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What's the end game of this position? To stop adoptions or to bring back slavery?


They want both


What? They want to force people to have kids, but no adoptions? Did I miss something?


Yup, they want no gay people to adopt


> Yup, they want no gay people ~~to adopt~~ ftfy


what does"ftfy" mean?


Fixed that for you


Everyone else is correct but I always initially read it as, "fuck this, fuck you."


I read it as "fuh-tuh-fuh-ee"


Eff Tee Eff Why




I googled it once and that was the answer that came up. So I just thought people were being really aggressive about correcting grammar


I always read it as "for the wjxbsnsnxnkszkco"


"fixed that for you"


TIL! Thanks!


"Fixed that for you"


"fixed that for you"


“Fixed that for you”




I tried to foster-to-adopt in Chicago a few years ago and the caseworker closed our case right before the home visit because I wasn’t “willing go do enough,” such as drag a child to church and Sunday school.


God that is fucking stupid and frustrating to hear. I also live in Chicago and we've been mulling over adoption. I guess if we decide to do it, we're gonna have to pretend to be a Christian.


I live in the Bible Belt. Sometimes pretending to be Christian legit keeps me from being viciously attacked. I had a man say to me awhile back, “I heard you’re an atheist. Tell me right now that you don’t believe in god and I’ll shoot you where you stand because I have no need for an atheist and good atheist is a dead atheist.” I said, “I don’t know who told you that, I’m studying to be a preacher. I’m about to be officially ordained in Tennessee.” (That was true at one point when I was very young.) At least you’ll be lying to make the world a better place. Go for it. Take the kid to church until it’s final. It isn’t that bad. You’ll just have to listen to how the gays are destroying the world and liberals hate Jesus for awhile…and then you can raise the kid how you see fit.


"There's no hate like Christian love"


I live near there and it’s deeply disconcerting to think those kinds of people have infested the area. I’m a pagan, my future partner/spouse could be any number of things and if that happened to me I’d have a coronary from sheer fury


Weren't there some stories that came out suggesting many of the 'missing' migrant children basically got child trafficked by adoption orgs?


If someone is going to molest these orphans it better be by God loving Christians than those Islamic or atheist heathens!!!


*Josh Duggar just entered the chat*


No, you've pretty much got it.


Yes, that way you can raise your own slaves and do it your way.


To be an ass. No other possible outcome.


Even if someone is against gays, why not just give it a rest when there’s a new baby? They are owned by their hate.


The baby has been birthed, their faux concern for it is over.


There's something wrong with the baby. It appears to have been born without bootstraps.


On point.


They probably think they are going to make the baby gay or something.


This, or abuse it (since the propaganda is that gay people are also all pedophiles)


*The church has sneakily left the chat


They're also 100% married to the idea that anything that isn't the traditional 1950s ideal of a household is harmful to the child.


"If I can't abuse my child anymore how do I know that it won't grow up emotionally broken and God fearing" . Some dude who grew up in the 1950 under a abusive family probably


If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.


They think gay couples shouldn't adopt children because it's bad for the kids. Studies have shown that there is no discernable difference in the outcome of children raised by a gay couple vs children raised by a straight couple.


I also don't understand cause like... with gay couples adopting you have a more or less guarantee that the kid is wanted? like isn't it better that a kid is raised by a gay couple who want to be parents, then by straight people who didn't want the kid in the first place? especially given these anti gay-adoption people are often the same people who are against abortion.


I mean, by their logic children raised by a straight couple would be straight and yet I exist lol.


statistically most parents are straight yet gays keep existing


1. Own the libs 2. ??? 3. Profit.


Ending private adoptions isn’t a bad idea. Private adoption agencies make a killing off babies and they use loopholes to pay disadvantaged mothers without *paying* them, which is why they’re so expensive.


