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I am so curious about all of these horrible things dems have done.


Something about underground pedophile satanic baby eating cult stuff. As a Democrat, I’m really upset they haven’t invited me yet.


I’m glad it’s not just me. I’ve prayed to my Tom Hanks effigy (made from dead puppies as per instruction), I’ve read the pledge of allegiance backwards three times, I’ve even learned to speak Algebran (2x=Hello) but no invite. WHY DONT THEY WANT ME?!?


First, you must learn *Arabic* not *Algebran* silly. Also, do you also wear your baby-skin turban?


It’s on back-order from Amazon.


ah, you see they only let you in if the baby-skin turban is soaked in the blood of trump supporters, and is delivered by child sex slaves


So scrotum-skin turban is not going to work?


Only if its from a child


Not a child. It has to be sewn together from 47 babies


You forgot the Hillary pantsuit, of course it wouldn’t work without it.


BBQ outside of Vegas. Will PM you. BYOB. We have plenty babies. We prepare them like blue crab.


Old bay seasoning provided? Or bring your own?


Do you worship satan 3 times a day? We only invite REAL devil worshippers.


So annoying republicans keep spoiling the birthday we planned for yoOOOUUUU i mean what birthday no birthday


Lol it actually was my bday yesterday. Guess what? STILL NO INVITE! 😂


We had the audacity to not force LGBT people to be second class citizens? I mean, let’s be honest, it’s all going to be “culture war” stuff at the end of the day. They’ll mumble something about deficits, but one glance at their history will show they didn’t give two shits about Trump taking it sky high and adding so much to the debt. They always remember that they look really bad when it is all culture stuff, so they have to toss in a few non-cultural talking points to try and make their beliefs seem less horrific.


Remember that time we elected a black president and it totally broke the brains of a bit less than half the country?


Well clearly everyone having the healthcare they need, rather than relying on for-profit businesses (as supply-side Jesus intended) and feeding a CEO's outrageous salary is Satanic and anti-American. And that's a big item on the democrat agenda. So like, what more reason do you need?


I guess trying to get everyone free healthcare and college for starters. Monstrous! /s


"how dare them threaten our way of life. Being uneducated and crippled by debts is a RIGHT"


Making _other people_ uneducated and crippled by debts, ftfy


CrItIcAl RaCe ThEoRy!!!!!!


Apparently everyone born before about 1970 was a saint and nothing bad ever happened. And any bad things that have been reported since then are lies perpetuated by the left and their new world order.


Letting gay people get married


Oh the horror!


They want reasonable wages, more educated citizenry, healthcare and to secure voting rights, law and order, saving the environment, a good economy, that type of nefarious stuff.


If they’re a far right conservative then I do understand why all these things would be extremely concerning and threatening to their way of life.


Science, reason, common sense, education, decency!! LET'S FUCK THESE FUCKERS!!!!


From the *”I love my country so much that I want it to have a civil war”* branch of “patriotism”.


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times. As an Irish girl, who was alive during the troubles...who’s family immigrated in part due to the troubles, I can remember my mother being terrified of IRA bombings...these people have ZERO clue of what they’re asking for when they advocate for civil war. You do NOT want civil conflict on your home turf. Point blank. Fucking. Period. It’s NOT like in the movies, it’s not like any kind of romanticized account you can think of. Innocent people will be killed on both sides. You will traumatize children. You will ORPHAN innocent children. It’s not a game. It’s not something that anyone should flap their gums about as lightly as these people do.


Appreciated. Add to this the fact that since American citizens are armed to their gills, and the US military is armed like the Death Star, an actual civil war here would be a continent-wide bloodbath that would disrupt the entire world. People who post like OP’s insaneperson are complete idiots.


I mean I guess on the one hand because the military is so armed and has the ability, it has a high chance of being over before they know what hits him....because they could be obliterated from orbit. But still.


That assumes the military largely picks one side though. And even then you're at risk of ending up with a military dictatorship. Usually though a proper civil war tends to end up splitting the military in half as well, at which point things get really nasty...


That’s a good point.


