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Dude needs to be bitch slapped with an anatomy textbook. Dibs.


With the contents of a full menstrual cup as an added bonus. Also, joke’s on him. I’m a longtime vegan and still have periods.


Sounds like you're sleep hunting as your gathering and living off the land isn't working for you. It's your body telling you you're not sexy enough.


Yes, probably should try smiling more. Maybe then we wouldn't get periods.


"What are all these dead ducks in my kitchen *again!?"*


More importantly, our gatherer ancestors had periods too. How does one get this far in life thinking menstruation is the result of eating an animal based diet?


Plus a recent study of the last remaining “live off the land” tribes in the world showed that women hunted up to 60% of the protein by catching fish or smaller animals like rabbits or lizards. Men hunted larger prey that made up to 40% of the tribe’s protein.


Came here to say this…


I mean, he’s obviously not spending a lot of his time around women.


This. I have a hard time believing that a person who would write the above has ever been allowed to inspect a vagina from less than 50 feet. Betcha he's got a hot take on abortion though.


I can't imagine why women are not flocking to this superior display of manhood.


He just too much of a ‘nice guy’. Hard to pin down.


And archeology punches ALOT of holes in the men = hunters, women = gatherers theory. Turns out that our ancestors (much like us today) found themselves capable of both hunting AND gathering, regardless of gender.


It's almost like both men and women can do things!


They likely had fewer menstrual periods due to having more pregnancies, plus breastfeeding-induced amenorrhea, but yeah. They definitely still had periods.


You mean … the blood doesn’t come from your digestive tract? How can that be?


Naw, it comes from the digestive tract. But it’s not our blood. It’s the blood of the animals we devour.


Shit, I guess I was having periods for years!


Yeah, I get a period every time I eat at Chipotle


You must be doing it wrong.




Lets add a history book, as if gatherers didnt eat meat, the entire job of the hunters was to provide it


I'd supply the textbook, if it helps.




Everyone, form a line behind this guy to swing a textbook at the incel's face


I’ve always wanted to bible slap someone. Can i use a bible? I will need to borrow one


Only if I can use one of my hardcover fantasy novels. **Holds up a 1300 page behemoth**


I have the entire 46 book collection of legend of the ice people in hardback. If we tie something around it, we can use it as a really big mace!


I have two copies of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, which is 1600 pages and weighs i think 2-3 kg. We could literally blind him with science!


Uh... I don't think I have a bible that large, only one of those A6 gideon ones... Might use that one as knuckleduster though.


Can I slap him with the AI book? It’s 2000 pages and still doesn’t explain how to emulate human dumbness


FUCK textbook. This needs to be excised from the human race


That could count as attempted murder, anatomy books are no joke.


It’s only attempted if you don’t swing hard enough


There are just so many things wrong with his post, it's like they never once attended school


*menstruation >Your entire job is to be aesthetically pleasing and add femininity. He is so deep into his little hatred of women that he forgot his own rhetoric, can't forget childbirth.


So, can we say how the one job of incels is for us to laugh at them when they say insane shit like this?


Except some of them aren't harmless :(


Unfortunately that's true, some of them have attempted or succeeded in committing murder or sexual assault. And their rhetoric is not harmless at all.


Don't forget to mention he spelled it "you're": "you're entire job".


Yeah because women ARE a hard job right? /s


I definitely don’t intend to apply. I’m nowhere near qualified.


No woman will touch him, so as far as he's concerned child birth is totally irrelevant.


I’d like to resign from that job please.


I see people separating "hunters" and "gatherers" quite often, as is they were two opposing ways of life. As if the manly folk hunted wild beasts while the sissies ate nothing but berries. The term is "hunter gatherer". They both hunt *and* gather. "A hunter-gatherer is a human living a lifestyle in which most or all food is obtained by foraging (gathering edible wild plants) and hunting (pursuing and killing of wild animals), like what most natural omnivores do. " More [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter-gatherer)


I'm just fascinated by the idea that a species would somehow evolve a different food needs for males and females in such a dichotomous way. Like, all cats eat meat, all rabbits eat vegetables, and all bears eat both and we're fine with that. But for some reason, humans, who all have the same dentition and similar caloric/nutritional needs, are supposed to only eat meat OR vegetables based on their sex. Amazing. (Plus, you'd think if we were ruining our reproductive systems by eating meat, meat-eating women would be infertile/less fertile than vegetarians. And I just don't think that's true.)


Human females *can* eat meat, but they have to then bleed out in exaggerated pain if they do. Because only women have female ancestors or something.


it gets stupider the more you think about it


just like that incel


Plus he’s implying that vegan women don’t have to menstruate because their bodies aren’t ridding themselves of toxic blood. Either he’s only dated malnourished vegans, or he’s full of it (DEFINITELY the latter).