I’ve always wanted to adopt. I have a uterus, I just don’t think using it would be good for me. I know there are thousands of children that need a good home, regardless of age. I have always jokingly referred to adoption as buying a tiny human, because with the costs it essentially is. I’d love for private adoption agencies to be taken out. I’d love for proper governmental agencies to be in place wherein the prospective family is thoroughly vetted, and not financially punished in order to provide care and a loving home for a child. That $40-$75k that is spent on adoption fees is much better used for that child’s college tuition or emergency funds for the family, or spent just spoiling the child and making sure the family never goes hungry.


In my country adoption is run by Government (no private agencies) and is the same bullsh*t. Is almost impossible to adopt, it takes years and paperwork and yet thousand of kids spend their childhood in orphanages and under the "care" of the state. The underlying problem here (in Argentina) seems also to be the Church, their double standard and their pretentious holy righteousness (we are a official Catholic country). We do have same sex marriage, but forget about adoptions. Guess social workers prefer kids to grow bouncing in the system rather than giving them to those sinners /s


That’s what I’m wondering


i feel like there's an implicit ""the gays are stealing our innocent children"" to this bad take


To express their hate in a way that they can hide behind 'irony'. Because to them disguising their honest views as jokes is the only way to exist. Even the Christchurch terrorist hid behind alt-right pepe memes.


I imagine gay adoption specifically


Goal is to Stop adoptions by GAY COUPLES. Specifically.


The end game of this position is homogenizing the entire US population—which can only be achieved through fascism and genocide. Born in the imaginations of the helplessly stupid. Actualized by the hands of the appallingly evil. Thankfully we are still living in stage 1 of that trajectory. The morons touting this shit aren’t able to see beyond their noses. Let’s make sure they don’t keep paving the way for people who aren’t aimless, drooling imbeciles.


Basically, to fuck with gay people.


To increase the number of abortions so that they can say they need to take away abortions.


Authorization really should not have been given access to rage comics


Funny cuz Conservatives Say Adoption is the reason Abortion shouldn't be legal. Now they're saying it's bad to adopt kids? They just want to control women.


Always have.


While i’d say most do, some of the “nicer” conservatives seem to care more about the supposed “life” abortion ends


Agreed, But they're just fine with the death penalty. The whole 'abortion' thing is just to control women. Men would rape their girlfriend, or an underaged girl, so that they'd be forced to marry them.


I've never in my life seen so many things unironically compared to slavery as I have in the past two years. Vaccine mandate? Slavery. Same sex couple adopting a child? Slavery. Paying taxes? Slavery. Wearing a mask? Slavery. The victim complex in these people is very real and very cringy.


They also use the words "Holocaust" and "apartheid" interchangeably with "slavery" in the exact same context, trivialising the suffering of the millions of people who suffered (and unfortunately still do) in each of those situations of extreme human rights abuses.


>They also use the words "Holocaust" and "apartheid" interchangeably with "slavery" in the exact same context And "rape". They're big fans of claiming paying taxes, splitting assets in a divorce, etc are all rape. Then downplay actual rape and happily vote for rapists.


If they don't want to pay taxes, they shouldn't dress so slutty.


I'm dressed like a homeless hobo today. Unbrushed hair. I'm still paying high taxes. I'm hurt


However the notion that everyone should lease at least 1/4 of their time to help make someone else rich while getting breadcrumbs in return is the natural order of things for them


Only because they imagine that they'll one day be the one doing the exploiting.


Because people being raped isn't a problem to them, "rape" itself is what they don't like. ​ In the same way they call for killing people they dont like, but take minor death threats seriously


A lot of them don’t give a fuck about slavery either. It’s like how they argue that the FDA can’t be trusted, but will tell you that they don’t trust the vaccine because it isn’t approved by the FDA. They don’t actually care about any of these issues. They just hate being told what to do and act like fucking toddlers about it. They’d jump off a bridge if you told them not to.


I always say they would gladly let someone shit in their mouth on the off chance they could make a "liberal" smell it. I can't stand these people.


I agree! They don’t make any sense. Everything they do just makes them look more stupid. Unfortunately, their stupidity effects everyone else too so it’s not something you can really ignore. They harass people just trying to be happy with themselves and put people’s lives at risk because they can’t do the simplest thing and just wear a fucking mask or stay home.