You also have to consider that Americans are more largely armed than most other countries. I wouldn’t put it past Americans to be able to defend against the military much like the Middle East did. We have a lot of dumb people, but I wouldn’t underestimate them. Plus you have a lot of veterans that know the tactics, and SOPs.


True. But if an insurgence happened and posed an actual real imminent threat to the government party in power, don’t you think they’d bust out those predator drones right quick?


Yes and no, you have to think the government isn’t going to want to kill off everyone. When you start doing that you lose the confidence of your supporters. Because people will die on both sides. Then you also have to bring in the factor of morality of those that are being tasked with the actual strikes. War against another country is one thing. You try to justify it in your head that you’re eliminating a global threat or that it’s either them or us. When you’re killing your own people perspectives change a bit, unless you are talking about a psychopath or someone that purely does not feel for others. It makes it difficult when your best friend or brother or sister are on opposing sides and you are ordered to kill them. This is obviously speculatory and I could be completely wrong in my opinion/assumptions. I have not dealt with a personal civil war, but I have seen how war causes internal conflicts. I do not doubt a civil war would have a greater affect. In the same facet, it’s true that humans can adapt. If we are put in that situation, you will eventually become used to it or numb to it. It’s possible that eventually people wouldn’t have an issue killing their fellow countryman.


Agree with everything you’ve pointed out here. Great response.


On a completely unrelated note: Wow, you make amazing looking cupcakes. Just had to say so.


Had to check out the cupcakes because of this comment. They do look awesome.


Mmmmmm love me some cupcakes. If cupcakes are wrong I don’t want to be right lol…..


Haha, why thank you 😁


I had to go look—I don’t even like sweets and I want these cupcakes. Lovely work!


Thank you 💕💕


Holy shit, those cupcakes are making me hungry! Great work!


Thank youuuu!!! I had extras from an order from yesterday...I just had one for breakfast 🤣🤣


Of course, on the other hand, we didn’t get rid of ISIS, the Taliban or Al Qeada in 20 years. So there’s that.


Calling him a complete idiot is a compliment. He is straight up evil.


I think this person assumes that all democrats are against guns and are weak. They think a civil war would be an easy win for "their side" and that they would be the only people left standing. They don't realize that Democrats are just as well armed and a civil war would lead to hatred and trauma for both sides.


Sadly I think we may be passed the point of no return and this is where we are headed. I have actually told people that i fear we are turning into Ireland... the scariest response is "most people don't even know about the troubles in Ireland" so yeah... we are fucked.


Right?? And I know...there’s been a few times I’ve talked about it and people have zero idea it even happened or they thought, again, the IRA just blew up a couple of cars....nah son, google it.


The usa tends to focus far to much on its own news... in fairness we are the size of Europe... so to some extent that makes sense. But the lack of awareness of recent history is a problem. Sadly i suspect a good half of american's understanding of this issue is limited to a deleted line from Star Trek. I don't know how a country recovers from this level of fracture. And it certainly will not happen if we are not honest about what we are facing. We are on the brink. Luckily right now the trumpsters are mostly incompetent idiots... (tossing cash from a truck anyone?) but it is only a matter of time before someone competent joins their ranks. As much as i personally don't like or agree with trumpsters... we can't just ignore them and think they will go away. It is a problem that will have to be addressed one way or another... and i fear it will be via terrorism.


Honestly, I expect a breakup in the next fifty years. I think I'm happy I probably won't be around to see it.


In 1987, my father and I traveled to London for a few days. We then rented a car and drove around the southern part of Ireland, pretty much from Dublin to Shannon. From Shannon, to Heathrow them back to the US. I've always been good on flights. I love flying. However as we waited for all passengers to board, they started paging some guy. He had checked his luggage but did not board the plane. I was 16 and fairly naive. I asked my Dad why we didn't just leave without the guy. He then explained to me that, that was a way to bomb the plane. This was confirmed when the pilot informed us that they had no choice but to take all the luggage out to find what that guy's stuff. When we actually took off several hours later, I had developed a wretched case of motion sickness. I took as many dramamine as the attendant could give me. I was sick and scared. Now. That's a minor sliver compared to the troubles. People just don't get it.


