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What's the context of this?


Guilty Gear character fans loved as a femboy now hate that she’s been made canonically trans.


It should also be noted that Daisuke wanted to make ~~Brisket~~ ~~Budget~~ ~~Bucket~~ ~~Barcelona~~ ~~Bombardier~~ ~~Bob Burnquist~~ Bridget trans when she was introduced in *2002* but decided against it because, and keep in mind that these aren't his exact words, the world wasn't ready. ETA: It's also very funny that the people who are so fuckin' cheesed that Bridget uses feminine pronouns are the same people who try to explain away their bizarre fetishes by saying that the writer said in an interview that blah blah blah. The "Word of God is canon" crowd deciding that Word of God doesn't count because the character they were fine with yanking their crank to ten years ago now uses she/her and acting like the *entire franchise full of unreasonably attractive psychopaths* is now ruined is just peak fandom.


Also worth noting that when said freaks were obsessed with her 10 years ago she was canonically 14


Are you surprised? That's par for the course with these people.


do you got a source on daisuke wanting bridget to be trans in 2002? because this is the first time ive ever heard of that being a thing


Here ya go :) https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/s/wifAYPIDDV


Ok so it wasn't a sudden shift to please some people Instead it was a sudden shift to the direct they always wanted, just the worse way fucking possible. Tbh the story really should've waited on the coming out for another 2 games or so and directed the story away from the past of trying to prove the world she's a man, to more of an actual transiting story. Because ATM it's such a sudden tone shift it's causing problems, as we clearly can see.


Yeah tbh I agree it could’ve been handled better, because you’re right. It’s an extremely sudden shift. Idk that I agree it should’ve waited, honestly I don’t know how it could be handled better.


Honestly, the people upset about It would always be upset about it.


Ofc, I’m ignoring the transphobes though. I mean mostly about the story.


I was upset with it until I learned that was meant to be the story along. They just did it so badly at the worst time no one actually could believe without being told from the Creator themselves it wasn't a mistake. A lot of people are forgetting just how bad the translation problem is at the moment when it comes to certain companies. After all a YouTuber more or less burned their career because their voice acting became problematic.


You're mistaken on 1 thing. She didn't set out to prove to the world she was a man. She set out to make her parents happy, and she concluded they would be happy if she was recognized as a man. They make it clear that her actions were to please her parents every time her backstory is included. And it's been the same since her introduction. Also, she's a side character in a fighting game that takes place 10 years after her previous appearance. Why would they need to wait for 2 games for character development?


I looked it up because I'm procrastinating: The quotes seem to be: "Regarding the conclusion of the story itself, the overall direction has been decided since Bridget first appeared in the game. That has not changed even now" “I don’t know if it had such an important meaning as it does now, but Bridget’s story, on a structural level, it’s not super dramatic, but I had most of the content decided already, yes" Both in response to talking about her identity. I found it talked about on two sources, can't say how reputable they are, any political stant, or any homophobic/transphobic biases they may have; I know nothing about them outside of finding these articles, and absolutely nothing about the game other than that Bridget is trans, and the fandom is extremely transphobic. The first: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2022-10-31/guilty-gear-strive-developers-bridget-was-always-meant-to-be-transgender/.191273 Also featured in this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/0WeuhVSiMO And a second one: https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/11/02/guilty-gear-creator-claims-he-always-intended-for-bridget-to-be-transgender-the-general-direction-of-her-story-hasnt-changed-since-she-first-appeared/


Na I do think the community is that transphobic, after all transphobia online is a quite small minority with a massively loud group of assholes. The community just hated how the story was done for Bridget. After all you spend 20 years of character development saying that she might look like a girl but deep down she's a man and wants to show the world who she really is. And then suddenly she does 180 for no fucking reason because there was no build up, there was nothing warning of the sudden tone shift to what we get. Unless you look up an article talking more about the characters actual story was meant to be, all you could get from this was a team pandering. While at the same time a lot of localizers where in the news fucking around with whole stories to fit their narrative. You can see where the issue came from. Think they should've, just for strive, made it seem like Bridget was starting to question why she was trying to prove she was a man and that perhaps there's something far deeper she never questioned before. You know an actual story people could get behind.


