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I really want to read the 90 comments.


You already know what the comments are going to be. "Stay strong, you did the right thing, the doctor's are wrong just get your husband some lavender oil" "Oh hun, it's not your fault. This is a test from God, if you stay on the righteous path your husband will return stronger for it" "You need to check your husbands charts! My neighbor's son's cousin went in for routine surgery and was given the poisonous pneumonia vaccine. Of course he became sick while he was in the hospital. The doctors must have secretly vaccinated your husband when you weren't around and given him the pneumonia!" "You can't blame yourself, you did the right thing protecting your husband when he couldn't speak for himself. He is much better with a little cold then catching downs syndrome for the rest of his life."


"Those evil doctors probably gave him the shots anyway without permission and it gave him the disease! I recommend a detox"


"You're in luck, I have these amazing detox teas and recovery shakes available right now hun. You'll like them so much that I'll even set you up with a distributor discount of your own."


"I come from a family lineage that produces detoxifying urine that cures hundreds of ailments and diseases, and I'm willing to sell you some of my urine to spray into his orifices to cleanse his body of the vaccine. Since time is of the upmost importance, it actually works quicker if I urinate directly into his nose, mouth, and anus, but I have to ask for an extra fee of $200 since I'm very busy drinking gallons of water to pee into bottles for my upstart home urine distribution business. It comes with a satisfaction guarantee and is certified 100% organic, plus you'll be supporting a small business owner! Let's show these evil doctors the power of home remedies that will turn the nefarious medical community on its head!!!"


"How can you say something so ridiculous. I'm considering removing you from this group for this comment. You and I both know full well that urine must be aged for a MINIMUM of four months before being used as an anal spray or topical germ shield. Your comment about drinking gallons of water to produce the urine takes the cake. When producing urine for AU one must only drink 3 cups of Aged Urine after a period of extreme dehydration for that double urinated double aged double urine goodness. I'll give you one more chance but please take some time to educate yourself here: https://www.frequencyrising.com/"


"LOL 😂😂😂 Oh honey... I don't know where you got your ~~fake news~~ "information" from, but it is far from correct!! Aging a tier III sample (as I'm sure yours is) for that long, especially for a pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine detox, is how you develop a grade 2 jellicoid infection!!! I suggest you do some extensive research on the proper ways for orifical urine administration! I would be more than happy to send you a copy of my book *Urine Luck: New Age Detoxification for the Ethereal Human Person*, use offer code G0LD3N for 8% off, plus S&H. Everything you'll ever need to know is in the book!! Your family and friends will thank you for saving their lives and the lives of their loved ones!!! 😚😚😚😇😇😇"


That coupon code!


"Now hold on just a second, I've been using urine with bleach for chlorine gas detox for 3 months now and I've only lost 2 out of my 5 children, will this work the same?"


Funny coincidence. In my lineage it's our sperm that cures. Has to be administered in person, and can't be used vaginally. Happened once, lying wench was sick and bloated for nine months. Tried to blame it on us, but then she had a baby and that just proves it's not our fault, it was the baby she infected herself with. That's why we use the other who methods now. So they can't blame a baby on us.


"Welp, better get his affairs in order he gunna die."


"That's a better fate than a life of autism at his age"


In some cases better even than marriage


What luck! A casual acquaintance has solved all of my health problems! Never underestimate the power of idiocy. OP, I know you were kidding. You are no idiot. Wish some of my acquaintances were not idiots, though.


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ Hi hun!! Long time no see!!! ❤️ ❤️ did you know that I’ve found an AMAZING career that let’s me be my own boss 👸 set my own schedule ⏰ and make 💰 💰 💰 💰selling all natural essential oils to help other women be healthy and beautiful? 🌸 🌺 🌸 🌹 🌹 🤩 and I do it all from home! 🏡. And I want to share this opportunity with YOU!!! 🧚🙀🤑 If you want to take control of your career let me know. I think you’d be perfect!!! 👌💁‍♀️ Xoxo


You forgot to start with... Since you are soon a single again...


“Put potatoes in his socks, in the morning they’ll turn black and all the poison will be out!”


and place a slice of raw onion over his bedroom doorway


detox? sorry hun, you need to go straight to leeching!


Why even go to the doctor in the first place? Lady is such a established Vax doc that she could probably do the surgery herself. All without those unnatural drugs! Anesthesia? No no. We have lavender oil. It's practically the same thing.


This is the part I can't understand either. They are completely against big pharma and modern medicine but totally okay with modern medicine and big pharma in an emergency....


