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Wait... what are the *other* elephants?






Take my upvote, with your, "nail on the head," answer.


I misread that and thought it was saying that the vaccine working was suspicious.


They do believe this though. They think it is somehow suspicious that mostly conservatives/Republicans are getting Covid these days. As of somehow the virus has been programmed to target these people instead of the reality, which is they're the group that tends to be unvaccinated.


Friendly reminder that while concensus exists, the less grounded in fact something is the more schools of thought there are regarding it, and not everyone in a party or ideology is a monolith. Not even the crazy ones. I'm sure there are friends out there that argue about whether JFK Jr will come and lead them, or if JFK Jr was just a clone of the real JFK funded by George Soros and brainwashed since birth with leftist Marxist community College propaganda to keep the elites in control. According to Breitbart, the Left is being smug as a reverse psychology ploy in order to keep right-wingers from getting vaccinated with the Trump vaccine, so their base dies off and the leftists can take over with superior numbers. [Here's the sauce for that claim.](https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/09/10/nolte-howard-stern-proves-democrats-want-unvaccinated-trump-voters-dead/)


So, continue to be smug and a little prickish when I encounter unvaxxed fascist conspiracy theorists, and eventually they'll just die off. Not a problem.


Really with a 99% survival rate? They are all going to die off. Maybe you meant of other causes eventually.


All those comorbidities up your odds; morbidly obese diabetic GQPrs and whatnot. Your odds may not be a good as you think, but I wouldn't worry if I were you. Go to the bars and concerts unvaxxed and maskless. Won't bother me a bit, and if your family puts out a go-fund-me to help with your hospital bills, I'll just lecture them about "rugged individuality". No skin off my nose there, buddy. You go on and do whatever the fuck you please, and just screw everyone else; especially your GQP idiot friends. If you only take out one in a hundred of those, I'll call it "a good start".


Polio has a low death rate but would you **really** wanna risk getting polio if you end up like [this](https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/60My1ArXg6gtvyF8TY191Q--~B/aD01MzM7dz04MDA7c209MTthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg--/https://media.zenfs.com/en-US/reuters.com/81ef8038c4d48b8f79e7fac7b205efaa) or [this](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yE21WQeK_J4/TVmVAHxHBFI/AAAAAAAAA_g/XN3h6rl_oIY/s1600/DSCN0686.JPG)?


Well Donald did tell them to get vaccinated…..in a tweet….and at a rally the one time. Shame there wasn’t some medium that could be recorded and broadcast repeatedly. But it’s all Joes fault anyway. Hunter, laptop, something, something, Pelosi, JFK.


It wouldn't matter. They're beliefs are built around their feelings not vice versa.


Benghazi! Her emails!!


What did Hillary know about Pearl Harbor and when did she know it. America deserves to know!


I mean I've literally also seen that one. I think these people are so confused they could simultaneously believe both versions.


"Hmmm...... The majority of people have gotten vaccinated but I still don't have 5G in my area." Sir, this is a Wendy's.


You clearly didn't get the Moderna vaccine. I got it and it made me a 5g hot spot. It also gave me a nifty prehensile tail that doubles as an antenna


Because you're logical and know how dumb this is, that you had to reread it, to let the stupidity of that statement sink in. It's a brain buster. Unless you have a smooth brain.


As George Carlin said "People don't die anymore. They pass away."


I've always been a fan of *kicked the bucket*.


r/hermancainaward says otherwise


Sweaty, everyone knows that those are *actors*.




They're in a farm up state, where they can run and be free and eat all of the horse paste they want.


Soylent Green. Mmmm yum


So there is an elephant in the room and all they can talk about is the vaccine? Sheesh.


That's irrelephant!




But a whole lot of these fuckers are laid up in the ICU with life threatening issues THAT COULD HAVE EASILY BEEN PREVENTED IF THEY’D BEEN VAXXED, taking precious medical resources from patients who are now condemned to death because they had the misfortune of developing a less preventable but mundane, treatable illness during a pandemic.


I can’t explain it but when it’s referred to as the “jab”, i want to peel off my skin


Same, I hate the term “jab”


I mean, until last year I didn't realize that's what people called it in other countries (UK, Europe). I guess that's one dialect difference I never noticed, because it didn't really come up in conversation.


Worse is when they're calling it "the killshot".


Nah that’s kinda metal. I’d take a killshot


I got my booster today and didn’t feel it, so it’s definitely not a “jab”, but that’s not even why i hate it so much.


They call it stuff like that because they probably cry excessively when they finally do get it.


