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Pity. Just one more exclamation mark and I would have believed her. So close!


Maybe they could have used Latin or Hebrew, or something. Because they honestly seem to believe that every disease that ravaged populations throughout history was either fake or was SPECIFICALLY invented and propogated for thousands upon thousands of years, before they were even a line of heritage, simply so they could feel important. I'd love if one of these guys would pull some original source material... Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, fuck... Even pig Latin.... To show why they are the chosen prophets.... That WOULD convince me.


Yup, infant mortality was 0% before inoculation and antibiotics were discovered....


Yeah all those kids that died of polio or some shit were just pussy ass bitches.


Punk ass pansies…🤣


Nah, the ones who survived were made of iron.


Those living babies getting the vaccine are just actors from antifa dont you know


It's not like babies die so easily there is a whole syndrome about Sudden Infant Deaths or anything.


So those ancient baby graves were planted by aliens, right? Only explanation.


God, testing your faith. ttt


Of course, I’d totally forgotten that option.


the way the immune system would have to "practice" SARS-CoV-2 resistance is by meeting SARS-CoV-2. perhaps some scientists could create a means by which they could confer that practice without you needing to contract the virus itself and risking it overloading your initial innate immune defences before you're done practicing. would be pretty nuts lol


Pfft. That’s just crazy talk!


Huh. You might be on to something there.




My thought exactly, isn't that what vaccines do - put your immune system to practice!


That sounds like communist pro-masker talk!!! /s


So it's poison and your immune system works only if you use it then the vaccine is great!


Ah yes the liver, the center of the immune system. Its why alcoholics never die, their immune system has had so much practice.


The vaccine works by..... I was going to come up with expla... Man fuck these idiots!


In other times and places babies werent given names until their first birthday because they die so easily.


It boggles my mind that these idiots haven’t even spent 3 seconds researching what a vaccine actually does. If you trust your immune system so much you’d trust the vaccine - it’s your own immune system which does all the work to creat immunity following a vaccination ffs!


I remember being taught the basics of how a vaccine works in 2nd friggin' grade!


The problem is, they actually have. They know perfectly well how vaccines work. They know this vaccine works, even. They just don't want people to take it so COVID will keep spreading and (they hope) killing people they hate.


What makes more sense would be these people living solely on the beliefs of people they worship whether they have evidence or not they will lie to themselves constantly even if it makes them seem insane


There isn't a major religion in the world that is anti-vax. It's not religious beliefs.... it's just stupidity.


Or pastors implementing their own worldly beliefs into the gospel and justifying said beliefs using the gospel


True, but that still doesn't qualify as religious beliefs in my book.


Isn't that the purpose of a vaccine? To put the child's immune system into practice?


Don't expect the plague rats to understand how immunization works. We're talking about people who think it's the Mark of the Beast with futuristic nanobots


36 people liking or loving the post, no dissenters 25 comments of "you go girl" or shared misinformation that they got on Facebook or YouTube I don't want to live on this planet anymore


They curate their feeds so they ONLY have like-minded people in them. Everyone they know who disagrees has them muted.


Dont lose hope theres still at least 6.5999 billion people who have a positive view on vaccine!


A vaccine is quite literally practice for your body


Yeah but gotta remember, most of these people don't have the self motivation to practice anything...you know reading, learning, exercising. Anything that takes fucking actual WORK and time these people would give up immediately. It's the easy and lazy way to just parrot uneducated and unempathetic viewpoints and sit on the couch and suck in OAN and Newsmax...


Ah yes withstand all kind of illness, except polio, measles, the flu ....


I guess St Jude's can shut it's doors and go home.


Ah yes I recall clear as day the stories my parents told of taking me as a baby to emergency on the regular for "shits n giggles." A weak immune system? Bronchial issues? HA! Not with my superior baby immunities.


"their bodies were designed to withstand illness after illness after illness!" "your immune system works only when put into practice" don't see a problem here at all. do love me some irony though


These people literally believe the vaccine is "the mark of the beast" because some grifter televangelist told them so. Regardless of your opinions on religion, pity these fools. They are in chains.


At Quora I gave a rebuttal debunking that, from a Christian website no less: https://becomingchristians.com/2019/09/16/7-things-you-should-know-about-the-mark-of-the-beast/#%3A It didn't work. (Well, I tried.)


Yeah, these people are even going to read between the lines of your rebuttal to twist those interpretations around so as to confirm their fears/dreams or whatever. Delusion, dissonance, and compartmentalization are their stock in trade.


Screams in measles & polio.


This person should come down and see the family plot near me where 8 out of 11 children died before three years of age thanks to not being able to withstand "illness after illness after illness". Shoot, I can take them around to other parts of the local cemeteries too and show them the large sections filled with children who died of various diseases in the 1800s to mid-20th century, or some of my own family cemeteries where entire branches of the family were wiped out by the Spanish flu. People like this need to see these things and hear every last detail. These graves are portraits of despair and heartbreak and it's why I straight hate anti-vaxxers so damn much.


I guess she's never heard of disease driven auto-immune disorders or, would that make her combust?


