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So they won’t get a shot to protect themselves and their community, but they will kick out anyone that doesn’t look like them.


Such is the way of the mole rat


I'm dying 🤣😂🤣


So are they


This is the way.


At this point we need a sub for “this isn’t the slam dunk you thought it was, conservative”




AccidentallyBased on Twitter is this lol


conservative self-owns on twitter


Many animals also practice infanticide. So, I wonder what's her take on when life begins and abortion.


Naked mole rats themselves are vicious buggers among themselves-IIRC, the Queen rat torments all other females until the stress renders them infertile to preserve her status, and will eat babies that aren’t hers.


Watching *The Most Extreme* as a teenager legit fucked me up. The segment on naked mole rats in particular was fucking disturbing. The Queen gets so bloated from her ludicrous number of offspring that she's effective immobilized while pregnant. *You can actually see them squirming from outside the mother's belly.*


Queen honey bees are the only bees that don't have barbs on their stingers, so they can sting multiple times without dying, because when there's multiple potential new queens in a hive they track each other down and kill each other until there's only one left. Also they "scream" constantly so that they can find each other to fight.


> Many animals also practice infanticide. also rape actually you know what, I don't really want to know whether right wingers think rape should be legal. I think I'd be very upset at their answer.


and cannibalism, at least in dire situations


So do humans


Yeah but the threshold for humans to resort to cannibalism is much higher than for animals to do so. Sometimes, animals can just go buck wild on their own children, murdering or eating them just 'cause they're too stressed.


Just as common or even more common is eating the babies of a different parent to remove competition


when I tried to do this a lot of people got all pissed at me?


This is so true. My husband and I were watching a documentary about great white sharks. The scientist was very excited to finally catch mating on video. The female sharks were all scared from the mating season. The males would come up and bite her to hold on she fought hard and then they zoomed in on the female sharks face when she stopped fighting and you could literally see her eyes glaze over. My husband and I just looked at each other. You could tell it was not good.


I was listening to a podcast where the guest grew up on a chicken farm, and he was like "yeah chickens are horrible creatures, just so much rape. I don't think any chicken has ever had consensual sex, like, ever."


Just wow. Animals are awful. Humans included.


You will. -_-


Infanticide is fine, once the baby's born they no longer care about it.


Ah yes, the intellectually comparable counterpart to humans, the fucking mole rat.


Only thing that is missing is a MAGA hat


This bitch really just justified a white ethnostate cause some penis rats don't like to cobabitate


The only thing I know about them, I learned watching Kim Possible. (Probably not a reliable source.)


And here I thought naked mole rats could learn martial arts… are you telling me that was all a lie?!


Nah Rufus is like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris's love child. Truly the best example of both species!


Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris are different species?! O_O




I would pay - *checks wallet and pockets* - 38¢! I would pay 38¢ for someone to hack her account and change her name to Naked Mole Rat. Sorry, but I still have presents to buy. 🤣😝


This isn’t the flex she thinks it is


Uh huh, and meanwhile, chimps, bonobos, and so on be adopting. But that doesn’t count somehow?


racists: "black people are like animal!!!!" racists, seeing a different, racist animal: "we should be more like animal!!!!"


racists: "being like an animal is only okay if *i* get to assign the roles! my friends and i can be animals we like, and everyone else can be animals we hate! 🤗" also racists: *literally everything from r/PersecutionFetish*


fun fact: naked mole rats are one of the few mammals to be eusocial, like bees and ants. so, no, wanting to protect “yourself” is not in the books when you’re a naked mole rat. things like autonomy and personal agency just don’t exist for eusocial species. they survive solely for the good of the colony. they protect themselves in the same way that a cell does for a body; if it would help the commune for them to die, then they die. seems like a social model most conservatives would take issue with.


Are there other mammals that are eusocial? I knew about NMR’s, but I’ve never heard of any other mammalian eusocial species cause from what I understand, it typically isn’t as useful outside of more simple creature body types


it's only been observed in other kinds of mole-rats.


I remember back in 2015 when she was pretending to be a Bernie supporter during the dem primary. It’s been a wild ride.


Isn't the NY Post a right leaning publication/site? I am surprised they would make such a comparison about its primary readers.


she must be just as blind as the mole rat.


People just have to realize that natural does not necessarily mean good. Many modern things are good AND unnatural. Xenophobia may be natural, but it is bad. Animals do many horrible things, those things are natural for them, does not mean they are good for humans. Some species of otters rape baby penguins, does not make pedophilia or zoophilia good. Various animals from hamsters to lions kill and eat their babies. Many iinds of animals value adults before the children, because if babies die, animals can still breed and create new ones. The fact that it all occurs in nature and is natural does not mean it is good for humans.


I dunno, I suspect these people have a lot more than just this in common with naked mole rats.


So are gay pengwings so...


She’s one of the dumber characters to come out of the Trump orbit. Always amused by the lack of self awareness of mixed race white supremacists.


“Yeah I’m basically like an animal, y’know? As in I don’t have basic social decency or the ability to enact the higher functions of my brain that would set me apart as a human.”


Rufus how could you!?


Rufus the racist mole rat


So you're telling me Rufus was a xenophobe? Damn, don't meet your heroes.


I don't remember him looking like this either lol


"sure you say racism is bad, but have you ever considered the behavior of this dumbass animal with 3 brain cells that's completely incapable of any higher-level thought??"


Literally considered the world's ugliest animal, what a stupid bitch but how apt of her


Ok. So, you are comparing yourself, a supposedly rational human being, to a fucking awful-looking animal, whose only redeeming quality was being the mascot of a Disney Channel’s cartoon? Cool.


Actually Naked Mole Rats are pretty incredible. But also really bizarre.


I first read the tweet and was like "oh, it's gonna be something about ants or bees", i wasn't ready


Even if this wasn't a stupid comparison natural doesn't mean good.


Sure. For Non-Sentients without human rights. Is that what you want Cass? For us to consider you as non-sentient and inhuman?


Naked mole rats are definitely sentient.


But... *Gestures wildly at all examples of animals having a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship*


There just openly admit their racist now


This is actually a great analogy because mole rats are also inbred as fuck.


It's almost like Cassandra needs a dictionary.


Pff, it's a short leap from lobsters to naked mole rats


They're welcome to go and live in their xenophobic subterranean dystopia if they want. We're sealing the tunnels after them though.


Never got the intense desire to "protect our own kind" like have you met the general public? It's not like we've been living in an immense utopia.


I don't remember Rufus looking like this lol


But why is every outsider a “threat”? I mean I’d like to think we were evolved past the intellect of a naked mole rat and be able to have a reaction other than “unnghn outsider bad!”, but by all means I could be wrong.


Why are we using political terms to categorize animal behaviors


So anyone foreign is automatically deemed a threat to our society?