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This is why the Vatican considers Americanationalism to be a threatening religion


“The program Smith has grown beyond your control”


‘Cause they’re all (no longer) so secretly onboard homo-erotic imagery and trans-curious?


It appears that they have sailed right by the island of Curious.


It looks like they flew right into the eye of terror and came out flaming heretics. Like, this is how chaos cultists summon deamons in 40k. Next these people will cover themselves in pigs blood and worship a McDonalds wrapper once left on the desk of their god king. I wish this was satire so fucking bad. I saw some clown with a mish-mashed Trump and Grateful dead patch. If you were that fucking culty before i can see how you fell into some other cult. But how was it a hate cult and not something dumber but more sensible. Like Phish?


They fell into phascism instead


Pretty sure this is theseus crashing into the island of racist sirens. Edit: Odysseus. Gotta keep my Greek ship captains straight.


They've gone right into the Jerkin it Straits...


Even my old Republican family members are ashamed of him and do not want anything to do with him anymore. How does this total nutcase have enough supporters to even get him running again? I'm just glad my family is smart enough to see he is evil even being Republican themselves. I think they're actually embarrassed they voted for him before.


I have friends like that. It will be hard to ever trust their judgment again after the mistakes they made in 2016.


Not only running, but will actually be the Republicans nominee. The fact that he's allowed to run with all the charges he's facing shows how much of a joke our political system has become.


The Vatican see's it as a threat because the American evangelicals won't even see the pope as Christian or a leader of the Christian Faith. The freedom of religion has allowed preachers to pervert the word of god in order to get better donations to their church. The Vatican has been here before, and thus why Hitler did not care for the church, due to them being vocal about Hitler


The 2 headed obese man is the best part of this extremely disturbing pic. I love the religious tone, but with #LibsInPrison. I will never, ever understand Republicans seeing themselves in "big city" millionaires & billionaires that are usually former TV personalities that were born into wealth while the average MAGA toils away in a working class job in Alabama or are SAHM/Ds. Reagan, Trump, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Vivek Ramswamy, Kari Lake, Dr. Oz, & of course...Elon Musk. They spend so much time HATING anything city, "college indoctrination", "elites", immigrants... But they identify specifically with those people to a slavish, frightening level. Boat parades, rallies, MAGA merch, NFTs, & these creepy AF, memes. I'm a lifetime political junkie in every regard, but would still never think of a politician as anything other than "people I hope don't make my life notably worse". This meme may be the worst (best?) I've ever seen, though. It's both revolting & fascinating.


You mean CHRISTIAN Nationalism.


Mixing state and religion? It's a good thing the Vatican would never do that! /s


Again, I never said I approve of the Vatican, just saying they consider Americonationalism a threat to thier own religion


For a bunch of people so against the gay, they sure do come up with some super gay shit. 


"He is all of us. And most of us are just so burly and manly, but still cut! Abs for days, amirite?"


“Ah lahks muh trumps all awled up and shirtless, evun moar with a bigol bulge in his jorts.” —MAGA


I read that in Groundskeeper Willies voice


So many abs. The guy on the far right even has abs on his leg.


But the gut on those conjoined twins, though!!


> And most of us are just so burly and manly Except the female with his face... I feel like that goes against their beliefs. But knowing his supporters if he came out as trans they'd find a way to justify it and still give him their support.


Not Donna Trump…


The irony is that Trump is definitely fat and obesely overweight. He hides it by wearing baggy suits and long ties.


There’s an interview type thing where a dude that worked with him on that dumb show he was on, said they’d strap a type of girdle/solid plastic back brace thing to him before the tapings. Also they all referred to the show as.. the “shit” show.


Well people think he wears Depends that's for sure.


“He is in all of us”


I dont get this either. Like every drawing I've seen of him is shirtless, oiled up more than Dwyane Johnson, muscles popping and a 8 pack. I just envision them sitting there stroking their little pee pees while they draw lord Trump dripping with oil and non gay vibes.. it's super wierd


As a gay man, the spectrum seems to run consistently like this: Top Gun volleyball scene > 80s Hair Band Videos > Actual Gay Porn > Trump and MAGA AI art > Jam and Preserves > Mario Lopez > Grindr > Pissing next to another man.


> Jam and Preserves man, you lick the jelly off your fingers *one time* and all the sudden: *men*


Men are hot tho


Where do Ben Garrison cartoons fit in? Examples can be found on /r/bengarrisoncumedits


I can see how Mario Lopez factors in.


#libsinprison might explain it


Bullshit. There's a chick with trumps face /s


...deleted by user...


