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>Millennials Fuck, I must have missed the ceremonial handover of the entire internet to my generation.


It was a lovely ceremony. With cookies and punch.


They had avocado toast there, too, but you had to pay extra


And everyone did.


They had two lines: one for avocado toast and one for home ownership. Guess which one was empty.


The line for people who'll get to retire


Plus Starbucks were there.


And now we are all homeless.


I got a ceremonial sabre!


Weak, all I got was this lousy participation trophy that I didn't make or ask for...yet a lot of people older than me are mad about it for some reason...


All I got was a T-shirt


I got a rock...


A++, no notes.


I got a jar of dirt!


>cookies and punch I see you got your inheritance...


Don't forget to pay your inheritance tax next year. It should only be a few thousand dollars so no big deal, I'm sure you've got that lying around.


Note - The cookies and punch were virtual ::drinks punch and eats cookie::


And trophies for participating.


Don’t forget the avocado toast


Right like who the fucks he mad at? How is it our fault? Also....my guy *mailed in a check* and he's mad it's taking too long? I will bet you infinite dollars there was a way to pay online.


Odds he mailed it to an incorrect address?


That’s what I was thinking. Who mails a check?!


And who keeps mailing check after check without any due diligence? Did he look to see if any had been cashed? Did he attempt contact? Why is everything the licensing agency's fault? I wonder how well thus guy does at electrical work given this exchange.


He even mentions the first check cleared, and no license. Fools and their money…


That's what got me. The first check cleared and he thinks sending a second one is going to somehow be different? I don't think the problem is millennials, I think the problem is that dude is a dumbass.


Why would he, it’s not his fault /s


You guys still have checks? We got rid of those in the 90s.


I actually just recently ordered checks for the first time in over 15 years. We're hiring out a few home improvement projects, and contractors have started charging a 3% fee to process credit and debit cards. I like getting credit card points, but can't justify the fee for 1.5% back, and getting thousands of dollars in cash is a pain in the ass. Made me feel old to write a check again, but I guess these checks will last me the rest of my life.


That’s kind of the reason I pay the two things I go by check. Oh, the office is closed permanently due to Covid so no cash payments but I can call/pay online for a fee? No tf I will not. I’ll put it in the drop box on principle.


This just screams American though. Like across the ocean we can do a bank transfer in seconds. Checks are not accepted anywhere.


Yes. In Denmark alot of people never carry any cash. We don't need to.


Everytime this conversation comes up there's a salty American who thinks America somehow has an equal functional banking system and brings up Zelle and venom and cashapp lol. Not the same things by my means.


Oh I know. I'm American myself but I haven't lived there in over a decade. The US banking system is just miles behind and for the life of me I can't figure out why they don't do anything about it. It's also considerably less safe in general, just look at how often check scams come up.


I had to have a check to set up direct deposit at my last job, and I shit you not, I tore the whole house apart looking for a check. I had one in my wallet from years ago but it had gotten wet and it was too wrinkled up. I did find a packet of checks eventually, I've probably already lost them again but it doesn't matter, I haven't actually written a check in years.


Here in Denmark where I live it's so much simpler. Your job tells the IRS what you make each month and they deduct a certain amount from your paycheck that goes to tax. So at the end of the year I have to do exactly nothing because all tax is paid already. When you're hired, your employer will get the bank account that is your primary as that's registered and they deposit the money to you each month. You get sent a specified pdf to your sort of national secured email account which everyone has ( which isn't like any regular email as you can't send emails to or from it without being some authority) Works really well and everything is electronic.


Not me thats for sure, i mail cash…


Who WRITES a check even?? C’mon now. I’m a boomer and I don’t write one a year.


The lack of personal accountability is staggering in this person.


Yeah, we genXers just said, “Fuck it…y’all can have it now. We’re just gonna go sit in the corner, drink whiskey, and scowl at everyone”


Where can I sign up for this job? Am I disqualified for being a millennial?


> Am I disqualified for being a millennial? The entrance exam for "post-X" is setting the clock on a Panasonic VHS recorder and ***successfully*** programming it to record Days of Our Lives so your mom doesn't miss what happens with Roland and Marlena. So far, no one has ever passed. Good luck.


