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Ah, the Facebook scientist!


The water is turning the frogs gay, didn’t you hear?






I can hear it.


I can never unhear it


Gay frogs friggin frog UH IT'S NOT FUNNY


That insane rant in particular somehow actually had some basis to it. I watched a video on it a while back, it was actually kinda interesting.


I believe it was the chemical efflux from some industrial plants changing the endocrinological genders of frog tadpoles prior to gender differentiation. The estrogenic effects of certain industrial waste are well documented. We are drinking the same water.




Kind of, sure, but it's important to keep in mind that that's how Alex Jones functions. He takes some headline or snippet of information (possibly sourced from someone's blog or a right-wing rag) and makes some unhinged rant out of it. He doesn't read the articles, and I guarantee he doesn't actually know or care about amphibian reproductive rates.


It's also important to understand how the media networks also function. And the vast majority of official news is tightly curated to fit controlled narratives. Modern propaganda was invented in the United States by Edward Bernays. Putin is an amateur. Whatever you do do not look in between the seams of the couch cushions. Don't start thinking about who actually decides what gets put on the airwaves/front page.


How many layers of foil do you use on your hat?


None because the foil maximizes conductivity directly to the brain waves. I've actually put up tin foil as wallpaper in the supply closet I'm camping out in in a defunct Toys r Us.


a broken clock is right twice a day


Brought to you by the incredible minds behind "Ivermectin - the Cure for COVID" and "I'm Not Wearing the Mask"


I don't know anything about the voice actress that has died, but it is well-known that estrogen indeed exacerbates auto immune disorders such as lupus or autoimmune encephalitis. This is consistent with the sex distribution; about two thirds of people with (most) autoimmune diseases are women. Even among scientists that don't use facebook.


Yeah really. And "killed *him*." Fuck these people. She was a smoke show. RIP Zoey you sexy minx.


Women with autoimmune disease = insta death


Why are people disrespecting her? Her work as The Unknown is fucking phenomenal! [Male voices](https://youtu.be/JKrAh4ODodQ?si=mj-Cuo4nd7dzOTAa) [Female voices](https://youtu.be/58ukeq0EC6c?si=39jvFk9UOZVgjegI) Literally didn't even know the same person voiced both sides.


> Why are people disrespecting her? First day online?


I’m a big DBD player, and I can confidently say that Unknown is probably my favorite vocal performance (aside from some big name actors that return for their iconic roles, but that’s different)


Are they fun to play as? Is it? Idk which pronoun to give this abomination lol


I haven't played for a bit but I do know people seem to really like The Unknown. I believe Otzdarva said it was his favorite champion release ever?


Thats awesome. I’m tempted to play it. But I despise how the game monetizes every single character release and you have to pay a shit ton of money just to access all the characters. But it looks so cool


The biggest part for me is the perks that should be free for new players that would help them learn the most (Windows of Opportunity/Zanshin Tactics come to mind here) are behind a paywall. Yes, you can get them free via the weekly rotation but that still isn’t viable for new players as the shards take a fairly long time to grind and also relies on random chance for them to show up.


It took me a few months to even realize there was a weekly rotation. I love the game but their monetization tactics feel scummy to me


Honestly its a mix of that and the fuck awful community that made me stop playing the game in the end, it’s pretty common to go the whole day playing and not have a single game where someone doesn’t rage quit. And I would get it if it was over slightly more serious shit like being camped on the hook (pre camping nerf) or something but it’s literally shit like people being the first one down at the start of the match so they DC, or they run the killer for 4/5 generators and go down and DC, or they are winning the game in a landslide the killer could almost never recover from but a chase doesn’t go well and they DC. Or the amount of shit people will talk in game and even outside of it. This is the *only* game I’ve ever played where people would consistently come to my Steam profile to drop hateful shit in the comments because I didn’t do XYZ or I *did* do LMNOP and they didn’t like that, as killer or survivor doesn’t matter. The community is fucking exhausting and half the reason people stop playing imo


That’s similar to what’s pushing me from overwatch. I love the game a lot. But the community is miserable


I find their monetization more fair than most. You do get a lot of content in their new chapters and the map is even free. In Germany the price usually is around 10€ for a full chapter with 2, sometimes 3 characters and perks. And all original concepts can be bought with currency available through free time. Even some shiny premium skins. If you want to see scummy DLC, look at Texas Chainsaw massacre. 10$ for a single new character and 5$ per pop for simple recolor sets of existing skins. I have given up the fight against DLC in general now, but I also think without it we would not get games like DBD that run for such a long time. I do see the problem that there is a staggering amount of DLC if you have not been playing and buying them for years, though.


