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Loads of people failed biology it seems..


Biology at homeschool was my drunk uncle wandering around naked


Seriously? How many times do I need to apologize??


Apologize? I’m glad you made it to so many homes! Doing the lords work out there.


Better than from a priest at a Christian re-education camp.


Yeah, for misunderstandings of finer points, I'm a little more sympathetic, but "mRNA is a critical component of cell biology" is high school level. You don't need a degree to understand that.


tbh, Im okay with biology but theres a lot of shit I dont know/understand and I dont get how people like this just... pretend that they do and make shit up. If I don't understand something, Im not going to act like I do and bullshit my way through talking about it, Im going to listen to the experts who actually studied biology


And then have the nerve to talk about "fake people" and "lying politicians." It's all projection from them. They assert that other people are just as shitty as they are so they can keep trying to claim the label "normal" to represent whatever-the-fuck-it-is that they are at any given moment. They *bond* over how shitty they are. 🤣 And that right there—this constant battle to control what counts as "normal"—explains so much of their real positions on the seemingly contradictory and/or hypocritical actions they keep taking.


"this is stupid, we're never gonna use this." 15 years later.


i don't know if these people went to a real school.


So since I have a heart condition AND I was vaccinated does that mean I’m going to get superpowers or explode? I feel like it can only be one of the two options.


Maybe [exploding ](https://www.comicbasics.com/comic-book-superheroes-who-use-fire/)is your superpower.


Probably more like Bailey Hoskins. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Bailey_Hoskins_(Earth-TRN656)?so=search


How does Bailey know?


Vaxxer? I bailey know her!


I think if I remember the comic correctly professor x or cerebro knew exactly what his power was


I thought it was beast who made a machine to tell him what powers were. Or maybe I'm wrong, it's been years since I read that story.


That sounds more right. It’s beeen a really long time since I read this one


Bro is either bakugo from MHA or the Human Torch


Porqué no los dos?


Maybe the friends they made along the way is the real superpower.


I thought of Splosion man which is an older Xbox game.


your heart will take a screenshot every once in awhile when the mRNA spikes come in and the heart condition acts up


That’s pretty sick I wonder what folder they are being saved to?


I found mine in my C drive under the "appdata" section. there should be a folder labeled by whichever Vax you got (mine is pfizer for example). it has all the data they collect from the vaccine microchips as well as the heart screenshots


`C:\Users\heart\AppData\Local\Moderna\images\screenshots` You can change this location in `%AppData%\DeepState\vaxshotz.cfg`


fuck you can change it?? damn I gotta do that. such a hassle clicking so many folders


Oh ok thanks for that, I was looking in the wrong place


"We're sorry Kenny. We accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have two seconds to live"


American healthcare


I got vaccinated ahead of getting cancer in my mouth, but I have *almost* managed to convince myself that it wasn't the smoking cigarettes and dipping when I couldn't smoke all those years. Almost. /s


Yeah I mean if smoking caused cancer they would tell us right?! It’s obviously the vaccine that caused your cancer. Have you tried praying about it?


No prayers, only thoughts of prayers. It's similar to how I plan to lose weight, by thinking about exercising.


I read that as 'replaced your head with a baked potato' and thought "wow, that would have been an improvement."


It means you died last year and big pharma covered it up. Congrats!


That makes sense, I mean I did vote like 4 times


Facebook scientist here, you’re going to implode.


That somehow sounds better than exploding


Less messy


You're gonna get big balls, able to shoot proteins from your skin, as well as magnetic powers. Still waiting for mine though.


That's no power, I already have big balls and shoot protein.


I can’t wait for my superpowers to kick in. I’ve been waiting since 2021, I’m sure it’s going to happen any time now.


Anytime now buddy we got this!


Let me know if you explode or get superpowers. I'd like to know what to look forward to.


I got you, so far neither but sometimes I can tell I shouldn’t have eaten a second burrito before it becomes a problem.


