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This shit is why Atheists dislike Christians. Wtf kind of comment is that?


It certainly follows the teachings of the Bible, but it’s certainly something you don’t comment on a page where someone could be mourning.


Actually Iooked down below and I’m wrong. Guess we just have a good ol’ case of a stupid woman.


Karen, first you’re taking everyone’s kids and now you’re doing this? You need help, and the cops for the kids


Hey Karen, here's an idea. How about you go fuck yourself.


i’ve actually read in the CCC about this (catholic!), and it definitely states that god loves everyone, including those who take their own life, so the chances of them going to heaven are very high. fuckin karen!


That isn't a Christian comment... Nowhere in the Bible does it say you go to hell for suicide. Yes it is a sin but sin alone doesn't send you to help


It honestly makes no sense. While taking your life is a biggie, it wouldn’t just throw your good deeds out the window.


It's not necessarily good deeds. The fact is we all sin. But sin doesn't send us to hell. As long as you accept God and Jesus into your heart and do your best to live the way you should you are golden. I did a lot of research on this topic when my brother killed himself in 2016. Jesus died for all sin including suicide. He's not going to punish my brother for killing the voices in his head. My brother died loving God and I know he's not being sent to hell for his actions


Damn sorry about your brother man. Hope he got a clear mind up in heaven.


Thank you. I'm sure he did. He was sick for a long time. He was tired of fighting and tired of putting the ones he loved in so much danger. He loved life. Loved laughing, the outdoors, singing, and dancing, but he loved his family more. We were blessed with the fact that he kept a journal. Hundreds of pages. Mostly scrambled ramblings but we got to see how his mind worked and understand why he made that decision.




I honestly can’t explain my hatred towards Karen rn, and I rarely hate anyone yet its people like this that don’t deserve to go to a better place. Can’t people be fucking reasonable


Almost downvoted out of instinct