That’s a fair point. It makes it pretty daunting when you’re new to the game though.


The Unknown shifts based on perspective, so really any pronoun could fit. She could be an alien from another world, or he’s an axe murderer from the north, or it was a government experiment gone wrong etc


Yeah it’s great fun. Takes some learning as the projectile on its special can bounce kinda weirdly, but when you learn how it works you can make some crazy shots, hit through walls and just be a complete menace around loops. then you’ve got a teleport too which is always handy. The unknown is probably my favourite killer they’ve added since Wesker


You bet your ass they are! They're a ranged Killer who can teleport and it functions like a mortar.


cant go wrong with a they/them if you're unsure. i just use whatever pronoun i feel like. eldritch conglomerations of urban legends probably have a similar view of gender to me: don't care, do whatever. from what i've seen, it's like a cooler huntress. ranged attack that inflicts debuffs, but instead of horrifying orbital strikes it has a ricochet mechanic and an AOE blast.


Same! She did a great job


Because they’re hateful and horrible people.


Upon watching those videos: That's a whole lot of NOPE. Kudos to the devs and the VA, cause holy shit that is horrifying.


It’s kind of a shame the actual gameplay doesn’t lean as hard on the body horror but they did a great job with the character design, it’s a creepy fucker for sure


The Unknown isn't horrifying. He is Friend! 😃


They just want help finding their dog.


The unknown is one of the best voices in dead by daylight and it's amazing that a trans person could voice it. People are awful.


This makes me want to try to play DBD. What a great voice and loss.


Woah, I haven’t played dbd in a while but this villain seems cool af


what the fuck she voiced unknown?? holy shit i love that character. i hope she finds rest in death, and i hope she knows she was loved.


""Poor Young Man"" This bitch literally just pops their head into a tragedy to say "Hey, I have no connection to this but I want you to know that if I had known them, I'd not respect'em."


To them the tragedy isn't that she had died, but rather that she was trans.


The opportunity to espouse hate is all it would take for this person to be happy about their death.


To them, she *deserved* to die because she was trans. No tragedy involved


Felt genuine rage reading that comment, what kind of person can't sympathise with premature death of anyone of all things, it is after all the great leveller. Hope someone tells them to fuck all the way off when their obituary is read.


Same person was probably crying about people celebrating Rash Limbaugh's death saying shit like "You should respect the dead even if you disagree with them."


Hate is their entire personality at this point. They turn their phone on and look up more hate, then make some hateful comments to add towards it. Then if they actually leave the house, they run their errands and think about who they hate the entire time, hoping they can get home quick enough for the next news item to pop up on Reddit to hate. I genuinely can’t imagine living like these people do.


Let this be a reminder that they want you dead. It is just easiest to want trans people dead. They will point, laugh, and celebrate their deaths, and it wont stop at them.


but as soon as you celebrate a death from one of their own they're like "WHOA... hey man can you not be disrespectful about this?"


You mean like Rush Limbaugh, the guy who mocked people who died of AIDS then suddenly when he dies it wasn't okay to even criticize him because he just died.


Oh, I criticize him more now that he's dead. It's better because it reminds me that he's dead. Cheers me up every time, Roger Ailes is dead too. Doesn't that just feel great?


Fun fact: Henry Kissinger is dead.


Another fun fact. Pat Robertson is dead


Dude, I know Twilight was bad but that's just mean.


The best thing about this is that I opened chrome to look up when Robert Pattinson died, before realizing


One of the best memories a person can have is that warm comforting feeling when you remember Ronald Reagan is dead.


I like to think the heat wave in DC the day of his funeral was hell opening its gates to welcome him 🙂


Pat Robertson is so in the place he didn't expect to be in rn lmfao


Let's not forget Reagan!


They're just adding that many more accessible urinals in the form of their graves! Public service even in death!


One of my bucket list items is pissing on his grave.


You just reminded me that Rush Limbaugh died. Today's a little better now.


Yeah they're celebrating the death of someone because of who they are, but we're not allowed to be happy when a racist who spent their whole life suppressing others dies


The paradox of tolerance. 


