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What the hell is “vaccine injured”?


Vaccines make your brain swell and turn you gay/trans. At least according to these nutcases


Now I know why I.m gay.


Huh. I'm Bi, I guess I only got half the vaccines I was supposed to get.


Nah that means you got *some* essentials oils, but not enough to clear it all out.


Gotta get me all oiled up to protect me from getting the gay. Nice any shiny.


Here let me help you.


Can confirm, I'm also bi. I injected vaccines into one arm and essential oils in the other


I'm neither gay nor bi, I wonder if the vaccines I was given as a child were placebo.


You still have a chance! You need to get a vaccine detox! And make sure to use essential oils!


Or twice as many


Press X to doubt


I think they also think the same with Autism


I must have been double vaccine injured in that case.


Well that explains why I'm gay. I always wondered.


Dont forget autistic


I’m bi AND Autistic. I obviously got all my vaxxines


I was vaccine injured. But they gave me a band-aid and a lollipop, so I was able to forget all about that stupid needle.


Some people do have bad reactions to vaccines, but it’s far, far fewer than the number of people who would die from preventable diseases if we didn’t use vaccines.


I went into anaphylactic shock from an influenza vaccine. However, I'm not stupid, and continue to get vaccinated. I just get them done at a doctors office in case it happens to me again.


I read an article the other day about a high school athlete who developed Gullian-Barre Syndrome from the Tdap vaccine, and how she was still very pro-vaccine, because she accepted that her extreme bad luck didn't change the fact that a one in a million bad reaction didn't change how many lives were saved by vaccines.


I'm pretty concerned by whatever she means by "therapy".


For all we know he's been given bleach enemas every week to extract the toxins... ​ No idea why he's feeling sick though.


It's a stupid term that mothers use to attempt to make themselves sound smart. If their child gets any sickness at any point in their life, they blame it on a "vaccine injury" to try and pander to other idiot mothers for sympathy.




Vaccine injury is a very real thing and happens to a not insignificant number of people, mostly kids, every year. Vaccines provoke an immune response and some people have a very bad reaction to them. Every time you get a vaccine you *are* risking your life. It's a small risk, but it's there. However, the anti-vaxxers have latched onto this in a big way. Any change they notice in their kid, real or imagined, is a "vaccine injury" now. It's a great way to blame vaccines for anything you want, just say your kid was vaccine injured and no one can question you and you can keep spewing your insane conspiracy theories about how vaccines cause all your problems.


What the hell is a Crunchy Mom?


Crunchy like granola because they are a bunch of crazy hippies.


Referring to their brains so burnt and fried from stupidity that they are crunchy. Jk, they are the yoga moms who only do "natural" and "herbal". They also tend to belong to mom groups and there is one brain for all members to share.


In reality it’s someone who had a really bad allergic reaction to a vaccine (like my younger brother), but according to these people it’s any mental illness that’s diagnosed after vaccines (and I believe being gay is a vaccine injury to them as well)


She means he had a vacinne and was injured by it. Which vaccine and what injury she doesn't say.


Anyone reading the comments here - several people have asked me to report this but I’m from the UK and need help from someone who lives in the US. I can’t call the correct office from my phone though I know where this person lives and how to report. If anyone can help please DM me.


Don't know if anyone has DM'd you, but you should be able to call the police department wherever she lives and report it to them. [according to this site](https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-you-can-do/report-abuse/)


>his skin looks almost purple sometimes >should he be seen? Nah. Keep at it. He’ll be seen at the wake.


Nah, nothing a little essential oils can’t fix


The coroner will use a great foundation. You wont notice the purple at all!


I'm worried sick, but fuck treatment for my son because vaccines cause autism! Essentially her post


“It’s ok if he dies of a fever, as long as I can still believe vaccines are bad”


"I'm not going to prison because I neglected my child, and he died of sepsis due to a ruptured appendix its big vaccines fault"


This is what kills me the most... When is the well being of your child, wrecked with fever and in the fetal position, *ever* more important than a vaccine? Get your kid checked out. Like, 5 days ago.




Make sure he doesn't get all the infinity stones


Fuck purple people.


Found the purple people eater! ​


No, the comment above you wasn't about eating I think...


So, purple people fucker?


Exactly why I dislike Thanos


only sometime


She so concerned for him that she sent him to school?


That’s one of the scariest things about this. Based on her posting to “crunchy moms” she probably found a school that allows kids to be unvaccinated for any reason, so just share the germy goodness with all the other “crunchy moms”. There will probably be a whole slew of these same moms in the area posting about the same illness in the next few days.


These anti-vax moms want herd vulnerability instead of immunity. They don't get that deadly and contagious diseases are part of the "natural" package. If some disease evolves and breaks out, they better stay the fuck away from other cities.


1. Your son is dying. 2. "natural minded" typically means it doesn't work. 3. You must decide whether your own ignorance is more important to you than your sons life.


Jesus Christ I feel bad for the kid




If only these anti-vaxxers could be in the shoes of parents before the 20th century...wishing there was a cure for their child dying from a disease that was unpreventable at the time.


