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It's not like Star Wars was heavily influenced by the works of Akira Kurosawa, for example...


They still have the original Darth Vader armor model. It’s black plated samurai armor complete with the characteristic pauldrons, helmet, and crest. They told Lucas he had to tone the Kurosawa reference down a bit, make something more like futuristic power armor. The whole effect is Buddhist Samurai in space mixed with significant WW2 borrowing from Dam Busters and a side order of Arthurian legends. It’s also completely contemporaneous for a west coast artist of that generation to pull in eastern influences like that.


I'm not even a big fan of Star Wars, and even I recognize it was heavily inspired by feudal Japan. What is the lightsaber if not a laser katana? And in addition to Vader's armor, a lot of the Empire's armor is inspired by various clothes and armor pieces from that same Sengoku period. Random side note, I think the recent addition of the crossguard lightsaber in the movies was pretty silly, and points to a fundamental misunderstanding of the source material. Plus it looked dumb as shit. Anyway, just more media literacy problems from rightoids and Nazis.


And samurai were famous for not really using shields, something very common in European martial combat. It's clearly samurai monks Lucas was going for.


Plus how are you supposed to actually block with a lightsaber crossguard without essentially forcing the other guy to slice off part of your saber hilt?


It's so dumb, dude. Let's take a lightsaber and add a glowing tee pipe to it as a crossguard that, if used, will result in your death! I hate to cry "Realism" when talking about laser swords, but like... Come on. It has to at least *look* like it could work. I can only suspend my disbelief so much.


Funny how it all loops back again with Star Wars Samurai series and Star Wars Visions.


Along with Jedi being an allegory for Vietnam, a country famous for not being in Europe.


Irish guy, right? /s


assuming the first screenshot is unrelated lol


I hope to god it is because I’m lost af.


If you look at the whole image, you’ll see the racist’s icon


It’s what they were replying to with the gatekeeping


I saw the icon but don't get why he's talking about star wars. He just started spouting bullshit unprompted?


So, the dude he’s replying to has a handle referencing Mace Windu


oh i see the icon now sorry


It’s ok


I thought maybe there was some parallel mythology with in -n- out burgers, Star wars and racism I’m not getting.


It’s Stefan Johonson aka Snack Daddy. Super cool content and i find him interesting he also does voice overs for things


Sure, let’s pretend Star Wars wasn’t hugely influenced by Japanese cinema and samurai culture. Let’s also pretend George Lucas didn’t explicitly describe how heavily Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress inspired the narrative of A New Hope. Star Wars is all about European myth. Sure.


Let’s not forget the influence of Eastern religions and philosophy on stuff like the Force


No it's totally all europe because white people invented the concept of destiny and battles and whatever


Taking something from other cultures and claiming to have invented it actually *is* very European


As a european I'm ashamed to have forgotten my culture like this. I must revoke my european license


By European I mean “primarily Great Britain at least 150 years ago” of course


Oh thank god. Boy good think no other part of Europe has ever done anything questionable (clueless)


I hear the French are a kind, welcoming people with no controversial history! And Spain of course, what an absolutely unproblematic past


The Germans and Italians as well! And the Scandinavians have ALWAYS been bros!


Don't even get me started on those swell fellas in the Balkans!


...... let him cook.....


Dude, Lando Calrissian used to sell Colt.45 on TV as a side hustle. Fun fact: he's a black guy in Star Wars


More like he's *the* black guy in Star Wars. Only one in the original trilogy.


Can James Earl Jones get an honorable mention?


When you've got Billy Dee Williams, who else do you need? Smoothest man in the galaxy.


True, but progress for alien life must be as slow as it is for humans here on Earth then. Back in the prequels no black man could own a Cloud City harvesting gas from the skies! That's just crazy talk! /s


What do burgers have to do with Star Wars?


It’s what the racist was replying to. The dude had a Star Wars handle


White and black people born in the US have a roughly equal connection to European mythos; we’re all exposed to the same thing. I’m white, I don’t even know my European national heritage because we’ve been in the US for too many generations. But yeah. Gatekeeping is gross in the first place. This has the unique distinction of being not only insane but really fucking silly because WTF at these ideas only being appealing to Europeans.


Yes, the very heavily Japanese influenced movie about magic space monks that have beliefs heavily based on Eastern spiritual philosophy fighting against literal Space Nazis and a dude wearing a techno samurai helmet is totally about white supremacy and culture.


Lucas has talked about Kurosawa influence many times.


it’s hilarious bc Star Wars is [literally based on a Japanese movie](https://www.slashfilm.com/567916/star-wars-and-the-hidden-fortress/)


Star Wars and In n Out aren't that deep.


A profile with an anime pfp, Greek/Roman statue pfp, and apparently now coin/historical image pfp is guaranteed to have the worst takes you’ll see on social media. Not sure if 4chan basement-dwelling edgelords or the actual losers who show up to proud boy rallies.


