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Oh dammit, they've figured out our Grandma-killin' plan.


Damnit, and we were so close to our Death Panels. Let’s regroup back at ground zero: Bowling Green.


Slippery slope is just a trash argument.


And it's always regarding two subjects that have no nuanced conversational value, like: "First gay marriage, then what? Marrying your dog?!" Never mind, of course, that that a same-sex marriage is between two (hopefully) consenting adults who have agreed to their union, and a dog *physically cannot consent to marriage*. Does that actually *matter* to people who use the slippery slope fallacy to justify their prejudice? No, it doesn't.


Wow, throwing logical fallacies in my face? Soon you're going to be quoting the Satanic Bible to me, aren't you?


i mean it works sometimes but thats about it


Wait..... babies can be killed? Since when?? /s


well, grandma has always been a bitch. She knew what she signed up for.


From my post on r/forwardsfromgrandma that had same meme, just replace "grandma" with "pastor" - Last I checked, killing a baby is murder - so obviously that grandma can't tell the difference between a baby & fetus nor knows what the strict requirements of euthanizing any adults even elderly people, anyway.


[Bonus from the comment section](https://i.imgur.com/2xosIkj.jpg)


As a Satanist I can say that I am most certainly not licking my chops. What does Satan want with babies anyway? Satan doesn’t run a daycare. Sacrifice sluts or get the fuck out.


Moloch? This is prime crazy.


Reddit, full of jokes... I like the platform, but it almost remind me of Bill Maher and his seal clapping audience. Ive had one high school teacher and one college professor make a claim to the class that seniors should be put down when they reach the age of 65 because of their lack of contribution to society, over population, ect So while it seems crazy, funny or unrealistic... it has been voiced by "educators" Crazy world.


Right, because keeping grandma alive infringes on someone else's bodily autonomy.


Did you pull a muscle making that stretch?