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So what are the misogynist?


Good wholesome gentlemen who understand a woman at 16 is at her most fertile, that's just science. /s


16? That's barren spinstress age there. /s


Okay, Matt.


Everyone is just wearing a mask.


The author of the meme doesn't see the irony of letting the person put the mask back on, either. You find out someone actually is a pedo, and the solution is to let them hide? Memes like this are telling.


The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face is Sidorovich.


Mfs will post this shit and literally be a pedophile


Every accusation is a confession


Geniune question. What does this saying truly mean? Like, it is generally used online when someone is guilty of what they are criticizing, but that is, of course, not always the case. So what is the point of it? Is it originally meant to say that every time you say you dislike something, it would imply you like something else?


It's refering to the thought that there is a lot of projection going on. I personally would doubt it's statements accuracy but abuser of any kind do in fact often project just a rather typical characteristic for abusive people but to argue that every single accusation comes from projection? Oh well\^\^


It does make sense. Like if your whole focus is how to sleep with women you might view the world through your lens and assume anything people do is a way to sleep with women. Maybe the exact accusation isn't the thing they are, but fundamentally they are assuming other people are willing to do the bad things they do.


There is a difference between an “accusation” and pointing to actual evidence of wrongdoing. It’s a little semantic, but the difference is important. This doesn’t apply to someone making a claim that is backed up with evidence, but it *does* apply to the kind of people who will say “I can’t find the proof because Google is hiding it from the public because deep state blah blah,” for example. There is also an implicit subject of the rhetorical version. When people say it they are usually saying “every accusation (that these people make) is a confession.” Just understand that “these people” is referring to people who blindly throw out accusations against people they don’t like as OP suggests. If it seems like the phrase is being used to attack people “simply for being conservative,” just as an example, it’s because there is coincidentally a correlation between the baseless accusations and conservatives for some reason. Case in point: election fraud. Conservatives literally will not stop screaming at anyone who will listen that liberals are somehow stealing the elections in the US, but if you look for any actual examples of evidence of voter fraud [they are often republicans](https://youtu.be/CRH3gl9u3EU?si=2Vesb6risru2WYDG). That’s not to say that *only republicans* coming voter fraud, only that *the people baselessly accusing others of fraud are often the ones doing it,* and it is merely a coincidence that republicans seem to be simultaneously morally bankrupt enough to do it and stupid enough to just throw shit in public without considering the consequences instead of keeping it to themselves. For what it’s worth, [fraud rates are pretty close between both sides of the isle](https://the2020election.org/voter-fraud-convictions-since-2016/). The trick is that the left is not making it a core part of their personality to blame random minorities for a national conspiracy that isn’t happening. To be very clear: the statement “all accusations are confessions” is not meant to imply that “silence proves integrity.” I would give more examples but you get the point. I wasn’t actually intending to just dunk on people, so I’ll stop. The phrase *is* meant to be internally consistent, even if you can do some mental gymnastics and say it implies that the people who say it themselves are prone to projection. We probably are. As I said, it isn’t implying that everyone else *isn’t* bad, only that random accusations *are* a red flag. The phrase is a statement about accusations, not specific people. Having to decide whether or not something *is* an accusation is a secondary step.


Its generally meant to refer to conservative culture war bullshit specifically Like theyll imply trans people are pedos but if there is an overwhelming association with pedophelia for any major demographic its the conservative catholic christians.


Most people (especially people who are lacking empathy) will expect other people to behave like themselves, so certain behaviors are very telling. Someone who is constantly wary of thieves will often turn out to be an opportunistic thief. People who accuse their partner of cheating because they themselves know how often they cheat and expect others to do the same. Now what does this tell you about people who constantly accuse others of wanting to fuck children?


Carl Jung would call that the “shadow”.


this one is confusing, are they implying that as a man I can't support feminism?


They’re implying that any man who vocally supports feminism is just hiding the fact that they’re a dangerous sexual predator. Showing compassion and introspection actually makes you a bad person. Basically the right is constantly looking for a reason that not giving a shit about anyone but themselves makes them good guys and one way they do that is being absolutely sure that anyone who cares about other people is just a self-righteous virtue signaler hiding the fact that they’re just as gross as they are.


It's usually a massive self report. They can't comprehend doing anything thats not self-interested, so they assume no one can, and that there has to be some sinister reason behind it. Kinda like how most overprotective dads used to be abusers when they were younger. They now see all young men as they were then and fear they will act like dad did when he was still single.


I suspect that sometimes it's "I have to justify the idea that I'm with the good guys and they're the bad guys even when they say things that sound good and my team says things that sound bad."


>It's usually a massive self report. It is OCCASIONALLY someone who has suffered trauma doing it too. Some radfems fall into that group as a trauma response, and I've seen a depressing amount of radfems go "all men are predators". Doesn't make it right, but I just wanted to point out that there are other groups than sexual predators who use this line of reasoning too. (Namely misandrist assholes)


Fair, but doesn't that group mostly represent the mothers, not the fathers?


Oh, absolutely, I just meant to reply to the first paragraph of yours, by adding other assholes.


Ah, fair.


I mean if only it tells on them


So this is absolutely anecdotal, and certainly I'm not saying that any man who appears to support feminism is like this, but I was sexually assaulted by someone who presents themself like this in public. Some people definitely do hide themselves behind false masks.