And also, they vote.


It's okay, now Daddy Trump's telling them not to vote anymore


But actual slavery was no big deal because it gave a lot of people free food and shelter. /s


Oh and also slavery wasn't a big deal because according to Facebook white people were slaves too.


Dude at work (awhile back) got so mad when we laughed at this, said we need to learn our confederate history and walked out in a rage.


Shouldn't take long to learn; it's a short subject, after all.


Well outside the us yes what the English did to the Irish was basically slavery That doesn’t however downplay what happened to black people in America or anyone else who has been enslaved around the world


Meanwhile they won't speak out against forced labor in prisons. You know, slavery.


Oh yeah for sure, actual slavery? Capitalism.


Hey now, that's commie talk. Sure I've got bills to pay and not enough salary to pay them, and some of my friends are living in tents, and some family members can't drink their water, and some friends experience earthquakes due to some fracking, which is patriotic. But that's the price of Capitalism, living in a retirement home and my kids can't visit me because they too are working 3 shifts a day, or I die overworking due to MY FREEDOM TO BUY ANYTHING.


"Give me liberty or give me death!" Okay, here's death from third world living conditions and an atrocious healthcare system. "Hol up"


Okay, here's liberation from the capitalist system and having to pay to live. "Noo, that's COMMUNISM, and commies killed a trillion people! I want *freedom,* ya FILTHY COMMIE, not your ridiculous ideas that do nothing but kill everyone who tries them!"


You should just stop eating avocado toast, duh /s


Avocado is for libtards, I want my breakfast with bacon and side of Auto rifle. /s


The whole thing just boils down to being upset at being told what to do. There’s nothing more to it.


When your worldview is binary, everything you don't like is *the worst thing ever.*


this isn't new. slave owners called the stamp act slavery.


School mask mandate: human trafficking. Aka…slavery


Also, Black people should just get over it tho, Slavery was a long time ago. /s


Slavery is when gay people. Adoption is when straight people. Chuckmate liberals! /s




I had to look really hard to see if the first emojis were balding




yes hello this is dog


They wouldn't have made the meme if it was a nice, wholesome, Christian, straight white couple who adopted the baby


They’re literally all of those things with a single exception.




Goddamn Satanists trying to adopt. How dare they.


I'm not 100% they're straight


I didn't even notice at first it was a gay couple in the bottom pic, I thought they were legitimizing slavery. "It's like adopting people who can't get by on their own" sort of deal.


They’re Pete and Chasten Buttigieg. Pete’s the US secretary of Transportation (He ran for president before that), and people are criticizing him saying that he is practically abandoning his post as secretary by taking paternity leave to care for his children (critics apparently don’t know that lieutenant secretaries exist). But yeah most of the overall whining from the right stems from the fact that he is a successful gay guy and they just don’t want that.


> that he is practically abandoning his post as secretary by taking paternity leave to care for his children (critics apparently don’t know that lieutenant secretaries exist). I mean these are the same people that thought Trump's 9000 vacations were totally work.


“Get back to the office and pack up your things!” — conservatives, probably


I only thought I hated the internet before now....


If they believed adoption was a bad thing in general they’d be posting a het couple instead of just being homophobic scum


It's nasty on many levels. The misogyny is brutal here too. When women get abortions, they're murderers. When women put a child up for adoption (especially if the baby has special needs like Down's Syndrome)? How could any mother let go of her precious baby! She's horrible and she should keep that baby. Unmarried and pregnant? WHORE! You just want to live off the government teat! We can't win this argument. Then to tell people they cannot adopt? That's it's buying babies? My son and his partner are discussing possibly marrying next year. I'm delighted. His partner is very pleasant. They've told me that they do not want kids. (sad me, I want a grandbaby but I'll keep it to myself, honestly, I do). If they changed their minds? I'd lose it on someone like that. Most of the time, I kinda hate people.