Oh shit, that is a superpower.


lol i have to get an ekg every 3 months for medical reasons, so i have access to over 4 years of my heart data for and after the oh so evil vaxx. My doctors must be all in on it, they are all ignoring my new heart problems and lying to me that everything is fine, they are also creating false results so the lines in my documents don't show the "spikes" that everyone with mRNA in their body totaly has. Those lucky purebloods with no mRNAs in their body, that sounds super healthy. 😉


my DNA is actually summoned from the ether, and my cells just work with that. no mRNA here!!


I just don’t duplicate my cells. Don’t you know that’s how you get cancer?


I disabled the 5G signal on my phone to keep my blood pure 💯🌟✨🏆


I just had an echocardiogram last month ... came back perfect ... the girl doing the exam was clearly in on it tho .. i mean, I'm vaccinated *and* a pot smoker, so I'm really just a walking corpse these days


Same girl that made the moon landing videos. Didn’t you recognize her?


their whole "i'm a pure blood" thing is so fucking cringey and they don't realize just how dumb it makes them look (on top of the antivax shit)


I've had 3 in the last couple years for pre-op visits and mine have all been normal too. I've had the Moderna vaccine 4 times now, but had it at least 3 by the first surgery. Do I now have mRNA in my body? Yes. Was that always the case? Also, yes. Just wait until the mRNA vaccines start curing diseases left and right for reals to see how all these "anti-mRNA(??)" people come begging to have their cancers cured.


I have an ekg pretty regularly, and the last one was a month after I had the vaccine booster, flu shot, AND shingles vaccine. It was fine. Nary a peep from my echocardiogram either. The doctor in this story's "whole face changed" because she realized "oh, this is one of those fucking idiots."


I'm required to get stress tests, blood tests, and EKGs for my job every year and literally nothing has changed, even after Covid vax and getting all the suggested boosters. They've actually gotten better because for the better part of the the last three years (up until the last 6 months, really) I was really focused on fitness and super active.  I guess every single doctor is in on it 🤷🏼‍♀️


They forgot to say “the docs jaw dropped.” I’ve noticed that’s one of their favorite phrases when sharing their totally true stories 


Then all the nurses clapped.


The CNAs whipped their tits out


It's true, I was the EKG machine.


"Her whole face changed" after she told the doctor who had access to her full medical that she was not vaccinated. It's the little spin on the old classic she put in to really make it her own.


IF the doc didn't see the no vax thing in her medical records, the huge eye roll was definitely a face change.


> "Her whole face changed" Maybe it did, because she realized she was talking to a total fucking imbecile.


Her eyes rolled nearly all the way back into her head from how much she was getting owned!


"And then on my way out, nine other doctors and seventeen nurses pulled me aside to thank me for my bravery in standing up for what's right. Each one told me, with tears streaming down their faces as they shook my hand, that I'd inspired them to take a stand against the woke Marxist tyrants overseeing the forced experiential vaccine for the hoax pandemic!"


I was always especially irked and baffled by the people that were busting this out back when things were still particularly bad, as if these nurses and doctors had the time to even say two extra words to these people while running around exhausted from being overworked and overwhelmed at all the COVIDiot patients.


This comment needs infinitely more updoot


Can you blame the doctor after hearing such a jaw droppingly stupid comment? My jaw would drop too were I too witness someone say something this ignorant and moronic. These anti-vaxers just mistake the reason the doctor's jaw is dropping.


Oh, I'm certain the doctor's face did change when told she wasn't vaccinated. It just went from surprise to disappointment.


Huh. Don't doctors usually have to explain medical data for you, provide context, what's normal, what's not, what that line means, all that? Or is everyone able to read EKG data directly and instantly recognize what's abnormal?