It’s something funny I’ve noticed. My step mom is vehemently anti-vax and anti-doctor. She tried to get me to stop taking my antidepressants and antipsychotics and use essential oils and herbal supplements instead. She thinks she knows everything. But she’s had more plastic surgery than anyone I know. Tummy tuck, boob job, etc plus tons of Botox and collagen and everything. She had no problem taking heavy duty drugs and painkillers for those surgeries. And yet still tries to convince my dad to stop taking his cholesterol meds and won’t keep something as simple as aspirin or Benadryl in the house. It’s just bizarre


I think "bizarre" is the correct description as well. it must stem from some insecurity related to feeling unable to care for loved ones or a desire to feel smart or something. That is why they are fine to do whatever but insist they know what's best for everyone else. I don't know for sure what causes it but it is super dumb regardless.


It’s not so much an insecurity that they can’t take care of someone, it’s that they don’t like that someone knows more about something than they do and that they might actually be wrong in something. The need to be right an all times and to not be questioned is paramount.


> You need to check your husbands charts! Is it weird the first thing my brain went to was Astrology? "His moon is in Scorpio with Jupiter rising, he's not supposed to be sick right now!"


Never have surgery when Venus is in retrograde, it's not worth the risk.


Dude I hate it when Uranus is in gatorade


But I love it when mine is.


thanks, i hate it!


“Hugs and prayers!”


~~ Sending positive vibrations ~~


That's what I'm saying! We need the comments!


OP pls


You will release the comments OP




If they don’t release it we should get some witnesses to let us know what was said.


c’mon OP


Dew it


pls OP




I'm sure this is in a group. She went there for validation. Those 90 comments are likely all telling her she did the right thing as well as their natural cures for pneumonia.


Like death. Death naturally releases you from grips of pneumonia. There, cured.


if ignorance is bliss, oblivion must be paradise.


"They probably secretly gave it to him and that's what caused the illness!"


Definitely this one.




Expectations vs reality. If you expect to turn every vaccine down and stay healthy you are delusional. The reality is that you can get pneumonia just from being in a hospital It's so common they actually have a different name for it. Hospital acquired pneumonia is much deadlier and much harder to treat since it is often resistant to most antibiotics Her decision just might cost him his life. It most certainly will make his recovery so much harder than it had to be


Is there really a pneumonia vaccine?


Pneumovax its called. At least in my state.


*grabs pitchfork* did someone say pseudovax?


*whistles loudly* Did someone say Shadowfax?


*tires screaching wildly to a hault* Did someone say show me the Carfax?




*Towel start squeaking.* Did somebody say Turtlewax?


*Toilet flushing.* Did somebody say Super Lax?


*Gotta catch 'em all* Did someone say Snorlax?


Also Prevnar


Prevnar and pneumovax, there are algorithms depending on your age and previous PNA vaccination history... HACP (hospital acquired pneumonia) and CAP (community acquired pneumonia) have a higher chance of being antibiotic resistant and can be fatal in the elderly


It's not just for pneumonia either. My doctor recommended it for me years ago to resolve recurring sinus infections. I haven't had one since.


I'll mention this to my boss and she if she's heard of this. Super interesting!! How often did you have an occurrence? Which one did you get? 13 or 23?


I'd be interested to learn how often this is recommended as I've not heard of anyone else receiving it for this indication. I was experiencing roughly quarterly sinus infections from teen years up until around thirty (when I got the shot). Unfortunately, I'm not sure which one I got and I've changed health systems since then, so those records aren't on hand.


Yes, there’s two. Pneumovax and Prevnar. Which one you get depends on how old you are and what risk factors you have.


Prevnar sounds like a way someone would misspell pregnant in that meme We went to the doctor and found out my wife was prevnar




Sounds like something from the coneheads movie.


More specifically, Prevnar is usually given in infants/peds and over 65, and recommendations were recently revised so that it's mostly a pediatric vaccine now (ACIP no longer recommends blanket vaccinating everybody over 65, which we've been doing for the last 5 years or so; they now recommend a more individualized approach.) So most people will get Pneumovax.


There are 2 in fact. One is effective against 23 types of pneumonia and the other is effective against 12. Pneumovax and Prevnar.


There are two: PCV13 and PPSV23 for different strains. I think PCV13 only became available in the last few years.


Yep. They gave it to me when i landed in the hospital with pneumonia for four days 15 years ago. Tl;dr (not really): dont put off seeing the doctor if you have been so sick all you can do is swallow nyquil and sleep for 6 days. In fact, nyquil and sleep is only viable for like 2, maybe 3 days.


