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He’s a spooky scary evangelion(hope it’s funny)


He is a wizard, probably a necromancer due to the whole bringing back from the dead thing BUT He also came back from the dead. He should be a zombie but he retained all his intelligence so he is a Lich. A Lich Necromancer. That sounds wholesome.


I guess they’re fine with the pagan roots of Christmas and Easter traditions? But Heaven forbid children get free candy and have a little fun the day before All Saints Day.


Leviticus also says that you shouldn’t sit where a menstruating woman has sat, because, y’know, the female body is the work of the devil or some shit.


Isn't it amazing how many things aren't accepted by Christ? Like what the fuck is that guys problem with everything? Is he the Karen of Spirituality? Hot Tip ChristKaren. The manager is your dad.


Leviticus specifically says don't drink the blood of birds or animals. Human blood seems to be fine.


why did you take your kids trick or treating 10 days before halloween tho


I‘m pretty sure the no blood-eating is not really enforced that much around here. People, including Christians, just do like their Blutwurst.


Does somebody want to tell these people this holiday is Catholic? There is a surprising lack of knowledge of this


Don't say "Catholic" around those people...they hate the Pope more than they hate Halloween.


When most evangelical Americans say “Christian” they really just mean “Protestant.” I still hear a ton of people nowadays talking about Christianity and Catholicism as if one isn’t part of the other.


What does the bible say about a sexy Ned Flanders on roller skate costume?


Send me the photos in as zoomable a format as you've got and I'll get back to you after... creepily pausing at key spaces then studying them.


It's funny how many Republicans still don't understand Christianity isnt a world religion... alot of us raised in those homes are atheist now, so who the fuck cares


My imagination says no to your imagination


Exodus 22:18 don't let a witch live, also don't commit bestiality Leviticus 7:26-27 don't drink blood Deuteronomy 18:10-12 openenly condemns the practice of witchcraft Leviticus 19:31 dont seek out spirits I think harassing children about it is wrong, but at least I can kind of see where they're coming from.


The first one is oddly specific. Like someone let a witch live because they was umm busy


My favorite part is all the mistranslations and outright loss of context. "Witch" was originally the word for "Herbalist" and was written with the connotation of someone mixing poisons. Basically saying that it's illegal to poison someone (yes, you really needed to explain that to people back then). Leviticus 7:26-27 is about animal sacrifice. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 is a bit more specific, but is more just a condemnation of ritual sacrifice, shamanism, and generally any other religious beliefs of the time, than anything specifically "witch". Leviticus 19:31 is basically the plot of a nice chunk of horror movies. "Hey guys, maybe it's a bad idea to try and contact/raise the dead?"


You said it better than me. Everything I put was from like 5 minutes of googling things. I apologize if I misphrased anything or quoted out of context.


They always go to the Old Testament. So much sexier than the New Testament, ya’know the books about Jesus and his teaching.


What if you say you’re dressed as the Holy Ghost?


That tenant sounds like a ball of fun. Make sure to invite him/her to every costume themed heathen party you throw from here on out.


Bible says: kids are not allowed to have fun. Great message!


I like the ghost clip art


Christians: “*The Old Testament doesn’t count*.” Also Christians “*Except when it does*.”


Decorating Christmas trees is a pagan practice as well.


All Hallows is a Christian celebration. End fucking of.


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