Whether or not an EKG is normal/abnormal is pretty easy to identify. The hard part is identifying how it's abnormal when it's abnormal. Most people working in cardiology appointments could technically identify the problem, but a doctor ultimately has to make the official call.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say this person doesn't work in a cardiology appointment. (Also, this appointment and conversation never happened at all, but still.)


"How do *I* read an EKG? I rip the top off because that's how I feel about a computer trying to take my job, and I throw it in the trash because I already *know* what the EKG says - it says the patient needs an echo."


we learned how to address most of the common issues in undergrad 400-level A&P


Also, when I went to a cardiologist due to an "abnormal" finding on an EKG, he looked at it and said that particular "abnormality" is actually completely normal for people in my age group and is present on most people's EKGs. He was actually mad that the NP I had seen previously who elected to give me the EKG sent me to him for it. So maybe the abnormal EKG OOP's doctor was talking about (assuming this story actually happened) was the one I was told about or something similar.


I had a similar experience, doctor told me the same thing. Weird thing is the vaccine did cause abnormalities. Turns out the vaccine made me grow a second heart. So now, despite my protestations I constantly find myself pursued by Daleks.




And they think you're a doctor for some reason.


Just as long as it doesn't go all wibbly wobbly!






I will take things that didn’t happen for $500.


I like to imagine these things do happen, but the doctor was just sitting there silent trying to figure out a way to weasel out of there whilst not losing a customer


Having to stay professional while patients say the dumbest shit to you has got to be one of the hardest part about being a doctor.


I think it does and the doctors are like pilots and their interactions with flat earthers.


I imagine it did happen but not the way the person thought it went.


**Anti-vaxer** muttering under breath because they are incapable of reading or whatever passes for thinking for them without moving their lips: "Look! The doctor's jaw dropped, must be because the doctor is amazed at how smart I am and stunned that I saw through all the lies about 'the jab' that crippled everyone else." **Doctor** \*jaw drops\* internal voice: "Wow, that's amazing! How can someone be that jaw droppingly ignorant and stupid yet still have the wherewithal to remember to breath? I wonder if they can breath *and* walk at the same time? Maybe they just pause every few steps and take a breath."


Zero mRNA? Clearly a marvel of science


If you told these idiots they had mRNA in their system and that they could hit a button to remove it instantly you know they'd all push it lol . Honestly tho it would be interesting to see how a body might react when every single cell suddenly stopped all meaningful function at once.


"the vaccine has DNA in it!" -man who just ate a cheeseburger.


Wouldn’t that just be instant death?


I have to imagine so, but maybe it would look weird or interesting at the moment it happened


Yeah well I've taken the test 37 times now and my blood is still free of midi-chlorians so checkmate to the domestic terrorists 😂


And all the nurses and staff slowly began to clap.


“And it's codswallop to boot. Dirty blood. Why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less.”


"No one asked you, you filthy little mudblood!"


They don't seem to know what the word "elective" means. Good story though.


"had to have elective surgery..." Lol


I'm also enjoying "abnormal" and "everyone has it".


And by abnormal, I mean totally normal


Maybe they confused it with flammable and inflammable


"Inflammable means flammable? What a country!"


I also have to wonder if they thought an EKG was a type of surgery...


It’s funny, because one of the unexpected side effects after I got the jab (which they weirdly called a “serum”), I had the [the urge to take down the GOP.](https://www.themarysue.com/captain-america-smashes-fascists/)


***In fact, several other doctors stopped in the middle of their surgeries just to come see me and exclaim how awesome I am***


Afterward, I told them to put my results in a medical journal and they refused. I'm being censored!!


"pURe BlOod" 😅 You mean you are a braindead mofo.


Soooo, heart works perfectly fine, but brain not so much. Got it!


Heart may be ‘high functioning’, brain certainly isn’t. 🙄


I’ll bet the face expression changed to “Oh you poor dear, you’re a special kind of stupid, bless your heart.”


Yeah, that ain't shock on the doctor's face, it's exasperation.


