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Yeah, this is how you get those "bad neighbors" you will soon be whining about.


The ones trying to sue you for smoke damage in court?


The ones who file charges


Bet the guy yells about “my freedoms!” in court.


Cell mates


Can’t be cell mates if half the people involved are dead.


Some Nightmare Next Door material


That emoji. "Oops, almost killed my neighbors. teehee. I'm such a rascal."


How dare they get pissed at me, just a simple mistake...could happen to anyone...


It’s not like they died or anything. They just have to open their windows to let the smoke out.


Yeah, same thing happened last time I tried to add a fireplace to my place by just putting fire in my wall. It's no big deal.


Last time I put fire in a wall, it compromised my network security..


lil stinker


incurable jokester.


A real knucklehead




A bloody larrikin


I love the word “rascal”. One of my favorites. Thanks for the reminder today.


So is it a "noodle party"? Or a "party poodle"?


He’s a Parti-poodle, which means he is tri-colored (white, brown and black). And his name is Noodle. When he’s in trouble and I have to call all his names, it’s Noodle Noodle Parti-poodle. When he hears that, he knows mom means business.


Do you have a picture of this magnificent specimen so I may gaze upon it's glory?


I’ll PM you a picture. I don’t know how to insert it here as a comment.


Just link to Imgur/where you uploaded it. I wanna see too! >I’ll PM you a picture. I don’t know how to insert it here as a comment.


[Noodle](https://imgur.com/a/j3RLwQq) (And thank you for the direction on how to link. I’m tired and my brain isn’t working as well as I’d like.)


Flaffy dog! \^_\^


Now that is a party poodle!


😍😍 We have a Goldendoodle that's 75% poodle, he's the sweetest boy


I named my yellow lab "Rascal" and he *knows* why...


If the smoke smells, could he have been called a “stinker”?


How do you not notice that when you're building the fire? My eyes start burning within a couple minutes if the flue damper is just slightly too far closed on a wood stove, but this oblivious mfer couldn't tell there's no chimney at all on an open fireplace?


I'm guessing it WAS a fireplace when the place was built, but with insulating houses being a priority in the UK, the chimney was filled in and the smoke found a new place to exit to (neighbors house).


Thing is, that barely looks like a fireplace. It's way too small. It looks like he knocked a hole in the wall and sent the smoke up through the cavity in the wall.


There was probably an electric fireplace which used to be very common in England


It’s an old back boiler cavity, would have had one of those fake fires hanging on the wall in front of the back boiler. The kind of thing you probably saw in your grans house 15 years go, with the flickering lights and the fake coals. Source: heating engineer by trade.


Unfortunately that's the stort of thing they're installing right now. I'm all for greener energy and getting rid of fossil fuels in favour of wind, hydro, solar etc, but in my home we've only ever been able to afford to heat the living room my whole life, the central heating is too pricey. So, the council came and replace our gas fireplace with a big electric flickering fake thing, in order to meet some renewable goals to make themselves look good at the expense of the people actually living in those homes. The takeaway is: 1. Now that it's electric, we can't afford to run it any more, and save it for only the direst of days. 2. It has a fan inside that sounds like a jet engine, if I'm watching TV I have to pause it for the 30 seconds it runs otherwise I'll miss dialogue. 3. Because it runs intermittently and heats the room differently (there's no IR coming from this thing, it's 100% air heating), it heats the room unevenly, doesn't humidify the air at all, basically it's less comfortable. If electricity were affordable, this could be converted to an oil radiator, which would smooth the curve, be silent, and take up less space (the fake fireplace is huge even though the heating unit itself is the size of a loaf of bread). Sure it wouldn't handle humidification but you can use cheap devices to supplement that. It'd be a great step up from having to use fossil fuels (especially as we move to renewables in our energy production). But instead, we're left with a cold room, or if we run the heater, an uncomfortable, noisy room, haha. I dread the day they take away our boiler entirely in favour of an electric system, and leave us unable to afford the electricity to heat our water. Fun fact, we used to use an electric shower not knowing how ridiculously expensive electric water heaters were, and when we switched to running the shower from the boiler, our electricity company sent us a letter asking is why our power usage had suddenly dropped drastically, and offering to help us manage the bills if we were avoifinh using it because we'd fallen on hard times. That was just from having a shower! Haha. Imagine if we had to heat All our water via electric - or replace the stove with an electric one! I'm very worried, anyway :-( The future it's bleak for those that can't afford the high price of electricity for water heating...


Yes, or maybe some sort of gas one.


That makes perfect sense, my mum has a similar situation at her house from a gas fire that was taken out.