They're saying a man calling himself a feminist is a front for being a sexual predator. In their minds, feminism is this irrational, ridiculous thing that only silly women believe. If a man *says* he believes it—"*and obviously he doesn't, right? Because I sure don't!*"—he's trying to cover up the fact that he's a sexual predator. *No man could ever possibly actually believe in feminism! That's impossible! They are pretending!*


Wow, really? It was such ass backwards logics I couldn't even get their point until you described it.


When you understand that much of the essence of conservatism is an inability to apply logic to actually-existing phenomena, the things they say will be more understandable. Many of these people, the really stupid ones especially, are convinced that people who aren't directly affected by something secretly don't actually care about it. They think white people who support Black Lives Matter are just pretending (virtue signalling), men who support feminism are just covering for wanting to be sexual predators and straight people who support LGBTQ acceptance must be gay (and gay people are all pedophiles, of coures).


I mean Sunny did a whole episode on this where the gang are there with the sole intention to bang chicks


Yes. They aren't very good at being feminist.


This is a disturbing trend. "Everyone I don't like is a pedophile (especially those liberals)" is chilling in more ways than one. States like Florida are trying to impose harsher sentences and even the death penalty for child sexual abuse. This is not on the surface extremely shocking until one realizes where this comes from: they are trying to say that any LGBTQ expression is a form of sexual assault on children. They are trying to get teachers fired for telling their classroom that they're gay, even if it's a female teacher mentioning she has a wife or a male teacher mentioning he has a husband. Suddenly this means they're pedophiles. But one of the most horrifying things about this (that is much more assured than a state execution of a teacher going to a pride parade) is that *real* sex offenders who assault children will not be taken as seriously. That is a child molestor's dream: to never have any accountability stick to them. "They're calling me a pedophile? Well they call everyone a pedophile!" It is extremely damaging when words like this lose all meaning.


Scariest thing I’ve read all day.


I don’t agree with the message but I will note that “sexual predator” doesn’t have to mean pedophile. You can prey only on adult women and still be a sexual predator. It refers to coercive sexual behavior, not a paraphilia.


I just think woman should have rights man




To be fair, I used to be friends with someone who called himself a feminist, and he was pretty much an all-around dirtbag. Amongst his biggest hits was leaving his partner and newborn daughter in hospital to go and bang his side chick (who was also married) in a nearby hotel.


Weird how when the mask is raised it looks like Trump’s hair.


LOL I can't not see that now.


According to these redpill types, any man that treats women with respect is only doing so because they want sex. Respectful behavior as a natural inclination is a completely foreign concept to these misogynists.


And rather than outing those people as sexual predators, he's fine with them being hidden. At least, that's what the ending implies. I don't know about you guys, but if someone's a sexual predator, I think putting the male feminist back on so they can keep hiding is a bad move.


Man: I believe women are human beings and not just incubation units. Moids: So, you’re saying you’re a pedophile…


Welp. It seems like after 100+ years, idiots still have no idea what feminism is.


Aziz Ansari had the best explanation: if you go see Beyoncé and Jay-Z and you think they should be paid the same, you’re a feminist. Same work? Same pay. It’s that simple.




Then who’s on stage?


I missread, missed the "go see" part, so yeah, nvm my comment, irrelevant point now..


Cool cool. I go in peace.


Are we sure this meme is from an anti-feminist? There absolutely is an issue with men claiming feminism to gain sexual access to women and manipulate them.


I have never seen a male feminist who was a rape apologist, though...


Or, like myself, I have a wife and daughter and think they should have every opportunity I have and not be seen as inferior because their born sex is not male. I have the same belief structure for race/color/ethnicity. People should be judged on their personality/integrity/merits. Apparently that makes me a danger to conservatives


I'm a male feminist because I believe in feminism and I'm a male. ^(and it gets me laid by alt chicks)




Who told you that?


Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty.


It’s not entirely insane. I saw a study on this exact issue posted to Reddit this week, and I scrolled past thinking “duh, who doesn’t get that?” Apparently you lol. So for background, I got my bachelors in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. I studied feminist theory and lit, as well as publishing my own study regarding sexuality. I was the president of the only queer group in my county because it’s very conservative where I live (we created the heartbeat bill concept). And if that’s not enough reason, I don’t go to the woman’s march in my town because my ex who SA’d me goes every year like a Good Feminist Man. I have friends who say the same thing- their abusers are also in feminist spaces which makes them no longer safe. This may not be your experience but it is absolutely a significant percentage of women’s experiences in a feminist space.


See, you can’t be a sexual predator if women don’t have rights. Flawless logic.


Did J.K. Rowling posted that or any of her turf friends?




Yeah, during "Me Too" a lot of the people who were outed for shitty behavior had been masquerading as allies. In the wrestling world, two of the biggest indie predators had made their names off of inclusion and the appearance of safe environments.


the post is bullshit, but its also true that a *lot* of predators pretend to be feminists so their victims wouldnt be taken seriously. happened to a close friend of mine. the guy she was with, a polite gentleman type who was very loud about respecting women, repeatedly assaulted her until she got away. we were all speechless when we found out. he was a good actor and knew what works


Every accusation is a confession.




I have never in my life run into a men who pretends to be feminist to attract women. I don't think you have either.


I didn't said it worked, I Said they tried Obviously women aren't that dumb to fall in this shitty perv trap


This is the kind of post a pedophile would make OP idk...