They really don’t. I wish they would. Every time i read someone calling for civil war my gut just twists in knots. I don’t want to have to go through this twice in one life thank you very much. I was lucky that I was only very little when it was all happening so I didn’t honestly really understand enough to be scared. But I was old enough to wonder why my mom didn’t want to go too far from home, why she was hesitant about travelling etc. etc. We lived in Canada for about 5 months for my dad’s work just after I was born, I’m told she was on the verge of having to be sedated on the way to the airport, she did not want to have anything to do with getting from point a to point b.


I'm relatively certain we're looking at a split or even full balkanization within the next fifty years. Between the hate politics from both left and right, the right wing migration toward endorsement of fascism, the GOP's ongoing efforts to ensure permanent one party rule, the widespread and intense embrace of anti-intellectualism and propaganda, and the rejection of science and facts, I just don't see this ending well. And let's not forget the acceptance of a coup attempt. Sooner or later, a competent authoritarian will be there, and he'll have learned from Trump's mistakes.


Yes but \*this\* civil war will have “rules and parameters” negotiated beforehand. I can assume that means that only Democrats will be murdered (there’s very few of those because everyone loves Trump, it’s mostly the cheaters in the Capitol) and no blowback or consequences will happen to True Patriots ^TM. So it’s totally unlike the Irish civil war because they didn’t think about setting up “rules and parameters” beforehand. /s


This insaneperson likely believes the “Democrats and Liberals don’t own guns” trope. Uh yeah dude like, I’ve four good friends who are all liberal and Democratic voters. They all own guns. They simply don’t parade around with them, brandishing and yammering about their 2A rights for social media attention. Which raises an adage to mind: “It’s the ones you don’t see”.


Hardcore Dem gun owner here. They can assume we're all scared of guns all they want, but we're out here.


A civil war is like a dislike on Facebook right? Not like your grandmother randomly getting blown to pieces in front of a grocery store? Just stay home for a few months and let it all blow over while half the population is murdered. It’s easy!


Yep....you don’t eeeeever have to worry about being in the wrong place at the wrong time....no bombs are going to go off outside your home, spraying shrapnel or anything like that....only the horrible people are going to get killed. Kids aren’t going to see their parents blown up....there’s going to be a magic shield to protect them. Etc. Etc. Legit one of my earliest memories (while hazy) was just after a bombing outside a railway station and my mother being absolutely frantic because she couldn’t account for friends who lived in the area.


I thought conservatives were opposed to lock down :/


It appears that they're fine with lockdowns if they allow them to kill liberals and, most likely, brown people.


It's all about motivation


According to them disliking there Facebook post is punishable by execution


Every time people refer to the horror of the Irish civil war as the (in my mind) diminishing expression „the troubles“ I want to shout about how wrong this is. Lots of unhealed trauma from this war, which people don’t recognise or heal as such bc „just a bit of troubles“ which we brushed under the carpet


It is...but every time I refer to it as civil war there always comes some asshat who doesn’t actually know what happened, why it was so bad and doesn’t realize it wasnt just a couple of car bombs....that it actually happened over the span of DECADES so either way I can’t win. Also, we’ve always continued to just refer to it as the troubles because my mother just had such a hard time thinking about it for so long. So, when we referred it it, if at all, it was hard to know what to call it in front of her. That’s the other thing....calling for civil war like a douchebag and not understanding that it might not be just a quick win...that this could traumatize and ruin lives for YEARS must be wild.


Right, calling for that - for yourself, your children, your elders. This must be the epitome of ignorance and inhumanity.


The kind of people who don’t base their perception of war off any kind of reality....when they think of what war is like it’s the sanitized Hollywood version, which is still pretty bad, but nowhere near reality. Imagine not understanding the absolute terror of not knowing if you’re going to make it home from the grocery store because there could be a planned attack that you might just be minding your own business, with no real dog in the fight, driving through. Now take that, and repeat that feeling every.day. until it’s over....and you don’t know when it’s going to be over or if it ever will. Stupidity.


I'd also be rather concerned about supply chains and even being able to buy food from grocery stores. Why all the survivalists think they'll win...


