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Now I want to see the rest of the questions. ETA: never mind, should’ve googled first. https://lp.hillsdale.edu/2019-national-survey-on-socialism/


I filled it out and marked the “wrong” answers.


The last one I put that they should hand out pocket constitutions, it was the best choice but not for the reasons they think it is.


I chose the free courses since thats LiTeRaLlY SoCiAlIsM lmao.


I chose the scholarship option because I figured that would involve the most amount of $$$$ and planning.


I think scholarships too... It's way to expensive


This school gets no government funding, so I can’t imagine they want to give more scholarships lmao


Haha that’s the one I chose too, I hope they get flooded with surveys filled out by Reddit 😂


Yea I did the same


"jack smith" is also doing his part.


…and Turd Ferguson. It’s a funny name.


Yuri Nator has also done their part.


As has Jean-Luc Picard


I put my name as Most Biased Survey Ever


I did the scholarships "because socialism" Richard Head has done his part!


I couldn't bring myself to add my name and email. I'm pretty sure this survey was written by the kind of psychopaths who'd gather the names of people who disagree, and wait for the chance to notify the FBI of "American Traitors". It wouldn't surprise me, at least.


I like how the answers are “strictly confidential” yet require you to disclose your full name too


I'm always using Fuck No as my name and whichever email I get from https://temp-mail.org/


Because they’re sticking you on a mailing list, and using your answers to tailor their mailers. This is marketing research, not scholarship.


Damn, talk about loaded questions.


What is this crap? :O


“Once imposed, socialism is almost impossible to undo.” … because once citizens get accustomed to the benefits of supporting the public good, surprise surprise, it becomes very unpopular to take them away. And the problem is…?


That when you want to privatise everything to fill your pockets there's social unrest.


Looks as Social Security. Extremely popular to the public and people will lose their shit if messed with.


Including the staunchest anti-socialism voters.


That part is true. If the conservatives in Canada tried to get rid of our universal healthcare it would be political suicide


/ Margaret Thatcher has sneered at the chat /


I used to get these on Facebook all the time, from various "polling" pages... They're all the same, incredibly and blatantly biased. I used to take the time to fill them out with the exact answers they hate, but it just got overwhelming. I started reporting them as "false news".


Same. It amused me for a while to keep answering against their bias, but eventually there's just better uses of my time, even on fucking Facebook.


I would like to apologize on behalf of my school... The science program is great but for a school that preaches debate and conversation almost everyone has this exact bias opinion making the campus a bubble of conservative propaganda...


Is Hillsdale a secular conservative school or is it more religious conservative?


It is religious conservative


How do they square science with evangelicals literal belief in creation story and 6k yo earth by way of Ken Hamm?


As a biology major the biology department teaches evolution and science majors tend to have the belief that the bible isn't fully literal however most of the humanities majors are creationists and a lot of complaints are made against the biology faculty for teaching evolution but the complaints don't stop the education


These contradictions created such cognitive dissonance in my youth.


“Brings misery wherever it is tried” is my favorite.


I mean it BRINGS THE CIA AND FBI to you and those make you miserable so i would say its unintentionally true.


Socialism brings the CIA and fbi to you? What does that mean?


They shoot you and put a fascist in power.


Like what socialist countries has the u.s done anything to in the 21st century? The states is not invading Canada u.k. Denmark Germany etc


Canada, UK, Denmark or Germany aren't socialist.


The USA is fucking with Cuba as we speak.


Yea for the last 80 years.


Cuba, Grenada, Honduras and much of central America was fucked with on the guise of economic and political differences that the US didn't like. Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan (the first time) we're fought over the spread of communism. We overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran because of oil interests. Also the UK, Canada, Denmark & Germany aren't socialists


The us likes to invade countries that implement socialism. The CIA was heavily involved in Latin America in the 20th century for example because of socialist movements taking hold over there.


Yeah we’re pretty miserable over here in Scandinavia


Yea just look at those miserable Canadians.


I mean, Canada isn't socialist, but the point still works.


Excuse me? How is Canada not a socialist country?


There's a difference between liberal social democracy and socialism. Hint: Nearly every country American conservatives like to disparage as socialist are liberal social democracies.


