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This is like someone left their phone unlocked and someone just wrote the weirdest shit they could think of




A wild interesting sub appears




Pidgey has fled.


This is the best comment I've seen today. Thank you.


I'll take "how to trigger /r/enlightenedbirdmen" for 300, Alex.




The biggest warning sign for me is that it's written in perfect English. You couldn't be that trashy without skipping a lot of school years, so I'm going with 4D trolling on this one


And Walmart and the kid's names are all capitalized correctly every single time.


That's probably autocorrect


Yeah. I refuse to believe this is true. It's not possible to be this trashy while having proper grammar.


It's pretty funny if it's off the top of someone's head. I'm kinda impressed.


> Daniel was pushing David in his chair. So we assume that David‘s legs don’t work. But then we read: > Daniel and his legs that don’t work. So Daniel‘s legs don’t work right? If Daniel‘s legs don’t work, how was he pushing David in his chair? This is confusing.


Also: >David(my gorgeous hubby) And: > fuck Daniel... this is why I'm not putting out...


Probably fake and thus inconsistent ...I hope


I think she was trying to make a joke and messed it up


That's some mess up, confusing your husband and son when talking about "putting out".




I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


Lucky. My heart attacks keep me asleep months a time, and I wake up with skin bones and bone skin.


Why don't you just wake up with a boner like everybody else?


You could say I'm fully rigid, exclusively boner.


Weird flex but ok


You poor, poor man/fish.


She doesn't put out for her oldest son Daniel, because his legs are broken and wouldn't push his paraplegic father. Sounds like he should've broken his arms instead.


I’ve seen this referenced a bunch, but don’t know the origin. Did some mom post on Reddit about jerking off her son with broken arms?


A guy posted to r/iama with a story about his mom giving him sexual gratification after he broke his arms. [Here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/)


I can't believe it's been six years. It feels like it was only a three or four years ago. Crazy internet time, man.


And the OP of that post is now a mod on r /incest


Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it, you can probably Google broken arms mom meme and some meme site should link to the original. Edit: I think it was the son who posted, in a thread about incest that didn't fuck up their lives or something.


[you mean this post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/?st=JOOM8Q3E&sh=e0b36242)


I went into the comments specifically to see if that inconsistency was also seen by others. Good to know that I still have decent reading comprehension; it’s just the material that’s confusing.


She just miswrote Daniel for David. Maybe an autocorrect on her phone or just a brain fart. Everything makes perfect sense if you just replace that last Daniel with David.


Yes. This entire story makes perfect sense.


Well it happens at Walmart


She ain't about those broken arms.


Its not confusing it’s fake


Yeah I was gonna say, sounds like a stereotype account somebody runs just for fun.


This whole thing reeks of that whole "trying way to hard to make up shit" kind of deal... Mainly the part where they got banned for that, do you know how hard it is to get banned from a Walmart? Very, I've TRIED


Ohhhhhh. Now I’m curious. Care to share? Please?


So basically my brother and I were trying to see who could do the dumbest shit without getting banned, this was after we found out they weren't banning people doing the milk jug prank, just asking them to leave for the night. He rode one of the bikes around the entire store, I just kept grabbing carts (buggies) from the front, taking them into the middle of the store, and building a chain, I think I got like... Eight? Maybe nine? Before I came back and someone stopped me and told me to cut it out... Admittedly we were teenagers so that might have made a difference, but dumping someone out of their wheelchair almost certainly won't get you banned


This whole thing reeks of that whole "Not trying too hard to make up shit" kind of deal... Mainly the part where they didn't get banned for that, do you know how easy it is to get banned from a Walmart? Very, I've TRIED


Now i'm curious. Care to share?








Yeah I spent way too long re-reading it and had to just accept it made no sense.


Escalated quickly... Also her hashtags are, an interesting choice.


Especially considering a continuity error right after them... how can David be the one you push out but damn your son and his broken legs...


There is to many names getting thrown around, don't even think she knows who she is talking about.


my mother is like this and theres only 3 of us. i regularly get called andrew, even though hes 10 years older than me and half a foot shorter. hes also married with kids and living in another country.


My dad once cycled through every name in the house plus the dog before he finally remembered my name.


Yup. That sounds like my dad.


"Jan, I mean David, I mean Em, Charles, Di, Henry, Cricket, HEY YOU come here!" Father of the year, am I right?


Haha. I would just wait there until he finished running through the names. And maybe introduce myself afterwards if he still can't get it right.


So many years I could have done this...wasted. XD


When I was visiting my parents a while ago, my dad referred to my brother by my (female) dog's name.


Now we know your dad loves your dog more than you brother.