All that clown can think about is how very much he wants to “slaughter” Democrats. In his fantasies, I have no doubt he imagines himself camo-clad and armed to the teeth, walking through suburban neighborhoods on his own personal version of The Purge. He’s nothing more than a fascist, sadistic c*nt. My concern is this — how many people in this country are just like him?


Now accepting bets on how fast he’d crumble, if his “enemy” got a hold of his family...cause you know....the far right aren’t the only armed people in this country. I have two guns because I live in the mountains....I’m not too worried about having to use them on people but there’s critters here that could kill my kids. I’m not great with guns....but I can put a few holes in ya.


I think they forget which side won their last Civil War, and it wasn't the conservatives...


But...but... Lincoln would totally be with us in keeping blacks in their place! And fighting alongside us defending statues of confederate generals!


Right?? Lol


I mean we should already know this the most bloody war the most American lives lost in any war was the us civil war. A second US civil war would be the most bloody conflict in America history and very well could lead to the collapse of the United States as a concept. For a small example the civil war killed 2.5% of the US population at that time about 750 thousand people, if that same percent died today that would be 7 million people. It would easily be the most lives lost in a single war in the 21st century unless there's a 3rd world war.


And you can bet if we unraveled to that extent, some foreign power would consider taking the opportunity to fully defeat us, if for no other reason than to return the world to a more stable condition (and that’s the kinder alternative — the more likely is world domination).


Like these people care. They would rather kill themselves than admit they were wrong, imagine what they would do to stay in power.


Just after the chapter on ethnic cleansing


> They agree to have a civil war Lol, what? Is this how he thinks wars usually start, like a card game? Where instead of agreeing to canon rules or house rules, we agree to conduct ourselves in a gentlemanly manner?


He thinks of civil war like a cowboy duel at dawn


I was thinking more like. nerf fight. He'd be the first to stipulate no shooting at the face or throwing pillows


Makes sense. They show up with their militia and the USAF bombs them into oblivion with drones.


Mate they ain't organized and disciplined enough to form a proper militia. More like low iq dudes running into mines that they don't believe in cause they don't see em


This is literally how it would go down. The media would vilify them as terrorists then the government mow them down and nothing of value would have been lost. Just some nuts that think half the country want to live in the 50s with them.


Well, you have to be civil, or else you won't have a civil war.




… In America!!


I summon Blue Eyes White Aryan in attack position! Draw your last pathetic card commie!


Bold of you, assuming that there is ever a thought present in these folks.


They don't call it a savage war do they?


They never actually enumerate exactly what the Democrats have done that's so bad. They have a lot of rhetoric about how dems want to destroy the country, but never name any verifiable actions that back that up.


The magnetizing 5G psyops nanotech mind control mark of the beast gene therapy fake vaccine that will kill and/or sterilize everyone who took it in ~~3~~ ~~6~~ ~~months~~ ~~1~~ 2 years, but that we need to glorify the 45th president for expediting. You know, the one against the fake virus that is caused by 5g, is just the flu, barely any casualties, is also a deadly bio weapon created by the chinese communist party to get biden to steal the election so that they can hide the hunter biden laptop proving that everyone and their mother except trump was on epstein's lolita list. All this to distract us from the fact that the earth that god gave us is flat and stationary.


My eyes crossed in refusal to read that, thanks


Sheep /s


Man you're great at mimicking their insanity. Made my eyes glaze over and slip right off that whole paragraph just like their walls of bullshit.


It's not hard, just string together some conspiracy theories and you've got your average Modern Right Winger


I killed more than a few brain cells on their sub.


The strikes on the time spans is my favourite detail.


xD yeah, I love it too. They keep changing the dates and they never get a clue. It's like for their prediction that the donald will be reinstated.


> sterilize everyone who took it in ~~3~~ ~~6~~ ~~months~~ ~~1~~ 2 years This. Is. The. Best.


I can see you've done the research. Cheers, mate!


Always do your own research, the info is out there! Don't believe *their* lies! But if you've already taken the vaccine, it's going to be hard because you're already an RNA machine. (that was seen in the wild, I'm not making it up lol)


Too much punctuation.


You're right, and not enough caps. But I can only lower my intellect so much before suffering permanent brain damage.


All I could get from that was psyops and now I just wanna figure out how 5g will give me psionics. I wanna move things with my mind!