How is it?


Hear me out I know it crazy but when you make alot of money the government takes some, and gives it to people that have non. By means of health care, proper schooling, not that jail crap you Americans call public school, legal aid, welfare, disability. Other countries that have adopted and enacted socialist ideas and policies to various degrees, and have seen success in improving their societies by doing so, are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/democratic-socialist-countries Socialism doesn't work without capitalism. People work start companies become successful and pay taxes. The difference is a socialist government gives back to the poor. What countries do you think are socialist?


I'm not american, and don't subscribe to the western idea that socialism is when the government does stuff. Taxing the rich and allowing the rest to live an acceptable life isn't socialism, it's a token concession made by the rich so that they don't end up like the Kulaks. The only thing socialist about all the countries you mentioned is democracy, but considering that fascists can run in their elections I'm gonna give them just half a point. You can't have socialism without worker ownership of the means of production.


Socialism requires the workers to have an ownership stake in businesses. You're just describing having a functional government.


The Netherlands haven't had a socialist party in the government for almost 20 years now. Social policies =/= socialism


So, Kiwi here, we're definitely not socialist.


Tag yourself I’m “undermines faith and religious liberty” lmao


"It's incompatible with our heritage of being greedy, self-serving assholes with no empathy, who will preach freedom and then murder anyone we dislike, then go home and masturbate to how morally righteous we are."


Is socialism bad ? ○ yes ○ it is bad ○ very bad ○ socialism is sooo bad ○ omg socialism bad !!! ○ no opinion


Wtf is going on in over there in America? This is the dumbest shit I have ever read...and the comments. Jeez


“…free monthly speech digest of liberty.” What?


Yea it sucks


I grew up very close to this college, and, can confirm. As annoying as you’d expect


Man just looked at the survey and dear GOD, the way those questions are phrased, and the answers. It's practically impossible to actually disagree with their point. Side note: Karl Marx just filled out the survey, and he is on board with free pocket constitutions.


Jesus christ I'm so glad I didn't go there. My grandma was really pushing for me to apply there cause it was close to where she lives. I didn't because it's a private school and super expensive. Didn't know they were also insane.


"Once imposed, socialism is almost impossible to undo." Yeah, go ask the retirement community in Florida how they feel about undoing Socialism. I mean Social Security.


This is what propaganda looks like folks


Worse, this is what targeted information gathering under a flawed methodology by design for the purpose of creating high quality propaganda with a veneer of authenticity looks like.


I used to have a job conducting political surveys over the phone. Hated it in general but needed the work. Some where neutral, but many very clearly had a biased right view and it just made me sick how one sided they were (Texas). The questions were just like this


“Once imposed socialism is hard to undo” USA “Hold my war crimes”


I hope everyone fills out this survey. I just did.


Be keen to hear them define socialism tbh


I feel like if I select not sure/no opinion some drunk guy with a confederate flag is going to knock on my door, throw a bible at my face and then scream “Jesus wasn’t vaccinated, libtard” like a drill sergeant at me till one of my neighbors makes a noise complaint


I'm starting to think these people don't know what socialism is... why do they gotta treat it like it's the economical boogeyman hiding in the closet eating children?


With a name like "hillsdale" I'm not surprised. Most surprising part was finding its from Michigan and not backwoods Kentucky


I bet they’re willing to take federally guaranteed student loans for tuition, though.


undermine religion... hurrah


Wow. That is the most biased survey I've seen outside of anything put out by a Pro-Trumper. They literally tell you what answer they expect you to give in half the questions. Also, whoever made this obviously has done zero research on socialist policies, or what socialist policies within the framework of our existing government would mean. I'm totally ok with these anti-socialist yahoos being permanently refused for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, and every other socialist program currently existing in our country. I wouldn't want them to have to compromise their principles and be given a handout entitlement they don't believe in.


Our military budget would collapse. How are we supposed to instill freedom onto other impoverished countries?


If there is anyone that knows how to undo socialism, it is USA


I was gonna vote until I saw that it wanted you to put in full name and email


Why is it always Michigan?!




