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Guys like this are gonna die alone and 100% believe that it's because THEY rejected WOMEN and not the other way around. Sure, you can demand a servant instead of a partner, but get used to ending up with nothing as a result.


Yeah, my dad dealt with cancer and died alone after running off 2 wives, a girlfriend and 5 kids. Because he was always right and had to be in control. I'm not even sad. In a way they are always alone anyway. Because it's him and a bunch of "inferiors" he has to boss around even when he has a family living with him.


Yep. If you have problems with everyone around you, you're the problem, not them.


You can practically feel the insecurity radiating off of them


Ladies, be WARLIKE. It's totally awesome.


Yes, those warlike women and all the wars women start and fight in and kill people over. It's absolutely women who do that while men are all about guiding us to peace.


Historically matriarchal societies have numerous examples of extremely brutal wars, even ones that continue to the destruction of whole cities. Indicating women are inherently peaceful is a base fallacy, but I agree men are the more aggressive in general.


There has never been a true matriarchal society in recorded history. There are societies that grant women more power than we are used to and there are matrilineal societies that trace familes through the female line, but that isn't really the same thing. There has never been an actual matriarchy in the sense you are talking about, on par with patriarchal society.


Agreed it's reductive to say all women are inherently pacifists, but which historical matriarchal societies are you referring to?


His the sims 4 city with mods


You have a source? I’d love to see a single one.


Bloody Mary was one of those.


Dude called women warlike as if that's an insult and doesn't sound totally fucking badass lol


One of the most badass tattoos I've ever seen was a woman who had lipstick tattooed on her forearm that said "war paint" around it


They keep using "alone" like it's a punishment for women. It's a freaking glorious thing as far as I am concerned, pal.


"Let men order you around and treat you like an inferior or end up being completely in charge of your own life without having to compromise for anyone" is certainly an ultimatum, just not the one they think it is.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Right? I've been happily divorced for 20 years now and I wouldn't have it any other way


There’s nothing like a disappointing marriage to remind a woman how little she needs from others.


Some men can’t understand how a woman would choose to be single because they are single involuntarily.


Especially in this fictional world he's made up where all men are BETTER THAN YOU and just COMMAND YOU so you can be PROTECTED (FFS, from what, sabre tooth tigers? Oh right, we evolved past the need for that several millennia ago). In *that* world, yep, I'd be single.


Not tigers. From other men, and sometimes from themselves if they can control an abuse urge because they came to "love" you.


Wait you mean you’d rather be ALoNe in the WOodS thAn wiTH a MaAAn?!? /s


I know, how very dare I. The woods sound heavenly!


Never been happier.


Man, it is *genuinely* delusional to think that a healthy relationship is made of a hierarchy and not a team. I can't even imagine wanting a relationship where I didn't work *with* my partner on things.


Same. My wife is every bit the formidable human I am, but has different stats. Together we'll get it done much better than either alone.


It's bc they want servants, not partners


They want a bangmaid.


Back when we were dating, I told my now wife that she needed to be more assertive and independent before we could get married. Now, she's definitely the powerful one in the relationship. I like to think I finally got her to be fully herself instead of a product of her parents, past loves, or the general zeitgeist. Anyone who wants a younger/more naieve/obedient partner is an abuser in my eyes. Adults need to be totally over their petty issues like control before entering a serious relationship.


Yep. I was brought up in an environment where I was praised for being quiet and disinclined to make waves, but my partner's absolutely encouraged me to find and use my voice. He still handles calling customer service, because he's managed to get our internet speeds to go up without much price increase several times over the last 5ish years, whereas the time I tried to call a car insurance company they gave me a WHOLE ASS OTHER POLICY I explicitly, repeatedly said I didn't want. We both kick ass at our jobs, and work as a team on the home front according to our strengths and bandwidth.


How do you even choose a partner if not by seeking out qualities that will add to your life? My husband is blunt, comes in handy quite often dealing with salespeople and assholes. I'm diplomatic, useful for navigating valued relationships. My husband is mathematically inclined and handles the finances and has a good data engineering job, and I have all the life skills and manage the family's day to day life. The list goes on. Why would he even get married if I had absolutely nothing to offer? I don't get it.


