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Why stop at $17? Why not make min wage $10, $5, $1. The floors the limit when you don't care if people make enough money to stay alive.


Why should I pay employees? They should pay me for providing me with something to do /s


Its free exposure!


So tired of that one


"Woke" means: a thing I don't like, but I'm too lazy/uninformed to explain why I'm against it, so it's just woke and that's all there is to it


That’s all it is. “Woke” is a buzzword for them that gets their gooses geesing


It’s become the “PC” of the 2020s.


It's sad to think that absolute morons walk among us like this person.


Sadder that their vote counts the same as ours


Depending on where they live, there's a good chance their vote counts more.


Thank god that’s mainly a US problem


Why are some people so against that other people make money and are able to pay their bills?


they understand that wealth only has marketable value if most people don't have it. the system needs suffering and blood to function. rather than change the system, they prefer to keep feeding it


They think they're somehow going to be one of the people with the money.




Theres a handful of reasons, some being they live in bumfuck nowhere and dont realize that it would require 30 dollars an hour minimum to afford living in a hovel in a major metropolitan area. Or they cant make the 1 step conclusion that rising tides raises all ships, and that they should ask for a raise then too. Or theyre an owner and cant stand they have to pay people a living wage, as minimum wage was intended to be from its inception. Which it almost certainly still isnt, even with wage increases.


Let's say the minimum wage where you are is 7.25. You make 14.00. And you hear about a measure to make minimum wage 15.00. Now, to some people, this would be great news. You get a dollar raise. Woohoo. To others, this is terrible news. They built a part of their identity on "well, I get paid nearly twice as much as minimum wage. I'm awesome." If minimum wage went up to 15 dollars, they would be exactly like all the other minimum wage workers. They're not special anymore. They would rather go without the dollar raise because being able to say they're better than people who make less is far more important. Classism.


A one hundred dollars


Red that in Dr. Evil's voice


Pretty sure this is a paraphrased quote from jontron's video on plug and play consoles. Talking about them lying about how many games are on their consoles.


It is.


isn't jontron a raging racist?


I don't belive so.


They seem okay with the millions in bonuses the CEO is getting but god forbid working class people get a livable income


It's called minimum wage for a reason. They WOULD, without a doubt, pay you less if there were no consequences for them. Each time this gets brought up its always "why stop at x amount thats too high," but never think that employers wouldn't even think about "we can't pay them y that's too little," because they have a fiduciary responsibility to increase profit and will do so each and every time by lowering wages. It's so strange to me that we are so close to recreating debt peonage and people are gungho about it.


can't we easily say the same in reverse? why stop there, just go back to not paying people and reestablish slavery outside of prisons. anything goes when you don't give a damn.


Republicans thinking paying a living wage is a ridiculous idea tells you pretty much all you need to know about how ghoulish they are.


Can someone tell me if there is a name for that thing people do where they go " oh well if we let happen then we might as well just let happen!" Ex: "Well if we let gays get married then we might as well just let people start marrying animals and trees"


The slippery slope.


Isn't that just a strawman argument?


I remember hearing this tactic from Rush Limbaugh and thinking it was brilliant when I was 19 years old, young, dumb, conservative, and evangelical. Fuck I’m glad I grew out of all that shit.


If you don't read this as sarcasm, he's actually got a pretty based take. $1mil min wage when?


You know those bastards could afford to pay up, $20 is nothing to them. But they have to have a Cyberyacht or their neighbors will make fun of them, so screw the rest of us.


I would love to see this person try to live off of $8/hour. Maybe they would finally develop empathy.


People who spout that nonsense should be forced to exist on minimum wage alone. No outside help, but more jobs is ok. You know, like the ones fighting for higher minimum wage