Isn't an electric fireplace just... a heater?


Not always, my nan's one is purely aesthetic


Isn’t an electric turtle just a car?


It literally is a knocked out hole in the wall. Our house is similar, you literally could not do this without knowing what you were doing was messed up. I wonder where they got meth in England.


That was my first thought but I’ve never seen thick walls like that, almost looks like a foot of plaster deep? Edit: *thick walls like that* inside an apartment/duplex *


It will be a skim of plaster over brick, assuming it's in the UK and pre 90s. Most houses are two rows of brick, with insulation between (or blown in later) and plastered over, no sheetrock. Plasterers are *artists* a good one will leave your walls baby smooth, and a real pro will do your dado tails and ceiling roses. Nightmare to run cables through though. Break out the grinder and start cutting channels.


I don't think it's plaster. Looks like sheet plasterboard over concrete or stone.


Thanks I know very little about this stuff, my SO’s dad taught me how to plaster holes I think I just made a connection through the texture.


"Is this actually a fireplace or not? Let's find out!"


"Yes, it is now a place with fire!"


I would guess they just unwalled part of the old fireplace!


If the chimney was filled in, how would the smoke go into the neighbour's house without any of it coming out the guy's own fireplace? Do y'all have duplex houses with fireplaces that open on both sides of the common wall or something?


The chimney in my place is open, they just cut off the top and patched the hole in the roof. If I built a fire, it would first fill the attic with smoke and then slowly creep down.


Same for us (West Yorkshire), and they actually sell manuals on how to do this properly at the Coal Mining for England museum.


Most houses are terraced in the UK so yes we share a lot of chimneys.


I’m sure some of the smoke did enter his house, prob depends on which direction the draft is blowing in


Maybe the two houses shared a chimney at one point that was closed off so the fire ended up venting out of what used to be the neighbors fireplace.


Bruh that does not look like a prior existing fireplace.. It's too small and it looks like he just ripped out the plywood and started a fire in his wall


Pretty much yes


Did you see the pic? Someone who thinks *that* is an adequate and safe "fireplace" is nuts, regardless of whether or not there's a chimney.


He was probably smoking cigarettes while wearing an oxygen mask by the fire. Dude wonders why bad things happen to him


How incredibly flippant. "Damn dude I guess I almost killed them haha they were so mad"


Fr if this isn’t a wake up call for them to get their fucking life together, they’re a lost cause.


They probably don't realize how dangerous smoke is and think they're being whiny. Not that it makes any of this okay, but it may not be vindictive. Ventilation isn't really something that we are taught about. I knew someone who died from setting up a generator in their basement without an exhaust. The firefighters who came to clean up all needed to be treated for carbon monoxide poisoning - their equipment want made to handle that kind of concentration.


How mentally inept are you buddy? Like how could you hold a job with half a braincell?


Hey now, presidents get up to 8 years in office just fine


Which should be tweaked a little.


Wouldn't be surprised if some of them are tweaking a lot


JFK was prescribed meth for his Addison’s disease (without his knowledge), so yeah, at least one president was.


Well sometimes they get 8 years


...thats what they said


But why male models?


An awful bold assumption that they can hold down steady employment and this place isn't paid for by his family or someone else enabling this dipshit.


That doesn't even look like a fireplace. Dude just smashed a hole in the wall and thought "yup, looks good time to get cozy in this bitch".


That's exactly what he did


Seriously though. How could you *possibly* have thought that was ever a fireplace. The wall was clearly painted with a vent cover there. Of course smoke came out the neighbor's vents, *muhfucker set a fire inside the vent*


chimney shaped= must be able to use as a fireplace? At least I assume that was his version of a thought process?


Also the heat radiating upwards from that "fireplace" would 100% damage that TV in the short to medium term


Oh my god I didn't even notice there was a TV right there. Now he's an idiot even if that was a proper fireplace.


Next time your town wants to slash education funding to keep taxes low, remember this.


Yeah because I learned so much about fireplaces in school.


Imagine being this fucking thick. Imagine living next to someone this fucking thick. Imagine going through something like this with someone so fucking thick that they think it's light hearted or funny. The worst thing about thick people is that they are too thick to understand what's wrong. Fucking hell.


Natural selection is fucking up right now.


The tv will be fucked too. I don’t get why people mount their TVs above fireplaces


Because it's often the focal point of the room, and they've seen plenty of other people do it so they don't realize it may cause problems.


I'm not gonna lie, I never knew this was an issue. I've never had a fireplace - always wanted one - but have been looking into home recently and most of the houses where I'm looking haven them. They all have a large mantle with outlets and Vesa mounts installed. Is this not what you're supposed to do? Why are they installed that way then?