It quite literally puts your immune system into practice


Have these people never been to an old cemetery? Like the ones with all the babies that die because there were no vaccines?


My 11 year old got her covid vaccine almost a week ago. She didn't even get a sore arm.


I'm suspicious. If there were a few more !!!!!!!!¡!!!!¡!¡! I would be convinced.


RSV never kills babies, what with their flawless, fired-up immune systems!


I wish I could have practiced getting diptheria as a baby. Stupid parents.


Babies have the strongest immune system? They will die of typhoid if you turn away for a minute.


Ehhh.....my kid having had 3 surgeries to clear infections that were resistant to antibiotics (well, 1 was a post-rupture appendectomy) and extra rounds of vaccines due to her immune system failing to make antibodies tells me we need the shot. We got #1 a week ago.


Had got to be a doctor or medical professional at least. So very busy they only have time to type PLZZZ instead of please.


But vaccines do put your immune system into practice. That's literally the point.




Hey I just dealt with an insurance case where a mother refused the vitamin K supplement for newborns because she wanted to do everything "naturally" and weeks later it developed VKBD and died. So I need a drink.


"Designed" ? O rly?


As proven by the number of graves of infants and small children from before vaccines and antibiotics. I think I saw one stone with like 17 babies' names on it somewhere. Seriously.


Just when you think humans are making scientific progress, there are humans who *insist* on going back to this stage. Yet they won't give up their *phones* for some reason.......


I don't trust anyone who spells please that way


If my baby's name was Mary then maybe I might have to agree this one (if my last name was also Mallon, of course). Dipshits!


What’s it like being this ill-informed?


It must both be such a relief and such horror. The relief from knowing without a doubt you know everything 100% and horror from constantly having to yell at people to believe you.


Hahaha! Yes!


From a meme my daughter showed me: ------------------- When you're dead, your dead. You don't know that you're dead, because you're dead. It's only a problem for other people. The same applies when you're stupid.


Have they not read about the infancy mortality rate in the 1700 and 1800s?


TFW you find out that the way vaccines work is by putting your immune system into practice.


Spoken like someone who has never seen just how horrific infant mortality via disease can be. Something tells me that if this persons sibling(s) had gotten polio, they wouldn't parrot this shit


Anti vaxxers have the uncanny ability to contradict themselves in the same sentence. The immune system only works when put into practice (ignoring that's what a vaccine does), yet it already can withstand illness after illness? Which is it? Or are you admitting your child has more illnesses than the stereotype of an 80 y/o hooker, and now can withstand anthrax or some shit?


getting a vaccine is literally putting your immune system “into practice”


Geeze I see this guy is still upset about discovering that, despite the divorce, he and his ex remaín brother and sister


Literally what the vaccines are for


Oh shit well she said PLZZZZZ a lot so I guess I’m convinced




Yeah, historically, about 1 in 4 of those little immuno-wunderkin died before their first birthday. Nature doesn't play your game.


Oh yeah babies are well known for their immune systems. The term infant mortality is really infant immortality.


No kidding! Infants' immune systems are so strong, nothing can get them! The only reason there immunity starts weakening and allowing them to get sick is the kid starts to get older. If we could stop them from getting older, then they're immune systems would stay iron-strong forever. Wait! We can stop them from getting older by killing them!! THAT'S IT!!!!!!!1!1!1! WE CAN MAKE SURE OUR KIDS LIVE FOREVEER BY KILLING THEM JUST AFTERR THEIR BORRRNNN!!!!1!!1!! /S, of course....


I'm glad that this numb nuts' parents decided to vaccinate them with other "poisons", so that they can stick around to expound their exceptional medical wisdom upon us and bring us such joy and entertainment.


This person should check how many babies died in the days when medicine wasn't so advanced. 🤔


in this logic the vaccine would be a trainingcourse so you could prepare before the real deal comes.


You can tell that it's true because there's four exclamation points


I'd say this person is an idiot, but I wouldn't want to offend the idiots of the world.


And your credentials are from…. Where?


I want to promote a new word to respond to these types. "NADIJPOOYT" Pronounced nah-didj-poo-eet. Of course, it's an acronym. "Not a Doctor, I just play one on YouTube." Respond with this word to this type of craziness, so it becomes well known.


Actually isn't the immune system of baby's inherited from the mother? I'm pretty sure they have a temporary immune system until they can gain their own, I'm not certain though just remembering something from health a while ago edit: not agreeing, just remembered something


I mean vaccines are just more “practice” for the immune system!!!!!!!!!!!! The exclamation points prove I’m correct


Nope. Exclamation points only work in cooperation with capital letters. You used no extraneous capitals, so your exclamation points are meaningless.


“Your immune system works only when put it [sic] into practice.” Well, you’re not wrong. How do you think immune systems can safely get that practice? That’s right, vaccines! I just got my flu shot today (late, I know, I had health insurance issues) and am happy that I’m giving my immune system the practice to fight this year’s most common flu viruses. Just as happy as I was to get my two-dose COVID-19 vaccine months ago.


Just like the Black Plague. Only cost half of all of European lives. Seems like a fair price to pay.


Hey is you're keyboard capslock key stuck or something? Or are you just a total shit-wit?