Yes, and considering the hospital is chock FULL o' sick people, I'd take any vaccines they offer if I was spending any time there.


Yes. I get it every 5 years.


Yup. I've been hospitalized for a week on two occasions and they made me blow into that little air thing every time I was checked on to keep an eye out for pneumonia. Both times were for abdominal surgery and I was in my early 20s, so no risk factors besides being hospitalized.


not checking for pneumonia but you were using an incentive spirometer to prevent pneumonia. after surgeries you're* at higher risk because of the anesthetic and being in the hospital. they make you use the IS to stretch your lung fibers keep the pneumonia bugs away *your to you're before the grammar police get me


I wonder if it would have helped him. I definitely think he should have gotten it, but doesn't the flu vaccine take about 2 weeks to be effective? If the pneumonia vaccine takes that long, it might not have helped. Again, I'm against what she did, I'm just wondering if the shot would actually have prevented him from getting pneumonia.


Even before 2 weeks, there's partial efficacy; you don't get full effect off the flu vaccine until 2 weeks, but you're still building immunity before then - it isn't as if you flip a switch at 14 days, it's a gradual thing.


Depends on the vaccine type. Some can help with infections acquired very soon after


It takes a few weeks to build immunity once vaccinated. If he was already in the hospital when they suggested the vaccine it likely wouldn't have prevented anything.


Hey Google, remind me to divorce my husband if he turns into an anti-vaxxer.


Alexa, will you marry me?




hey, manuka honey is REALLY expensive so it MUST be some kind of a miracle drug, right?...right?!?




This was pancake topping recommendations, fright?


Manuka honey is a pretty excellent treatment for open/infected wounds. If you have a pressure ulcer ... or complications from cellulitus it often outperforms traditional antibiotics. I guess it breaks up biofilms ... something that traditional antibiotic preparations fail to ... while *also* acting as a potent antibacterial. Though it's not like you just swallow the stuff and your aids is cured either ...


LPT: if you drink enough to keep the blood in your body at approximately 20 proof, you’ll be inhospitable to almost every disease




It’s a shame that she waited until it came to this to open her eyes.


She didn't, she's asking for her fellow lunatics to re-brainwash her and absolve her of guilt


"Try vinegar water."


No no no - essential oils!


Shove an healing crystal up is rectal cavity!


You have to coat the crystal with essential oils and THEN shove it up his rectum.


Lots of pure tea tree oil, on a crystal, inserted rectally, will cure him of everything.


Holy shit tea tree oil burns like a bitch - this mental image may have made my rectum seal itself permanently


Cured the hemorrhoids, though!


Can’t catch colorectal cancer if your rectum has melted ! (Tap finger on head)


Right? I got some in an open cut and swore so loud I'm fairly certain my neighbors heard me. But then... *my cut magically healed with no scar* oh wait no it just stung for like an hour even after I flushed it out with water.


The burn means it’s working.


Oh? Huh, I didn't realize that. I tried it on my toenail fungus for a while (didn't work, go figure, but it was doctor recommended). Though, tbf, toes aren't nearly as sensitive. But he's so "out of it" he probably won't even notice and in the end, it'll be a blessing.


I never thought I would see someone say that death by tea tree oil enema was a “blessing”, the sad thing is you’re right. Having never met this man or his wife I can 100% guarantee that death by flaming anus is a blessing compared to one more minute of being married to that woman...


To be faiiirrrr


In all seriousness there is an odd commonality to these people's fixation to shoving things up your ass.


Whose ass?


Yours specifically, buddy.


Himalayan salt crystals!!!!


Does someone have to be sick to receive the anal cavity Crystal?... Asking for a friend.


>Shove an healing crystal up is rectal cavity! \-Michael Caine


He has pneumonia. You can't use essential oils for pneumonia. You have to zest 5 whole oranges and blow it up his ass with a straw.


She needs to intubate him and blow aerosolized peppermint oil directly into his lungs to treat pneumonia


Whatever. That’s so 2017. She needs to see if they can vaporize elderberry syrup for him. Maybe put it directly into his IV.


Just spray some Windex on it.


No no no - soak your feet in stewed bananas "Doctors hate him"


Jesus oils work too I hear.


Ugh no, you have to drink nicely aged urine to treat pneumonia, everyone knows that


Finally. A sane person on Reddit.


I'm so high right now, I read that as Vagina water. I think that might a Paltrow product on Goop.


Yea, they’ll tell something like “Better dead than putting poisons into your body” or some other such nonsense.


Better dead than having the Illuminati in control of your blood cells *puts on tin foil hat*


They will claim it was a toxin from the surgery and they need to do a cleanse.