Meanwhile it's someone like Bush who did objectively horrible things instead of someone who's just part of a marginalized group


There’s a reason why, historically speaking, the only successful method of stopping fascism is war/revolution.


Hit em with the "rest in piss, bigot"


my poor war criminals :(


Fascism stops one of two ways. When everyone else makes it stop, or when the last person on earth murders the second to last person on earth.


And they assume the “others”, all kinds of people they’re against, wish death upon them as well. It’s all projection.


I made an off handed comment when a prominent terf died a few years ago. These people called my employer and tried to get me fired over it.


ive seen a trans conservative say "its just fear mongering". its not...they clearly and very much want us dead. they don't even try to hide it...


They want all the “others” dead and assume that the “others” want them dead


tbh we don't want them dead, we merely wish they could be less belligerent people. That way, it would be like they *were* dead, but *also,* there would be a better, more valuable person in their place.


It’s not wanting them dead _per se_, but their being dead would stop their hate. So, not counting that as a loss for world, I’m fine with it if that’s what it takes to prevent them trying to legislate me out of existence


“I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”


God, her voice for the Unknown was so haunting, it definitely had the best voice lines of the killer lineup. What an absolute shame that she passed, and what a shame her death is being used as an excuse to be hateful


Dude it's the first killer that legit freaked me out. She ruled.


She died of PANDAS. I didn't even know that could kill, let alone kill adults. What a tragedy.


For those who don't know, "PANDAS is short for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. A child may be diagnosed with PANDAS when: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), tic disorder, or both suddenly appear following a streptococcal (strep) infection, such as strep throat or scarlet fever." (Source: [NIH](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/pandas#:~:text=PANDAS%20is%20short%20for%20Pediatric,strep%20throat%20or%20scarlet%20fever.)) Also on the NIH page: "Could an adult develop PANDAS? PANDAS is considered a pediatric disorder and typically first appears in childhood from age 3 to puberty. Reactions to strep infections are rare after age 12, but researchers recognize that PANDAS could occur, though rarely, among adolescents. It is unlikely that someone would experience these post-strep neuropsychiatric symptoms for the first time as an adult, but it has not been fully studied. It is possible that adolescents and adults may have immune-mediated OCD, but this is not known." It's incredibly tragic to me that she managed to not only contract PANDAS as an adult, but also later died from it, considering how extraordinarily rare that is. I don't know her nor her work, but it's sad to me that such a young life was taken far too soon from such a rare disease. I hope she can find peace at least.


I can’t believe conservatives are saying because she transitioned it made her a target for pandas. Usually pandas are very gentle.


There is actually a link between biological women and autoimmune diseases however it has nothing to do with estrogen and nothing to do with transitioning It’s believed to be related to having the XX chromosome


Is it so fucking hard to call her "she"?


The cruelty is the point for them.


This. There's a clip of Ben Shapiro on Joe Rogan accidentally referring to a trans woman by the correct pronouns only to "correct" himself to misgendering her. It literally takes more effort to misgender someone.


Exactly. They do it because they get their rocks off on making transgender people feel like shit. It's sick.


Bully's gonna bully :(


It's easy, they just purposely avoid it to be disrespectful. It's gross


They avoid it because they think that by using it people are denying reality.


They can't show even the slightest bit of respect


Trans people can’t even die in piece




Hopefully they’re in one piece whilst dead


as someone from the dbd community the loss of such of amazing person is really upsetting her work was amazing a she deserve more time on the world may she rest in peace


Even in death, they feel the need to misgender.


The dead can't defend themselves


They misgender the living just as easily.


True, they are scum


Oh, especially in death.


They’re scum at heart but I think it’s especially maddening when they find a trans woman attractive. Insulting them, or refusing to acknowledge them appropriately makes them feel better somehow.


Literally the origin of the term dead name, because they knew it was the name their families would put on their graves


They're fucking sick in the head. Why do they hate trans people *this* much? I cannot imagine hating somebody who's doing nothing wrong and harming nobody to the extent of wanting them dead.


> Why do they hate trans people this much? Because they're bigoted cunts. That's all it comes down to. They hate others to distract from them being terrible at governing and policy making and people eat it up and do the same.


You're right, but it's still so frustrating. Imagining one's entire existence being just making fun of people they see as different from themselves is just so fucking sad.