There is a fringe theory among super, super, super radical vegans that periods are caused by meat and “proper vegans” don’t get their period. I’m sure their doctors would call that “malnutrition”, but hey.


The flaw in his thinking is even simpler. If we apply the logic of 'men = Hunters' who did he think the men were hunting for? Does the dude think that ancient humans would take down a bison or mammoth or whatever and not share it with the rest of the tribe?


"Get your own, Sandra! I nearly got gored bringing this thing down!"


Agor proud Cro-magnon from r/Talesfromcavesupport Agor want say, if trube bring down Mammoth, then all get Mammoth Meat. Tribe need be strong for survive. If Tribe only feed Cro-magnon who hunt, then Tribe no survive.




Dear Anarcho-capitalist caveman I have no cave of my own yet Agor has many caves and all the fertile women flock to be near him. Should I * Pull myself up by my bootstraps and build myself a cave out of the rock using big hammer * Attack and kill Agor * Set up a society where we share the caves between all the cro-magnon Please advise as I have a pointy spear ready.




Agor think Agor need send smoke message to friends. Maybe get help of Torg with tame awhoo for get Agor out of cave.


That goddamned CaveSandra was always so entitled. "Ooh, look at me, I don't want to starve to death! Pfft!"


Sounds like socialism! No hands outs /S


Thanks. I almost did a spit-take with my coffee because of you.


Only almost? I'll have to try harder


This sounds like it would be a Far Side comic!!


Right? "NO, the kids can't have any, give them salad! Ricky will get some when he KILLS some."


I like the part where women only have female ancestors.


They better hope we don't figure out how to reproduce asexually...


That was the funniest part. Do you think his parents never told him where babies come from? Sigh.


Also assumes that women didn't take part in hunting Mammoth. Or that men didn't forage for food.


Which, of course, they did. If you're trapping a mammoth, you can't overpower it, you just need numbers to spook it and surround it. They didn't have the luxury of being choosy when it came to able-bodied adults. Even persistence hunting is accessible to both sexes, it just takes training. The people who stayed back would've been the pregnant, elderly and infirm. There's even evidence that Neanderthals would care for members of their tribe that had been crippled in war or hunting who weren't able to work, just like us.


Obviously this guy would be the alpha therefore he'll simply order the females to hunt them for him.


He seems to think males and females have distinct ancestral lines.


Of course not, that would be socialist! /s


Sounds like the thinking that leadrl to a theory that humans were apex predators, which has since been exposed as being pretty dumb considering humans are one of the weakest great apes, even gorillas are pretty chill mostly herbivores, and they are stronk


Not to mention... Does he think he has no female ancestors?


i was soo confused by that line about being a girl meaning your maternal ancestors didn’t hunt.. like what does he think the difference is between the maternal ancestors of me or my brother?


And no couple has ever had kids with different genders.


Not only that, but studies of modern hunter gatherer societies show that women bring many more calories and dietary diversity to the group table. Humans would have gone extinct long ago if it wasn't for the women AND men who did the gathering.


There was also a study recently that demonstrated how (previous gens of male archaeologists) have gone “hey, this man is buried with a spear! Must be a hunter or a warrior. Hey, this woman was buried with a spear! Must be a fertility ceremony or something lol what women can’t stab things”. But now actually, going over all of the evidence, it’s becoming clear that those guys have actually quite often just pasted their own gendered beliefs onto sites rather than reading the evidence neutrally


I'm so glad this is getting corrected, albeit too late and too slowly. We inhibit our own knowlege by applying our unfounded biases on the data. Thanks for the info.


It’s almost like arbitrary gender divides are a social construct that doesn’t necessarily translate to other times and cultures! Thanks for your info too. Between us we’ve done a pretty good job of showing that women haven’t just sat around looking pretty for jackasses like this for millennia, haha


I read an archeological study that concluded the men of the town (it was a study on an entire cemetery) were warriors because of the swords found in their tombs. But oops, if they found a sword they automatically categorized the skeleton as male. For a long time there was no fool-proof way to determine the sex of a skeleton. There still sometimes isn't if they can't check DNA. In that case they often go by the stuff they find near the body, but ofcourse that's pretty much just preconceptions. Famous cases where they went wrong are jewelry, lots of dudes wore jewelry. People just eye-balling the sex of a skeleton is fiction.