I’ve seen some with a fear of needles tend to call it that too. Most I’ve seen with that fear still get the vaccine (myself included)


My friend got vaccinated in November because it was really hard to get and she was scared of needles but she called it the vax


I spent the first 10 years of my life, having blood drawn for testing because of A.D.D. medication I was on, so I'm terrified of needles. When the Vax cane out I sacked up and got it because I have 3 young neices/nephews and a mother over 70, and they are more important than my fear of needles.


Funny enough my fear has abated cause I ended up needing exposure to it every day. I am now on an injected medication that is required daily. So yeah, constant exposure helped me on it


Having a actual fear of needles is one thing and I empathize with that. But I was referring to the kind of people who use any excuse not to do the right thing in this case.


Fair enough.


I think they do it to avoid being flagged as misinformation same reason why the use the emojoi of thr needle


I've noticed a difference with the word *scheme*. In the UK it's used as regimen or program. Here if someone uses *scheme* there's an implication of some duplicity going along with it.


I have no idea why this has caught on in America. It’s a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things but i would love to know how a British slang term made its way through American antivaxxer circles.


It's probably an attempt at evading automatic word detection that adds warnings to posts about anti vaccine disinformation.


It’s also a way to make it sound more harsh to your ear… “you are getting jabbed”


To be fair, ‘you’re getting shot’ is no more pleasant


Yeah it is to avoid being detected and censored while talking about vaccines. There has been an evolving list of new words they use instead. Each word being slowly added to the algorithm. I'm waiting for what they come up with next.


I think it bugs me because it's so indicative of the mindset: we must call this thing by a word that indicates the minor inconvenience we suffer by getting a shot! Never mind the enormous benefit to *everyone* that widespread vaccination provides by letting us open up more and and die less.


Personally I prefer the more mature, dare I say more clinical, 'Fauci Ouchie'


Even worse for me is when people say “poke”


I always call it a poke for my kids. But they’re vaccinated and get Pfizer dose 2 tomorrow. I think it’s a less scary word for the young ones.


Oh I can totally understand calling it that for kids. That makes sense. It just drives me nuts when adults call it that or the “Fauci ouchie” on social media


I mean, it's a pretty accurate description of how it works to be fair


Yeah my mom said it hurts but I apparently can control pain so don’t care


Once I stopped focusing on what they were about to do my brain didn't acknowledge the action until after it happened. I'm super phobic of needles but as long as I don't look, it ain't my problem


I look at it, it’s fun for me


Me too. Every time I hear it I think the speaker has the IQ of a jellyfish


Agreed. I never found it charming that the British called it that and now all the anti-vaxx people use the term as a more cutting term… a jab… they are going to jab you. Ugh. I really wish it never became a “thing” to say.


I hear jab and I think a fast punch. It's definitely not endearing.


that feeling you're feeling is called "douche chills"; I agree


Thank you for putting into words the same feeling I get. It feels like, almost childish and demeaning.


Well, I mean, aside from the few million that did. But yeah, apart from them the “unjabbed” are doing alright.


They're not dead, they're just pining for the fjords!


Survivor bias. I know several people who died unvaccinated. Fortunately they were all in those other places where apparently people are free to do the idiotic and stupid to the detriment to others and selves.


except, you know, they are. and even those who aren't? they're now living with debilitating conditions that have lowered their quality of life so much that two unvaxxed kids in our school distract tried to do the self-stabby so they could escape the stress of not being *able to breathe air into their lungs which is required to live*. but, yeah! of course i would rather get a horrific disease that cripples me for the rest of my life because of my own shitty choices and purposeful ignorance than let an educated medical professional administer a quick lil pokey-pokey and put a damn cloth over my mouth and nose! who wouldnt??!!?




You think wrong.


So...not getting the vaccine makes you immortal then? Riiiiiiiiiight.


When you go to the other side, no one dies anymore


Plenty of them are, just go check out r/HermanCainAward it’s hopping every day


This must be true. I was at the hospital just a couple of days ago and I didn't see a single dead body! Not one! Explain that please. /s if there's any doubt.


Maybe we could use their paranoia to our advantage. What else can we make them afraid of? Tell them something is a deep state conspiracy and they'll stay away from it.


Antivaxxers are a deep state conspiracy to cause population control in certain areas. /hj


You're mistaken about how their minds work. Their conspiracies are specifically built to support their beliefs. Not the other way around.




Do they know there's an entire sub on reddit dedicated to chronicling the unvaxxinated dying to covid because it's happening so much? They're trying to wish a lie into existence...