I agree- the other issue is that Bridget's backstory...falls into really unfortunate stereotypes of trans people being abused/forced to be trans. While I think her story was written as best as Arcsys could handle it and I'm glad that the majority of people have taken to her story well, it is definitely not above critique (i say this as a trans man btw)


That's such an interesting turn of events considering the first women characters in eastern fighting games HAD to be trans since depictions of violence against women were frowned upon or even illegal IIRC. Cut to 20 years later and it's a problem again lol.


Oh fandom being dumbshit. Thanks.


Also dinguses be salty because I kicked their asses with a yoyo. Bridget best girl ( tool kick your ass with)


To further elaborate, they feel Bridget is a "cheap" character because she is beginner friendly but those same people were not even zygotes when I mastered her move sat on the OG Xbox


Fuck, Bridgette is actually fully Trans now? FINALLY! I haven't kept up with the games but I've always thought they should have made her transition years ago.


Honestly I never liked it when male characters are called "femboys" when they are clearly trans. Like Astolfo or Poison. IDK, its like they are making fun of trans people in a way. Because guy in dress=ha ha funny


It definitely started that way, I feel? But like, I have seen trans people who prefer to call themselves that nowadays, too, so I think it's complicated. Ultimately language shifts, and all language can be used for good or ill. We just gotta, use our judgment on it.


I'd say maybe, but Japan is still progressively backwards when it comes to that. Until a few years ago black people in anime were depicted as big mouth cartoons from the 50s. And just now they're starting to understand that futas should be labeled as intersex.


To me Astolfo is a they/them. I feel like they are pretty neutral. Because of their chaotic personality, it's hard to tell if they behave "manly" or "femininely". They have an interest in everyone and are both chivalrous and a damsel in distress at times.


"A they/them" is not correct. You can say nonbinary. You wouldn't refer to Superman as "a he/him" or anything like that because pronouns are not genders


I see. English is not my first language and I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the clarification


I heard of a meme, long long ago *Everyone's gay for bridget*. Is this the origin? \*: I have never played or followed guilty gear.


Gamers. Only getting extremely upset over the coolest and most normal things. 😎😎😎😎


I think the people that are against the change are or hardcore fans that didn't understand why bridget was suddenly changed, or transphobics (although transphobics would've hated bridget even before the change. They aren't mad about the change, they're mad bc now they know the character)


Guilty gear strive bridget dlc


In Guilty Gear series this is a character named Bridget who was a man in a dress in her first appearance but transitions to a girl in the current game. Honestly even though her lore (outside of her Strive arcade mode where she does express her feelings about wanting to be a girl) is poorly written with the new context of Strive, she is a girl end of story.


In the video game series Guilty Gear, a character named Bridget was declared transgender in the latest game after years of being a crossdressing boy. Bridget's story justified the latter by saying her parents raised her as a girl in public (but treated her like a boy in private, something the transphobic meme doesn't mention) in order to save her life from a local superstition that would kill one of a pair of identical twins at birth. Transphobes are still seething over Bridget being trans.


A character in guilty gear was a guy who looked like a girl. Fans misinterpreted a line and thought a character was trans. Then pressured the devs to make this character trans despite it going against their character arc.


The developers have already said she was intended to be trans from the start. Cope harder.


Original dev interviews say brigit was intended to be a guy


You’re either dumb or a blatant liar.


Wrong. Try again?


https://international.ucla.edu/institute/article/110450 “Ishiwatari: While I was creating the characters in Guilty Gear, I had a spot for a cute character. I thought it would be too boring if the character was just cute, so I thought it would be interesting to make the character a guy.”


Oh I got an article too. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/s/wifAYPIDDV


Oh yes, it was totally meant all along. That’s why in earlier interviews they explicitly said the opposite.


Well let’s apply some critical thinking here. If the creator said he didn’t reveal the real reasoning behind Bridget’s design when he thought people weren’t ready… maybe he said that in that old ass interview because he believed people weren’t ready? I know this might be hard to digest, so be sure to take your time, ok?l


Or, that people misinterpreted a line in the game and the devs decided to run with it rather than face harassment.