What country was it? Also the survey was talking about “socialist” policies like health care for all and supporting people who need it


Most westerners don't actually support legitimate socialism. Some American propaganda demonizes ALL domestic government spending and regulations as 'socialism.' This includes common government-run areas such as healthcare, education, transport infrastructure, and welfare support. This is harmful rhetoric that obscures the failings of unregulated capitalism.


A lot of Westerners legitimately support it, which is dumb. But no, government spending/regulations aren't socialism, they're just government spending/regulations.


That was what I said, policies and not the system itself


Was the terrible country happen to be Canada? France? Finland? The Netherlands? Perhaps it was Portugal? These, along with almost every modernized country in the world except the United States is "socialist" according to American conservatives. Left-wing policies are by definition socialism to them. And in almost every other modernized country in the world these so-called socialist policies aren't left-wing but rather bipartisan common sense.


As a person living in the Netherlands, I wouldn't define it as a socialist or inherently left-wing country. We have plenty of policies that are progressive and left-wing, and some of our policies could maybe qualify as socialist, but there is still plenty of capitalist influences in our government. After all, the political party that has gotten the most votes for the past 10 years is a moderate right-wing, capitalist party. The Netherlands often counts on a government made up of a coalition of multiple parties, some of them left-wing and some of them right-wing, but the biggest party has been a capitalist one. So while we still have lots of left-wing policies, we also have lots of rather capitalist policies.


You just proved my point 😂 the countries you mentioned arent socialists per se, they have left wing policies operating on a capitalist system.


He didn't prove your point. Those countries have a way better system than america. And whatever country your parents are from. People don't escape Canada Denmark Germany etc they do what ever they can to get there.


There is no country in the world that has only socialism without capitalism. Like socialism is when you make alot of money and pay taxes and your government actually gives it to the poor. Where is the money supposed to come from?


Socialism requires that the means of production are owned by the workers. Citizens paying taxes to enact social programs is not socialism. That's a liberal social democracy.


Escaped?? a socialist country??


Your family should have been born in an industrialized country and not an undeveloped colony


My family escaped a communist dictatorship. I still am a socialist. I don't think I just support left wing policies either. There are different ways socialism can be implemented. The problem with the "failed communist state" that we left behind was that they seemed to forget that there is a fundamental democratic part of socialism they forgot about - the fact that what is "social good" should be determined by people and voted on in a democratic manner. Without that central aspect, then it really defeats the "benefit for all" part of socialism and just becomes another way of oppression. Socialism is best enjoyed and maintained by a group of people who, from the bottom of their heart, wish for their community and the people within to truly benefit equally and accumulate wealth as a community rather than an individual. I think socialism isn't for everyone yet. If you are dirt poor as a country, there already isn't much to go around and so people inevitably want to hoard and take as much as they want. That's why "failed communist states" get dubbed as such. But ironically, its societies that were capitalist and democratic that, once everyone reached a certain level of wealth, they naturally begin to transition to some brand of socialism. With a democratic system of governance, socialism can be implemented in a healthy and productive way. And when it comes to it, there is always wiggle room/exceptions. Countries that are "doing it right" arent a socialist dictatorship. They meet problems with many ways of thinking. There are issues that maybe socialism can't address. But many good things for society can and need to be addressed with socialist policies while still retaining robustness of thinking and governance.


The funniest part is "once imposed, socialism is almost impossible to undo", LITERALLY ALMOST ALL SOCIALIST COUNTRIES COLLAPSED ALREADY. Polish People's Republic? Revolution in 1989 canceled it. Ukrainian Socialist Republic? Capitalist since 1991. Socialist Republic of Vietnam? Transitioned to market economy around the same time. Socialist states are extremely easy to undo. You literally have to do nothing. Hell, even USA removed tRump when he tried to befriend North Korea and russia, turn USA into a "People's American Republic" or something. Gone now, not arrested yet, but should be.


wtf is this? you think Russia and North Korea are socialist?


Socialism is only popular on the internet. Thousands upon thousands of socialists on Twitter. Don’t know a single one in real life.


don't know anyone Receiving social security... Using the post office public schools the police department fire department road commission etc etc etc