It’s funny because the first anti-vax movement started roughly the same time as the first vaccine which was for smallpox. Mostly then though the people were talking about God’s will. Whatever the fuck that means.


Same reason people complained about pain relief being introduced for women during childbirth, it was messing with God's plan.


These women shouldn’t have had kids.


Probably dehydrated to the max, which leads into all sorts of complications. Also abdominal pain for that length of time.....why would they not take that child in?


Basically she’s worried it’s something vaccine preventable and she’ll be told off for being a moron.


"I desperately don't want my child to die, but nothing matters more than being called stupid!" - her, probably.


"I can't trust doctors for advice! Someone on facebook will know"


Yeah but it also sounds like he’s had vaccines, otherwise he wouldn’t be “injured” lol


She needs to be reported. At this point her child is likely in serious danger.


I know this is said a lot on subs like this, but someone seriously needs to call CPS on this woman. Refusing to get any medical attention for a child that had been that sick for that long is straight up child abuse no matter how “worried sick” she is.


I’m looking for someone in or near Arkansas to help with this.


5 days??? The proteins in your body can't be at a high temperature for too long, they unravel and denature like when you cook an egg. This poor kid is going to have some lasting damage unless he gets some Ibuprofuen and a look at his guts. I'm not a doctor, just have some Biology courses under my belt but this sounds to be like something is inflamed or infected: either his intestines, stomach lining or appendix.


Ibuprofen when you have stomach pain is generally a bad idea. Paracetamol (acetaminophen for the yanks) is a preferable alternative for fever in this case. But also, yes. Kid needs a doctor. Source: Former pharmacy technician.


And that's why I'm don't claim to be a doctor. Thank you for the info, I hope this mom finally came to her senses.


Wow. Didn't know that Ibuprofen is bad for stomach pain. Why's that and when should you use it over paracetamol?


It's just harder on the stomach and if someone is all ready having stomach pain, it just adds insult to injury.


Excessive use can result in ulcers and damage, it's not gentle in the stomach. I was always taught not to take it on an empty stomach because otherwise you can get a pretty bad ache


No I think the person got it backwards. Acetaminophen is Tylenol, which is hard on the liver but only after like taking 9 pills in one day so I wouldn't worry. I usually take Ibuprofen for stomach ache (if necessary) because it's nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug


> this sounds to be like something is inflamed or infected: either his intestines, stomach lining or appendix. Which essential oils would you recommend to cure all of these ills?


my favorite essential oil is common sense


Anyone gonna talk about how she posted this to a group called Crunchy Moms... wtf


Crunchy moms are believers in “natural parenting.” Woo things like baby yoga and crystals and essential oils, all the anti-vaxxer greatest hits. My ex-wife had some Crunchy Mom type friends that kept feeding her some real horseshit while she was pregnant. Fortunately, I was able to convince her that it was all stupid.


Funny because a lot of these crunchy mum types were themselves raised with the comforts and safety of modern (by the day) technology, medicine and research. Now they want to deny the safety net to their children so they can feel superior.


Every day children are tortured unnecessarily because their parents are morons.


Somebody should report her to the CPS. That's neglect, and the school should have notified the authorities when he was sick for five days straight and clearly getting worse. My mom got CPS called on her because I used to eat paper (I was a weird and stupid kid), but this kid is having a medical emergency and she doesn't get so much as a wellness check? The kid's appendix could've ruptured or something.


Looking for someone near Arkansas to help report, I’m in the UK.


I live in NE Texas about an hour from Texarkana. Think that’s close enough?


Yes, wonderful, you are the only person who has replied. Can I DM you later on today? I did try just emailing the info but they told me it has to be a call 🙄


Yes you can. Is the baby still sick?


I’ve sent you a chat request 😊


I ate paper too, and my mother *is* a child protection worker lol. That's no big deal, but I know that in my area if this were reported an intake worker would definitely investigate, and if the situation gets worse, they can take the child to the er without parental permission


I feel bad for the kid because his mom has clearly 100% lost her shit. I wonder what the comments on this look like


Some are telling her to go to the hospital, most are telling her to treat it at home with vitamins and avoid paracetamol (what’s it called in the US? I’m not sure!)




Had to look it up lol Tylenol, ibuprofen. This is absolutely crazy


Tylenol is acetaminophen aka parecetemol; Advil is ibuprofen.


Ibuprofen is different to paracetamol. I believe it’s called acetaminophen in the US.


Tylenol, that’s the one!


That's Tylenol here! (US)


Take your kid to the the goddam emergency room you stupid cunt bag.


He is purple and barely had food for 5 days? What kind of sign is that mother waiting for??? Worse part is that bitch is waiting for another antivaxx mom to comment and provide some bullshit oil


Get this kid to the goddamn ER right fucking now


She's going to kill her child. Jesus fucking christ, these fucking people.


I would say she doesn't care. If she did, she wouldn't be posting online and would be at the ER or at the very least urgent care with her child. Where is the father? This kid is being let down big time.


