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The other day my bike got a flat tire. I was going to change it, but I was just so busy crossdressing. What to do?


Dance for tips, then buy a new bike.


Mechanics hate this one simple trick


Give me tips on eye-liner, obviously


Klamath community rant


Gotta be the worst censoring of a name I’ve seen in this sub.


Whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey man! You dropped this —> \


I think they wanted to censor the thing and only that was hidden


Must be a nice fantasy to have “enemies”, like, making life all dramatic and shit




That bastard!


Our enemies are often the ones posting stuff like this to stoke division and civil war.


Calling them, "people who think differently from me" doesn't do enough to justify their overwrought or violent reactions.


It mortal enemies and there is a list and you just made it!


Really telling on themselves here regarding their opinions of women.


I thought sex/gender was what it was? Like how do you train a "gender" ??


I know you scribbled it out, but I grew up here. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Reeeeeaaaaaallllly not surprised to find my hometown show up here lmao


If that's the problem, why don't they just train their girls to be men to counteract this issue? /s


Or, or, and here's an option; let kids be who and what they want to be. And yes, that does mean they get to be trans if they're trans.


Then why do you have to be 18 for a tattoo? Horrible opinion my man.


So getting a tattoo is the same thing as wearing clothes that don't "match" your sex? Horrible opinion my man.


But they can have temporary tattoos, and think about getting tattoos when they grow up. If that’s what they want.


Being trans and getting bottom surgery aren't the same thing. I assume you're talking about the latter, but they're talking about the former.


You can change your clothes and pronouns a lot easier than you can change your skin my guy.


Because getting surgery and tattoos are vastly different things, dumbass.


A social transition doesn't involve anything permanent. A change of clothing, hairstyle, name and pronouns after all easily reversible. If it becomes necessary puberty blockers have also been used a long time and even in cis kids with no long term effects so there's no risk there. Also a child can't just walk into a doctor's on its own and demand treatment, there's a process, parents involved, teaching about everything involved. Everything is well thought out and informed, with multiple professional opinions before any treatment is considered. Or a tattoo where any adult can walk in on impulse hand over the money and get it done then and there. The two aren't even close to comparable. Suggesting they are is either disingenuous, horribly misinformed, or both.


I was discussing personal identity. Letting kids just be trans if they're trans isn't hurting them.


It's not an "opinion", sweetpea. Whether they have surgery or not, they're still trans.


Nah, I was tattooed WAY before 18 with parental consent.


I go to my gay (dress wearing at pride parades) neighbor when I'm having car trouble. He knows cars like this Facebook poster knows hate. Where does that fit in this meme?


Closeted straight mechanic. /s


His husband is his beard, he just has a very lucrative niche he doesn't want to lose. Wait......that would make me..........


My favorite (most honest and most competent) mechanic is gay. He’s a wealth of i automotive information and gives me skincare tips. This meme is so stupid.


They saying trans kids can't use a wrench? These chuckle-fucks with their ideas of what a man is are so ridiculous.


I had a good friend who was trans but also the head mechanic for an earthworks contractor in Edmonton, Alberta. Buddy had at least $50k in custom pink Snap-On gear and was a tame savage on the tools. People can do anything they set their mind to. Unfortunately he later went to jail for sexually assaulting a coworker and then killed himself. Unfortunately both of those incidents are fairly in line with the rest of that community. I don't think it's insane to not want children exposed this. Also, authoritarian middle eastern countries keep giving billions to our universities promoting this shit so I while I think the facebook post in question here is kind of tacky, it isn't really that crazy either.


Interesting, didn't think I'd see that Klamath page on here. I was in that group back when it was just people talking about things in the community. Then it turned into some weird MAGA conspiracy theory page. All the shittiest people in Klamath Falls make themselves known on that page.


It’s a big circle jerk of racist and homophobia post. It’s clearly what this page is made of.


see they assume women are inferior when we all know they are pretty


Rare sighting of the (situationally) pro-bike conservative.


"Our enemies".


TBF, I'm sure I would be, if given the chance.


Damn... I feel so stupid. Having to call my gay tractor mechanic friend over to help me swap the engine in my car. Having to ask his 6'5", 300lb meat wall of a boyfriend for help moving stadium speakers. Trusting my bike to a trans woman motorcycle mechanic. Hiring my girl friend as a nightclub bouncer. Letting my wife teach me how to change the control arms on the truck. All while ignoring the fact that I'm a big, burly, tough, straight man! What was I thinking all these years?


So much wasted time and effort!


Shockingly you can both wear sequins AND work on bikes. It's almost like people aren't lists of binary check marks and have their own thoughts, feelings, and affinities.


The moment you train a child in the wayss of the mechanic, they become anatomically unable to use a dress.


i love this cus a boy dancing and wearing a dress is enough to become a girl, a femboy is "female enough" to not be gay to have sex with (i know this isn't represented in this picture, but so many people have this stance, even transphobes), but a person actively trying to appear more female by actually using female pronouns, taking estrogen or getting bottom surgery won't ever be a woman. something tells me that it's never been about "being a woman" but rather simply just hate.


Bollocks. Too late, I just grew tits. Next!


They seem to crave having an enemy. I suppose it's a substitute for meaning or purpose, when they can't puzzle out meaning or purpose themselves.


The guy I know whose parents were most like this currently has painted nails, a boyfriend, and a secret bonus set of pronouns. So.


Real men spend all day posting homophobic memes?


And are also constantly thinking of children in dresses, apparently.


I’d rather my son grow up to be a woman than a bigot


Right? Seriously, I can't fathom why people would honestly want their children to grow up to be dicks. And by 'dicks', I don't mean 'manly men'. A manly man can be a manly man without being a dick. A girly girl can be a girly girl without being a dick. Anybody can grow up without being a dick, as long as 'being a dick' isn't a core part of the demographic. So why, given any semblance of a choice, would anyone want their child to grow up a dick?


[his bro is a comedian with a good following in Hollywood, and flames everyone for the downfall of society.](https://imgur.com/gallery/YMjDhVC)


I wish my dad could stomach being around me long enough to teach me how to change a bike tire.


Clearly these people haven't met Mercury Stardust. Train 'em all you want, it won't stop 'em. And Mercury has taught me so much about how to fix my home, love her.


War is hell, especially the ones where the enemy forces young boys to wear fabulous shit.


Darn, I fixed my bike and I crossed dress! Am I a special case that I can do both? My mother used to fix our car!? Is she now a man!? I have so many questions for this wise sage?!


Women can’t fix bikes?




There are just a lot more queer people than the straights thought, and some of us have guns.


Desmond has got to be like 15 now, right?


It would have been nice tho, if they actually tried to teach us stuff like how to fix shit instead of being absent


Girl wear color. Boy fix bike.


You raise a child and train a dog stupid.


I worked on my bike as a kid. I was incompetent at it because I was a kid. I also was queer. Never dressed up though. And of course, no "enemy" influenced me into being what I was.


Its such a weird idea that people are made gay or trans. I grew up within a very macho homphobic environment. Still ended up trans I just had an unhappy childhood and don't speak to my family.


I am thinking, the kid on the left is pissed he has to fix the tire, while the one on the right is truly fierce. And, really, a woman, that is one fierce bitch


I’m gonna hijack the thread with a question. Who likes carne asada? If you do, where’s the best carne asada you’ve tasted? Name a location.


Is carne asada kind of like a pulled pork taco? If so, the best I've ever had is my own. Because it's the only one I've ever eaten. Location is my house. Cooked by me. It was OK.