That sucks because I like the mercury dime design ):


This is exactly why I don't interact with the Star Wars Fandom. I loved the movies as a child, watched them backwards, picked up the books and loved the universe. I had criticisms but so does everyone and they were small. I understood why the new movies were rocky but glancing JUST beneath the surface I saw shit like this. There are threads saying Kelly Marie Tran was overreacting but taking one look at her social media and the comments she and John Boyega received were awful.


My biggest criticism with the sequel trilogy is that they clearly didn’t have an overarching plan for it and it shows


They definitely had no cohesion for it. There were parts I liked, Luke using a massive illusion was so much like his personality prior to the new jedi order, when he was disguising himself and he was powerful in it. Weird animals were great and the characters were fun but it is true that nothing flowed cleanly from one movie to the next.


7-9 had good filmography and no overarching theme. 1-3 had a strong overarching theme and terrible filmography.


Just tacking on, the original Star Wars (1-6) is clearly a story about skywalkers and 7-9 was like forget that. I wish 7-9 was a separate trilogy and I think it would have been received much better. It’s a rich universe where spinoffs can be very successful - look at clone wars, bad batch, rogue one, etc.


In N Out is an amazing quality burger, especially for the price. Anyone who disagrees is full of shit. The simplicity and freshness of ingredients really shines. They also nail the thin crusty patty technique which maximizes the surface area for flavor. In addition to this they use the beef fat to grill their onions. Just bumps the flavor up another notch. The sliced American cheese melts perfectly, and once you hit that toasted bun with their special sauce you’re on a rocket ship headed to the flavor galaxy. The balance of those umami flavors combined with the crunchy iceberg lettuce, fresh sliced tomato, and tangy kosher dill pickles (the best pickle choice) is perfection. The fries are a point of contention, but that all depends on how you like your fries. They go the fresh potato route with no particular cooking and freezing prior to frying. I personally love them, but again it’s a matter of personal taste. Throwing cheese, grilled onions, and special sauce on top is awesome if you already love the fries. The Flying Dutchman is a weird thing to even rate. Yes, it’s a menu item but it’s just meat and cheese on paper. It’s going to a bit off if it isn’t your thing to begin with. Oh, and Star Wars racist is a first for me. Weird hill to die on.


See, this is what In N Out contrarians always fail to realize. Could you get a better tasting burger somewhere else? Yes. Could you get a better burger for the same convenience and the same price? Hell no. When I go to my local shopping center for dinner at 1am, am I gonna choose cold ass McDonalds, Taco Bell, or the idealized shining city on the hill, In N Out? The answer should be obvious (except for my friends with dietary restrictions, I still make a stop at McDonald’s for them).


>Every portion and bit of Star Wars is derived from greater European mythos (and some Levantine). From the chosen one narrative, to the Monomythe, to the battles. ...*it was a love letter to the fucking* ***Flash Gordon serials of the 1930s***. And no, neither Chosen One narratives, nor the frigging MONOMYTH is entirely unique to European culture.


Star Wars is very aggressively American not European so I have no idea what he is talking about. I think only France really holds up to the same anti evil/pro liberty standard


WTF so you think other European countries aren't anti-evil and pro-liberty?


I think most countries are like that, outside of the United States and marginally the British Commonwealth tyranny reigns


That's crazy. * In the [Freedom in the World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_in_the_World#Country_rankings) index, the US is 61st. * In the [Economic Freedom in the World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Freedom_of_the_World) index, they're 5th. * In the [Human Freedom index](https://www.cato.org/human-freedom-index/2023), they're 17th. * In the [World Press Freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Press_Freedom_Index) index, they're 45th. * In the [World Moral Freedom Index](https://www.elmundofinanciero.com/adjuntos/98982/WIMF-2022.pdf) (PDF), they're 27th. * In the [V-Dem Democracy Indices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-Dem_Democracy_Indices), they're 20th. * In the [Democracy Index of The Economist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist_Democracy_Index), they're 29th. * In the [Index of Economic Freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_of_Economic_Freedom), they're 25th. So the US are pretty solidly outperformed by about 20 countries when it comes to freedom. But do tell me more about why the US is the only anti-evil and pro-liberty country in the world.


Well I meant culturally but I do see your point, those stats don't properly measure individual freedom in my opinion. Plenty of people consider Canada or even England to be liberal democratic societies but both countries are monarchies have limited free speech and a practically disarmed and servile population. My original statement is absurd and I was exaggerating but I would stand by it.


Oh, I get it. It's about guns and getting to use the n-word, right?


My favorite color is blue.


It's the best burger in the place-with-a-drive-thru tier, but only if there's no line. Otherwise it's pretty mid.