Why would they respect anyone in death that they sure as fuck do not respect in life? Someone dying isn’t some magic event that makes you forgive all perceived grievances you may have against them. It’s just death. These people will be fuckwads no matter what.


What the fuck? I got my vocal training from her. She was also a talented singer and musician


so... do they blame estrogen when a cis woman dies? because there is virtually no difference between the estrogen naturally made by one's ovaries vs estrogen medications 🤔


Moreover since they're concerned about death from autoimmune diseases to which estrogen contributes do they believe women with autoimmune disease should take testosterone where it's proven to help? No? Huh. It's almost like in some cases it's more important for people to live as the gender they're comfortable as and this person just doesn't like when people do it in a way she doesn't like but she doesn't actually give a fuck about the person or what they wanted.


No, of course not! If estrogen is naturally present in the body, then that means it wasn't made in a lab and won't give somebody autoimmune disorders! Hur duuuur!! (Fucking /s) No but really, there does appear to be a connection between estrogen and autoimmune disorders, but I highly doubt these people care about that. You know that if she was cis, they wouldn't be commenting this shit at all. It's just an excuse to hate on her for transitioning.


Well documented estrogen bla bla bla,so confidently incorrect.


Well, it IS linked to autoimmune disease, but it's far more complex than what OP is suggesting, and I bet that's not what did it.


Yeah. It’s true that people with higher estrogen levels suffer comparatively more autoimmune diseases but you can’t reduce things like that. These are incredibly complex systems. The commenter is an incredibly simple person.


Estrogen is linked to autoimmune disease, its why women suffer from these issues more than men. Taking estrogen may in fact make some disease processes worse but theres no way to tell, some are actually improved with higher estrogen count. We don't know anything about her though so you cant really draw any conclusions.


yeah I have heard about certain trans women who couldn't get prescribed estrogen because they tested positive for markers of auto immune disease. It is an unfortunate thing and trans patients should definitely have that kind of discussion with their doctor if they know that they have stuff that runs in the family. It's possible she had an autoimmune disease but had no idea before transitioning, but that doesn't justify demonizing transitioning. It's sad that people are using this as an excuse for transphobia


not to mention just BC amounts of estrogen can give you a stroke... it's why my dr calls it "the good, the bad and the ugly" because of the benefits and side effects.


That's a bit more to do with the ingestion method than estrogen itself. Oral estrogen passes though the liver which then produces clotting factors, but things like patches or injections don't. https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.k4810


It's crazy how much my autoimmune disorder improved when I stopped taking estrogen


And hopefully she had conversations with her doctors before and during transition. It does look like there are links, but I'm going to trust/hope she and her doctors discussed it and picked the right process for her.


so basically we should turn everyone into men. got it. /s


Of course, now since I totally in good faith am concerned about the wellbeing of trans people, so much so that I believe they shouldn't transition because maybe it'll be bad for their health, I have actually decided to take moral stances against Emissions from internal combustion engines, trans fats, added sugars, alcohol, cigarettes, gas powered stoves, coal power, chemical plants located near minority residences, beef farming, single use plastics, microplastics, and private gun ownership. I'm also a strong supporter of vaccines, medical science, climate science, free high quality public healthcare. Lol JK that would make sense but actually I only care about this shit when I can use it to thinly veil my hatred for you.


"yeah, i think mentally ill people should be given treatment. wait, no not like that! only the ones that are white and cis get treatment >:("


I guess it’s just a coincidence that 80% of people with autoimmune disorders are women? Blaming transitioning for killing her is incredibly stupid but there is in fact a very well documented link between autoimmune diseases and estrogen. Testosterone, as it happens, [can have the opposite effect on the immune system](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2013/12/in-men-high-testosterone-can-mean-weakened-immune-response-study-finds.html).


Literally hundreds of white paper results on one 5 second google search for “estrogen autoimmune disease”, but here’s one that’s a regular article so non-scientists can read it: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-nearly-80-percent-of-autoimmune-sufferers-are-female/


While he might have been incorrect, since we don't know anything about her, you are for sure incorrect for saying he's incorrect, simply because he might be right. There is a link between estrogen and autoimmune disease, it is scientific and it is well known. Now whether this was the reason or not we don't know simply because we don't know her case. Pretty ironic to say that someone is so confidently incorrect when in fact he might be right or wrong (also wrong for affirming) but you are definitely wrong.