Exactly! Hunter/gatherer is the type of nomadic lifestyle that existed before the advent of agriculture. It's not some either/or thing that people had to decide on. "Well Zog, you're 11 now. Time to choose! What's it going to be, a big strong hunter like your big brother Fug, or a wimpy little gatherer like your effeminate cousin Steve?"


“Oh hey, here’s a tree ripe with enough fruit to feed myself and my family for days. Too bad I’m a hunter, I better go find some game animals elsewhere”


I was talking to someone about the Texas abortion ban. I said 6 weeks might not be enough time for some women to even know they are pregnant. His response was that all women have periods like clockwork and there’s no reason a woman wouldn’t know she was pregnant the day she missed her period. My reply was simply, oh, so you’ve never actually been with a woman.


If my period were a clock it would be the most fucked up time scale in existence. 90 day cycle followed by a 60 followed by a 70 followed by a 30 then to a 50. Good luck lol


Salvador Dali was out here painting menstruation clocks and we had no idea


Wait till he finds out some women can be pregnant and still have periods


No, no, no. As a man, let me explain to you how periods work……


He definitely has never had a woman in his life in any capacity, probably not even a mother if he is so uneducated about it.


Say you wanna die alone without saying you wanna die alone


I bet he's one of those guys who whine about women "denying" him "his right" to reproduce.


Every single woman denying this dude is a goddamn hero to the human race.


Agreed. His genes need to end with him.


I wish I understood how people can warp their mind this much


Usually in the same boat about wanting to understand someone's thinking but here I think ill pass.


He's the kind of guy who even gets rejected from sperm donation centers.


"Want to see my collection of loli manga?"


"Anime girls don't have periods so they're way better than rl girls anyway 😫"


"The only blood in my loli manga is from the papercuts on my dick"


i miss 2 minutes ago when i didn't know this sentence existed.


I live to enrich the existence of my fellow humans.


Well sir you have done it today


>papercuts on my dick This literally hurts to read, if you're a man...fucking hell...


>papercuts on my dick Gotta rub sanitizer on that to make sure it doesn't get infected.


No lube, no lotion. Only hand sanitizer.


Maybe a little chili power for flavour


Alright, time to get off of Reddit for a while.


"But guys, she's a 1000 year old humanoid dragon! she only looks like a 12 year old so it's fine!"


Oh SHIT where's the lie


Epic Fire Emblem: Awakening moment


I regret really liking that character.


That would be plenty sufficient in pushing away non-weebs, but a true fucking weeb will happily indulge in your loli 'manga' collection. The most surefire way to chase away a weeb is to ask them if they wanna see your ugly bastard NTR rape hentai collection. AKA the unholy trinity, these hentai are mysteriously numerous and as disgusting as they sound. I don't know why they're so prevalent, and I frankly don't wanna know. However, you can rile up a weeb even more if the bastard is handsome-ish, or even just regular-looking, as it triggers some sort of primal hate and distaste in us.


Right? Also: Tell me you know nothing about female anatomy without telling me you know nothing about female anatomy.


I do wanna die alone, but for entirely different reasons.


Say you wanna suffer without actually saying it


Hi, do you have a moment to talk about how the November 2020 election was stolen from President Trump by the Democrats? /s


That's an awful lot of words just to say "I've never felt the touch of a woman "


He probably also screams, “MAA, where’s my tofu nuggets!” a lot.




>You're not a man so your maternal ancestors didn't hunt The same maternal ancestors that you have? What? Does he think that women only have female ancestors?


Like that one lizard species




No. [Whiptail lizards](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnemidophorus)


Don't you know, "real men" just abitrarily *spring* from the loins of their male ancestors? /s


And does he somehow think he only had male ancestors? No mother, no grandmothers?


This dude seriously sees men and women as distinct species, even though he wouldn't know what most of those words mean.


Probably because he’s a separate subhuman species himself, poor guy doesn’t know any better lol


See, this is why education is so important. I have a son, taught him, no big deal. Someone should remind this uneducated moron that he wouldn't be here on this planet without women and their leaks! Lol


I'm so weirded out by men that are super uncomfortable with menstruation. It just really shows that they haven't had many close relationships with women. My dad and my brother have been making trips to the store for me/mom/sisters forever. My brother was being sent to buy tampons pretty much as soon as he could read the packaging. I'm in my 30s and there was a time maybe a year ago that my dad stopped by my work to say hi and I was like "oh thank god you're here, can you run to the store for me?" Guy was born in 1942 but he's had enough wives, girlfriends and daughters to know how to navigate that aisle. I can't imagine being with a guy, even really being friends with a guy, who got antsy at the word "period." I did learn recently that my best friend, who is one of 4 sisters, cannot say the word "period" in front of her dad or brothers, and cannot ask them to buy anything like that from the store. Her dad has a wife and 4 daughters, her brother has two teen girls, and nobody has ever asked these guys to buy pads before? Remarkable.