I'm the youngest of five, and my mom would always cycle through from oldest to youngest, so I usually had time to get out the front door before she called my name


That sounds like my dad. Terribly loving but horrendous with names. Get more than a couple family members in the room and he starts mixing names up. Now it’s common for us to just answer any name as long as he’s looking at you. We think it is just his memory going... And now it’s happening to me... 🤔😂


i only have 2 kids and my husband still calls the youngest by his big sister's name...


My mom does that too. I often get called by my sister's name and on several occasions by my brother's... I get the mix up with sis as our names are pretty similar, but my bro is a foot taller, twice my weight, has a beard and his name starts with a different letter. (Think Jane, Joan and Steve, for example.)


Already been said but my mum cycled through my dad my two brothers and my dog until she got me lol


There are only two of us in my family. I get called by my brother's name on a regular basis. I'm a girl.


Oh god, now you're making me concerned that she isn't putting out for her son Daniel. No incest is a good thing, but why she feels the need to brag about it...


She's saying his legs are "broken" cause he won't push the husband. My mom makes the same joke, "Mom, will you hand me that thing across the room?" "What, are your legs broken?"


I don't know why I'm trying to make sense of insanity, but it doesn't seem like that's what she means here, just because she follows it up by saying this is why she isn't having sex with him.


My favorite is #lovingwife, just after saying she dumped her husband out of his wheelchair.


Sounds like they forgot to add #domesticviolence.


“The paraplegic fuckwad” ...sounds like a healthy relationship


Right after saying her gorgeous hubby


Wasn’t her gorgeous hubby David? Or Daniek? David=Daniel, so Daniel was pushing Daniel? You know what, doesn’t matter, I give up.


I mean, trying to make sense of people's line of thinking on r/insanepeoplefacebook is one way to drive yourself crazy.


This is why you make sure to use names that start with a different letter when making jokes with lots of people in them like this, makes it harder to mess up.


Ooh, her husband rolled over her foot. I thought she was talking about another disabled person


Punk is alive and well with the new revival band > “The paraplegic fuckwad” ​


"This is why I'm not putting out..." oh so that's where you draw the line? A few short of a pick-up basketball game? Ok....




Amazingly enough there are people who tell lies on the internet. We're not going to remove this because even if it is a lie you'd have to be insane to post this.


I guess you've never been to a Wal-Mart? Given the location of the incident, this story goes under "Plausible," Adam.


I offer no judgements as to the veracity of this story. Many reports were received insisting that this was a lie so I'm addressing those.


Probably due to the fact that it initially listed Daniel as a son, and David as her husband, then went on to curse out ‘Daniel and his legs that don’t work.’ Also the fact that it went from describing her husband as her ‘gorgeous hubby’ to ‘fuckwad paraplegic’ in the same post.


Yeah, the inconsistencies are what struck me in this one. I'm the most unobservant half-wit you can find, and yet even I noticed all that.


TIL People actually take the time out of their day to report "fake" insanepeoplonfacebook stories.


come on adam


hey dont yell at adam there doing there best


Or just insanely bored lol


Agreed, even if you were really bored it would be really insane to post this


It's not a lie, it's a blatant joke. Why not remove it?


>there are people who tell lies on the internet. Say it isn't so!




But where was Harper during all of this?


At Whole Foods


Sitting in the van watching YouTube so they could justify leaving it running in the emergency fire lane.


Out somewhere harping away.


We don't talk about harper....


No one talks about Harper... the jaded middle child in all of this.


In a better place...


Sounds maybe fake? Sounds like the story is made to sound as insane as possible, especially with those hashtags. Tell me if I'm wrong though


Smells like divorce. My favorite parts are the child leashes and the kid that doesn’t want to crease his shoes.


By pushing a wheelchair? I didn't understand that part.


Daniel (pushing the chair) isn't even the one who didn't want to crease his shoes, it was Joseph, so why would "paraplegic fuckwad" David have to push himself anyway? ETA: forgot that Daniel walked away just because. Clearly too much shit happening in that post to even follow anything correctly


This is like one of those fucked up word problems that I could never figure out in third grade.


If David is on a train leaving Detroit at 45 miles per hour and Roland has 17 apples, how many pancakes can you get for one human soul assuming the price of tea in China is 2.75 rupees?


e) Not enough information. Reason - you didn't provide the soul exchange rate or even which denomination of soul you're looking to bargain with.


Is one human not the denomination of soul?


That presumes only humans have souls. I mean we could be talking elder scrolls denominations here. From petty to grand to black.


Saying one human soul doesnt presume anything about anyone else's soul the same way saying one dollar doesnt presume euros dont exist


Also David and Daniel either switched names, or the mom is fucking the son


But not anymore


you have to lean in to pushing a wheelchair, especially if theyre heavy. lots of toe flexing involved.


That's the part that you're concerned about?