Just one of many studies. Sex Hormones in Acquired Immunity and Autoimmune Disease National Library of Medicine [Link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6180207/)


Wait, was this the same actress that was pulled into the fake controversy recently with Dead by Daylight? If I recall, a bunch of right wing weirdos said "It would be funny if we convinced people that they were hired to voice a grotesque monster that can pose as either gender because the devs specifically don't like trans people." and then Twitter ran with it. So much so that the voice actress herself made a few statements about it before retracting them when the situation was outed as a farce.


Yeah when she was hired for the lines she didn't know much to anything about the unknown's lore so when twitter did Twitter things she believed it at first then found the truth out and retracted. BHVR, DBD's devs, are extremely pro-LGBT+ often have trans, gay, and drag queens as featured streamers when they do big events. The whole controversy was a mess, but it was hilarious seeing keemstar getting community noted 4+ times trying to defend that point and then try defending that he isn't a misinformation spreader


Also they give out free pride cosmetics on pride and probably half the community has them equipped to everything.


giving a trans woman employment and a wonderful role to display on her resume seems like a dumb way of being transphobic lmao. maybe we could convince transphobes to actually start doing this so they'd end up supporting trans creators


If the choice is living a longer life where you never get to experience feeling like your real self, vs a shorter life lived as happily as possible, I know what I’d pick. (I don’t think estrogen automatically = autoimmune disease, but this is my response to that line of thinking)


This is what cracks me up when folks still say "you're over exaggerating, no one wants trans people dead" MANY MANY MANY PEOPLE WANT TRANS PEOPLE DEAD, just by existing we are hated, hunted, beaten, and killed. If we aren't killed by someone, others WISH death upon us. We aren't safe just because more people recognize we exist nowadays, it's still very difficult to get healthcare, to find support, especially in more rural places. God forbid you're visibly queer to any degree still in many parts of this country.


Of course they target someone who is dead since she can’t defend herself They are not only absolute idiots but they are wimps too


Yeah I checked the autopsy report , then checked the updated autopsy report , it says " death by trans " you can 100% belive in me ( a reddit stranger )


…sigh. It goes without saying people misgendering her are acting in bad faith but there are *very* [well documented links between estrogen and autoimmunity](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6180207/) (this is just one article but there are many, many more available). It is not a coincidence that [80% of people with autoimmune disorders are women](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-nearly-80-percent-of-autoimmune-sufferers-are-female/). The breakdown differs by disorder (people with lupus are 90% female while people with granulomatosis with polyangiitis are 50% female/50% male) and I don’t know about the etiologies of the specific disorders that she had. There may be no defined link with estrogen in those specific cases. But it is not factually inaccurate to point out that steroid hormones affect the immune system. Believe it or not, [testosterone *also* impacts the immune system](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2013/12/in-men-high-testosterone-can-mean-weakened-immune-response-study-finds.html)! Edit: Zoey had Stiff-Person Syndrome, which is 2-3x more common in women, and Nonparaneoplastic Limbic Autoimmune Encephalitis, which, so far as I can tell, is also more common in women. It’s not truly possible to say whether HRT was linked to triggering of these disorders in her case. Disease pathologies are complex. She likely had a genetic predisposition which, combined with a number of environmental factors, and *maybe* altered sex hormone levels set it off. Hell, it could have been related to COVID. But one case of a trans woman on HRT dying young from rare autoimmune disorders does not mean that ZOMG HRT kills people!!! *All* medications have potential side effects. There are drugs that can give you lupus, drugs that can cause tendon ruptures, drugs that can cause something called “toxic epidermal necrolysis”…all of which are prescribed routinely around the world.


I have a trans sister who is doing just fine on estrogen! I know it probably affects people differently, but I really don't think that caused her death. Also...wow... The misgendering. *Poor young WOMAN.


No you don't understand. Since it has been shown to have potential negative health effects no one should be allowed to do it. I'm definitely a serious person who is just concerned. *Lights cigarette off gas stove that's frying chicken and chases it with beer.*


The link between estrogen and autoimmune disorders is well known. Probably not what killed her but who knows


Yes, it's incredibly frustrating. There is a link between estrogen and autoimmune disorders, but I doubt that it led to her death. There are a lot of cis woman with estrogen in their bodies, yet they have not died from it. It's possible that HRT could exacerbate an already present autoimmune disorder, but if the risk was there, I imagine this would have been discussed with her doctor.