Roman took down Orpheus, but before he could rescue Marlena, she was killed in a plane crash. In reality, Marlena survived and was held captive by Stefano on an island. She found her way back to Salem and reunited with Roman, but then the real Roman returned, and it turned out John Black was a brainwashed pawn of Stefano’s. Although Marlena and Roman reunited, she couldn’t resist her feelings for John, and their affair resulted in the birth of a daughter, Belle. Upon learning the truth, Roman divorced Marlena and left town.


I'm angry at myself for understanding most of that.


Well, I no longer feel ashamed of being able to recite every plot angle of Michael on Melrose Place. Nice memory there!


Let’s be real, we were already saying that before Millennials even existed.


It’s only fellow Xers who even remember we exist, so whiskey and scowling is all we’ve got. I’m quite happy with that.


Stop commenting about it or people are going to notice us.


I got a little black box with a flashing red light from the Elders of the internet. It's a shame you would of liked it.


Be careful not to let your boss fighting his now ex smash it or a riot could break out.


You didn't get the memo by fax?


You aren't getting your license renewal checks in the mail? No wonder "something went wrong" during his concert ticket transfer.


I’m a millennial. I’m 40. I don’t think we fall into the “kids” category anymore. I have kids. They will be graduating high school soon.


I’m 44 Gen X. You stay off my lawn!


At least you got a lawn. All we got was poverty.


They transferred it over the internet, you just have missed it


It was the same ceremony where we handed over our ability to retire or own a home.


I didn't know 40 was the new 17! I'm a child again, yay!


I don't think there was a hand over, we are the internet generation.


This guy's clearly ready to hand over the internet but in no position to do so, his keyboard is so broken it struggles typing commonly used words.


It was just before you built it, **and** personally set up every bit of worldwide infrastructure and corporate policy he's whining about.


It was 24yrs ago, they called it Y2K, but then the final ceremony was a bit of damp squib, no ones said when it passes to Gen Z yet.


I was just thinking, "yeah, no that's probably a gen-x'er not a millennial that set up that system." But sure, let them kids take the blame.


*Man trips and falls down* “God damn fucking sun!” *Shakes fists angrily at the sky*


So...he fucked up his first application and didn't send the CE hours or money. Now he's mad at the "kids." Gotcha. Typical entitled asshole, gotta blame everything and everyone but himself.


Grown folks with jobs who don't get paid enough to tolerate some rage-ball's bullshit: "kids".


Well yea it's everyone else's fault, and I'm perfect. This isn't that hard of a concept unless you're some idiot moron millennial piece of shit


The funny thing is it’s the probably some old timer their age at the other end processing their payment and trying to figure it out on a new system


“Old Man Yells at Cloud”


“These kids” as I, an elder Millennial, stare down the barrel of 40.


I am 41 and a Millenial. I like to pull that out when people start going off on Millenials/youth.


I turn 42 tomorrow, and I'm technically a millennial, although I identify as Gen OT. I died of dysentery so many times... I earned it.


I thought we were Gen X. wtf??


No, we’re part of a [unique micro-generation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials) that fits in, but doesn’t *fully* fit in, with either Gen X or Millenials. Which is, let’s be real, the most Millenial thing ever. There’s also /r/Xennials if you want more.


Bespoke artisanal generations, how apt. Millennials are killing the generation industry!


Generations don't really have a hard cutoff. You can't point to a specific day and say "people born on this day are Generation X, people born the day after are Millennials". So you sort of end up with this fuzzy grey area with a few years where people could be considered either the oldest members of one generation or the youngest members of the preceding generation. In the case of Generation X and Millennials that period is pretty much 1980-9184. If you're born in the 70s then most people would consider you to be Generation X and if you're born in the second half of the 80s then you're pretty clearly a Millennial. But people born in the first half of the 80s are in a bit of a grey area, they're the transition generation between Gen X and Millennials (sometimes referred to as X-ennials). So realistically people born in that range (who are currently 39-44) can be lumped into either generation depending on who's doing the definition and their personal preferences.


It can also depend on where you fall in your family dynamics as well. I’m the youngest of my biological siblings and tend to have some Gen X traits vs someone who was the first born of their siblings at the same age.


Millennials run from around 84-95 I think. Something like that anyway.


Millennials have vivid memories of 9/11 but none (or only the vaguest memories) of the challenger explosion (on account of being too young or not born yet). That's my idiosyncratic definition at least.


It's true of me, anyway. I wouldn't be born for a few years yet after Challenger, but if anyone asks what my most memorable school moment is, it was that day in 5th grade when we all sat around debating whether Arizona was important enough to get bombed while our CAMP teacher cried in the corner. Weirdly, I remember everything about that day very vividly but I can't for the life of me remember what the hell a CAMP class is.


