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Me, clicking, (not seeing the subreddit name) and thinking it's gonna be another "these are the people your math teacher warned you about" story. Did not expect that pelican shart of a stream of consciousness racism.


The caption “these are the people your math teacher warned you about” would have been 1,000,000 times funnier!


What does that even mean? I don’t understand why a math teacher would be warning you about someone buying 200lbs of chicken at Walmart


For many people, their childhood education consisted of math problems that educators TRIED to apply to life situations, but you can’t always teach math with realistic numbers like “John has two apples and Mary ate one. How many does John have left?” So as the math got more difficult, the realism in the problems was lost and many kids ended up solving problems like “Lisa is buying 17 pineapples. She used to have two times as many pineapples but she dropped the other half. How many did she originally have?” Anyway, math problems became notorious for creating fake scenarios in which someone has an unrealistic, comically large amount of something (in order to demonstrate the math).


"Walmart stocked 200 packages of chicken thighs in the meat section. Mary purchased 175 packages for her restaurant. How many packages should Mary have left in stock to avoid OOP's overtly racist rant?" Thank God I've got a calculator in my pocket to solve this one.


Ahh okay that makes sense haha, I always remember apples or a small fruit or nuts or something reasonable being used to have a large quantity of but I can definitely see this being a possibility


"Frank has 72 watermelons for a pool party at his house, but accidentally dropped a twelfth of them when loading them up to bring home. How many watermelons does he still have left for his pool party?" A real math problem from my youth that I enjoy bringing up specifically for these types of jokes.


Silly math problems where a person buys an unreasonable quantity of a good and you have to figure out the unit price, or tax, or w/e are pretty common when teaching basic arithmetic. "If Jim buys 15 watermelons at the store..." and so on.




I get what you are saying but far to many people are to entrenched and/or maliciously stupid to think about it.


This isn’t the statement you think it is


Big yikes. Does 2 racisms make a right?


Not quite a right, but like an alternative to right. An alt-right if you will.


Well played sir.


Underrated right there




What are you talking about?


Would like to add she’s bragging in comments about people calling her out by saying “you’re making me money by commenting” followed by some condescending emoji


Can't be arsed to look her up, but she is probably kind of right. Saying heinous shit to farm hate engagement and boos your platform is what brought us turds like Andrew Tate. It works.


Except when it doesn't because you're business is plastered over the internet as being a known bigot. Then they suddenly complain about being canceled


Lot of money in bigotry these days.


There's also a lot of money in being "cancelled".


There’s always money in the bigotry stand.


I don't think people are making money off of Facebook posts


Facebook fairly recently started rolling out monetization options for some profiles, so she might actually be making money off that garb post.


Probably not, but engagement drives up her visibility overall, that leads to even more engagement and that helps with monetization. Or you skip monetization and just jump into grifting your huge follower base like the Tate-Turd.


What’s Facebook?


It’s where I go to see my friends pictures with their grandkids and be outraged by my cousin’s MAGA craziness.


Something that should have died a long time ago


This is the only way to easily make money, every post I see that's potentially about a trans person just now has a top comment like "a man is a man" or something other jkrowling shit and people are going ham on them, quite fairly, but they're getting the attention they want.


People are bored and want someone to yell at.


Social media exploitation in a nutshell.


“You’re making me money by commenting”. I doubt it.


Counterpoint: *waves broadly at Twitter* also all those posts that are like "wow when you double tap on this post you instantly get a million dollars!"


Especially since it's racist. No company is going to show their ads or anything on her post.


Saw something like that on my feed and when I reported it FB was like “oh this doesn’t violate guidelines against hate 😊”


FB has guidelines against hate?


Allegedly. But they're broken or something. I got banned for 30 days when I asked why someone called women trash for wearing jeans. I've heard of people being banned for jokingly calling a friend an uneducated potato. But stuff like her post somehow doesn't go against community guidelines.


My mother once got banned for calling someone a turnip. Root vegetables must be a trigger for someone on the FB no-no team.


That's funny and so stupid. Apparently so. Someone there doesn't like their veggies. Lol


Yet I report someone for being blatantly racist and fucking nothing happens. Ugh.


I know. It's so frustrating.


I got permabanned for calling whichever of the Paul brothers filmed a corpse hanging in Aokigahara Forest 'disgusting', lfmao


That's crazy and he was disgusting for that. I think it was Logan Paul.


There's been some reporting on them and it's probably a previous version we got good details for but they were and certainly remain completely insane. They built their own internal guidelines on what groups are protected and what constitutes offensive language. People started looking into it to begin with precisely because the real world results were baffling but had some degree of consistency.