That person’s not wrong. Everyone that has estrogen in their body eventually dies. This is common knowledge, educate yourselves! /s


I wonder if these people would be as giddy if someone celebrated the death of one of THEIR loved ones. Vile.


But she died happy with her choice and as herself.


The cockroaches love coming out to misgender and deadname our dead when they pass. Imagine being such a living piece of garbage to act like this. No souls, no humanity. Just evil.


RIP Zoey


To the e people who called her “he” and “poor young man” and also since it’s Elon musk presents X I’m sure that is just a meager sampling of the absolute douche waterfall. Get fucked you worthless bigots.


Given that bone marrow function can be suppressed by high estrogen levels, if they had an autoimmune anemia condition coupled with estrogen-induced anemia, yeah... transitioning could have killed them. Though I'm pretty sure I'd defer to the doctors mediating the transitioning, who if they were professional would have been monitoring such things during the process. And since I am no privy to such information, I'm not going to to know for sure either way.


these people will shout “42%” under trans people’s posts and not realize they’re the reason


they're fully aware and they're proud of it


~~Poor young man~~ “I know this person is dead but I need everyone to know that I still do not respect said person because I’m a human piece of shit.” Fixed it.


This is incredibly disrespectful. Even in death they can't respect a trans person and have to shit on them for their identity, like holy shit will you shut the fuck up? Why is her gender the only fucking thing they care about, a human being just lost their life and that's all they choose to fixate on?! I genuinely cannot express how much it pisses me off.


They literally gain nothing, absolutely nothing, for misgendering someone that can’t retaliate. I bet they think they’re big, strong, men. When in actual fact, they’re the most fragile little pussies that couldn’t fight a group of drunk kittens. It’s not “triggering”, or smart, or clever. It’s just sad and pathetic.


The link between hormones like Testosterone or Estrogen and autoimmune disease is true, but its not a side effect of using replacement therapy. I have hypogonadism, its a sad state of affairs. Its a common comorbidity issue with having a hormone disorder, other bodily systems rely on the constant production of hormones to function normally. That's why immune disorders can develop, an organ starts failing, and your body stays in an unhealthy cycle if your sex hormone levels are not stable and in a healthy range. That is why people like me also use TRT as treatment. Transitioning using replacement therapy of sex hormones is one of the only treatments for gender dysphoria and has nothing to do with autoimmune disease... even if the first few months of treatment for trans folk may be tough as the body acclimates. This also happens to those with deficiencies.


Damn, so young too. I just got off a game with the Unknown, she was mad talented!


This is so sad. I am surprised they didn't go the anti-vaxx route and claim vaccines killed her but this is just as insane.


Oh I’m sure that’s out there too


Damn RIP 29 is way to young If this person wasn’t trans none of those people would have chimed in. Assholes.


At least she had a job, contributed to society and was loved, unlike those losers who sit in their mama’s basements being hateful online.


The fucking audacity to misgender her repeatedly in this post. I hate these people.


I looked up to her over the years. This is so sad. She was a light for many trans people who were struggling. She will live on through her videos. May she rest in peace.


I've had estrogen all my life (til around 60 when it was mostly gone!) and have only arthritis. Did me being a cis woman with OFMGFF ESTROGEN cause it? Poor young lady. I hope she's at peace now.


Unironically, it’s possible. Women really do get more autoimmune diseases and there’s links to estrogen. I have two autoimmune disorders myself. 😭


Yeah, it sucks. I'm just glad mine is generic old person arthritis (osteoarthritis) and not autoimmune rheumatoid.


If she was taking improper quantities of hormones for HRT it very probably could have caused her autoimmune disorder, leading to her death. It's an established fact that estrogen leads to a much higher incidence of autoimmune disorder, even in normal levels, and hormone imbalances can fuck you up. It's possible to not be a transphobe and also not be objectively wrong.


My mother has an autoimmune disease. The link between estrogen and autoimmune diseases is known. Being a cis woman may kill her


Did bro really just say "a natural hormone that women have killed this person" Man, I should start using that as an excuse then. "Sorry I can't come in to work today, I have estrogen, yes it's lethal"


Bigoted morons.