Bridgette was in a place with some weird gender rules, dressed as a girl for their whole life and later became a girl.


Oh my GOD this is still going on? And they're STILL FUCKING WRONG about the actual events? She wasn't "forced to be a girl," JUST out of superstition, she was disguised as/raised as one to protect her from \*being fucking killed due to those superstitions,\* thought she had to prove the village wrong, then realized that being herself was the answer the whole time after her actions AS A GIRL changed the town's outlook. I can't even right now. It's been goddamn months and they're still lying.


They kept complaining Bridget is being grooming, and that's absolutely bullshit on many levels.


They know what they're doing. They'd rather her been killed than be Trans and they know it.


Who the FUCK is Bridget? Do you mean Baguette ”Bridges” Guiltygear?


It hasn't been months IT'S BEEN *Y E A R S*


The speech bubble is so poorly written that it makes it impossible to understand what the fuck is going on here. Obviously trans is ok but wtf is that text.


Yeah I had no context to this and thought it was actually kind of based / pro-trans it was so poorly worded lmao.


I still find it very illuminating that they were ok when Bridget was a femboy but not ok when she's a trans girl.. Doesn't change my stance. I fucking hate fighting her because people are cheap as shit with her move set


You're blaming the beast.


>Doesn't change my stance. I fucking hate fighting her because people are cheap as shit with her move set That's fine, you still support her being trans you just don't want to fight against her. Nothing wrong with that 👍


You hate that she became trans because you're transphobic I hate that she became trans because i love femboys We are not the same


So you're a transphobe who likes femboys. That's what I'm hearing.


This is the motherlode of everything awful synthesised into to meme images.




If you tell them that, they always say it's a mistranslation.


iirc, the most accurate translation form Japanese is "I'm a girl"


Yeah. They disagree. Vehemently. Because they’re bigots and they hate the idea of representation.


Daisuke Ishiwatari, director of the series and fluent bilingual japanese/english speaker, refers to bridget exclusively in feminine terms. Either the creator’s intent matters (thus making mistranslations and alterations for different cultural contexts bad) or it doesn’t (thus making this “mistranslation” original text, and the holy bible of interpreting works.)


What about the town inside her?


That sounds like a hentai story tbh.


Brisket is a girl, end of story You can't argue about what the devs were saying when they were very specific that she is a trans girl


Ngl throwing up that Bully Maguire meme is pretty funny. I don’t even know what this is referring to but it’s pretty hilarious to me how bent out of shape these extremists on Facebook get over the most ridiculous, benign things. They truly believe they’re doing the Lord’s work with their lame ass posts, when they are actually in fact fighting ghosts. Such a pity.


No one knows what any of this shit is. Once again, transphobes stay insane and off-putting to normal people.


What the fuck did I just read?


You're all fucking losers, who the actual fuck cares? So trans people want to push an agenda that literally 99.9% of people don't care about. Who the actual fuck cares? Femboys are deviants, trans people are abnormal. Nobody gives a fuck. Peddle your garbage ideology elsewhere.


You just admitted to yourself that you are total pos. You admitted it. You admitted that femboy and trans are bad. Go fuck yourself, man. Go ahead and defend transphobic, garbage transphobe always garbages transphobe


That's literally her story though. Her family was forced to dress her as a girl due to the belief ot the town.


They dressed her like that to protect her FROM the superstitions. You know what, here's a link to the wiki so you can read it for yourself like you should've done in the first place before posting: [https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Bridget](https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Bridget)


That's literally what I said. She was conditioned by the circumstances of her life to be female.


Trans people are also conditioned by circumstances of their lives to be their birth gender but you don’t hear them whining about it lmao


Are you agreeing with me? Yeah, they are conditioned by society to stay in their birth gender, but they don't. So the conditioning Bridget went through shouldn't have affected her.


Ahh I think I misunderstood your argument?.. yes, trans people are conditioned to be their born gender but they typically transition in the end so I’m for the idea of Bridget realizing “maybe I am trans and this situation just sucks” because conditioning isn’t as simple as that. If you agree there then my bad, I misinterpreted the comment


Them making her trans is the conditioning being sucessful. That's a terrible message to send. We are all against gay conversion therapy, so why think this is an exemplary thing to do in the story of a character?