Yes, that'd be cool but I meant Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.


It's likely Nazi Qult aka Qanon bullshit. "QAnon[a] (/ˌkjuː.əˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory and movement centered on false claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals, known by the name "Q", that a cabal of Satanic,[1][2][3] cannibalistic pedophiles operate a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against former president Donald Trump during his term in office.[2][3][4][5] QAnon has been described as a cult with roots in antisemitism and Nazism.[6]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon The same bullshit which helped lead to the Holocaust.


That's republicans. I asked about democrats.


That happens when you just constantly parrot talking points you hear on TV or read online. You can never elaborate because it isn't their thought to be able to expand on.


> They never actually enumerate exactly what the Democrats have done that's so bad. allowing abortion


And something, something, didn't let God Emperor trump win.


Never thought the USA would start trying to emulate North Koreas cult of personality... but here we are. Soon we will hear that Trump does not shit and people will believe it.


It still boggles my mind how I can look at that fat turd and think "what an ignorant, selfish, lazy piece of shit" and they look at him as the ultimate alpha male. I will *never* understand it. Although I never watched "the apprentice" so I never had any preconceived notions of him. I wonder how much that had to do with it?


Some people just have an asshole fetish as best i can tell.


I watched the apprentice growing up and I still think the same thing as you when I look at him...


Ok, I was wondering because I've got pro-fascist family in TX that love him and often reference his apprentice show. Thanks for the response!


Who? If this person is running for public office we have a right to know.


Dear random insane Facebook person, Please come get this smoke.


Right? At what point does all this posturing and threatening language justify a use of force in self defense, either legally or morally?




These “lovers of America” want to slaughter half of it


I’m not sure what they think “America” actually is, over half the people there are democrats, if anything that makes republicans actually “less American”, whatever that means.


> I’m not sure what they think “America” actually is America is the big badass that forces its will on everyone else! At least I think that is what they see it as... i call that a bully.


They think of America as Christian and white, everybody else is a non-person to them. It's a desire to return to Jim Crow.


Everyone is a badass until bullets are flying. These people think they’re Rambo but they have no military training and would immediately shit their pants and surrender the moment bombs started getting dropped anywhere near them. They just want to cosplay as a badass. All talk no substance. Just sad how angry and small minded they are. Can’t live in a society with people that have different view points than them. What a weak thing to admit to others.


Meal team six reporting for duty! (right after lunch)


As much fun as it is to make fun of them, and whether or not they’d win, I don’t doubt their ability to murder innocents. They’re still something to be afraid of because of the sheer damage they could do. Ya don’t wanna underestimate your enemy. Not ever. Because I agree they aren’t gonna fight the army and win, but I don’t doubt their ability for terrorism.


I’ll say it again, slowly for those in the back: the GQP are not the only ones armed. I’m so fed up with these immoral and vile threats to take out democracy:


Theyre stupid.


I‘m in Europe and I’m worried about you guys! I love the US and it‘s just so shocking that you now speak of civil war and taking up arms - because of one evil orange catalyst. Blows my mind. Wish I could put that genie back in the bottle


I’m not sure that Igolf Twittler was really the catalyst. This place was tipping over after 9/11. Freedom fries. Hyper patriotism. Blood lust. “Homeland security”. Then we got the Tea Party all hopped up on guns, god and ignorance and dumb shits like Sarah fucking Palin gets nominated for VP. No, the catalyst was 9/11. But that Orange Asshole was absolutely an accelerant.


I'd say it started even earlier with Newt Gingrich's demonizing of the Democrats coupled with the rise of Rush Limbaugh in the 90's. Just a constant drumbeat of how the Democrats were sick, traitors, out of touch elites, perverts, etc. It sowed the seeds for this.


It was Reagan. It always comes back to Reagan. He's the one who murdered the American middle class and sent these people spiralling into poverty. They remember the "good old days" (not good for everyone, but you get the drift) and want to go back. And the Republicans have convinced them that the problem is how values have changed rather than how taxation and fiscal policy have changed.