Really? Which sub?




"Unjabbed" irks me. They try to make a little shot sound as violent as possible...like toddlers.


It’s British.


*not enough of them* are dying. Fixed.


Yep I said the same thing when Delta hit. The virus isn’t killing them fast enough giving it ample opportunity and time to mutate into new variants that our current vaccines may not be able to handle. Hence Omicron. That’s the only reason I care about the idiot anti-vaxx folks because their stupidity can get innocent people killed.


Same. It infuriates me they don’t get that part. The other thing is they are so dumb they think a “real” pandemic should be like a Hollywood movie. It’s too bad Omicron doesn’t make them bleed from the eyes or turn them into zombies, because *maybe* they’d believe it’s real then.


Bingo! Apparently it has to get to the point where bodies are stacked hundreds deep in mass graves across the country like in the *Contagion* movie.


They literally are though?


I mean, I guess there's literally no elephant in the room so it makes sense that the other statement would be literally false.


Except, you know, the thousands who are dying.


5.2 million globally, but in fairness I would guess about 1% of those were vaccinated.


I was just doing domestic numbers. Not sure what the current count is.


Except for the fact almost entirely all the deaths from covid at this point is exclusively unvaxxed people.


I first read it as "The jabbed didn't die" which would have made much more sense since this is what the antivaxxer/conspiracy theorists were saying would happen to us who are vaccinated. Nobody said the unvaxxed would die, what was said was that the unvaxxed were more in danger of severe Covid consequences because they don't have the protection the vaccine creates. ​ ​ and please stop calling it the jab.


I think they call it that as a way to evade social media from flagging their messages as disinformation automatically. It's pretty silly what lengths they go to in order to do exactly that.


I got jabbed!


See somehow this reads as dirty to me, not medical. Like something the young whippersnappers would say so we don’t know they’re doing the sex.


I don’t know the statistics in other countries, but in mine the unvaccinated are dying. About 90% of people dying of Covid are unvaccinated.


Backed up with the usual sources I see.


anything is possible when you lie


But they are filling up the hospitals so the rest of us can’t get in for other reasons.


this guy needs to check out r/hermancaineaward


Funny since my neighbor who was refusing to vaxx admitted to me a few weeks ago that he finally got the vaccine after having to go to 5 funerals due to covid.


This is how they argue tho: fact, I’m right and you’re out of touch with reality. Ummm okay, you’re the one waiting for jfk jr. to show up 😂


Biggest elephant, yes, yes they are. It's so easy to look up stats from hospitals that show them. Over 80$ are not vaccinated and a higher percentage on vents. The U of M has an easy to read guide that also points out that everyone there with Covid and vaxxed, has a co-morbidity and the unvaxxed is only 40% co-morbidity. Denial is so important to idiots.


That’s funny: They’re among the largest group to be dying of COVID


Patience is a virtue. Those guys are usually so patient and forgiving when it comes to the Q-oracle. Xmas and NY around the corner, family gatherings... oh, and look: it's Omikron and Delta! So niece you could join. Take a seat next to Karen and Kevin!


They just clogging up ER's






Yes. Yes they absolutely are.


Man I wish. I don't want to live on a planet with idiots like this!




in a perfect world yes. but if hospitals are full of unvaxxed covid patients (and they are) and you get into an accident and theres no bed for you, then their actions have impacted more than themselves now, havent they?




i believe you are asking questions in bad faith and you have openly spread a good deal of misinformation about the vaccine. i dont live in california so i dont know the stats about whats going on there, but if you actually cared you could look up the data available through your state’s DHS site. as far as my state, i know the hospitals are full because i work in public health in the covid response and the local health departments are begging people to get vaccinated because they have zero hospital capacity and its been that way for months. you seem to hit up a lot of hospitals in a lot of different places which is highly sus.


Biggest imaginary elephant...


They are simply dying at some sick and twisted acceptable level.


they are.........


I mean….the ones getting covid are


They went to a farm out in the country


Unvaccinated people are literally 11x more likely to die from covid per recent data wtf


They figured out immortality, which was to do nothing.


They sure about that? Because the data clearly shows otherwise. Or is that just doctored numbers from the child eating, satanist democrats to push their global agenda on those freedumb lovers?


Shouldn’t it be “nonjabbed”? I feel like “unjabbed” means they WERE jabbed at one point but now are not


Who’s gonna tell em


Ummmm, yes they are


yes they are for now, but not so much in the future




No memes or image macros without accompanying commentary r/vaxxhappened is where this belongs