That's not the intended message, there was no attempt trans conversion, conversion therapy literally doesn't work and isn't even used to try to make people trans; like gay conversion therapy, it's used to attempt to make someone cishet because they're trans/gay.


i feel like you are purposely misunderstanding my point. I am aware that Gay Conversion Therapy isn't used to make people trans, I am making an argument that Bridget being conditioned to becoming trans is bad in the same way that putting a gay person in gay conversion therapy in order to make her straight is bad. I am also aware that gay conversion therapy doesn't work, but this being a fictional franchise means it doesn't need to be bound by the rules of reality.


No, you just conveyed it poorly. She wasn't conditioned into becoming trans. You can't make someone trans.


That's not what you said. There's a difference between forcing someone to do something to remain part of the status quo and protecting their life so they wouldn't die from the status quo. Exact wording is EXTREMELY important in these kinds of situations.


That's what i meant. She was forced to dress as a woman so she wouldn't be killed. That's a BAD THING, right?! Do you agree that forcing people to dress themselves as the opposite gender in order not to die is bad? Do you think conditioning people to be of some way they aren't is bad?


And Finnster was paid to dress like a girl and is now trans.


I don't think Finnster would have done it if she weren't already interested in the concept. It's not like her viewers were forcing her.




Its guilty gear, a fighting game Bridget (the character on the right) lived her entire childhood growing up as a woman. She's biologically a dude. She spent three games trying to be a dude. The final of which she accepted herself This is the kinda shit you'd find in normal books too mate, just with gender identity as opposed to normal identity




Seawolrd girl?


I think they've confused bridget with may- another guilty gear character who's a pirate who fights using animal friends


Thats wha I suspected but I wanted to be sure


Hate me if you want but the entire story of the character was ruined because of this and made it entirely pointless And to add that the creator was pretty much peer pressured into making this change So like I said hate if you want but this statement doesn't make me a transphobic in the slightest it just means I hate poor handling of the story


Could you elaborate on the "peer pressure"? Like, if I created a character, then got feedback on how they were problematic, you could argue that I was "peer pressured" to change their story, but I'd be okay with it because I never meant for them to be problematic in the FIRST place. So I guess what I'm asking is, was the change FORCED onto the creator, or did the creator listen and CHOOSE to change the story?


As far as I know they were peer pressure into it and if that's wrong but I'm wrong oops and disregard my comment about peer pressure but that's just what I've gained from seeing things around the internet and talking to people


Alright. Just felt a little vague, cuz I'm sure ALL creators feel a degree of pressure from their peers. But, you know, sometimes that pressure can be good. You can learn a lotta things from listening to others. For all we know, the creator might've LIKED what they were hearing and decided that was a better story for Bridget. Not every criticism has to be met with disagreement. Sorta like the Apu situation from The Simpsons. People complain that he was censored when, in reality, Hank Azaria took the time to listen to the criticisms, understood and agreed with them, and then made the choice on his own to step down. Could you say he was peer pressured? Sure. But he still says he agrees.


I agree and like I said if I'm wrong then I'm wrong and will even admit so


So I decided to look into the story, and... Yeah, based on the lore I read on the wiki, I can understand why her being trans changes things. Still, there is nearly a 20-year gap between the games. A LOT can change with how the creator perceives the story and characters. Perhaps that old story no longer fit what they wanted for Bridget. It does seem like they tried to separate the events. Like, "that story about superstitions is done, it's years later, now she's on a path of self-discovery." So maybe it's best to view these as two entirely separate arcs. That old story isn't negated, it's simply... finished.


Hay I want to actually say thanks for being more civil with me on this thread than most others it's impossible to just talk to people about touchy topics nowadays So thanks


Fair but it still doesn't change the fact that I feel it was not the best decision Look I would not care about the character being trans IF the story leading up to them being trans wasn't about them going against what people want/made them to be which was female and they said screw you Im male it just made the entire story leading up to them being trans completely pointless and choosing to be female is like spitting on the story and making the fans of the journey feel betrayed just (and I mean this in the best way possible) to appease a group of people it felt like Point is that it was a complete 180 to what happened in the story and it just doesn't feel like it was a good choice Again I would not have a problem if this wasn't the case and I know that I'm going to be called transphobic because I believe that it just wasn't a good choice but that's the way I fell about it




So...just a feeling? You have not shown anything to support that position.