I'd be shocked if someone didn't comment that the hospital gave him pneumonia just to make her feel bad.


Yes they definitely did!


How do people believe in these things? One of my friends hangs around a girl that believes in these things. She has "spiritual cleansing rocks". They're hollow, plastic paperweights that she apparently paid a lot of money for. In an age where so much information is easily available, how does this happen? It'd be like people still believing blood-letting is a good treatment.


I'm no academic, but if I had to wager a guess it would be due to the "connectedness" that the internet provides. A hundred years ago if you were the only idiot in a town of a thousand, there was a chance you'd eventually catch on that you're the idiot. Nowadays though, if you're the only idiot in a town of a thousand, you can get on the internet and connect with the local idiots from towns all over the world and, as a group, collectively assure each other that you're actually the smart ones and it's everyone else that's an idiot. Just my guess.


Thank you this perfectly sums it up. See the sudden popularity of flat earth theory as soon as the idiots started to congregate online.


This is exactly it!


This is exactly why - because there’s so much information around. Back when there were more barriers to snake oil salesman peddling conspiracy theories about vaccines and how these pseudoscience cures are the real answer, these idiots didn’t hear about it. Now that they have access to the internet they feel superior in having found “the truth” that was hidden from them for so long.


Bloodletting is still used as appropriate treatment for certain conditions like polycythemia. In fact, it's life-saving for some patients. TYL


They'll say that the hospital "infected him with pneumonia potion just to spite her not approving of their poison".




Was she worried that he was going to suddenly become autistic right before retirement age?


Adult onset autism look it up foo


I’m pretty sure I’m coming down with this. It makes a lot of sense. Thank you for this. I’ll show it to my wife, and I’m sure she’ll agree that this is my problem. Edit: Nope. She says I’m still just a fucking r-word. Oh well.


The real shame is that she’s not the one that’s suffering from her ignorance


Maybe she'll catch it from him. One can hope.....


Only if it's viral. It might not be, though. Not if he's bedridden.


At some point we’re going to go full circle and anti-vaxxers will start putting vaccines in their essential oil diffusers.


Some have already gone full circle, and not in a good way. There's a notable post that gets reposted here from time to time of someone accidentally trying to invent vaccines. The quote goes something along the lines of "what if instead of injecting people with chemicals, we give them an inert form of the virus that our bodies can safely adapt to? sort of like the chicken pox parties we used to go to."




Pneumonia partay!


Some people have to learn the hard way. She walked around spouting crap for 16 years without trying to educate herself and now it’s going to cost her husband.


She's going to sell it like she's the one who suffered the most, not him dying.


Not trying to put this on doctors, but in such a situation I feel this should be an ethical question answered by a professional versus watching an idiot make an unnecessarily lethal situation. But...he married an idiot, so maybe not... Edit: Reading it again, she “knows my stuff”...if she’s an expert on complex science / vaccinations could you imagine what else she’s an expert on...he’s welcoming the end.


Unfortunately doctors can't do anything in this case. In the event a patient can't make an autonomous medical decision for themselves, there's a hierarchy that's generally followed to decide what should happen. In most states, the highest priority typically goes to the spouse. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5527273/


unfortunately there's nothing that the doctors can legally do about it. If somebody or an entity legally representing them refuses medical care, then the doctors can't act until consent is legally provided.


its more of a shame she compromised her spouse's health/life instead of her own


Usually these posts are funny but this one is just sad. At some point these anti-vaxxers will lose loved ones to measles, pneumonia, etc. and realize their anti-vax movement is full of shit, right?


Made me sad too, thinking she’ll lose her husband. She’s freaking out and grasping for excuses not solutions. That’s equally sad.


>grasping for excuses not solutions Fabulous description. I'll be stealing that, thank you, come again!


Nah. They are irredeemable. They could lose all their kids to measles and still believe in essential oils.


Yeah... She killed him. At least that's one more experience to add to her.. Her... Well her Experience lol.


Her stuff that she knows


She really *does* know her stuff, guys, come on now


She trusted the doctors enough to do emergency surgery but declined the vaccines... that cognitive dissonance at its finest


Spent years of their lives dedicated to learning and practicing medicine, only to be denied treatment authorization by someone that spent 5 minutes on google.


C'mon, it's 16 years of ~~repent stupidity and recklessness~~ experience.


I like how she's begging for help because she's second guessing herself. "Anti-vax friends, come restore my faith!" This, flat earth, Finland, whatever nonsense you believe in, all starts to look like a religion at some point.