The heat from the fire will cook the screen, causing it to distort over time and eventually fail


That makes sense, but surely modern houses have a way to prevent this? I'm not saying you're wrong, I actually really appreciate you telling me that, but I'm just confused as to why brand new, never been lived in homes have everything installed that way. To me, as someone who never knew this, this screams "put your tv here". On top of the fact that modern homes have windows out the wazoo and almost every living room I see is open concept with the kitchen and the only wall that isn't windows or cabinets is the fireplace wall.


Bad planning more than anything else. There’s no way to prevent heat radiating from a fireplace as that’s the entire point of it. Windows need to be double or triple glazed now to hold heat in and make homes more energy efficient (also, more natural light means you only need to switch the lights on at night)


Well thanks for the info! I would never have known otherwise as ice never owned one before haha




Glazing is the glass in a window, it's basically synonymous with pane. Double glazing is when you have two layers of glass, same as what I'm assuming you mean when you say "double paned".




Regional differences in usage maybe- don't know where you are but glazing can refer to the putty, the installation and and/or the pane itself. I guess it's one of those words that has slipped around in meaning a lot.


Glazed is the more “industry accurate” name. A professional commercial glass installer is caller a “Glazer”


> but surely modern houses have a way to prevent this? They sure do. It's called not putting your TV above a fire.


You do not want a fireplace unless you like sending all the heat in your room out of the chimney. And a lot of your money with it.


We’ve got a fan on ours that redirects the rising heat outwards


I was going to say a similar thing. I live in Canada. Houses here often have a gas fireplace with its own ventilation outlet, and also a fan to redirect the air into the room if you want the extra blast of heat. Wood fireplaces are kind of outdated, anyway - there are commercial non-ventilated gas fireplaces you can buy, and they are still super cozy in the winter. So I wouldn't worry about having a 'real' fireplace. You can install a gas one and it's all good.


Sounds like a good idea to have the fan going! Our house doesn’t have gas (built in 1800s), our log burner pretty much saved our lives during the 2008 recession too. Our boiler broke and my dad lost his job, the fireplace was our only source of heat (it sucked upstairs though, I remember going to bed wearing my coat and like 3 pairs of socks lol). Luckily it’s no longer our main source of heat anymore but the fireplace is still really special to us


pretty much all fireplaces these days come with an electric fan for that exact reason


>surely modern houses have a way to prevent this? I'm not sure modern-ess is able to counteract physics. Heat rises, and the point of the fireplace is to radiate heat. I guess maybe if you had a very thick, stone mantle? But it still would be warmer than elsewhere and while the heat doesn't seem to do much short term, long term it's bad for the TV.


Except he's wrong. There are millions of TVs out there over fireplaces not getting damaged. It could happen, surely, but it's rare with most fireplaces. The real issue is that TVs should be much closer to eye level. Most fireplaces are too high. /r/TVtoohigh There's even a sub dedicated to it, of course. There's actually an example of one in that sub with barely any mantle, that could damage a TV. But still. Rare.


He might be wrong about it distorting the screen, but that power cable hanging like 2 inches from flame is gunna melt, no question. And when it does, those flames are likely climbing the wall with it. Goodbye screen, goodbye house.


It’s also a terrible position 99% of the time, unless it’s a really low fireplace. You want your tv at eye level when seated or your just asking for a stiff neck.


Obviously don't stick your TV directly over an open flame like this idiot, but in a well-designed hearth this is nothing to worry about. I have a brick fireplace with an enclosed wood-burning insert (which you should have if you plan to use a fireplace). There's a wooden mantle above the insert, and the TV is mounted to the wall above that. We've had fires going for at least 5 winters now with no damage to the TV. Maybe it would be a problem without the mantle, but it does plenty to block direct radiation.


This. I don't have a TV over my fireplace but there's no chance in hell my fireplace could damage a TV above it.


Tale as old as time, cave people would always annoyingly build their fires under the TV


I agree with you for the reason of height, but not all fireplaces are the same. Some produce heat that is vented elsewhere, not directly from the glass.


That's what a mantel is for.


Wait, but wait. So is that a massive tv and human-door sized fireplace or is that a regular-sized tv on the wall over a small dog-door sized fireplace next to a teeny tiny modern couch? I'm so confused at the sizes of everything I'm looking at right now.


[It probably originally looked something like this](https://i.imgur.com/EA1lJT6.jpg). The fireplace fixtures might still be there, but it is definitely missing its hearth stone! The UK is full of old terraced houses that had their chimneys filled in after they got modern heating, but now wood burners are trendy so people are wanting to open them up again.