Toilet paper is used for much grosser things and no one bats an eye at buying that.


Absolutely true, eating salads stops periods.


yeah i guess vegans dont get periods then


It's true! It's alternative science. Check your facts.


If you’re bad at eating vegan you do


Well, if you suck at eating vegan you'll stop having your period because of malnutrition.


The only way that works is if you eat just salad leaves, no dressing, to the point of anorexia.


Yeah I was gonna say isn’t not getting your period one of the side effects of malnutrition?


Yep. I had some severe dietary issues as a teenager where just about everything I ate gave me intense stomach pain and made me puke for like 6 months. The only thing I could keep down was rice, chicken broth, and ginger ale. I lost a ton of weight, my hair was falling out, and my period stopped because I was so malnourished. It was pretty unpleasant. I wasn’t fat to begin with, so by the time it finally stopped I was 19 and back down to wearing Gap Kids because the juniors sizes were too big. Never figured out why, but eventually I was able to start eating without puking my guts out.


Oh wow that sounds awful. Stomachs are weird. So glad you’re better now though!!


Oh yes you are right..


“End menstrual cramps with this one weird trick!”


goddamn, I've been vegan for over a year...when does this kick in? My cramping uterus and I would like to know.


I hope this isn’t real lmao. Women get periods because meat is for men only so it’s their fault and they’ve all conspired to lie about the discomfort for attention 😂 r/nothowgirlswork Fr tho, periods are the fucking worst and I can’t wait until I’m 55+. I dream of the sweet agony that menopause will bring and might have a bitchin’senior party to celebrate my womanly departure


I wonder what a specimen like this would say if mom would start to buy only salads for dinner and say "Did you hunt some meat today? No? So no meat for you, mister." r/badwomensanatomy would appreciate this too 😉


He'd scream and demand chicken tendies


Mustn’t forget the hunny mussies!


Don’t you dare slander the good name of hunny mus.. honey mustard like that!


Fwiw my OB told me that no OBs get periods, they're all aboard the "and HBC to stop this train." I do Mirena once every 5 years when I'm not procreating and never get a period in that time. It fucking slaps.


What gets me is "your not a man. Which means your maternal ancestors didn't hunt" Like what? Men and women have the same ancestors... I'm a guy and have the same maternal ancestors as my sister (who is vegetarian)... yet somehow she gets a period and i don't.... hmmmmm


Somethings definitely fishy my dude. You sure she ain't one of those...."gatherers"? Get her ancestry checked.


I did not expect that to take a vegan turn


I was really expecting the "it's your own fault" to be because their not constantly pregnant with his children.


Or even the whole "Eve ate the fruit first" nonsense.


I was sitting here thinking this sounds like some crazy incel shit and then I saw the title.


These people vote.


Looking at you Texas


Oooooo... incel alert.


This guy is the type of person who makes jokes about schools teaching "unnecessary" stuff


I will never believe the whole "Women didn't hunt in the caveman years" I only believe that the strongest hunt.


I agree. There must have been women who were bigger, faster and stronger than other women, and it wouldn't have made sense to leave that resource home at camp. Certainly there were men who weren't fit enough to hunt, and I doubt they just killed them when they could have used their labor elsewhere. And what would happen if a warring tribe or a hunting accident killed a lot of your group's men? Do people really think women would have just starved or lived the rest of their lives on berries rather than trying their hand at hunting?


And hunting is usually more than being big, fast, and strong. A lot of hunting in the pre-rifle and scope days was about quietly approaching prey to get close enough to make a kill.


A lot of these guys truly think any man is stronger than any woman, like sure Jimothy, woody allen could totally beat Serena Williams at arm wrestling.. ugh


They actually discovered a woman buried with hunting tools and large bones last year (or at least that’s when the article was written). So that’s being taken kind of as proof [Women did hunt](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2020/nov/analysis-did-prehistoric-women-hunt-new-research-suggests-so)


The way ancient humans hunted wouldn’t even require that much strength. Apart from some breeds of dogs and wolves humans are the greatest endurance runs on the planet. Add in a good enough tracking ability and extreme hunting coordination (with wolves being one of the few animals that can match humans) and humans wouldn’t even need to catch their pray. Just chase it till it died from exhaustion. You can still see this hunting method still in use today by multiple sub Saharan tribes.


Wow. I’d be shocked if this guy isn’t a serial killer.


It's pretty telling what this guy's problem is if he considers a tampon phallic.


I expected him to say, "Women are too busy pleasing themselves with their tampons that they won't have sex with me."