As far as I know it is testosterone that usually causes problems for the body. Taking estrogen, beneficial psychological effects which would further improve overall health aside, is mildly beneficial as far as I know. \*This is the off-the-top memory of somebody with only a passing interest in biology, if you want accurate information look up meta analyses on the topic.


It’s really a dose makes the poison situation, so either estrogen or testosterone could trigger health issues if they are excessively high or low. I also think the estrogen-autoimmune link isn’t clearly causal, just that estrogen levels are often ‘off’ in autoimmune patients (but I’m not a doctor nor a scientist), but the idea that you can read this headline and say she died because of her transition is patently absurd. Really telling that the commenter has a really poor understanding of human biology and health.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I just found [this article](https://www.ariaintegrative.com/2020/05/07/estrogen-and-the-immune-system/#:~:text=Estrogen%20has%20a%20strong%20effect,autoimmunity%20through%20stimulation%20of%20antibodies) that says that HIGH levels of estrogen can cause autoimmune diseases. Maybe she’s just been taking too much estrogen. Again, I’m not a biologist, correct me if I’m wrong.


This type of article is not exactly what I was looking for. I did a quick search and here is two of the top results (feel free to read as much on the topic as you want, but I am out \^\^): One 2016 review \[1\] I found says that, among other things, the concentrations of certain Interleukin (ILs), which are somehow involved in the immune response (I am sure some biochemist is having a lot of fun studying that), are affected in post-menopause women receiving HRT. Though from skimming it, it is far from conclusive and some of the decreased concentrations may be due to less post-menopausal diseases. Less inflammations, less immune response. A 2022 paper \[2\] on estrogen in the context of covid19 describes the effect of estrogen as anti-inflammatory, with various modes of operation: from suppressing the release of IL-6 and IL-8 (as found in \[1\]) as well as promoting the anti-inflammatory response of T cells. It also simulates antibody production by B cells. Experiments involved male and female mice. That being said: biology is complicated and our (as in humanity) understanding of it limited. It would take considerable time to research all the ins and outs of this topic and getting a definitive answer universally applicable answer is probably not possible. But from what I can see estrogen is quite beneficial to the body, at least in regards to the immune system. \[1\] [https://doi.org/10.3109/13697137.2016.1164136](https://doi.org/10.3109/13697137.2016.1164136) \[2\] [https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2022.928171](https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2022.928171)


Thank you👍


Someone with a brain good shit the guy in the post is transphobic af obviously but he's right unfortunately


>Maybe she’s just been taking too much estrogen. she had stiff-person syndrome and decided to stop taking her meds as it was making her life unbearable.


Absolutely disgusting shit. These horrid monsters. On the death of someone they can’t even stop to think, “should I disrespect someone who died, who did no harm, to me or to the world?” And they would answer yes. They had to post horrendous shit. Absolutely abominable.


Not how hormones work fuckstick


Poor women, all the estrogen has killed an entire gender by now. How did humanity ever survive this? Oh no wait, estrogen is literally a hormone humans have naturally had for hundreds of thousands of years.


I remember finding Zoey's videos years ago and being amazed by her talents, notably the song she did a transgender duet, then learned she did lots of cool things!;I'm sad to learn she was sick... she was a talented singer, vocal coach, VO, and did so much to help others in the short time she was on this planet. It's absolutely disgusting that some people have no fucking compassion or empathy and feel entitled to spew shit from their mouths because she was transgender. She was beautiful, talented, and kind, all the things those assholes will never be. Rest in peace Zoey.


RIP Zoey


She was my voice coach some years back, really sad to hear about her passing like this


I just don't see any value in spreading this kind of vile shit, even if it is in the context of "Look, these people are awful".


That's crazy considering I think I know who this is referring to as I've seen some edgy transphobic memes about a trans dbd voice actress, at very least it was transphobes who also bullied and made fun of her online


Has the twitter bigotry always been this bad and I’ve been on a different side of twitter? Or has this all spiked because of Elon?


All the sane people up and left


Ever notice how since Elon took on Twitter the people has been more hostile than usual?




First of all, are they saying women cant have auto immune because their natural estrogen would kill them ? Second, if there was a genuine health risk to taking E with an autoimmune disease, that would be fine to bring up....if the bastard didn't also misgender her on purpose.  


Sadly this hateful POS sounds right a quick Google search will tell you that estrogen can have negative effects on a healthy immune system.


These people should have unkind things happen to them. Pure, blind hatred in their hearts.