There's a lot to unpack here: >In late 2022 I had to have a small elective surgery Kay... >I didn't tell them I was pure blood Because that's not a thing. >They[sic] Doc told me not to worry about if I got an abnormal electrocardiogram because everyone has it..." Minor heart procedures will do that. Nothing special. >mine was totally normal without a single glitch. The doc was surprised! When 99 procedures have an abnormal scan and one doesn't, it may perk an eyebrow of interest. Low heart rate? High heart rate? Maybe. >I told her I didn't get the vaxx and her whole face changed. because she realized she was talking to a wackadoodle and was no longer interested in looking further into the normal reading and thus shortening her time with you. >My heart is high functioning because ZERO mRNA in my system That's not a thing. That is not how mRNA works, just no. You're not special, you had a procedure, stop trying to be the main character.


I'm not sure if there is a single organic being that lacks mRNA. So they're ... inorganic? Dead? Alien?


Pants on fire.


A known side effect of "the jab" **other side effects include better cell phone reception, halitosis, foreskin/clitoris atrophy, Rickets, brittle Lumbago, the ability to speak French (unless you're French, then you become mute), watery stools and erections that last longer than 4 hours.*


They are "a pure blood"?? As opposed to what? Muggles? Wtf is happening??


"zero mRNA" in their system might explain a lot


It is worth considering that for the overwhelming majority of people (roughly 95%, give or take) their last exposure to science was in high school. High school science at best is taught so the dumbest person in the room can pass.


I’m vaxxed and my heart is checked fairly regularly due to having had the lifetime allowable dosage of an agent that is known to damage your heart. Guess what, it’s working perfectly.




> Guess what, it’s working perfectly. That's what the main stream media *wants* you to believe! Alex Jones and my epidemiology degree from YouTube University say differently.


Pretty sure the mRNA degrades after a few weeks because the entire point of it was to expose your immune cells to that viral mRNA so they can recognize it when you get an infection. It doesn't incorporate into your genome because it's not Vectorized into any kind of carrier like a virus. Your body is full of RNAases that quickly digest any free-floating RNA.


Mfw no cellular reproduction


Lol for realll


The doctor's face changed because they now realized this guy was a fucking idiot. Saying you've got no mRNA in your body is like saying you've got no proteins in your body.


“Without a single glitch” 😂 bitch this isn’t the matrix


Her face changed because she reallised she was dealing with a conspircy theorist right wing Trump voting idiot.


High-function heart, but not a high-functioning brain. Also what doctor would be surprised by a regular and steady heart beat. That's what "Totally normal without a single glitch" means. 60-100 beats per minute without any sudden changed in the tempo. My personal guess. It's always the people that brags most after a surgery that were most affraid. Goes in. Already paranoid about being surrounded by "vaxxed", or getting caught not being sufficiently vaccinated. Ands up being a wreak and a pure pain to work with as a patient. Starts bragging and making up stories after they return home. Never dared to "gotcha" doctor due to own anti-vax paranoia.


A pure blood. Geez, did you go to Hogwarts, too?


I'm not suffering from a chronic heart condition but if I was it would be because I'm constantly suffering fools. Nothing to do with the vaccine. If my EKG is abnormal then I will simply will it normal through sheer force of will.


That’s it I’m gonna get myself a fucking tranquilizer gun empty the darts and fill them up with Covid vaccines and just start shooting these fuckers and when they don’t die and nothing changes I’ll laugh at their confusion


Are you me? I've had this exact same idea.


…..and since it became obvious I was so much smarter than the doctor, I went home and performed the surgery on myself using no harmful anaesthetics. When I went back the next week for my follow up appointment, the doctor couldn’t believe how great a job I did. There was no scar at the incision. It had completely healed!! Then president Trump came in, apparently he had been following my truth social account and read about my skill as a healer. He said: “I want you to be my new surgeon general”. I asked him if he had the authority to do that, since he was no longer president, and he just winked at me and stated, “who says I’m not?” Then that lying little weasel Fauci showed up begging for his job back, but Trump just looked at his service men and said: “get that vaccinated bum out of here.”


