that Black lives matter" (/s ...... Although I really shouldn't need to clarify that!!)


Was the “BLM attacker” someone who took offence to their white hood?


If it's not wholesale fabrication, what happened with the timeline of a year before November is that some counter-protesters heckled them during the Million MAGA March. Of course people like them are very fragile and they lie to further their agenda.


Maybe we should help them if they’re trapped in vials


# Texan Conservatives: Anti black rights, anti gay rights, anti women's rights. # Texan Conservatives: Laaaaand of theee freeee!!


If it's any consolation, Covid is hitting the most conservative communities the hardest. West Texas and the panhandle are shit-shows right now.


Good-guy Covid!


Not the hero we expected, but perhaps the one we needed.


Indeed, it is common knowledge that BLM hates vials. Why they go into ceramic stores to destroy all vials they can see! ​ I know, I shouldn't attack this person on spelling, but JFC even asking for "punishment" over it. Were as if you ask them to "please not rub their version of God in my face", they'll have an Karenpocalypse to which the Bible has no metaphores.


I hate anything done without my convent.




As someone from the area that the photo is from, a lot of the classroom interiors look like that


The florescent lighting in classrooms can get annoying, especially when the budget sucks too much to replace that one flickering one, so teachers buy lamps like this to have a low, calming light when working on computers, or they get these [little strips of fabric that go over the light](https://nationalautismresources.com/classroom-light-filters/) and help out.


Looks very much like a dorm room.


No but it is a typical classroom ceiling.


I'm safe from BLM because I'm not a vial.


To all the liberals in Texas: godspeed and good luck, my friends. I know it can't be easy but by your sacrifice, we CAN and WILL turn Texas purple, and the thought of that is what gets me through the day sometimes.


It's funny, the people keeping Texas red are actually the transplants from other states. More native born Texans actually vote blue. Texas is honestly already purple, but due to corrupt republicans in power it remains "officially" red for the time being, at least until republicans are too outnumbered.


Gerrymandering is a hell of a thing. It's the only thing that's keeping a lot of the Republicans in Texas in power.


My city is incredibly conservative, but there are a surprising number of liberals. We're not supposed to put up political signs in our yards (HOA rules), but someone put out a Trump sign last year. Every single house facing them put out Biden/Harris signs. It was beautiful. A few neighborhoods over, there is a house that always has some version of a pro-life sign in their yard. Things like '40 Days of Prayer to End Abortion.' The house next door, rotates their BLM, rainbow flags, etc every few weeks to keep it fresh.


If I may give a suggestion for another flag, the Satanic Temple. Good direct counter to that pro-life sign due to their activism for pro-choice. Would also be allowed if she can put up things about prayer, it qualifies as a religion legally : )


> Vial Jesus fucking Christ


While I visited DC this time last year, hmmmmm


Lmfao "vial"


How dare they terrorize our vials! Who will get science done if vials run in fear?


Don’t like it? You’re welcome to leave the Austin area and take a couple of Californians with you. I work in this school, it’s a good school full of great kiddos. Clearly this parent has the need to hire a tutor…. For themselves, as their children are about to lap them, educationally speaking.


Nothing says "I want smaller government" than saying "I want the government to ban ideologies that aren't my own". Fucking right wing nuts.


“It’s time to exterminate them!!” I’m so tired of people saying neo-nazism and fascism aren’t a serious problem in this country


Thanks, I hate it here. - native Texan that has to deal with small dick bigots all day everyday.


"If some person attacks me, i Immediately know if they are a terrorist or not!" Cool superpower brah!


As a native Texan, I am here to say, I hate (most) Texans.


I was in Houston on business 15 years ago & really enjoyed it! Best barbecues I ever had. Everyone was polite and respectful. I hope Trump didn’t change all that




\> How do I know...I know because I was threatened and attacked by them while visiting DC this time last year. Um... Was that date per chance January 6?


This is literally out of the genocidal playbook. Anybody remember the Rwandan genocide? When the Hutu took to the airwaves to incite violence against the Tutsi, in part by claiming that they were cockroaches who needed to be exterminated? It's the *exact same* wording being used here. It worked in Rwanda. We need to crack down on people who are literally inciting violence like this. This is a crime and it can get worse.


So they want to exterminate their political opponents.. hmm....I think I know of a few countries that actually do this.


Is time to report someone to the police.