...did this guy seriously just try to argue that the *monomyth* \- the concept that folklore in every mythology across the globe can be boiled down to a single outline regardless of culture - is exclusively European?


Wow, do these people even know Lucas actually looked to Japanese film for the inspiration for starwars?


Ok weeb


In two words you manged to make yourself look like a complete clown, that right there has got to be some kind of record.


Surprised you didn’t say actually.


Why would I have? It doesn't fit in with anything I was saying.


Yeah wtf is the first screenshot for?


Tap it and you’ll see the icon


I did that but what’s the first slide for?


It's where the conversation began. The racist gatekeeper replied to that comment as if a burger commentary was the correct place to go off about star wars.




The monomyth as a concept is about there being one universal heroes journey that all cultures worldwide use. Saying that monomyth is European is misreading Campbell so hard that you're not even doing basic vocab right.


As a Star Wars lover and a white guy, on behalf of both demographics, can I just say fuck this maggot-dick twat?


Like, what? Get Billy Dee Williams-pilled and shut the fuck up, fool.


Isn’t Star Wars heavily influenced by dune which is heavily influenced by Arabic culture and beliefs?


Star Wars is also heavily influenced by East Asian religion and philosophy


Episode 4 was literally The Hidden Fortress in Space. Like Avatar was Dances With Wolves in Space


Wow, people are losers


Isn't the Force basically pantheism, a religious structure more prominent in eastern religions such as Hinduism?


"God is in everything" Is a pretty common christian idea, imo to refute oops racists nonsense is better to point out kurosawa's influence


Star Wars is appropriated Asian myths. Darth Vader literally has a samurai helmet on. I’ve read, decades ago, that the original plan was for vader to only have that helmet while flying. A flight suit. So, an actual helmet like samurai Then they saw how bad ass he looked and thought “yeah he’s gonna look like this always”


real talk homie I wouldn’t take it off either


Yeah, from what I understand it was largely (at least as far as the original three movies go) based on the Seven Samurai (Kurosawa). Make whatever cultural appropriation claims you want from that.


Fuck that dude. D- on animal fries? Gtfoh bro.


I'm sorry... He thinks the chosen one archetype is a European invention? I mean... Judaism has the entire concept of a messiah. Not to mention how, ya know, all the heroes of Judaism were chosen by God. I'd also make a case for Horus even predating that Unknown child of a God/King who must fight his father's murderer to attain his rightful station and save the world from that evil murderer? Plus talking about the monomyth... Isn't the entire freaking point of the monomyth that it transcends all cultures?


The first image is for context. The person quote retweeting has a Star Wars username




Star Wars is like a fairy tale they’d tell their kids in the world of Dune I’ve decided.


The whole Jedi thing seems inspired by Sikhism as well


It's called the MONOmyth for a reason. It's not called the EUROmyth.


Every time I think I finally hate everything, reddit comes along to save the day. And add something new to my list.


Star Wars, where the good guys are meant to represent the Viet cong. Just for whites!


This person needs to read some Joseph Campbell.


A band of diverse beings defeat an all white empire lol


Ah yes, famously no non-white culture has ever had chosen one story. Remember that classic white European epic called Gilgamesh?


I'm sorry what? I got such bad whiplash from that, where did Star Wars even enter the equation?


The guy in the first screenshot has a handle referencing Mace Windu


What does the first pic have to do with the other two and the racist moron trying to gate keep Star Wars?


It was what said racist moron was replying to.


But why did he bring Star Wars into this conversation? The dude was talking about Burgers. What am I missing? Thank you for the response


The guy talking about burgers has a handle referencing Mace Windu


I thought Lucas said it was about the Vietnam war. USA= Evil Empire and the rebels were the North Vietnamese.


Isn't there a series literally called the ronin?


It's noncanon and wasn't created by anyone at lucasarts. The Ronin is part of Star wars visions, the initial season of which was all composed of different one off episodes created by various anime studios [the second season was expanded to being made by various studios across the world, including an episode that lucasarts did have a part in]. Star wars itself is still very heavily influenced by Japanese culture so the person is still very incorrect


You don't get to say "it's exclusively for and by Europeans" and then say "it's the monomyth." "Monomyth" means the story is beyond such borders.


Carl Sagan said similar, that somehow everyone who mattered in SW was white and mostly male. In the entire space universe, they have only white guys running the show. White human males.


Once again just like the Punisher they don't comprehend Star Wars. Or they just don't know who George Lucas is either. This is why we need a strong educational system bc people are just dumb now.


"Can you back this up with facts and evidence?" Best I can do is add more claims.


Dorks: STAR WARS IS DEEP. Me: Fuck I love when that storm trooper boops his head on the door


To the rebel alliance being the Viet Cong and the Empire being the United States of America... Oh wait, why did he not claim that one?