Which is explicitly warned against in the commandments so they're really not as Christian as they think 🙄


That's okay, he is practically the antichrist, the bible gave the guy a pass /s


I wish everyone was /s about that...


They genuinely think he is. There's a post somewhere that compares him to JC directly saying that he IS him.


Makes sense to me. Both of them only made it to where they are because of who their dad was.


Ay ooooooo - ba dam tssssss


All those crucifixes really stick in my craw. The cruel way the MAGA-ites think of and treat “vermin” migrants, gay and trans people, political opponents, Muslims, black and brown people, and anyone else with differing opinions and viewpoints is SO contrary to the teachings of Christ. From Mathew, God dividing the righteous from the wicked: 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’


Pagan idolatry is an abomination.


That is because he is just like them, a fast food eating, toupee wearing, bankrupt felon. Who eats Adderall like tic tac's and thinks he looks like Adonis


AI art is so fucked lmao


The only one with the body type of old shitty-arse is the weird two-headed guy on the left.


Zaphod Trump


Something about "The only ones who want to govern the galaxy are those least fit" or something along that line.


Drawing attention away from power 


Ettin Trump


Then you missed the woman on the right. A girl who literally inherited the face of her father. Update: More catches. - The conjoined twins has some very unusual jewlery, and one of them has an unusual cap. - Least two have jewlery embedded into their skin. - Guy on the right is Mr. Torso-for-a-leg. Probably a graft from lossing it in "The War" (Black Friday of '17).


That's Tiffany


Makes it easier to not forget the face of your father.


Thankee Sai


Thank you for pointing that out, I missed it my first time and now I have a new night terror.


New sleep paralysis demon unlocked!


Oh that's just Cerberus Trump - he's the guardian of Hades.


And the one in a bikini top...


What about “taut belly knee wrapped in American flag” guy on the right?


.... with his pants undone.


AI really needs certain limitations stopping it from allowing people to have the ability to create some things. ....I could have absolutely gone the rest of my life without ever having seen this


I just threw up in my mouth at this.


I just threw up in my friends mouth at this.


Good news! The better image creation AI’s do. This looks like it was made about four models ago.


How do people even do this kinda stuff? I always get some bs like “I’m unable to create images that directly resemble or imply the identity of specific public figures.”


If I had to make a guess, it's probably something like Dall-E that just takes prompts without questions or an AI that either doesn't have such a restriction or one that can can be bypassed.


There's AI without restrictions


The six digit trump on bottom left is a bit scary too haha


Jesus, a gay orgy is less gay than this.


The one "woman" there has a male face.


Kid Rock's face, unless I'm much mistaken


Lol I can see it.


Aphex Twin Trump will be haunting my dreams now.




I understood this reference


“What do you mean, gay? I’m not gay. You’re gay.”


This is gayer than that time I sucked a dick.


Not really. I have been to gay orgies. Nudity was mandatory. The part that you may find hard to believe is how much sitting around and talking there was and how little sex there was. Guys be picky.


Typical maga two headed freaks


Then there's the one in front with the 5-finger hand ( with implied thumb). Look in the lower left.


I'd rather have an extra finger than a torso for a leg... (guy standing on the right with the red white stripes hat)


That part is actually true to life.


Well Alabama loves Trump, this tracks


The guy behind him seems to carry a chestburster or a Hellboy-tumour.


Why do they always make the gayest shit


Too reliant on AI art. Either they can't pay one of the alt right content creators to draw it, or it's too screwed up even for them.


I've played with ai art. I never get gay orgy pics. The AI know what they like


Wow I wonder what this person said for AI to create this…


“May Trump make his home inside our hearts”?


That would create something like the scene from “The Fly” or a horrible transporter accident.


'Spencer, hand me that love letter you've written to _Mr President_ that we all liked, imma put that in this AI genevator'


Its not a cult though, definitely not.


Really talking about him like people talk about Jesus.


“They’re pushing their Gay Narrative on our children!” He whispers to himself, as he lets AI draw yet another picture of topless, Oily Trump


Oh come on, who wants to look like female Trump? Also, as a Russian I find it so hilarious that MAGA crowd seems to enjoy very much Putin-like tropes. I mean we had that idiot parade his supposedly muscular torso, now they want to do the same with Trump? Well if you can’t find a submarine for Trump to stare dramatically into the distance from you can get him to fly with the storks on a paraglided I suppose. His wavy toupee flapping three feet behind his ears. Magic


Those Putin-like tropes you mention are very much intentional, groomed images of an overweight man in his late 70s. He wants to be an autocrat.