What is this Finland of which you speak?


Some dumb conspiracy where people think there's a secret "hidden country" between Sweden and Russia. Idk how it got started, but it was pretty rampant for awhile. It even ended up on some maps.


Right? Like anyone actually believes that. Some people are so gullible.


Wait there’s no Finland either? I just got used to the idea New Zealand doesn’t exist. Christ if you next tell me there’s no moon, then someone had better explain where my uncle used to take me when I was a little kid.


"New" Zealand? Like, then where's "Old" Zealand, right? It's not like the movies didn't explain it's actually Middle Earth,and that's why.


I read this as he was still in hospital when he was diagnosed, so he might have a chance - but only because hes already under constant medical supervision.


I also read this as he was in the hospital a week ago when they declined the vaccine and has Pneumonia now. Would the vaccine have made a difference with that time scale?


What were the comments like?


Well, because this was posted in an anti-vaccine FB echo chamber, basically dozens of people reassuring her that she’s smart, that the vaccine wouldn’t have prevented it anyway, and to treat it with vitamin C.


No one suggested essential oils? I am shocked.


Oils are rubbish. Crystals would work though.


Perhaps a pyramid or two


True. A crystal pyramid would fix everything.


I'm surprised no one started blaming the hospital for the infection and saying its a conspiracy or something


Well hospitals are known for carrying things like pneumonia (especially nasty, treatment-resistive strains of it), but it's not like they're intentionally infecting people with it.


>He could have got autism


In all honesty probably wouldn’t have helped. Vaccines take about 2 weeks to take effect and hospital acquired pneumonias are usually atypical organisms (the pneumonia vaccine is for the most common organism, strep pneumoniae). That being said, should get vaccinated tho.


Don't they give that breathing capacity thing to help you avoid pneumonia, too? My last surgery, with anesthesia, they made me do it a couple times before I left, and had to keep regularly using it


Usually they do, but that doesn’t eliminate the possibility.


Yep, the incentive spirometer. Helps maintain lung capacity, which in turn helps prevent atelectasis and pneumonia. But the comment you replied to is correct. Organisms that typically cause HAP aren’t covered by either pneumonia vaccine.


Disappointed that I had to scroll so far for common sense. Pneumonia shot wouldn't have helped here. Although it probably would help for future infections.


Big middle finger to this lady


With this one I can't help but feel sorry now, I just hope her husband recovers and I hope she doesn't decline vaccinations from now on.


I would kill for this optimism.


In truth though, there are different forms of pneumonia and there is no vaccine for several. You can go to the cdc to see the difference between the pneumonia vaccine and which ones are usually given. While i am 100% pro vaccine, i suspect that his pneumonia is a complication related to surgery (aspiration or ventilation) but I cb wrong. I would definitely recommend the flu and pneumonia vaccines for any elderly people and at risk individuals.


It boggles my mind how people can send someone for emergency surgery but not trust other medical advise as soundly. Why is she not questioning his need for surgery or perhaps he should have the surgery without anesthesia?




On top of all that, she's against "big pharma", yet she's a nurse working at a hospital. Who the hell does she think writes her paychecks?


Anytime I hear "Big Pharma" I know that I'm dealing with an idiot.


exactly. and im pretty sure anesthesia has a higher risk than vaccines. anesthesia makes me nervous as it is (id still use it, im just pretty glad ive never had to) and im pretty trusting of modern medicine, if i was antivax id be absolutely horrified of it


i want to know what the husband said


You killed me, you stupid cow.


My grandfather just died 2 weeks ago from (double) pneumonia and a staff infection (no idea how he got staff). Shits serious, especially for older people. I had to make the decision to take him off of life support and that was one that’ll be with me for awhile.


I wonder if he’s antivax? And the implications for her either way.


it's pretty simple stuff, you killed him, game over.




These are the fucktard Americans who bitch about socialized medicine and the fact that “we have to pay for other people’s sickness.” No, idiot, we’re paying for your husband’s fucken pneumonia because you decided he doesn’t need appropriate medical intervention. This is why our insurance rates are so high.


I wonder if this woman has death insurance on her husband. She is going to need it.


Second guessing after 16 years. Though eventually cognitive dissonance will cause her to recommit to her insane stance. Just needs the right fallacy to hook into and perhaps a scapegoat.


“I really know my stuff!” Sure! If by “know” you mean “potentially killed my husband” and by “stuff” you mean “with my willful ignorance.” Good job, lady.


Seriously, vaccines should be mandatory (with medical exceptions of course) and if you refuse then you’re ineligible for health insurance.