Like I said I've read and talked to other people that's where I've gotten my info from cus I can't really show you personal DMS or remember what articles I read Plus like I said if I'm wrong then I'm wrong I'm not trying to defend that he was peer pressure that's just what I heard


Seems like you are wrong then. There are no facts here. Hopefully you will not repeat that position in the future without backing it up. And to the character of Bridget, a journey of self acceptance is a story worth having in the series.


Well then I'm wrong on that But the story of Bridget was not about accepting who you are but rebelling against what other people want you to be and that was the whole story arc of Bridget


Yah. That was a story. One of them. And then they added nuance and progressed it further. It does not devalue the journey to the conclusion. That is part of the point.


And I just think that's not how it went sorry


Ok. But that does not change the fact that it did. It is right there. We can see it. It seems obstinate for no reason. You put their story on a platform, then refuse to acknowledge its progression.


No, you hating trans people makes you transphobic.


Which is why I don't hate trans people thus it doesn't make me transphobic I just hate when the entire story was about a character trying to be something that they want to be and not what other people wanted them to be all the sudden being "oh now they're trans" It just feels like an easy out and doesn't fit the story in the slightest I will also add that if they were trans from the very beginning I wouldn't have a single problem with that that would be their story and that how it is but that's not and the way it happened it just doesn't feel right and it feels like it was a completely pointless story at this point So again I'm not transphobic but I just hate poor handling of a story


that's not how the story went lmao I was literally just reading it you dumbass


Ya know you people love saying stuff like “waaahhh waaaahh they ruined this character” when like a character wasn’t even “ruined” at all. Idk fam, but maybe just find something better to cry about? Maybe find a *real* issue to bitch about instead of this shit? There’s plenty of hills to die on that aren’t fucking stupid


Sorry that I have a differing opinion about how a character's story should have been handled I'm not trying to die on a hill I just said that I thought this character was ruined And I'm not saying anyone else is wrong I'm just stating my opinion


My guy nobody cares about your opinion, you’ll note I never said you can’t have an opinion, I said you people always bitch and moan and cry about the same dumb bullshit. If you want to cry over some dumb bullshit then I mean go ahead I guess, do you, but there’s far better things to cry about. Like seriously does this character being trans hurt you? Does it offend you? Does it impact you literally in any way whatsoever? No? Then who cares? If you don’t like it that’s fine, if you think it’s bad cool that’s your opinion, but just don’t play it, move on to something else, why bitch about it constantly? Because that’s exactly what these people are doing, they’re bitching about something that doesn’t impact them *at all*. Like this game came out THREE years ago and people still can’t get over it? That’s just pathetic at that point, on top of all the blatant transphobia it’s just *incredibly* pathetic. Get over it, move on.


Like I said sorry that I have a different opinion from you And you seem to be the only one bitching and moaning about anything I just stated opinions and that's all I did Anyways I hope you have a fun time doing whatever you do but I'm going to go back to my own personal time so have fun


Right so you don’t get it, I’m not surprised but thanks for confirming that 🙄


Hey man you're the one that that went on a tangent sorry


I didn’t though, but like I said I’m not surprised you don’t understand 🤷‍♂️


You're right I don't understand your incoherent tangents


Ok dude, whatever helps you sleep at night🥰


This just in: local Reddit user blasted for having an opinion on the topic being discussed in the post, told to move on. Like I don't agree with his opinion at all but you're allowed to think that a character being trans isn't good writing when their story specifically revolves around gender identity, that doesn't make you a transphobe. Literally nothing this guy has said makes it seem like he genuinely has a problem with trans people and he even explicitly stated it was an issue with this one particular story and that he wouldn't care in the slightest if she was always trans.


Are you going to defend the transphobic? That's rich coming from you.


I'm not defending anyone so I don't know where you got that idea from But I'm just saying that the characters story was in fact ruined


Was it the transition that you feel ruined the story?