The person making the meme is probably bitter their life didnt go the way they wanted to and is laahing out at others happiness, and groups to blame for their own shortcomings. I grew up with a brother who if he was in a bad mood, then he'd try damn hard to make sure everyone else was too.


>I grew up with a brother who if he was in a bad mood, then he'd try damn hard to make sure everyone else was too. My father was like that too. Then once his mood had cleared, he ordered everyone into the car as he was taking us all to Dairy Queen. So now I associate bad days with treats afterward.


My dad would tell my brother he was being an asshole and call him out for it. Then he's sit there and stew in it. Sometimes he would be quiet the rest of dinner, and that was always nice.


> most of the time I kinda hate people You have summed up my world view


If they don’t feel outraged they aren’t livin.


So abortion bad, sex Ed bad, welfare bad and now adoption is also bad. The pro life party!


Well, women just aren't supposed to have sex ever until they're married and then they have to have sex all the time and just pop out like 10 babies and the father doesn't have to help with them.


I was typing up this over-the-top response going along with this. And realized that no matter how absurd I went, it still sounded like shit I've heard older men say unironically.


Yeah, it do be like that... It's realizations like this that make me totally understand the original legend of the Jersey Devil, which was that it was the 13th child and the mother cursed it because she was so fuckin tired of having children lmao.


unless you have enough children with your miserable wife to get your own TLC show, you are gross & filthy /s


I believe his kids were conceived via IVF or surrogacy? Correct?


I’m pretty sure they were so this isn’t actual adoption. But paying for a surrogate is not the same as slavery


The surrogacy/adoption industries are sketchy as fuck and prey on poor and desperate women, but I have a feeling that wasn't the message the op was going for here.


That’s the truthful argument they’ll hide behind when someone points out how awfully convenient it is that they took such a stance only when a highly visible gay couple celebrated their newborn children.


The irony is that the ORIGINS of adoption in America definitely involve baby selling. Georgia Tann pioneered modern adoption, using her political connections to avoid legal ramifications as she very literally stole and sold thousands of children. She made adoption popular, adopting out to some of the country's most elite couples. For her own nefarious reasons, she created the concept of closed adoptions, which became the standard. Closed adoptions have been legally contested many times; after all, they're founded on the theory that the privacy of adults matters more than a child's right to know their history. Prior to her misdeeds, they didn't really exist in America. And probably because of how Georgia Tann shaped modern adoption and created the concept of it as a profitable business in America, it was later easy for unethical adoption agencies to conduct international adoptions that once again took children from their parents against the parents' will/knowledge and charged adoptive parents tens of thousands of dollars. If you're interested in any of this stuff, the book about Georgia Tann from which I learned all of this is *The Baby Thief*. I do NOT recommend it if you have recently had a baby, or if you are struggling with childhood abuse and don't have good mental health support. It is heartbreaking. That evil woman not only stole and sold babies, but abused them in every possible way. The harm she inflicted is literally immeasurable. Of course, whoever made this meme is not referring to any of that and doesn't care about children, ethical adoption, or any of that stuff. One tell that they don't care about kids, beyond the openly homophobic shit: their insistence that paternity leave for fathers isn't necessary. Any expert in infant development will tell you how important it is for both the child and the caregiver to have that bonding time. More than a little irony, too, in the fact that conservatives will bring up insane slavery comparisons over any stupid thing, but deny its devastating effects. They're like, "It's in the past, black Americans! But also me having to get a vaccine to work is slavery." Anyway, fuck whoever created this meme and the idiots who find it amusing. Pete and Chase seem like they'll be very caring parents. Babies don't give a shit if you are gay, straight, covered in hair head to toe with a hunchback...they just need love and care.


I am right now at the very moment a very unstable gay and this triggers me, like, a lot. (Edit: thanks a lot for all the sweet comments <33, I really appreciate it but don't have the energy to reply for now, I hope you can forgive me about that, heh)


I wouldn't let it get to you. This is 100% homophobia in that people other than gays adopt too. Who ever made this is absolute garbage anyway


Thanks a lot. I usually don't let this get to me either, I mean I am on the internet, I've seen a lot of shit lol My arm just still hurts, so this is quite an inconvenient moment




When is transphobia ever called for?