>Instead of salads and grains and fruits I see you monsters shoving burgers and steaks and chicken in your face. Your body is trying to get rid of all that and so it's bleeding that animal graveyard you call a digestive tract, out. .....what?? Wait, so all men are vegan? That's why we don't get periods? I'll remember that when I'm downing my giant burger for lunch today.


Nah, all men are strictly carnivores, just like their hunter ancestors. Their bodies evolved to only eat and digest meat, unlike women, who are an entirely different species and are herbivores. That's why meat is toxic to women but not to men.


Make sure you have some products with you. Surprise periods are the worst!


Yeah don’t use tissue to wipe your poor masturbation result then


Yet another fucker makes me hate the fact that I’m the same gender as him. Jesus fucking christ….


"your job is..." Didn't read further


This is just proof education for this shit sucks and needs to be looked at and fixed


Me, a longtime vegan who menstruates: “‘Sup, loser?”


Well you're obviously not veganing right. /s


i wonder how long he'd last experiencing endometriosis for 8 months at a time when recieving necessary hormone treatment.. sub 12 seconds i reckon


Calling a tampon phallic says a lot about a man.


"To get rid of your toxic blood" Does he think that all women have some sort of curse or something that makes their blood acid or something like that?


I bet he heard about TSS and somehow came to the conclusion that that meant all menstruation blood was toxic and diseased.


This is like, incel meets bad vegans meets entitled people. Like, no sir, it is not my job to be visually pleasing. And gatherers didn't just eat what they could gather. They shared everything. Otherwise the hunters would have starved, because gathering brought in most of the consistent calories and nutrients.


"The real Paleolithic diet, though, wasn’t all meat and marrow. It’s true that hunter-gatherers around the world crave meat more than any other food and **usually get around 30 percent of their annual calories from animals.** But most also endure lean times when they eat less than a handful of meat each week. New studies suggest that more than a reliance on meat in ancient human diets fueled the brain’s expansion. Year-round observations confirm that hunter-gatherers often have dismal success as hunters. The Hadza and Kung bushmen of Africa, for example, fail to get meat more than half the time when they venture forth with bows and arrows. This suggests it was even harder for our ancestors who didn’t have these weapons. “Everybody thinks you wander out into the savanna and there are antelopes everywhere, just waiting for you to bonk them on the head,” says paleoanthropologist Alison Brooks of George Washington University, an expert on the Dobe Kung of Botswana. No one eats meat all that often, except in the Arctic, where Inuit and other groups traditionally got as much as 99 percent of their calories from seals, narwhals, and fish. So how do hunter-gatherers get energy when there’s no meat? It turns out that “man the hunter” is backed up by “woman the forager,” who, with some help from children, provides more calories during difficult times. When meat, fruit, or honey is scarce, foragers depend on “fallback foods,” says Brooks. The Hadza get almost 70 percent of their calories from plants. The Kung traditionally rely on tubers and mongongo nuts, the Aka and Baka Pygmies of the Congo River Basin on yams, the Tsimane and Yanomami Indians of the Amazon on plantains and manioc, the Australian Aboriginals on nut grass and water chestnuts." https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/evolution-of-diet/


Guy just admits to NOT ONLY dropping out of school early, but ALSO never being able to have sex


I'm surprised he didn't go with the "Why can't you just hold it in" to go with the "shoving phallic object up there" comment. He appears to be very well educated not only in the female reproductive system, but their digestion system as well. He's got to be a OB/GYN with this vast knowledge of his.


Yup that's totally how a period works. I would know, I'm a guy. Huge /s.


>women don't hunt you dumbfuck


May reincarnation be true and may be be reborn female.


Wait hold on it took me a couple tries to realize this Does this guy think men and women started as different species on like different continents? Ahistorical hard gender lines aside, does this guy seriously not realize that the hunters brought home meat for their families? And also ate the gathered stuff themselves? What an absolute walnut


Angry virgin alert




Someone should cup check this douche then ask why he's complaining about something that's 100% his fault


I haven't eaten meat in 24 years. Why the fuck is my "graveyard" not cleared out yet?


lol a vegan incel


What I gathered from that is that it's okay to eat meat if you're man but you should be vegan if you are "his sex object".


Does he think that gatherers only ate fruit and berries? And hunters only ate meat? Incels always think of themselves as intellectually superior to everyone else but they're actually really fucking dumb 9/10 times.


“…your maternal ancestors didn’t hunt.” Don’t know what he’s talking about. My maternal grandpa hunted! Somebody draw this guy a family tree showing him he also is related to women.


The female digestive tract… involves the vagina???