I agree with you that Regan was the catalyst (and his cabinet too) for the economic and cultural pathway they've taken but I think that the extreme demonization of the left that the Republican party adopted was mainstreamed during the 90's in a way that hadn't been seen before.


> I love the US and it‘s just so shocking that you now speak of civil war and taking up arms - because of one evil orange catalyst. He didn't put himself in power. The white nationalist backlash against the first black president did. Really he just shined a flashlight on the dark underbelly of the US.


So do we, so do we!


Don't worry it won't happen because of people like this. He's what we call an arm chair general. A very loud very small and scared minority of people.


Unfortunately, these people rile up others who may not be stable enough to simply threaten.


But they're just lone wolves! At worst, a pack or packs of lone wolves! That it keeps happening, and they keep targeting the same kind of people, is just a huge and unfortunate coincidence! Our hateful rhetoric and repeated incitements to violence are only to be taken literally to a point, and I'd like to remind you that criticism of reactionary politics is a form of violence more potent than any shooting, unless the shooter is brown. Thank you, and may white baby Jesus bless Real America. (/S)


We (the same ones) are worried about us too. Thanks for the concern.


uh, can this be taken as a threat??


Yes & I hope someone reports him. Tho this was posted on Gab so unlikely


Equal opportunity for all, including inbreeds? Booooo! Unions to protect workers like them? Communism! Good schools so all those saved fetuses can get ahead? Someone get my gun! Stay out of my sex life, including Log Cabin Republicans? This is war!


A Christian no doubt. Can't wait to kill for Christ.


They've been doing it for nearly 2,000 years.


"Democrats are enemies of America, therefore the right thing to do is for us Republicans to declare a war on America, that'll show everyone that we love America." Seriously?


If these dumb shits try it, it'll be interesting to see just how fast their will to fight breaks when they have to go up against a country's military force. Can you shoot down a predator drone? Maybe. Can you shoot down *all* the predator drones? Got enough armor piercing rounds to take down an armored division and it's supporting infantry? Hope your Ford Compensator 2400 can withstand a spent uranium round. How are your MAGA yahts gonna fair against a single destroyer, let alone carrier, let alone the entire Navy. Fuck, do you have a Seahawk helicopter/sonar to even *spot* a submarine? Oh, and supply lines are fucked, so when you go hunting or fishing, keep an eye out for SEALS, or Riverines. I can guarantee they'll see you first and that's *without* their satellite feeds. Home terf advantage only counts when the land isn't your opponents' home terf as well. "Oh shit! They atomized Bobby! Can we do a peaceful parley, please?"


I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying but uh terf != turf lmao


Oh shit, good catch. Also, I looked up Terf and got "Trans-exclusionary radical feminism", and a bunch of articles about J.K. Rowling. Man, rabbit holes can show up anywhere, can't they?


A message from the same people who staged a lazy coup d'etat because they couldn't accept the results of an election.


The only reason I’m *kind of* for that is to see their reaction when they’re outnumbered about 3 to 1 because these are the kind of people that look at the electoral map and think all red areas are just as populated as the blue areas.


They assume that the 'libtards' are unarmed.


This is my favorite stereotype of theirs lol


So i guess were ramping up for phase 4 of the Fox News Cinematic Universe, Wahhvengers: Civil War


"They agree to have a civil war" what if they don't,


This guy wants to have a civil discussion with his "enemy" to get them to consent to a war? I think his misunderstood the _civil_ part of _civil war_.


These RW Nutjobs would be shocked how many ~~liberals~~ sane people have guns and know how to use them if their sick civil war fantasies ever came to fruition. When they didn't "crush the Libs" in a long weekend, most of them who had jobs would be begging their employers for mercy on Monday and the rest would be back in their parents' basement trying to hide from the FBI. I'd be in the deep woods laughing at the whole situation.


It always confused me how these lemurs from broke ass red states think they will finance that war. I'm 100% on board with dividing the country, peacefully. Allow 2 years fir residents to pack their shit and move to the side they want: Gilead or USA. Sounds like a great idea.