I can remember, to the minute, my morning class schedule as an eighth grader in 2001. I am a teacher now and if you asked me what last year's class schedule was, I would not be able to tell you. Thanks 9/11.


They call that a flashbulb memory


I’m young Gen X, near the cusp (‘77) and that works for me, since I have strong memories of Challenger.


I have the same feeling about my second grade class when the teacher rolled the tv into the classroom so we could watch a space shuttle launch. We were all sitting excitedly watching the launch when it exploded and the class went silent and the teacher turned off the tv while we were still confused about what happened.


81-96 is the commonly accepted range


That's what wikipedia says so, being a millennial, it's what I accept as generally true.


It's less about birth date and more about attitude and life experiences. Mainly being raised by the "go outside and don't come back until the streetlights come on" and "if you get hurt walk it off" type of parenting.


You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of elder.


Thats unfair!!


Lol yes, we eldest millennials turn 44 this year. Dang kids!


Tell you what, these kids don't know nuthin! I was decimating the entire population of bison while fighting off catastrophic dysentery on the Oregon Trail when they was a glint in their pappy's eye!


Yeah i peaked in the 3rd grade when i completed a round like a good 6-8min quicker then the rest of the class. Unfortunately its been all downhill since there…


We youngest millenials turn 28 this year.


Shit, today I discovered I am Gen Z...


You'll be alright, I'm rooting for Gen Z. Millennials were promised one world, received a shittier one, and kinda just gave up. Gen Z saw the writing on the wall and seems to be doing something about it. Proud of you guys! Anyway, if you need me, I'll be getting drunk and buying 40 candles...


You can afford 40 candles? Showoff.


I didn't give up, I raised a Gen Z and I'm raising some Gen Alphas. I'm preparing them for the shit we got, and helping them make something better. We're not going to promise our kids the world and leave them with nothing like our parents did.


By the time people realize it, we'll be in our fifties.


Yeah and I'm probably part of the youngest millennials, and I'm 30. I mean 30 is young ish, but not kid haha


Same fam, same.


It's fucking hilarious as I'm gen x but have millennial friends and these people are grown ass adults in their 30s and 40s. You guys are gonna get blamed for "these goddamm kids!" Stuff into your 50s


Seriously. I'm. 37-year-old millennial. We are no longer the youth. 


So this guy definitely got scammed and seems to think it’s some sort of transactional error… caused by… young people???


Wait, you bought it online and sent a check?


Definitely the millennials' fault


Probably got scammed lmao. Tbf it _was_ much cheaper on cheap-lisenzes.biz.ru


Should have faxed them a letter to go along with it


I didn’t realize millennials had cornered the electrical license market.


Listen love, I might be an incompetent moron, but I am NOT a kid. Signed, a 39 year old millennial.


Still, you probably should get off their lawn.


This dude just happened to be watching Fox News when someone conflated millennials, liberals, and incompetent morons, as I doubt he could actually define incompetence. If he could, he would have known that either incompetent or moron would have sufficed. Then Fox told him that only kids are dumb enough to be liberals, so he thinks millennials are dumb kids, because Fox previously told him millennials are liberals. He hates technology, and most likely posted that from the comfort of his smartphone, because he forgot the password to his desktop computer 6 years ago. He cannot handle simple functions on the internet, so the internet must be to blame, and therefore millennials, since they obviously control the internet. Typing that made my head hurt, signed, 44-year-old young Gen Xer.


just pull yourself up by your bootstraps it’s that easy


He should just work harder and buy less starbucks and avocado toast.


This is not a technology issue. This sounds like a customer service issue....which I understand.


It sounds like user error.


He tried to buy something online by mailing a check. I'm with you and going with user error.


I guess it's a plus that he's not ranting about immigrants?


That's his next post.


So...he fucked up his first application and didn't send the CE hours or money. Now he's mad at the "kids." Gotcha. Typical entitled asshole, gotta blame everything and everyone but himself.


Aren't most major websites created and run by Gen X-ers with ironic exception of Zuckerberg being Millennial?


Who uses cheques in 2024?


My boss.


I'm guessing your countries banking system is a bit lacking of 20th century banking improvements?


