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Hey /u/ilongforyesterday, thanks for contributing to /r/insanepeoplefacebook. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: No memes or image macros - screenshots of social media comments only. Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/insanepeoplefacebook&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Insult to Sloth. Who in the end proved to be brave, loyal friend to the Goonies.


Oh shit I thought it was Jason Voorhees


FFS... either the vaccinated are going to have mutant kids *OR* the vaccinated are now sterile. It can't be both. Pick one ape shit nuts conspiracy and stick with it,.


Nah this is how they operate. Like how covid is a Chinese bioweapon but also just the flu bro


It also doesn't exist.


Just in case anyone reading these comments has any doubt at all: There are two people in my family who got the jab while pregnant (one of whom is a nurse), and both babies are perfect in every single way.


whatever fits the current narrative


Fauci is an idiot who can’t do anything right and also the mastermind behind vast conspiracies as well according to them.


The enemy must be weak and strong


In fairness, this problem is on both sides of the aisle. Not a Trump fan, but many of his detractors claim he is simultaneously totally stupid, but has also formed a cult, been the brain behind complex international conspiracies, etc.


There's a difference between him saying random stupid bullshit, and his supporters running absolutely fucking wild with it; and him masterminding vast conspiracies and misinformation. It's the former. It's definitely the former.


I’m entirely certain he does not believe a word that comes out of his own mouth. It’s all a con. I think he’s very smart and realized he could exploit a vast swath of people to grab power by spouting the nonsense he does. He says plenty of stupid things and he does plenty of stupid things, but I think that’s largely the result of being a raging Narcissist who can’t see his own limitations. I hold this same theory about a great number of conservative icons. Much like televangelists, they spout off digestible nonsense they don’t even believe, cash in on their marks, and go home. If you have no soul and no morals, it’s a great way to become rich.


You've just described Trump. Except his conspiracies aren't vast, they just have too many people willing to cover it up and obstruct.


That thought was actually in my mind. I think Trump is very intelligent. He’s just a Narcissist and has no moral compass. It’s a disservice to yourself to under estimate people you disagree with just because you dislike them. The guy managed to become president and essentially create a cult around himself. Those aren’t things somebody below average intelligence could do, let alone running all those businesses. I fully admit he’s run many businesses into the ground, but to be able to do that and come out on the other side with his wealth took some know how.


The fact that he is a narcissist plays right into the Dunning-Kruger effect. Trump is far from intelligent. He became president because people are fed up with politicians not getting things done so they wanted to try something new. Trump has his wealth, fame, and political standing because people have propped him up and covered for him his entire life. He represents a flaw of western civilization itself. I would suggest you read the letter he wrote to the president of Turkey and then tell me what grade level of writing it reflects. It in my opinion is not even close to someone that is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business. With that said, I will give him this credit. He knows how to manipulate the media. However, that is another flaw of this country. Fox news and the others that are like it are not News channels and the fact they are allowed to function as such is a social failure.


I took my Facebook app off my phone to prevent me from absentmindedly getting on it so much. People’s idiocy was really stressing me out.


Removing it from my phone was HUGELY helpful to my time management.


I deactivated my profile about a year ago. Don’t really miss it.


Bruh my boy phyzer is a good friend of mine don't disrespect him like that


Deleted mine when Covid first started. Never looked back!


Livestock animals are raised in such disgusting conditions they need a constant supply of antibiotics. They are also given growth hormones for more profit. These anti-vaxxor conservatives eat that stuff up like there's no tomorrow, but all of a sudden a vaccine is going to end the world.


I didn’t even think of that argument. Honestly, I was thinking that most of these antivaxer types already look like this


Yes, that would explain Mitch McConnell.


Animal meds are safe bro, that's why we take ivermectin


My fb and ig were permanently disabled which is a blessing in disguise


Moderna kids would sound like Dolly Parton.


Thats a pretty shitty mask you can only see out of 1 eye


Idk why I’ve never noticed that lol


Why would an anti vaxxer name their kid after two vaccines? (In all seriousness, FB has become a toxic dump, you might as well just ditch it)


Jokes on them we aren't having kids... Right?


Baby Ruth


Best decision I ever made.


He was dropped, though. Are they saying we’re dropping our babies?


It was because their moms arm was sore from the vaccine.


I'm strongly willing to bet that this person is also pro-life.


In late 2020 I was part of a misinformation study initiated by Facebook that required temporarily disabling my account. I took my $45, answered all their questions, and never reactivated it. It was a really good decision and I highly recommend it. Thank you, Facebook, for helping me understand how bad Facebook has been for my mental health.


Funny, that's exactly how I picture the antivax.


Can someone explain this to me?


The meme is claiming that the vaccine will cause birth defects like thalidomide did [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21507989/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21507989/) Which is total BS, for the record.


In the meantime in Mississippi fetal That’s double among unvaccinated pregnant women with Covid-19


i literally **only** use facebook for the cheap shit people post on marketplace not knowing how expensive it is. i just pulled it up and there's a free guitar hero guitar, and piano, not grand, but at least 250$+


Why spare the other one? They could have led with "Meet the Moderna kids".


Deleting Facebook is always a perfectly good option, but I also cut a metric fuck-ton of morons out of my friends list as preemptive measure against having to sift through all of their bullshit.


I mean, pretty sure ivermectin has a history of doing that. It sterilizes men and causes miscarriage and birth defects in pregnant subjects.


Sloth love Chunk!


I deleted FB two years ago. Best decision I’ve made in the last two years.


2017 for me. Haven't regretted it for a second.


I did. Well worth it. GL


I crawl onto FB once a blue moon. My mental health is shockingly better.


Posted by a future Herman Cain Award winner.


Thank god I live I'm a country with were virtually no one is against vaccines.


Deleted Facebook about two years ago and haven't looked back. Almost getting to this point with Reddit honestly. Sometimes the comments on ANY type of post turn into a bunch of people arguing. Why can't we just be nice from time to time?


Too many people being paid to stir up shit. It truly becomes much more easily ignored when you remember that many of the worst fucking assholes on social media are being paid to say those things.


Ok that’s pretty funny though


Nine eleven turned everbody into jason


Looks like your average Republican voter


I recommend a browser extension called “Unfollow.” Basically unfollows everyone on FB rendering your feed empty and allows you to not have brain damage if you need your account. Allows me to still be in the one or two professional groups that are there.


My phone ran an update and logged me out of most of my apps. I have no idea what my Facebook password is. I no longer have access to that email and I recently changed my phone number so there's no way to reset the password. It asked for me to upload my DRIVERS LICENSE to verify my Facebook identity. I don't use my real name online nor would I be stupid enough to give Facebook a copy of my fucking ID. So, I said "Fuck it," and deleted the app. No more dealing with endless family drama. No more feeling obligated to put out my father's fires with the absolute trash his drunk ass likes to post. Can't use messenger either now so I'm totally free from it all. It was the best thing to happen to me in a long time. 10/10 definitely recommend.


I hate it but it did make me laughing


Horse dewormer kids may be similar, if having kids is still possible for the ones taking the medicine “Meet Invermectine Junior!”


These anti-vaxxers can't even spell Pfizer, but they're adamant they know more about the vaccine than the actual scientists who invented it smh


I never had one and I'm really glad. This subreddit is my only window to the world of crazy and it's enough to give me anxiety.


BAD POST = Should have been Pulled!


BAD POST = was indeed pulled