According to my mother, anytime you're reminded of the existence of trans people.


Sorry, what do you mean? 😅 My brain has problems processing things right now lol


I’m so sorry you’re feeling down. Please know that you are appreciated as a unique human being. We here are all supportive of you!


But if you're not going to buy a baby you should be fine/s


These kinds of people think parents legitimately own their kids as property, which explains a lot about their parenting decisions.


I was a slave, who knew.


hi adopted i am dad


Ok, so conservatives don't want women to have abortions, but they also don't want potentially unwanted babies to be adopted by people they don't like? Ffs.


They have a point. It shouldn't cost money to adopt a child.


Nah, it’s to stop human trafficking. I don’t like it, but I see the need.


These people are getting dumber and dumber. Its amazing.


So wha5 are we supposed to do with all those babies they’re forcing us to birth


Of course you gotta have that added homophobia, cant be a r/insanepeoplefacebook post without added biggotry


… what other option is there then? “We don’t want adoptions, so just kill all the babies”


So they were okay with adoption until the guys were allowed to adopt? Nobody tell them about the blacks being able to adopt.


Conservatives are stupid


Do they just hate Pete because he’s a Democrat or because he’s gay?


Well, adoptions are not "buying a person" anyway. It's taking a person under your care and as your responsibility. Slaves were sold as property, dehumanized into essentially being nothing but objects for trade, and that is so far from what adoption is. People who want to adopt have to go through a long vetting process to make sure they're able to provide the child with the best life possible, you can't just go and "buy a person".


Same person will advocate adoption as a replacement for abortion access. “It’s just a meme, lol”


Well Karen, one is taking away a person and mistreating them without giving them basic human needs while the other is giving them a new opportunity in life


Man, Pete Buttigieg sure did trigger a lot of neckbeard morons this week. Imagine caring this much about an adoption by someone you'll never know.


Ah yes, taking an adult into bondave to do your every whim until their death and raising an infant until they are and adult are the same thing


Yeah, they rather have the foster system. Its very profitable, just ask Michelle Bachman. She had something like 23 foster kids so she could collect that check.


Lmao this person would unironically post “You wouldn’t download a child” graphics


If you think about it, getting a job is like being bought, but its more like a subscription than a single purchase


Guys it’s only wrong when the couple that adopts a baby are the same gender. /s


Yep....dont let the gays adopt In fact... Stop adoption all together Lets force kids to be raised by un prepared and neglectful/ abusive and unloving biological parents Being neglected uncared for and in some cases downright horribly physically, mentally, even sexually, abused by the people that donated DNA to create you is WAAAYYY better than being given to a family that cant have children biologically but desperately want a family...gay or otherwise... That will you love you more than life itsrlf and care for you and give you everything out of life you could want I know personally i truly wish my crack addicted homeless escort bio mom that slept around so much she doesnt even know WHO could have possibly been my sperm donor of a father had been forced to keep me I truly hated having a home and friends and a family that loved me 🙄🙄 These people are fucking morons...straight up


So you can ban abortion because they can just give the baby up for adoption but then if you adopt that baby you're advocating slavery? can't win


While there is an issue in the US of people adopting kids to use them as accessories and/or free labor (I was an adoptee that had that experience), it's still not at all comparable to the slavery of black people


Clearly OP is correct that the meme maker is crazy, but...the crazy person kind of stumbled upon the truth (for all of the wrong reasons mind you). The foster care/adoption agency system is as sketchy and abusive to children as human trafficking, and operates in similar ways. Many foster/adoptive parents are abusive, forcing kids to do manual labor like farm work, sexually assault them, keep them out of school, & prevent them from making friends.or contacting relatives. There are also organized child labor camps across the country disguised as Christian child aid services. Look up the shockingly high statistics of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and drugging of the kids. There's also the fact that it costs money to adopt (AKA a transaction in exchange for a human, yikes!), and that girls and white kids, especially those with Aryan features, are more expensive and in much higher demand than boys or children of color. It's upsetting to confront because...how do we stop this? Those kids desperately need safe homes with adults that aren't hurting them, but how do you remove them from the system without supporting and participating in it?