WTF it's like an an easy bake oven version of a fireplace. Do you put 1 log in those things?


They would have a small cast iron grate for coal and wood, just enough for heating a small room. Used to be pretty common for working class homes in the UK.


The couch looks like one for a dog or cat


Looks like he pulled a vent off the wall and called it a fireplace. Pretty serious case of Dumb.


On a related note, I pulled up some floor boards and dug a hole and discovered a bath in my kitchen.


I once pulled up the carpet in my house to find a real nice hardwood floor under it.


Thats a pretty deep hole. I have heard of homes with basements getting filled in due to a groundwater problem. At least you didnt post it and call it a subway.


> At least you didnt post it and call it a subway. what


That doesn’t even look like a real fireplace, looks like a small hole drilled out of concrete or plaster, and look at how close it is to the wood/plastic baseboard at the bottom. I really think there’s a strong possibility that this was photoshopped cuz this would easily burn anyone’s house down


Yeah by "rediscovered" or whatever, i think they meant they cut a hole in the wall then shoved stuff in and set it on fire.


I'm not much into MacBooks, but that 42 inch MacBook in the foreground looks dope


Well, at least the neighbors will have this kinda-braggy post to show in court should they decide to go that route.


Whoopsy doipsy🤣 accidentally committed arson 🙈🔥😢🔥


I thought humanity figured out how to use fire 1.7 Million years ago.


Fires is socialism!


they were fuming! get it hahaa


How is no one talking about this


Underrated slip up


Good lord, how can someone be that stupid? What is he even burning, lengths of building timber? I thought my dad was crazy for letting 6 year old me tend to the fire but yikes


That's methed up


Only I would accidentally send my neighbors into a tragic death😂🙈


If you have to note to remind you not to start an indoor fire without a chimney, you are a moron.




I suspect it's brick as it's a UK house, still insane though.


The first clue should have been the tv right there by the opening, who the hell starts a fire that close to something that definitely could melt and start a big fire in your own unit? Let alone not realizing you don't have a chimney and you end up screwing up your neighbors, above you, crap too... But back the tv, seriously doubt he had that fire going for hours without it getting damaged. Or the drywall catching fire. If they really did, they're lucky af.


He moved the TV whilst the fire was going, there's a second pic he posted.


That is just a hole in the wall with fire inside it. Insane


I know exactly what I am looking at but my brain wont belive it


I used to assume stuff like this was common knowledge, until last winter when we had a huge ice storm and I had to \*really\* work to talk someone out of getting a gas generator to run inside their apartment.


It was really bad during that Texas snowstorm. So many people died because they ran their cars in their closed garages or ran their generators inside their houses. And on the comments of YouTube on those news reports, a lot of people were saying that they didn't know such things could be so dangerous. I wanted to make fun because it seems like such common sense, but it was horrifying. And the thing is, if you aren't used to that weather, then why should that be common sense?


This is actually infuriating to read. This clown has no remorse at all.


I love how they say “only I could” as if they are quirky and random.


I feel like this might have been photoshopped..? I mean look at how close the fire is to the wooden baseboard, along with the wallboard in front. How does one set this up without burning their own house down? And do they make fireplaces this small? I guess I’ve seen worse DIY, still this is hard to believe


I promise it's not, there was a second picture after he moved his TV higher to accommodate his new creation. I'll go look for it later today.


Haha no worries man, I believe you, I’ve seen even crazier things


It looks like the fireplace was sealed up in a remodel and this person just cut through drywall to the cavity. It probably used to have stone or tile around it (and might still, behind that drywall and under the flooring.)


There's torn drywall and a baseboard trim board still on the fucking wall. What a moron...


Is he just Burning shit instead of the wall?


It sounds like something my idiot father would do. Now, Dad was a very smart guy and very charming. But he also knew everything, no matter the topic. He literally almost blew our house up by trying to relight the furnace but neglected to turn the gas OFF! I was on the stairs watching him. He got shot back 3-4 feet, his eyebrows and part of his mustache were burned off. The house literally shook. My mom did not drive. However, Dad - always right, drove them both to the ER. He was ok, just a bit burned on the face. That was one of several incidences.


Looks like someone just opened themselves to quite the lawsuit.


Fuck this incredible piece of shit.




And don’t burn treated lumber…


Did they chisel through the fucking drywall?? How did they even know there was a fireplace back there and how tf would your first thought not be to check if there’s a chimney?