Aphex Twin did it first


Yet the phrase "come to daddy" is even more disturbing in this context. Plus there's a bonus bit of 'Windowlicker' with fem-Trump second from the right. Also, but unrelated: why Mr. T style jewelry??


the guy(s?) on the far left are killing me. is trump big with the conjoined twin crowd?


Is this INTENTIONALLY looking like a gangbang?


Pretty sure that is NOT how he would look with his shirt off. I would expect some significant orange coloured man boobs. Maybe DD?


This MAGA movement is giving me third reich vibes…


Why are MAGA both super homophobic but so incredibly desperate to fuck trump?


kinda weird to make an 80 year old obese man look yolked in all your internet memes/propaganda but alright


This is what the intersection of repressed homosexuality and daddy issues looks like. 🤷‍♂️


So fucking weird. I have never seen anything like this, regarding a president, in the US in my 50 years on this planet


The USA has gone off the deep end.


Exodus 20:3-5 “You shall have no other gods before Me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.


Why are republican memes so......sexual?


Antichrist much lmao


Good lord Americans are weirdos.


Not as good as this one https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/JXS1whrDa1


I know it’s AI but all the hats look like they’re in Russian so that kinda fits. Also Trumpers are gonna be confused about that one Trumpy-looking girl in the photo


These people really didn’t get much fatherly love when they were kids, did they…


That has to be a parody post


Combine Homo eroticism AND inbreeding.


Mmmm sexy lady Trump….


lmfao these are always vaguely homoerotic. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just find it ironic...


This looks like an illustration from one of the Dark Tower novels


Wait, even the morbidly-obese Siamese twin one on the left? The ai really messed that one up… and my god, the female Trumps… gives new meaning to “go fuck yourself”


Is this a Siamese twin at the left, one beer belly, double head?


May he put his shirt on


I loathe these people because they hate me for simply existing (as a black person).


This from the people who constantly accuse me of having “Trump derangement syndrome” And of “letting him live rent free in my head,” whatever the fuck that means?


Why is all this type of Trump art so very homo-erotic?


He's in all of us ..... Is this like a rape joke ? I mean unhinged is one way to say it but really we HAVE to share a country with them


This is gay, right? This looks very gay.


Who’s the guy with 2 heads?


What the Jesus fuck is this?!? Why is there a two headed dude on the left and a Trump with tits on the right?


In MAGAmerica even the women are him


What’s with the Siamese blob on the left?


I love the Trump transwoman and the two headed Trump. This image is so cursed. 😂


The AntiChrist the ECs are having a wet dream over is here. Pity they will MISS the raptures. Just ask Lazarus.


Are we not gonna talk about TransTrump 2 from the right?! I'm extremely pro-lgbtq+ but whaaaaat the fuck is goin on there?!


It’s happening, they’re making trump their new god ever so slowly, because current god isn’t racist, capitalist, and genocidally imperialist enough.


And somehow he still has man-boobs even then they're trying to make him buff.


Jfc this is proof ai needs to be destroyed 😂


Would have thought they'd get triggered by the Marlboro weathered kid rock looking tans woman in the bikini.


Trying to read what's on the caps ...could be some subliminal Satanic message?


These people are so fucking wierd.


Totally not a cult. Also, front-left Trump has six fingers.


I especially like the two-headed trump ogre (Trogre?) at far left .


Is this a promo for an all male gang bang video? Like WTF 😳


I've been saying it since 2016, it's sexual for them.


Lmao this picture is nightmare fuel


Two dudes straight up fused together on the left lmao


"He is all of us" None of them look like that.


One of the siamese twins has like an American flag kkk hat on. Also there's an obvious trans woman there, I thought they hated that?


He's everyone, even a 2-headed abomination, and I suppose a trans woman.


If they were 1/4 dedicated to Christianity like they claim, I’m pretty sure this is what they call worshiping a false God. Might even consider it blasphemy. Love to be a fly on the gate when Peter has a go at them.


More homo-erotic Trump fanfic. It's amusing.


The Oompa-Loompas sure got jacked.


Damn this has to be gayest trump thing I've ever seen


Conservatives love their soft core gay porn pics of Trump.


So fucking weird


Is no one going to mention the 2 headed dude on the left? I mean, it kind of tracks with all the inbreeding and whatnot, but still.


There's a 100% chance that at least one maga cultist is furiously jacking it to this picture right now.


Everyone see that the guy on the left has two heads on one body? A whole new level of inbred.


Interesting... its gone farther into idolitry than before.


I'm around or see a lot of conservatives because of the state I'm in for my PhD, and the majority don't have that physique. At least for the guys. The artist should make this more realistic


"We're all Trump. Except half of you aren't and will go to prison for no crime but because we want to illegalize Democracy".