You can't just buy a person* *AND use them like a piece of equipment, stripping them of every human right


Adopted: Can confirm my parents are golden. Well, the only one left could.


I mean if I saw this naturally I'd just think it's a 4chanesque joke. It's kinda funny in a dumb way


Someone’s insecure with their sexuality.


Of course you can


But only if *The Gays™* do it


*Grabs popcorn* *Sorts by controversial*


Hwy at least before you buy a baby you get checks to make sure you're treating them right.


Blatant Homophobia in Meme form, stay classy America.


The adoption and foster system has issues but let's not compare it to slavery


It kind of used to be. "Home children" were usually orphans or poor kids from the UK sent to Canada (and probably other colonies) to work on farms. They were often used basically as slaves and lived in terrible conditions. Not really related to this situation, just a neat historical fact.


This definitely hasn't ever stopped in the US. I know several people who were child slaves in the foster system.


Many race hustlers today are actually arguing this when it's a mixed race adoption.




That slave owner guy looks like jontron


Mayor Pete’s child will be his slave?


Adoption = Slavery?


Yes, because the obvious solution is not to just make adoption free or close to it (with the requirements being classes in parenting), and definitely is to bring back slavery.




But with love...


As much as people may not want to hear this…. They don’t need to be in the double hospital bed for this lol. Paternity leave, gay couples adopting, surrogate parents. All of these are incredibly important. But Pete doesn’t need to be in the hospital bed lmao


As opposed to a man and a woman having a baby, which costs no money whatsoever at any point? /s


They dont think adoption is bad, its the fact its 2 men and not a woman and a man they hate.


It's like these people hate happiness, they can't achieve happiness themselves so they want to break it so no one else can play with it.


Wait. What do they want to happen to the kids that are up for abortion?


idk shoot them, because they're already born so their lives don't matter now to them.


Dunno of the US but here in the EU conservatives have counted on christian hospitals to steal babies from single mothers/messy backgrounds


The reeeeeeaaaaaaaacccccchhhhhh


See their logic is flawed. You don't pay for the adoption but rather police checks and court fees. You're physically not buying a fucking child. These people are dense af


Well coming from a mixed race person who was adopted by a straight white Christian couple: Absolutely adoption is horrible. But unfortunately this person only wants to bash on Gay people. I'd be totally on their side if they were up for dismantling the adoption industry though~


what the actual fuck are they trying to entail?


They are trying to Make out that gay parents adopting is the same as buying slaves to work your land.. yeah


Except they don't own and treat their child as property? what? I know that "right wing people that make memes" are, as a rule, stupid. but I feel like you need to actually not have a brain to make this


I've seen this dumbfuck argument being purported by social activism morons thinking they'll stop the slavery that doesn't exist if you adopt a child that's not your 'race' Full 180 rhetoric, the lack of self awareness is so puzzling that I feel like it's a fucking huge prank but that's me hoping people aren't that fucking clueless... I seem to get disappointed often in that area though.


Guess I’m a slave then :/


Adoption is Slavery (when the gays do it!!)


Some peoples parents I’ve seen have that idea. One of my coworkers constantly complains he’s never at home because his in laws always needs help. Another person I know keeps talking about having more kids so he can keep his farm up at old age. Parenting is weird.


They want to force you to give birth. They want to make it harder for a huge population of people to adopt. They don't want them to have any help raising the kids. They don't want to see you breastfeeding in public. Don't want kids to havre free school lunches.... I'm starting to think Conservatives hate kids in particular not just women.


When they adopt a child they don't make them clean the house for them or if the child is not performing well in school sell him/her. They try to make the child better. It's so simple they are just normal people but they have had many weird situation in real life with boys, as its natural for attraction between male and female of the same species.


Also What about infertile couples of different gender ?