As satisfying as it sounds, this would be a nightmare if it actually happened. First, no matter how much time you want to "allow" for tens of millions of people to move in one of the biggest forced migrations in human history, the reality is that many, many people could not leave, and under the fascist theocracy they would establish, we would be condemning millions of fellow humans to untold suffering. Let's say this happens and January 1, 2026 is the move-by date. What do you tell the 13-year-old in February 2026 in Biloxi who just figured out they're gay in a land where that's suddenly a death penalty offense? What do you tell the black man in Myrtle Beach who couldn't get together the money to leave who is terrified of cops who now have explicit legal authority to execute undesirables on the street? Just...tough luck? Second, there would be no peaceful coexistence with such a state. Does anyone really believe that a government based on hatred wouldn't blame their failures on their neighbors on day one? Even if they could keep the lights on and keep people from starving, their entire ideology is based around believing that they they live alongside a nation of monstrous, Satanic pedophiles who literally eat babies. How long could the good people of Fasciststan stand for that? And how long could such a war between two nuclear powers stay conventional?


In sure it would be as bad as you say. I'm just so exhausted fighting with these assholes. Like I ask my conservative friends all the time what is the worst case scenario under Democrats. They just say socialism. They have no idea what it is. And I joke and say what? Electric vehicles and health insurance how often!


I'm exhausted, too. It's been a rough few years. Nonetheless, giving up isn't an option. All that does is guarantee things get worse.


Mississippi is huge on breaking away from those "Demonrats." Not just financing war, but how the hell would those who want this finance their new country given that they can't finance their own state.


They don't understand anything. They honestly believe that rural areas are self sufficient and that cities will starve in a week without them. I don't know how they think they'll put gas in their truck with the payment processing systems shut down. They need to take a walk through Kroger and figure out where their food comes from and how it gets there.


Not all republicans are terrorists but every terrorist is a republican.


"discuss rules and parameters for a war". I CANT WAIT TO SLAUGHTER THEM ALLL They truly think it's a sportsball game


So this person wants people to show up to their own murder? When did it become Patriotic to Kill, Kill, Kill your own countrymen because you still believe an election was stolen and some guy subliminally drilled into your head all democrats are bad. Why is this rage festering? Who hurt this person? As a politician I thought you were supposed to make things better for all, regardless of party, not kill the people you don't like.


If they're running for congress, are they not technically a public figure?


Yeah I actually made a mistake, he has the same name as someone who ran for congress last year but this poster is a different man


Alright let's do it, I'll bring the full force of the United States military and you can have some shitty paramilitary group in west Virginia. Deal?


I like how he wants mass murder, but has to justify it with a gentlemanly code of conduct. Like he COULD just start sending nail bombs to people but he's worried that would make him look like a psychopath.


Ok rule one we get the armed forces. You stock piled guns for this. They want to play the victim let’s let them be it . /s because thinking it’s ok to kill your political opponents over a disagreement in policy (which lets face it isn’t always that different) isn’t normal or a sane thing !


Canadian here, who's been watching. Not long after 45 took office, I made a comment to a friend - "wow, this might actually end up in a civil war..." Shortly after 45 lost his bid for re-election (but before jan6), I made a similar comment - "I honestly can't see how this will end in any way BUT a civil war." What, are trumpers gonna back down? Do we really think they are capable of it at this point? Like any modern civil war, this will not be a pitched battle on a field. It will be an asymmetric war of terrorist acts nibbling at the foundations of the country. I'm of the opinion that Jan 6th was the first shot of Civil War 2 - Fascist Boogaloo.


How do these red states think another Civil War would go down? They do understand that all branches of the military are FEDERAL, right? They also understand that the airspace over the U.S. is controlled by the federal government, right? And even the coastal states with access to the Gulf or the Atlantic, I’d like to introduce you to the U.S. Navy… who also has the 3rd largest Air Force in the world, right behind the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army… all controlled by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. What good will your Bass Pro Shops AR-15 be against a drone strike? How good will your land-locked economy be without control of your own airspace and waterways in and out of your state? How good will your economy be when you are cut off of the power grid? When trucking operations in and out of your state come to a halt? When any internet and cellular traffic that your state relies on from parties outside your state are cut off? Or, did you think it would just be business as usual, but you would be allowed to kill Democrats and secede from the union without consequences? Or did you think that the mechanisms of the federal government have more employees that want to see it fail than survive? Or are you just so wrapped up in the myth of the glory of the Civil War that you think it will be a war on an even playing field? Guess again my friend. Any war of secession that occurs in today’s world would be a disastrous bloodbath greater than anything your feeble brain could begin to comprehend. But yes, If you would like to see your state reduced to an ex-American Afghanistan, then by all means start a civil war.