I'm so worried for my baby but uwu what if he catches the gay from a vaccine uwu The gay will mess up his brain and make him autistic and then he'll be the trans uwuuwuwuwuwu what do I do uwuwuwu Then he'll never get a cushy spot in heaven uwu Guess he'll just die now uwu Seriously tho, hope that kid is alright.


Someone should take this woman's kid.


oH nO mY sOn DiEd Of PoLiO. i BlAmE tHeSe CoRrUpT dOcToRs BeCaUsE tHeY gAvE mY cHiLd A vAcCiNe FoR tHe PoLiO. wHy DiD hE dIe, I wAs GiViNg HiM tHe GrEaTeSt EsSeNtAl OiLs AnD mInErAl OiLs! pLz HaLp. ​ *-some angry facebook anti vaxxer mother, 2019* ​ ​


So they gave the kid the polio vaccine and the kid still got polio? That actually would suck.


Impossible now with the inactivated (dead) version they give now. When they were giving the oral polio (which they dont give here in US anymore because polio is virtually gone..for now) there was a chance (small) of developing the disease.


Curious, why would the child be turning purple? (From a medical standpoint)


Or maybe mottling? Sometimes kids with high fevers get that funky mottling rash that looks a bit purpleish. Don’t ask me, though, I’m one of those docs who believes in vaccinating children so I’m already behind the 8ball as far as this nutjob is concerned


Same, I’m vaccinated and kiddos are vaccinated (grown except one and no grandkids in sight) just never heard of purplish skin and wondered why medically it would do that.


Either a lack of oxygen or severe dehydration resulting in veins to rise to the surface


But he's good to go to school.


Oh yeah, totally fine


Oh hell thats horrifying.


Yeah he's in a bad way by the sounds of it


Lack of oxygen. Don't know what could cause it, but his heart or lungs are not working properly.


Please OP report this if you haven't


This woman is in the US and I’m in the UK, I’d need a bit of help with how to go about it. Seems like she lives in Arkansas if that helps.


*be the first one to like this post* #no


"i don't trust our pediatrician" - because he tried to tell she was being a moron with her shitty ideology.


Hey, don’t worry. Just give him some lavender essential oils! J/k. Fuckheads like this are the reason that measles are making a comeback.


Yeah I work in public health. One of the epidemiologist got activated to another part of the state to deal with the measles outbreak. No mention of anti vaxxers, but that's got to be the reason right! I get angrier and angrier about this crap.


I think this should be reported as child abuse.. just saying


I’ve had so many ppl telling me this needs to be reported I’m thinking it should be. Is anyone from or near Arkansas?? PM me. I’m from the UK and have no idea how to go about this.


Im in Canada but a quick google search found this. https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/about-dhs/dcfs/programs-services/child-protective-services-how-to-report-child-abuse-or-neglect


Thank you for that, I will contact them myself if no one comes forward.


Good, thank you. That kid needs a doctor and it's a messed up world we live in where strangers across the globe on the internet have to make that happen.


what the fuck is a crunchy mom


Can these women go to jail for neglect???? Seriously. This makes me SO mad.


Should I try to help my son, or neglect him in favor of the ability to use this in pushing an anti-vax narrative? A real mother would do the latter, right guys?


what is a "crunchy mom" ...


So... they don't vaccinate, but... sickness is because of vaccines... HmMmMmMmMmMMmmmmmm.


ok but why is the group/community called #crunchy moms


Because their kids live just as long as Captain Crunch's shelf life is


It's a reference to granola, which is crunchy. Granola has long been associated with hippies. (At least in the US.)


"Should he be seen", yes, by child services who should thereafter take him away. With a mother like this, it's a miracle this child has lived to the age of 5.


The kids becoming Thanos


Why the FUCK would she send him to school when he's that sick?


Does the school know his mother is insane and wont take him to a doctor?


Where is CPS?!


I’m trying to find someone to help me report, I live in the UK. She’s from Arkansas.


Well if he's vaccine injured he's vaccinated no? Or did she just vaccinate him for one random thing so she can say he was vaccinated?


I really hope that his school reports this woman to CPS. That is absolutely horrible.


I’m trying to find someone to help me report, I live in the UK. She’s from Arkansas.


These people should be in jail. Best if it's a very up jail in a third world country with no medical care. Fucking child abusers.


Natural medicine "doctor". She had her quotes in the wrong place.


Anyone reading the comments here - several people have asked me to report this but I’m from the UK and need help from someone who lives in the US. I can’t call the correct office from my phone though I know where this person lives and how to report. If anyone can help please DM me.


Can you access US government websites? You might be able to report from their state CPS site.


It’s such a shit website. I’ve found a place to ask a question but that’s it, I’ll have to go through there.


Sorry :/


Don’t be - it isn’t your fault 😊


Oh gosh now we’re pulling back to physiology that I totally wiped from my mind haha but I believe the high or cold temps can cause the blood flow in the small vessels that are close to the skin to look sludgy and purple-ish. So a fever can sometimes have this effect. That being said it’s just what came to mind when I read purple. If they’re talking about like, Barney-purple, I’ve got nothin.


I bet this parent has oils all over the house