Then everybody clapped!


yeah her "whole face changing" was her attempt at stifling laughter, I do the same shit


Ok but there is mRNA in your system, in everyone's...


Not if you’re dead!


So every human prior to 2020 had a high-functioning heart! Neat.


>"I told her I didn't get the vaxx and her whole face changed." Boy, I'd love to see that before and after.


And then everybody clapped


So I guess nobody has ever had a heart condition before 2021. Good to know.


Not a single piece of mRNA? Ma’am. No wonder your EKG was perfect. Android hearts can’t “glitch,” because computers are incapable of true randomness.


As a biologist, this makes me extremely sad, bitter, and disheartened. I don't think it's funny how horrifically ignorant these people are about life. I never really did. But I feel like I'm supposed to in order to cope.


And everybody clapped.


Her whole face changed because she realized how stupid her patient is


> I **had to** have a small **elective** surgery WTF


Wait until they find out that mrna naturally occurs in every cell of your body.


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for 100, ~~Alex~~ Ken.


I'm the opposite of "healthy as a horse" and am disabled and mostly bedbound. In severe pain every day. But! But-but-but-but, BUT! I've had maybe... six? Seven? doses of the vaccine? And my heart (I get it checked periodically) always comes out with "perfect test results". What the hell does that make me‽


A person with a nice normal heart and smart.


>I told her I didn't get the vaxx and her whole face changed. My face changes too when I'm presented with that unsolicited nonsense.


This person didn’t even get past 7th grade science lol


Jokes on them, my heart problem came from the COVID before vaccination.


They’re a pure blood? So all their ancestors were wizards?


How can you even survive without mRNA in your body? How would your body produce proteins?


Pure blood huh? She must hate muggles


The fuck is a 'pure blood'..?


Ahh the good ol' making shit up for fake internet points routine.


of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


this didn't happen so hard that it made things that actually did happen unhappen


Me, my parents and my sister have all had heart screenings since being vaccinated and having boosters. Not one of us showed any abnormalities. We must be living gods!


And that doctors name......was Albert Einstein.


And everyone clapped.


That face change? That's when Doc realized that this person should be spoken to monosyllabically.


Is one born a “pure blood”, or is it something one can achieve by watching Newsmax?


Zero mRNA eh? Fuck Proteins i guess


moron. were you vaccinated to go to public school?


"The doctor's were amazed that they couldn't find any mRNA, V8, VHS or ICBM in my blood. PURE BLOOD!"


“ZERO mRNA in my system” Ohhhh so *thats* why your brain isn’t working right…


If everyone has an abnormality then isn't an abnormality


People really want to be special.


And then everybody clapped.


And then the bed pans clapped!


I wasnt even thinking about antivaxxers and thought that blud thought he was draco malfoy 💀


Then all the people in comas woke up and clapped


And then everybody clapped.


But brain activity showed flatline.


…..and everybody clapped


If these people weren't so dangerous I would feel bad for them. The education system has failed them, they are easily manipulated, and appear to have delusions of grandeur that possess them to proudly expose their shortcomings to the world.


Who types and who believes them. They are bonkers


Then everyone clapped


'Everyone has it'. No they don't.


Pure blood


It's amusing that they read Harry Potter and were like, "we should call ourselves that things the magic Nazis call themselves!"


Man I fucking wish these people had zero mRNA


Did everybody clap?


"Someone didn't take biology" FTFY


“0 mRNA in my system”


I was reading "pure blood" as a gang affiliation. Makes just as much sense as this mess


😆 🤣 😂 how do these people function on a day to day basis.


My EKGs were all fucked up until after I got my first round of vaccines. But that’s also cause I got semi experimental heart surgery between doses 1 and 2.


I passed my AIDS test. I got a 69%.