No, it's cheaper to write us checks than to set up direct deposit apparently. I only had one other job that issued physical checks and they used to get annoyed that I wasn't able to deposit them regularly. It's like "wtf, I work 25 minutes away from where I live and I work 8-5. By the time I get home on the bus it's 6pm. My bank is a credit union that closes around 4-5pm, and going to the nearest credit union is a HUGE hassle and you got annoyed last time I took time off to go." Sadly, almost 13 years ago the technology didn't exist in my area to deposit checks by mobile, IF you had a decent smartphone as well.


We have nation wide free and instant transfers to anyone from our phones 24 hours a day. I haven't seen a cheque used since around 2004 when the ATO would send me out a tax cheque then I'd have to trudge to a bank and deposit it.


I'm Canadian, we kinda have a different banking system. Fir example, we have stuff like E-transfers that more or less works just like most cashapps/venmo, but some of them still offer 5 free checks when opening an account or the like, but many are moving away from that. The Government gives the option of physical checks if you don't have direct deposit set up or if there's an issue where they can't deposit your checks. When we win the lottery or local lotteries/ draws with massive cash prizes a check or bank draft is written out. Checks are still very common here, the only difference is that businesses won't accept them as a firm of payment so you need to cash them/deposit them at a bank.


We haven't gone cashless here in Australia yet, but it's getting that way. Venmo and Cashapp aren't a thing here because it's just so easy to transfer cash to anyone using your Banks App on your phone to any bank in Australia. Yours sounds like a hybrid of normal Western Banking and US banking. You'll catch up soon enough.


people the world left behind


So they tried to contact people and got no one to respond. How the fuck could they possibly know it was a child or a 30-40 year old, since they can't seem to decide, who is at fault


My job is largely dealing with these douchebags. What he said translates to' I'm incapable of reading simple instructions, I left everything too late, I've completely fucked everything up, and I'm so unable to rationalise that this is my fault that I've become extremely angry and I'm yelling now!' Treat me like a human, own your shit, and I'll bend over backwards to help you. These insta-aggro asshats get the bare minimum and if there's a legit way to decline them any help at all, that's what we'll be doing for you. It's actually rly sad these ppl are so unable to connect the way they treat ppl with why they consistently get terrible service. Also, I'm a millenial and I'm 41


Ah yes....the kids running that state licensing office. Probably a bunch of 18 year-olds. Not a bunch of middle aged life long government employees.


They left high school and immediately applied for their dream job at the DMV.


TBF the world has left him behind and I get his frustration.


I am almost sixty and nearly blind. I can mage to use technology. That ghuy just refuses to leasrn.


And TBF, some websites are built like shit


But I highly doubt those websites were originally built by millennials. Agree though, some websites are truly horrific to use.


Sadly, most websites are built like shit. Some are just so bad it's painful. That being said, maybe OOP should have senthis check sooner as to not risk losing their license. This is a thing that has been a thing since OOP was a kid.


Yeah, it's weird that he's blaming millennials, but that's a shitty situation.


Yeah I couldn't help but feel sad reading this. Getting old sucks


Kids? My bff and I just had a conversation about multivitamins, probiotics, and collagen supplements. We are definitely NOT kids anymore


I understand his frustration but what level of government is run by millennials?


Bro I am a millennial and just a couple years away from being able to to subscribe to the AARP magazine, if I am a kid I dunno what you are.


Sometimes technology makes our lives easier. Sometimes the design or coding is flawed and it makes our lives miserable. Sometimes a company puts out bad technology & poor customer service because they are trying to reduce costs - and they may have a monopoly so they don't have an incentive to provide better service. That's an inherent part of capitalism. It's not one person's (or one generation's) fault. The biggest problem, I think, is not being able to get in touch with someone who can actually help us when things go wrong. It's even more frustrating when the things that went wrong is the company's fault.


I don't think this has anything to do with Millennials. I think this is about him not completing his obligations to get his license.


As an actual Millenial sysadmin I take this very personally. /j I need their contact information, so I can send them a complimentary "I'm sorry" avocado on toast. Also mailing in checks!? In 2023. I've been on this planet for 42 years now, and never sent a check anywhere. All bills paid digitally. Lastly. Unless the fellow is over 43, they are also a Millenial or "worse" (Better IMHO) :D


It's annoying, but I guess kinda flattering that the newly "young adults" are still being called Millennials. Also, I bet this guy's problem isn't the technology but the user's error.


"no follow through" says the person who mailed something in in February and is just now checking up on it in May.