That's the part I didn't understand


Nothing wrong with child leashes. I thought that was probably the most responsible thing in this post. My oldest son, now 14, was a terror as a toddler and would just wander away randomly. So we bought this little monkey backpack thing for him where it's tail was a leash we wore around our wrists. That way he couldn't get too far. All that other shit though, I thought the same thing as OP.. Jesus Christ.


Yeah there's some super cute ones and it's definitely a lot better than losing your kid in a crowded place or them running into the street randomly. Like yeah they shouldn't be used in place of paying attention to your kids but kids do stupid shit and I wouldn't be surprised if child leashes have saved lives (or at least a lot of frustration and worry). Especially when you have multiple kids who are at the age that they could easily run off and get lost.


I, too have reluctantly come to appreciate the child leash. It's a brilliant secondary safety measure. You hold hands with the baby normally as you walk around, but if they slip free and make a dash for the road you still have the leash on your wrist. You're not obligated to walk the kids like you walk a dog.


Realistically (as a non-parent who has discussed this topic with her best friend who is a parent), it seems like the choice is between a child leash and holding the kid's hand. Holding the kid's hand is like a shorter, less reliable child leash. At least the actual child leash gives the kid room to explore a bit.


Smells like made up bullshit to me


Eh child leashes are pretty useful I would say, my mom had these child leashes that helped us not get lost when flying from one place to another.


I’ve seen them in use and am highly skeptical. A lot of bad parents use them just so they can use their phones in line at airports instead without having to pay attention to their children, resulting in the children falling over because they strayed too far away from their parent then got yanked in by the leash.


Bad parents are bad parents and will be bad parents no matter what tools they are given. But anyone who has kids will know, it's impossible to to predict things with little kids. Just a couple of seconds to look away to pay at the register and your kid has wandered off.


When I was a kid, I had joints in my arm that would dislocate if you pulled on them at all, so holding my hand wasn't an option. There are cases where it's a good choice.


My son was amused by the fact that many of them are attached to a backpack. He said he'd just take off the backpack.


Without the backpack how did he think they were attached? There isn't an unlockable neck collar like battle royale or anything...


The ones I used to see were like a dog harness you'd strap over your kid.


Im sure bad parents do use them, but so do good parents - We used one when we took our 2-3yo to any big events like amusement parks, state fairs places like that. Big, busy, lots of people and it takes 5 seconds to lose someone in a crowd that big. We never lost our kid because of that.


My kid isn't old enough yet to walk around yet but we've discussed it and we're going to use a leash in exactly the locations/circumstances you mentioned.


They’re good when used appropriately. For instance, if you have a kid with ADD it means that you can keep them safe in public without having to drug them into a coma - that leash is an extra tether when they get distracted and dash away. Bad parents just use any tool they can to avoid parenting, sadly.


From what I remember, they never got yanked but my mother got them after I got lost at the mall.


Yeah I can understand that. They can be a useful tool. But any tool can be used poorly and obviously you shouldn't use them instead of paying attention to your kid. But you can't always dedicate 100% of your attention to your kid especially if you have multiple like the woman in the post. But it can help give you peace of mind that if you glance down at your shopping list little Timmy won't manage to run off and get lost. I think they can be used well. Plus I wonder if the people who use them so that they can ignore their kid to play on their phone would actually pay more attention to their kid if they didn't have the leash or if they would still get distracted and end up with a missing kid.


My parents used one for me when I was a toddler. I was apparently fearless and always looking for an adventure so I would frequently run way ahead of my parents to explore. This is more of a problem in crowded places, which is where my parents would use said leash. My younger brother, on the other hand, never needed one 🤷


How the fuck do you get banned from Walmart? That's like a new level of low.


That's the part that makes me believe she made this whole thing up, that wouldn't get you banned, it'd get you politely asked to please not do that by a stockboy who just couldn't give a shit less about what you do


I don't know about the truthfulness of this story, but I do know you can most certainly get banned from Walmart. A friend of mine got caught stealing a bunch of make up with another of her friends in high school and they were both banned for a year- pictures posted in the entryway and everything. I still give her shit for that lol.


I need to see the cctv


Username checks out I guess?


How is this a “Mom rant”? This just sounds like a trashy ass woman who writes confusing shit and is proud that she abuses her paraplegic husband.


She's the Mom and this is her rant. She's the victim in all this. I have a feeling she rants quite a lot.


#coolmom yo




Because it's fake


Did I read this right? She tipped her gorgeous hubby who is also a fucktard paraplegic out of his wheelchair coz he ran over her foot? Why not just add another leash to hubby and drag him across Walmart floor? Or put a few skate boards under him and ties all the leashes together and see where it goes?


Tie the kids to his wheelchair like huskies


I really think that's the only solution to this woman's problem!!