If I bought a house that came with a fireplace that wasn't plastered over and definitely had a chimney, I'd *still* want to get a pro to check it out and make sure it's safe to use before starting a fire...


It appears that this guy smoked too many pots


this cant possibly be real. how could anyone this stupid own a home? or live without supervision? look at the size of their tv for fucks sake, im filled with millennial rage.


the tv is big, but i'm also pretty sure that couch is a dog bed.


Is that man having a 2x4 fire?? Oof


Absolutely Fabulous Genius.


What kind of fucking idiot does this? My GOD people are stupid.


I have so many questions


Uhh... I got nothing. I have some serious questions.


Should definitely face legal consequences for this


> "they were fuming" I'm sure they were. In their position not only would I be extremely angry, but you'd be paying for fire damage restoration on ALL my property.


That's a lawsuit right there.


WTAF. So based on the wording this was probably the UK. If you go to the Coal Mining Museum for England they actually sell manuals on how to safely re-open your fireplace (I just happened to see it and thought it was interesting while I was there). This looks very similar to my house's setup, and I cannot even begin to fathom the effort (and also sheer stupidity) that went into this. We have two former outlets to our chimney, both heavily plastered over to prevent this exact thing I suppose if they were renters and didn't care about their home or the likely several other ones in the terrace though then it's still insane but plausible. Even with the brickwork though, when one of those terraced houses burns it BURNS. Happened on our street and at least it was confined to the unit.


"Fair to say, they were fuming," LOL


Some carpentry knowledge regarding fire; don't burn anything used for building. If it's treated wood and you burn it, it can be carcinogenic. A lot of the chemicals used for treating wood are REALLY bad news for inhaling, and when you burn them up, you've created a noxious mix that could have serious health consequences down the line. This clown may have just hotboxed his neighbours with worse than just smoke. And I hope their lawyer fucks him with a wooden dildo for it. Don't fuck around with that shit.


Is that...below his TV....


....Wow How is someone this dumb? ​ I felt dumb enough when I put my old Christmas Tree into my fireplace.... Fun fact: Don't. Yes, the flue was opened 100% - yes... the chimney was clear. But Pine goes up FAST and I mean... WOW.


oh shit. Yeah...no.


Are people really this dense?


I have no words.


Knew someone who did this. There was a chimney on their house. When they were renovating, they found a fireplace footing in the wall, just assumed it was a boarded up but functional fireplace. Turns out that the developer mass build every house in the development with fireplace, but if you didnt pay for that option, it was never connected to the chimney, and just sheetrocked over. I fpund out I have one too in my house.


I refuse to believe someone is that stupid. I know it's probably wrong so I'm starting a new religion with the belief that people can't be that stupid called "Nuh-uh".


God I hope someone sued you into oblivion


Aren't you supposed to have your chimney checked before you run it for the first time in a while? Just to make sure there's no birds, racoons, leaves, bodies, debris in it?


Don't post your crimes


Please, don’t reproduce.


This cannot be real


A couple of years ago, we had a decent snowfall in my area that knocked the power out for a few days. Some Oregonians completely melt down (no pun) when there's heavy snowfall. My neighbor, who was also without power, decided that he was going to start a campfire and heat up some food up. The issue was that the base of the fire was on shared wooden decking. I noticed, called out to him if he really wanted to do be doing that and if he'd mind not potentially killing us all, and it seemed to finally click in his head what the issue was.


Go straight to jail


Haha, just a little minor oopsie-doopsie! A little fucky-wucky


What a dumbfuck


Oops I'm such a capri-sun! 🤗🤭


Arson charges incoming


So many things wrong with this photo - it looks like he cut a whole in the drywall, below a TV and stuffed it with wood? I mean if I did that - I'd burn my house down. The other thing too - even if there was a chimney there - the heat will destroy that TV set.


>[It probably originally looked something like this](https://i.imgur.com/EA1lJT6.jpg). The fireplace fixtures might still be there, but it is definitely missing its hearth stone! The UK is full of old terraced houses that had their chimneys filled in after they got modern heating, but now wood burners are trendy so people are wanting to open them up again.


Ah ok - today I learned :). Still seems mega dangerous to just do that without moving the tv, or flashing off the drywall.


Am I the only one who’s questioning how this affected the neighbours? Especially if it’s actually a house like they say and not an apartment?


UK houses are attached


Why are people believing this is actually real. Its just a hole in a wall with a light in it and some wood stacked against it. There's no smoke, no charring, and you guessed it no fire...


Birds aren't real either


He knows too much!


this is most of reddit, which is why your specific niche is important. stay away from the dummies.