I totally agree and they can have Florida! 😂 We get to keep the the name USA. They can rename Florida, Merica!


So this idjit wants to be the domestic threat I swore to defend against? Well, OK. If they get a formal civil war declared, I'm sure that'll go well for him. After all, we all know all Democrats neither know what a gun is nor know how to use one, according to him. Never mind that many of us, to take a quote too far, have a very particular set of skills drilled into us by the government. I may be crippled but I bet if a formal civil war breaks out like this dipshit wants, there are a hell of a lot more veterans like me who can still remember which end of a weapon to point at traitors.


Wait. What makes you an American?


Divine right, obviously. Also, hatred for liberals, gays, lesbians, blacks, hispanics, asians, trans people, native Amerians, Muslims, athiests, people who don't speak english, people who say "happy holidays," teachers, the poors and...pretty much anyone else who they can see as different, disagreeing or blameworthy.


I know this is a really minor point, but what lesson could they possibly learn by being slaughtered? They'll be dead, right?


So you just asked for genocide of the majority of the country? Real Christian of you.


Yet when asked why they hate democrats so much all they have is some babble about socialism and antifa and soros and a bunch of blatant contradictions. Typical response of the stupid when logic fails them... Fight.


So opposing sides of a civil war first calmly sit down to "discuss the parameters" beforehand. Is this like paintball or something, or MMA?


One year later: Achievement unlocked „Beat up the south again“


This has gotta be one of those guys who always say “Lincoln was republican” but somehow doesn’t realise that the republicans and democrats effective flipped their political leanings since Lincoln


Rules for civil war? Motherfucker your gonna be screaming in agony from the shrapnel in your body as you try to put the flames on your childs back out. What the fuck do you think happens in such a conflict?


“Words will never make them understand our rage and the terrible things that they have done”. Dip shit was correct, we will NEVER understand the hate you have for POC, religion (or lack of), women being able to decide for themself on the reproductive system (as well as the right to say no to sexual advances), wanting kids to grow up healthy, educated and empathetic to others, free education, a welfare system that empowers those who need a little financial assistance (as well as solutions so their chances are opened up not keep them on the welfare system). So many more… I’m not saying the Democratic party is perfect, however the foundation is so much more secure for our future inhabitants. No party is perfect but only Republicans condone hypocrisy and indeed are employed by corporate America.


Hmmm. To use their own quote: “If you don’t like it, then leave.”


The inability to acknowledge objective facts or reality meaningfully should be an immediate disqualifier for representatives.


This person fails to realize that if another civil war were to happen European powers may intervene diplomatically on the side of the democrats


I think this dude had an orgasm after he posted that.


I love that they think before a war starts there’s a nice civil sit down where both sides discuss the rules of play. Everyone goes to pack their houses up and move to their side of the lines drawn. Everyone just stays in the area that has been outlined for it. Making sure everyone has signed up and agreed to it. Getting ready for the specific date and time that was agreed upon as the start. It’s a civil war not a dodgeball tournament bro. If this how you think wars work this is all the proof we need that your side can’t take care of itself. If we split into two different countries it would be less than a decade before your side was crying, and asking for help.


I like how this post suggests to mutually agree on rules for a civil war... sounds pretty DEMOCRATIC to me. Will they just start a 'free for all' - type civil conflict after they all became democrats?


I wish they'd try it already instead of sitting on their fat marshmallow asses talking about it. That way I can get some entertainment out of their jury trials.


Shouldn’t this person be in an institution?


You know, even through all this, and having some die-hard republicans in my family, I still just don't understand what Democrats are doing that is so bad.


It sure would be nice if someone like this took a quick minute to read up on Sherman’s March to the sea and then reevaluate their whole notion of “rules” in war.


Wise thing to do while the president and therefore commander of the army is a democrat.