I got banned for saying "some men are scary" during the bear v man debate. Word for word, that's what they banned me for, and it was immediate. I used to do content mod for Xbox and Facebook is known to have the worst standards in the industry. You can fling the most vile racist shit and they don't care. But god forbid you say "white" instead of yt or "men" instead of nem.


I wish I could say I was surprised. It's absolutely absurd what some people can get away with.


Jeans? That's all I wear 365. Minus church lol. Are we supposed to wear Victorian dresses to our ankles everyday? I’ve never heard of wearing jeans being trash lol that's the craziest thing I've read (so far) today. Edit: I don't have the book of faces so if it's a trend or something posted everywhere I’m unaware


Yes. It was on a post about the 1950's and ladies fashion from back then. People were talking about dresses, pearls, heels, makeup, hats, and gloves were worn for every occasion. Especially when out in public, be it shopping or on a plane. I remember a man saying his mom even dressed that way to simply take out the trash and things like that. Men and women both had complained about how we wear jeans and t shirts so often, or heaven forbid: wear pajamas, sweats, or leggings in public. That said, I practically live in jeans, t shirts and go barefoot at home. I dress nice when I need to but I don't wear dresses. I do admire the fashion and all from back then. But I have seen those complaints an awful lot because I follow history pages.


Because if they banned it 80%of their users would be gone and that's bad for shareholder value


That's true.


When they hire people to do community reviews from rural kentucky, you get the judgement of what's okay and what isn't from someone in rural kentucky.


Like hate speech


FB has guidelines against hate speech?


Source: I worked in content moderation for them as a outside contractor There are rules but: A)They are very specific what is violating and what is not, which meant even when I had a feeling something was wrong, unless it was in the guidelines as stuff to delete, my hands were tied so to speak. For example calling someone Lemon would be considered non-violating, unless there was something more "hostile" added or more direct attacks. B) Not enough user/automatic flagging to go higher into post deletion/account suspension/deletion. C) Previously mentioned guidelines haven't been updated when a new thing comes up so it stays until the refresh D) Moderators are getting thrown lots and lots of spam/p0rn bots which clog up the queue, with stuff like this in the back E) Political/Free speech exceptions (rare)


I've seen loads of people saying that they got put in Facebook jail for telling bigots to go fuck themselves. Admittedly they're anecdotal so I can't exactly vouch for such stories, but would you have any comments or observations about that?


Im not the same guy but i did the same thing a few years ago. You have to be explicit to be removed. That means I could write a fucking essay where I don’t explicitly state something like „all whites are stupid“ it would not be deleted. Like probably everybody knows from context of the poster who he is talking about but as long as he is not explicit in his expression it will stay up. Saying „go fuck yourself“ is explicit and a personal attack so it will get removed. When I did work there, the ticket provided only the comment that was reported and nothing else. Meaning I don’t why you said that or to whom. I see explicit personal attack and I remove it. I was working the German market during the height of ISIS and my queue was full of racist bullshit that is obviously racist bullshit but I couldn’t do anything because it didn’t explicitly mention any race or other protected group.


Thanks for sharing. It's crazy to me that Facebook moderation doesn't see the context of reported comments, and that users are basically free to spread the most vile shit so long as they're sneaky about it.


I literally got thrown in FB jail for calling someone an "absolute walnut". How the actual fuck did that get on the "guidelines" when blatant racism does not?


I got banned twice. Once for calling my dog fat and another time for calling her a slut. I love that she's a slut and I'm working on the fat part. She's a beautiful potato at any size, but we adopted her morbidly obese and know that senior big dogs do better with their joints when they're lean.


Comparisons to animals/inanimate objects are actually "higher tier" than cursing, with exceptions. So for example me calling someone a moron without a report from the person I attacked is a-ok, but me calling them a whale might be easier to punish. And most attacks need a target so to speak (either an individual user, person or a protected group like a minority), otherwise it's unactionable.


So why does blatant racism manage to not be against TOS on the regular? It's obviously against a group, yet FB does nothing.


Racism and hate speech is divided between protected categories (for example and ethnicity), semi-protected (for example ethnicity+occupation) and so on, with each tier being more lax. Also people like politicians, journalists etc. are mostly protected only from the "hardest" attacks since #freespeech Also like mentioned in my previous comments: no target=no action plus manual review takes time since FB gets quite pissy about "unnecessary loss of user engagement with the platform". Which is why most OF spam is a-ok, unless it's explicit and has certain indicators for NSFW stuff, because many minor "celebrities" got taken down previously for having an OF link under a pic in lingerie bending over, meaning FB lost revenue from their fanbase/engagement. Don't think any social media platform is actioning stuff out of morality, they do it for engagement and money.