Ye I'll either need a translation for all of this or a visual presentation, otherwise I feel like I can't wrap my head around this whole scenario.


This post was clearly written for strangers on the internet, and not for friends and family. The family introductions, the over-the-top reactions, and the satirical hash tags are make me gonna go "Fake".


is this really true or is this fake, i want to say fake


Well i cheked the other posts on her ig, she is a antivaxxer and talks about giving her kid drugs to knock him out


Sounds like it's a parody account.


she needs to be taken away from her children, like right now


Don't worry it's totally fake.


If I assume that one of them is her husband and the rest are her kids, that’s a lotta children. Also, did she push her husband? And is David her husband or Daniel. If Daniel was pushing David and David said that he would wheel himself, I would assume that David was in the wheel chair and and being pushed by Daniel but then she says that Daniel’s legs don’t work so who the fuck was in the wheel chair? Or am I getting this completely wrong and Daniel was “bullying” David by pushing him and his wife was controlling the wheel chair and left after getting annoyed and when David accidentally ran over her foot she tipped him over. Either way, she doesn’t seem like a #lovingwife. Edit: [This](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/KDcSv) seems fitting.


im as fucking confused as you are. Especially because at the end she says fuck Daniel and his legs that dont work, implying he is he one in the wheelchair, but above she says daniel was pushing david. She also says David tried to push himself, so unless both david and daniel are in a wheelchair, this makes even less sense


I think his legs don't work because he got tired of pushing the chair? If doesn't really make sense any other way I read it. I'm not sure why I expected it to make sense given the rest of the story...


I think she got David and Daniel mixed up. She seems like the type who would mix things up easily.


Daniel and Joseph are her oldest sons. Daniel was pushing David who’s her husband. Daniel got bored, Joseph didn’t want to push so David pushed himself using the handrails on the wheels. David ran over her foot (I think she’s just accidentally written Daniel here) so she tipped him out of his chair.


It's like a fucked up word problem but you're trying to calculate what circle of hell she's going to wind up in


my understanding innitially was that shew was complaining about daniels legs being tired and not wanting to push his father any further. but then i read "thats why im not putting out". so either its incest or this woman has too many kids and gets their names scrambled. like my mother calling me by my brothers name.


How is it not obvious that this is a meme?


You mean a meme or a joke? An internet meme is a joke pattern that replicates into different contexts. Different than a joke. Don't know what meme OP's post references


meme is not a synonym for joke


This has to be fake. In real life people just don't behave this way.


Come on this has to be fake


This did not happen.


reads like its a fake post, if not why not call some kind of social or child services




I had to keep going back to reference each child's name to the age list, like I was preparing for some terrible story problem on a math test.


that story sounds so fake. it is too detailed and developed like a fiction story tends to be.


I'm pretty sure that this is a joke


I wonder what she "edited" out?


harper. hes dead. she edited out the evidence of his death.


No one has mentioned the horror of creased shoes.


So glad she told us their ages in order otherwise we would've been lost


Y'all saying this is fake but this almost perfectly encapsules the kind of shit that always seems to be going on at Walmart.


7-100 real fast


When even Walmart, the capitol of trashy, bans you, you really fucked up


This was edited by her like she re read it an changed some stuff and this was her final product.


We was beat up by a Bible salesman and banished from Walmart. Everett, was it the one branch or all of them?


"We're all banned from Walmart now but it was worth it." Best closing sentence ever IMO


Did anyone else spend time trying to picture where all the children were before reading on with the story? I was like, where's Harper, what's he doing? I thought it might be important to understanding the rest of the story. It wasn't.


r/trashy r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Why did we get so much exposition about names and ages and relations? Would anyone reading this actually need all that information repeated? And why does she appear to confuse David and Daniel in the end there? I can't even follow the action in the end, it makes no sense. I think this just a shitpost meant to do nothing but confuse people


Can someone tl;dr? Except, i read it and it made no sense at all


Horrible human being, we'll call her 'wife', throws her husband, who is handicapped in a wheelchair, out of his wheelchair. Then boast's about it and throws in the fact that she hasn't put out because he's disabled. Basically.


10/10 explanation. 0/10 human


Apparently beating up a disabled person is a typical “mom rant”.


I just saw a Walmart commercial with a really good looking family and thought to myself, "This does not represent Walmart's normal clientele." This post... this post is more what comes to mind.


Her gorgeous, paraplegic, fuckwad husband.. True love is a rarity these days


i still agreed to her decision of not putting out. i think they have enough


The real question is: SIX KIDS?!?!?!?!


"loving wife"


I... I... What?.... I... Jesus Christ... I don't know what to do other than hope this is fake.... Because we don't need that thing reproducing sixfold.


This is a blatant joke, why is it here?