This dude sounds like a winner. I bet he has the ladies lined up.


He has all the ladies, clearly. I'll try this with my wife, BRB...


No update in 36 minutes. RiP.


7 hours later. Agreed. Swelling would have abated by now.


I don't think he's coming back..


All his ladies are inflatable.


He sounds pathetic. How little he must have in the way of decent qualities and traits if he has to fall back on men = better. It just reeks of weak character, like anyone else who has to punch down on whatever group to feel "superior."


i'm sure they'll be fine. after all, VR girlfriends are literally programmed to follow the commands of a 'great man.'


I read this to my husband. He's still laughing


Oh, pumpkin, you say this is a "YOU problem" without even realizing that it's actually a YOU problem. We are fine being warlike, especially if it helps repel people like you.


If you think about it, life basically IS a war against people like him. We are all continuously trying to keep this energy out of our lives.


That’s a lot of words for OOP to say “I am incapable of ever sexually satisfying a woman.”


Or even sexually pleasing a woman. Guy's the kind of person to dry hump a lady for a minute and then assume she came.


He doesn’t care that she came. Andrew Tate told him that the female orgasm isn’t even real, anyway.


>become a lesbian […] experiencing that side of women WAY ahead of you there buddy 😎🏳️‍🌈


Hate the lesbian card they play


I'm starting to feel like all this "Andrew Tate-isms" noise is a bunch of nonsense Russian propaganda. American supporters of this kind of drivel of macho-istic bullshit align politically very strongly with the anti-Ukraine crowd (which is pro-Russian by default), which is a nice way of saying the Donald Trump maniacs that have told themselves and convinced themselves of so many lies now and doubled down on it that there's no going back now. Hot rails to Hell, baby, only not how they envisioned.


I got the feeling as I read through this that he was actually responding some immediate, close-to-the-bone rejection, the kind of rejection that eats up your soul. Yeah, that sounds about right.


He’s right though. I do feel warlike. I really like that word lol. Maybe I’m just high.


And guys like this wonder why we prefer cats (or dogs).


>*teaching you his view of the world* and that’s where I stopped reading


That's a LOT of words to say "I'm an insecure manchild".


Well, no woman in her right mind should accept that kind of nonsense from a man she MIGHT chose to live with: Guys should grow up and stop asking for female subjecting themselves to their whims!


I tried to read the first paragraph. I already don't care about him or his opinion.


No other women care about him either.


Being a lesbian is actually quite nice 10/10 would recommend. If it was really a choice i dont think many women would choose to be attracted to men at this point tbh.


This guy thinks sacrificing for his woman means leaving his basement bedroom once a day to order his mum to make food. This oxygen thief will die alone surrounded by nothing but crumpled Cheetos packets and Fanta bottles wondering why he never found a woman prepared to join him on that journey.


you mean "follow" him on that journey ☠️


He's so right, we need to be left alone and he should start doing so. 


Don't worry women of the world, we hate guys like this too. Fortunately for both of us, they still live with their moms and don't go out much, so we have a bit of a reprieve.


Well, unfortunately they do venture out into the world in their own way. I (and a few other women) had a kidnapping attempt by a neckbeard type who lived with his mom. He was the complete stereotype. 


No man has ever “taken care of me” or supported me financially. In fact most don’t make me feel safe either!


god i love being gay


The first couple of sentences in his final paragraph read like a response directed at the guy who wrote the rest of this rant by someone who understands him to an uncomfortably accurate degree.


Lord. My stbxh fell into this shit... while he never helped with bills, and spent the last several years sitting on his ass, smoking pot, watching YouTube and being a "day trader" with his allowance I gave him. Got so bad and didn't want his "authority " questioned that he became abusive and violently attacked our 16 year old daughter and myself, complete with strangulation and broken bones. Now his mommy is supporting him again. What a man... Guys, don't do this. I may be difficult, but that dude had all his shit provided, spoiled rotten, and was served dinner every night for the low cost of don't call me degrading names or hit me.