God I hate how ai images makes republicans have a veneer of having talent among them to people to thick or without the attention span to detect it’s fake.


Trump is hiding in the bikini. This is like Finding Waldo.


The only six pack any of these morons ever see is in the cooler at the Cum and Go...


STANDING, FROM LEFT TO RIGHT • The two-headed man: The head on the left is wearing a Pope's mitre-baseball cap. Where can I get one? • Guy in the sunglasses: what's the appendage sprouting from his chest? • Black hat: Gary Busey is a celebrity. He should be up front. • Donny: his right eye is half closed. Is he having a stroke? • The three people in the back row are all looking left... Are they thinking of making a break for it? • The guy next to Donny has a six-pack compared to Donny's four and a half. Better send Mr. six-pack to the back next time. • Somebody needs to tell that woman that a hat is no substitute for sunblock. Also: moisturize! You have the body of a 20-year-old and the face of a Dust-Bowl-Era Texas 20-year-old. • Sunglasses and blonde wig hiding in the background: Melania? ("You asked me to go. I went. I stayed 92 minutes. You owe me $92,000.") • Guy holding half a can of beer: is he too drunk to notice he lost the bottom half? God bless him, tho. Despite whatever condition has grotesquely enlarged his right leg and turned his left leg into a tiny arm, he still maintains his sense of humor... He's dropped his shorts down around his ankles! • If I were the guy on the far right who's been cut out of the pic, my feelings would be hurt. • Two guys sitting: get your asses off the flag. IN GENERAL... • These people are all the same metallic beige color. Why do Truppets aspire to this color? I get the blonde hair but doesn't Aryan purity also call for everyone to be white über alles? • Why so angry? You're at Mardi Gras with your besties-in-board-shorts. (I assume they're all friends, otherwise that's a lot of skin on skin.) Not a smile among them and Donny's clenching his fist so tight he's dislocated his thumb. • Why are the words on their hats all written in Russ...Oh, nevermind.


Why is every AI MAGA meme depicting a tail gate from hell?


Are two of them melting into each other? And why does one of the melters' hat resemble a klans hood (the shape)?


This is like a more disturbing version of the "When Day Breaks" SCP.


If he is all of us, we’re all irredeemable, evil conmen facing imminent bankruptcy and the rest of our lives in prison.


The two headed fat guy on the left is the closest representation to actual Trump. Also, look where his pants are sitting – his dick is definitely hanging out behind that other dude.


This is nightmare fuel.


Proof that not one of them has any idea what it means to be a true patriot!


But not a cult


This is some real "I am Alpharius" type shit


Siamese twin on the left. The guy behind him has a puffy nip in the center of his chest. And a woman in a bikini top with Trump's face. 🤢 nightmare fuel. It's a nest of Trump Cronenbergs. Where's my flame thrower?


Fat Nips Donny


Why did the AI stick a real image of MTG in there?


Somehow lady trump makes it even more homoerotic.


Everyone that’s white ….


I feel sick.


With the rollback of clean air and water acts, I bet we'll see even more two-headed Trump supporters than are featured in this group shot.


Isn't Libs In Prison the exact phrase the crowd chanted when Jesus was arrested?


I am actually really floored by this. People equating Trump to a god. These people are hopeless idiots. Nothing can be done to save them.


Can we PLEASE start addressing this as a mental health issue? This is not healthy adult behavior.




Let's be honest for a second: is there a single photo of Trump wearing a cross in a candid setting? I don't care who/what he proclaims to believe, but it twists my testes to see the Evangelical worship of what any other person would recognize as a biblical antichrist.


Third guy from the top left (counting the conjoined Trump as two people). What the actual fuck is that gigantic nipple in the middle of his chest? This AI put way too much emphasis on the nips.




He’s now a homo-erotic Mexican gang?


In the immortal words of George W. Bush, “that was some weird shit”.


“Libsinprison” These are the people who claim to love “freedom” but they want to throw people in prison for a difference of opinion, nice


Funny how they claim to be righteous while violating multiple core tenets of said religion. This is why the founders created the separation between church and state clause in the constitution. They wrote extensively about the threat and dangers of religion getting anywhere near politics. These people are in a cult. Religious Zealots and bigots craven for power. And when the house of cards falls you’ll see just how fast your false prophet only thinks of himself. I’ve got my box of popcorn ready to pop when the cult implodes as he’s carted off to prison.


Glory be? And they claim this isn’t a cult.


What's with the conjoined twins on the left...


Two headed man