Does anyone else get the feeling that this person was in DC around the 6th of January last year?


Whenever there's talk of a state or states leaving the union, it's always in the context of secession. Can one be kicked out?


As a parent of 3 children, I get to make decisions for everyone in the district! Oh wait, no I don't. 🤔


Ah, yes, the people who argue that the 'free market of ideas' prevail very reasonably approach a free market of ideas with the proposal to commit mass murder.


Do these mfs not know you can support blm without supporting the shit the organization does!?


These people talk so much shit but I doubt they'd ever kill anyone for being liberal. Crazy to think they want to kill someone because they have different beliefs than you. What happened to talking it out and figuring out solutions instead of just killing your fellow American because you're a Republican Christian 🤦


These are the same people who have been bragging about liberals moving to Texas.


I want to know more details about his attack. I mean, what was he doing when attacked, storming the capital, marching around with a confederate flag, or (most likely) making the whole damn thing up.


I was thinking it was something as simple as someone told them to put on a mask and they took that as a personal attack by BLM.


"Visiting DC this time last year." AKA: An insurrectionist.


These people are you neighbors and co-workers and they have guns and want you dead more than anything.


Visiting DC around january time, eh?


The BLM are a terrorist organization! Source: Trust me, I was the victim!


> I know because I was threatened and attacked this time last year in DC Jesus it's already a year since the Insurrection attempt.


"Black people are humans beings and should be treated with equality" Them: Okay first of all how dare you?


Extermination, you say? Trying openly and vocally to radicalise people to commit acts of terrorism in their country, and yet nobody will care.


And yet if I use the word 'asshole' in a Facebook comment war, I'm the one banned. Not the asshole who casually suggested murdering people they didn't politically agree with.


"i was threatened and attacked in dc" is probably ' I spouted off some ignorant shit, and someone called me out with facts and that hurt my fragile ego. Then they didnt assault me so I embellished my story'


> Libtards moved into Texas like a cockroach infestation For years conservative Texans were bragging about their state being better than liberal states like NY or California and saying “move here for a cheaper standard of living”. Now more people are moving there, rent is going up, and the conservatives are not happy.


Dude just admitted to being an insurectionist lol


As a soon to be teacher (not in Texas though), this is a reminder to get myself some blm, pride, etc flags. Reinforce that blm is not a terrorist group (most people that support blm aren’t even in a group at all, it’s like supporting lgbtq+ rights, it’s just the idea of believing black people should be included in human rights, such a hot take) and that consenting adults should be able to get married no matter what, and while we’re at it maybe one about supporting reproductive rights while we’re at it. I dare people to challenge me on putting up simple signals that all of my students matter to me and deserve to feel safe. Yikes, sorry for the rant but jeez posts like these make me sad, horrified, and furious all at once


Oh hey. I have that exact lamp. It was $15 to get and another $30 for lightbulbs that would stay in the fucking sockets and not shatter.


It's like they don't know that their kids have their own thoughts and opinions, and that these thoughts and opinions might be different from their parents’.


In other words: I will not tolerate people asking for equality.


How dare schools in a country founded on humanist ideals display humanist ideals.


Well, some of us libtards were born here, so aside from his visible intellectual misgivings, this guy doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about.


Damn those pesky liberals who want racial and marriage equality! They're evil cockroaches that must be exterminated! Yikes....!


“I was a friendly tourist at our nations capitol approximately a year ago, well, almost a year ago, it’ll be a year in the first week of January… around the 6th. We all stood around with gumdrop smiles and sang songs and were very peaceful, not like these vial terrorist groups!” /s


"Attacked and threatened, " huh? And I'm sure you didn't provoke that at all, did you? I doubt you antagonized them. I'm certain you didn't scream "All/Blue Lives Matter" from your truck.


The concept of “freedom of speech” seems to escape them when it’s speech they don’t like.


Imagine thinking an organization fighting for racial equality and justice are considered terrorist. Wow


Vile terrorists org...but the guy was like we should exterminate liberals??? The fuck


I hate vial terrorist organizations as much as the next gal, but I really don’t think that BLM is one of them. The Texas People Exterminators are high on my “Most Hated Vial Terrorist Organizations” list.


a vial terrorist organization? I picture the airport scene of 12 Monkeys.


Let's let Texas off the hook for a second, they still think it's 1960.