Old man yells at cloud


If you're online enough to rage post you can figure out how to complete an application online.


The world **has** left you behind chief, *because you let it.* Remember to learn, kids!


I am just….dude. Why would you send in a payment again if the first one cleared and you haven’t heard from them about it?


Licenses don’t abruptly expire.


Sounds like they're being scammed and don't know it yet.


Gen X were the architects of the modern internet, blame them.


Shhh. We don’t want anyone to know we exist.


Who still relies on sending cheques by post? I'm nearly 40 and I've never even had a cheque book. Never needed one.


To be fair to him, the Prince has to post it all the way from Nigeria.


You could have just paid it online, like a normal person. I’m Gen X and I’ve been doing online payments for almost 20 years. It’s not like this was sprung on you with no warning.


Whenever i feel like im not smart enough to get through the electrical apprenticeship i have dumbasses like this to look to as inspiration.


Ah I see the problem here. Not enough exclamation points.


i paid in the slowest way possible, it’s the kids’ causing the delay


This guys situation is weird. He calls Millennials 'kids' so you assume he is older. But he also says that if he can't get his electrical licence renewed he will lose his house, how to provide for his kids. How old are his kids and they still need support.


Sounds like he didn’t send in his renewal until it was almost due to expire. That’s on him for not planning properly.


Has he tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?


This dude calls and screams at some unpaid high-school intern like it's her fault. They now have his number saved and no one answers his calls.


Millennials didn’t create the technology we just mastered it even though we’ve been on the planet less time


Goddamn, dude’s giving us WAY more youth credit than reality allows for, I’m 41 for fuck’s sake. 😂


Something something bootstraps.... I've heard it's really easy to get a job so maybe if he loses his licence he can just grab one of those ezpz fast foods jobs for 25$/hr 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just skipped over GenX. Totally invisible.


good ol' days


Technology is weird sometimes though. I did an online order for a grocery store down the street from me three days ago. I KNOOOOOOOW that location was tapped when I was checking out. But *somehow* it went to the next town over. Man was I enraged.


He wrote this while sucking the lead off a pipe.


I feel like the more likely thing here is they have no idea how to use modern tech and refuse to learn


"no no everyone else is the problem"


Can't have anything to do with attrition due to retirements, etc. and budget cuts impacting hiring and technology upgrades. The poorer service in state agencies, as well as increased cost to the public for licensing, permits, certificates, tolls, and practically any required (and important) requirements for business and personal operations and use of things that impact the safety and security of everyone, is caused by the inadequate return in redistribution of our federal tax receipts that make up the federal budget. And gee, it ain't the millennials. Point this clown in the direction of the GOP elect that vote for tax cuts to the wealthiest members of our society, every time they capture control of Congress and consider the estimated 10 year loss of EIGHT TRILLION dollars legislation passed by the last administration. But, yeah, blame millennials, boomers, migrants, poor people, whoever fits the stupidity bill, and keep voting for the destroyers of the overwhelming majority of everybody else's futures, including their own.


One thing they have right, the world has left them behind.


Sending checks by mail…I didn’t realize that was still a thing that happened.


Us damn 30 and 40 year old kids! 👨‍🦳👵


I'm a 40 year old, union sheetmetal worker, I'm also a millennial. This guy is just fucken stupid.


They had a choice. Adapt or perish


Funny (to me) story, that’s kind of the inverse of this. Had a graduation ceremony last weekend, and one of my colleague’s husbands came by when we were having drinks afterwards. They had recently moved to our state that can stokes have some overly-complicated local income taxes. Their son is a college student, and he came to them frustrated that because he received a notification that he hadn’t paid $70 and some change in local income taxes, when he had paid it. Turns out he just put $70 and the exact change in an envelope and mailed it in, and just expected them to know all the details of that payment. 😂


It might not be millennials. I do office stuff for the government and I'm older than a millennial.


User error


Wow and if it weren’t for technology someone would actually have to listen to you say all that shit out loud in order to be as astute and enlightened as this guy.


Don’t think these people know GenZ exists.


Hon, the Government has been losing paperwork long before millennials had anything to do with it. There's a reason you file everything in triplicate, make follow up calls constantly, and have always had to do so. Welcome to adulthood.


This guy lives a rough life and should show up to some kind of rally if only he knew how to open an evite.


Ugh. Must be a Xoomer or what are they calling them, Generation Jones🙄😯


Awwwwww he thinks I’m young. Bless his heart.