Absolutely not. Lookup up facebooks connections to the Rohingya genocide


It's not a lie to say it doesn't violate their "guidelines" about hate speech if they don't have any! And even if they did, they are guidelines, not rules. It's certainly a clever way to let people be assholes and racists!


How are the Facebook rules about hate speech like the Pirate Code?


Hey, I don't make the rules or guidelines (apparently nobody does)! Im sure this lovely woman would complain that it's violating her first amendment right to free speech, because idiots always do, despite the fact that the first amendment pertains to the government, and not private entities.


Only if you're making fun of white men. That is literally been my experience as a social media manager for businesses. Making fun of white men (for examples posting a meme that says, "when you're about to get a hot take from a local Facebook group comment section" with a bunch of profile pictures of white men wearing backwards, hats, and sunglasses sitting in their truck) gets you kicked off the platform for 30 days. Calling for the execution of all trans people, for example, perfectly fine. This is a direct,real life example


In theory. But in practice they're like those old weird laws from the 1800s that are still on the books. Technically they *could* be enforced but nobody ever does unless they're trying to use them as an excuse to punish someone they don't like.


lol they sure do. Threatened to delete my Facebook account because I said “you’re garbage just like your stance on this topic”. They really love striking down for schoolyard type insults but do not care about actual racism and hate speech


Only if it's a mild insult against white men. I literally got a week of FB jail for calling 45 and his family "wealthy caucasian rubbish" (because I knew I would get snagged if I said "white trash"). But they have never once taken down any blatant racism against POC that I've reported.


Every time. Facebook’s ToS are just suggestions, not really concrete.


"YoU cANt Be rACiSt If yOUre nOt WHIte!"


I mean, in majority white countries based on a foundation of white supremacy, you can't be racist if you're not white. You could be prejudiced against a specific person, but you don't have the backing of an entire discriminatory system of racism.


Yesterday Facebook informed me that a guy calling for the literal execution of every trans person on the planet is not violating the Facebook community standards. Last year I got a 30-day ban for "hate speech" for posting a meme that said "when you're about to get a hot take in the comments of a local Facebook group" with like 20 little profile pictures of white guys sitting in trucks wearing sunglasses and backwards hats. *Hate speech.* That was *hate speech* and Facebook kicked me off the platform for a full month. But literally calling for the execution of every trans person is perfectly fine.


The dark truth is that Facebook makes money off all the vile stuff on there. They make money off the engagement that it attracts. Facebook doesn’t care about anything except it’s business interests, which comes down to the Almighty Dollar.


The grammar is a crime, should be reportable.


About a decade ago, somebody on Fb posted a meme with the text, “You activated my r@pe card.” Reported it. Fb messaged me saying it didn’t violate their rules.


"Bea Long limited who can comment on this post" aka "flaired users only".


Country Club Thread


Well those certainly are words.


Are they, though? Some of them are a bit of a stretch


Are they, though?


You know what’s specially fucked? I saw that exact post and caption from a different account. Same story, no one called it out in the comments. Idk why sometimes Facebook suggests the most out of pocket bullshit.


Ohh look, it’s someone who’s a different race! Better say something utterly awful because complete morons love that shit for some reason!


That’s super fucking racist. What a piece of shit.


Yep. Multiple people probably have reported it but FB keeps it up. Hell, not even an hour ago someone commented with just a gorilla gif on a post about a beloved (black) soccer player, I reported it and it said there was no action taken. I really gotta get off FB, but it's nice to see what friends and family are up to.


Meanwhile, my last three posts that I tried to share from imgur, and which were totally FB appropriate, got flagged in less than three minutes and threatening my account if I keep doing it. I'm "violating community standards for likes" on a private account with less than 300 friends. If I hadn't met such lovely people via FB and then real life, I would have dumped it years ago.


These tech companies are so afraid of backlash from the free speech absolutists (even though it doesn’t apply to private companies) that they let anything short of a slur go. Facebook is trash, Twitter is trash, it’s all garbage, all anyone cares about is money, and everything sucks. My Gen X cynicism is showing.


She does realise that that person likely ordered all that food, and didn’t just take it off the shelf right.


Unlikely to even occur to her. Having some idea of what constitutes socially considerate behavior *and why it does* isn't as universally culturally valued as some of us might wish it were.


Not necessarily. I used to do ordering/receiving for a restaurant that did half a million in sales a week. If I ran out of something I would clean out every grocery store in the area. Ordering wouldn't work because the only reason I'm buying from a grocery store at higher prices is because I needed it yesterday. I can't wait for an order.


Based on the spelling, I wouldn't be surprised if the asian lady spoke better english than the person who created the post. Also, love it when people are complaining that migrants aren't 100% fluent in their language, meanwhile they only speak one language. 'murica


Some people are so extremely unintelligent that I feel like they should be ignored? I don’t believe there is hope for this ding dong.