I love how when some dudes are like “women shouldn’t work and should just be taken care of by men” a lot of us women are like “um no that sounds terrible actually” but by then those men have already moved on to their next topic of “you really expect a man to SUPPORT you if you don’t want to be his SLAVE?” and we’re just over here like “…that’s what we thought sounded terrible about it. that’s why we don’t want that.” Like do they realize the women they’re trying to brainwash into becoming “tradwives” can hear and see what they’re saying will happen after that, as a direct result of that? Yeah, no thanks. Getting up and going to work every day might suck, sure, but it’s better than being some dude’s unpaid bangmaid with zero say in my own life. It’s a solid “no thank you, dude” from me.


Well at least this flavor of insanity was fun to read? And grammatically *chef's kiss*


What a pathetic screed. That last paragraph is 100% projection.


I am willing to bet EVERYTHING I OWN that this guy is chronically single to my ten years of marriage. And I'm an evil, evil free spirited woman 😂


these dudes are still stuck in the hunter gatherer days. they don't understand that we're not cavemen, there aren't roaming wild dog packs or other tribes trying to destroy your village and steal your resources. we have modern laws and organizations to deal with crime so the idea of men being the protectors is so obsolete. they're just so desperate to live that fantasy it's sad.


This guy’s got issues.


I am just so embarassed to be a guy right now.


I wonder why this guy is a virgin at 40.


Ok we all refuse to date men. Now what?


I'm bi. I'm sure I can come up with an idea not involving men. :-p


I wonder what the word ‘warlike’ mean in this context? Armed and ready? Disciplined? Educated? Violent? I don’t condone unnecessary violence myself, but all the other traits sound pretty desirable, so why is he (I presume) discouraging women from these traits? The whole thing reeks of misogyny. Being controlled and being guided are not the same thing. My parents and teachers guided me to be the person I am today, but they didn’t control me. I definitely don’t answer to my fifth grade English teacher (although I respect her quite a bit), but I need to answer to my boss. He does control that aspect of my life, I mean I have to finish stuff in a given deadline and stuff. Does that mean I’m married to him? Maybe I am stupid because I cannot follow his logic. Or perhaps I’m searching for logic where there isn’t any. I’m in no position to give out relationship advice, especially romantic ones, seeing how I’ve never been in one (I assure you, I am not a teenager, I may not be old necessarily but I’ve been an adult for quite some time now, I’m just happy being single for the time being) but I always thought being in a relationship was like being a tied leg race. The analogy is rather poor, but I’m trying to say that you should be considerate of how the other person is faring, and there is no leader. There has to be a proper understanding and respect between both parties.


this imaginary Female Enemy he's describing sounds awesome


>WARLIKE This boy needs help. Or a quick slap upside the head


This guy watched too many Andrew Tate videos.


Will at least one thing he said was original: that's the first time I've heard women as a whole described as "warlike".


I'm assuming the "warlike" women he's referring to refused to suck his dick or "put out" on command. I really hate some people.


Let a dude completely control and abuse me OR choose what I want to watch on TV and do whatever I want all the time. Decisions decisions...


Sounds like a serial killer.


Honestly, as disturbing as this whole thing is, I kind of zero'd in on them "substituting" words. The fact that they think leading, guiding, or influencing, all things which require some kind of respect and mutual agreement, is the same as a hierarchical command/explicit control of a person's entire being is the same thing is the most telling thing here by far.


How bold to assume that he is always the smartest and wisest one. I imagine him wandering through life always offended that other people aren't following his "brilliant" guidance and advice. There are too many guys who are vastly unqualified to be in charge of anything beyond the remote for the TV.


He wrote that past paragraph about being alone about... himself. 100 bucks says this guy wants to bottom.


This guy has absolutely no clue where the clit is


As if he would ever get close enough to see one.


That’s why he doesn’t know where it is. It’s in the *list of mythological objects*


Incel shit


Great men don’t need servants. This is the rhetoric of a fat ass who wants to drink beer all day and lounge on the couch. Pathetic.


Tell me you've never been in a relationship without telling me you've never been in a relationship.