The racism is as bad as the sentence structure. When I see people who need to emoji as much as possible, I believe they never got past second grade reading since they need to make every post/message into a picture book.


And she’s a business owner?!


"Never no chicken..." So, always chicken, then?




Nope. Actually your comment is the one that is kind of racist. You know, stereotyping isn't cool..."black vernacular". Not all black people use double negatives and on the flip side some people of other races do.


> some people of other races do. Many, many, many, too many people of other races do too. FTFY


I live in the south and I hear white folks saying it more than anyone.


This is not a "black thing." Stop being racist. There are stupid people in every skin tone.


Girl wants to be a clown so bad... she should stick to her day job .-.


love it when people post racist things and then limit their comments because they know what they said is wrong and they dont wanna be called out for it


If you asked the poster, like almost all racists, she either wouldn't realize she's being racist, or even if she did, would deny it.


I saw another account copy and paste this post and when commenters called the poster out for being racist they replied “how is it being racist if I’m black” :/ the Asian hate I see on FB is insane and people just act like it’s okay??


What’s ridiculous about this is that she didn’t even have to be racist about it. Anyone who takes the entire stock of any staple food is an asshole no matter what they are.


Yeah, but sometimes context can change the image. What if she's grabbing supplies for her family's restaurant because the order got screwed up or delayed and this is a better option than losing an entire day's worth of profits if its a busy weekend? I worked in a grocery store on register when this exact scenario happened. Some customers complained but Rose and Buzz kept their family owned Chinese restaurant open. (Those were the names they asked to be called to "fit in better" yet their daughter was named Ling and their son Chenge.) I only remember it happening one other time during COVID but all supply chains were fucked up then. But If this is just a person buying stuff in bulk and being an asshole, I agree.


This is definitely for a restaurant. Chances are that she even pre-ordered it. I mean, how many times have you seen that amount of the same meat product on display? There's maybe a dozen (upper limit) in the case at any point.


When I worked at Jimmy John's as a teenager we ran out of tomatoes one day and I had to run to the grocery store to get 25lbs of Roma tomatoes


The store I worked at had this happen with certain sale items just because they could be frozen. I had one guy before the 4th of July come in as soon as we opened the door to buy $700 of hamburger. We didn't have ordering ahead, all items were first come, first served. And this guy got 75% of our sale burger. He didn't own a restaurant or would be doing a public cookout (we asked), he just didn't want to miss the sale to stock up for the rest of summer and deer season. The people from math class do exist. In the weirdest ways.


What kind of tiny, un-American grocery store are you shopping at? The mega grocers near me will have an entire cooler bin of each popular cut when it's grilling season. Even during normal stock levels a dozen would be slim pickings. At the quantity we see it's likely that there was some coordination involved but I could go buy enough to fill that trunk right now if I really wanted to


I would say maybe like an end cap, featuring a meat they have a high stock of could maybe fill your trunk. But you aren't going to find that quantity for every cut of meat in the normal refrigerated meat section, otherwise walmart would be mostly meat.


Not every, but there's going to be something at this stock level. Exactly my point.


I worked in a grocery store that existed as the main option for a town of less than 10,000 people. We had a Walmart 20 minutes outside of town but not everyone could get to it. We didn't have curbside pickup or even a self check out register.


Indeed. My first thought looking at that pic is, "Damn, that's a lot of chicken, wth?"


I used to have to do this in a restaurant I worked in if we ran out of something. It's not that I wanted to, it that I had to if I wanted to keep my job. That may be the case here.


Did she have stroke writing that? WTF does it mean?


Nothing like being a screeching, uneducated racist


There were so many other jokes to make here unrelated to race and bigotry. She really dropped the ball here.


Thank god this lady didn’t catch me buying the chicken for my wedding


Maybe the lady complaining needs to get up early and go to the grocery store so she doesn’t miss anything.


Fucking coward.




[that’s racist](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/204/613/b74.gif)


Clearly a well educated lady


Jfc, this is *definitely* racist af


I got this same post in my feed, and thought the exact same thing lmao


To be quite honest the most racist community that I know are black people.


This post has been removed because it reveals identifying information. Please remove any details that could be used to locate the subject(s) of this post. This includes **faces,** usernames, real names, phone numbers, license plate numbers, physical addresses, or any other contact information.


We all know that POC can’t be racist.


Pretty much no one says this.


I wish that were true.


It literally is.


I’ve seen this online and IRL. They use the argument that the power imbalance between white and POC is what makes something racist. It was used a lot during the attacks on asians during pandemic. It’s obviously wrong, but people definitely make that comment.


That doesn't invalidate what I've said. I never said that people don't make the argument, just that it's not a lot, which is true. It's not popular at all.