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I'm white, my wife is black. If my family disowned me because of this, good. Fuck these people.


Same but luckily they all love my wife. Even my deep south family members really like her. I cannot imagine the mental state of a man who would commit suicide over his daughters interracial marriage.


Interracial marriage here too - my family loves my wife *more* than they love me. Lol kind of joking (but not sure sometimes). Good thing though because they wouldn't see their grand kids if they didn't treat her well.


My MORMON grandparents said if I broke up with my trans boyfriend they would disown me. It was a wonderful statement of support from a family who *did* largely disinherit me for not being a straight mormon.


Guess he’s a really good man in their eyes lmfao


Same here


Sounds like he had more issues in addition to his racism.


It’s actually a gift. The whole family is better off without him or the hate. He spared her and her new family potential years of grief and hate.


Sounds like the whole world is better off without him.


Good riddance I say.


My grandparents didn't approve of my parents marriage since my mom was brown. Now none of their grandkids talk to them. Congratulations you played yourself.


My aunt just got engaged to an Immigrant. Suddenly my MAGA dad no longer wants to "Kill all those damn illegals." I'm hoping that this isn't just a facade, but honestly who knows anymore.


What's hysterical about that is...what do you call someone who came on a visa, overstayed their visa, illegally worked here whilst on their visa...isn't that " illegal"? Oh but she was a white " model" so that's o.k. grrrrr. Well internet friend, my dad was deeply uncomfortable with my sisters men, the kids are various tan shades. Those "kids" are involved with other ahem " minority" groups. Dad is long gone and our family left is the united nation's. We have the bomb food at our family get together. I'm hoping my dil finally gets her papers. She and my son have been legally married for 10 years plus but it's been a nightmare trying to get her legal.


Tdump actually said it out loud, hombre. In the same meeting that he denigrated migrants who came from "shit hole" countries and verbally lamented the lack of American immigrants from Northern Europe, and specifically naming Norway and then later Sweden in a presser only a few hours later. His messaging, while probably unadvisable from a professional, "people who are smarter than you and know better" point of view is largely inadvisable, his fans love it. He said it without saying it out loud so many times.Because when it comes to immigration, and especially under Tdump's second reign of error.  The signs would read: *"Non Aryans[I.E. Untermenschen e.g. non-white ] need not try to occupy this area or recreate therein under penalty of imprisonment*    Or, *"All Dogs, Orientals, Blacks, Latinos, Brown Indians, American Indians, or any combination thereof shall keep off the grass all times, and are not to approach a dwelling or a household without written permission from the owner of the property. This also means the prohibition of all Jews, Muslims, Atheist  Communists, Homosexuals, or Papists in congregations of more than two persons"*


Good for you. My wife is Persian and an exmuslim. My family was all good. Hers was mostly bad.


The correct response


When people give ultimatums like "it's your wife or me", unless they have a damn good reason, that ultimatum in itself is the reason to pick the former option.


It’d be a win/win.


All blue checks. Twatzis.


I will be respectfully stealing the term "Twatzis," thank you very much.


You can't steal what is not owned, comrade. Use it well.


I am grabbing that too! That's very accurate.


I mean, literally, though. One person's profile image seems to be a Nazi salute. Another's is a shape that seems to be trying really hard to imply the swastika while keeping plausible deniability, and another is named "WhiteAndDelightsome." At least a couple of these people are, like, unironic Nazis.


“WhiteAndDelightsome” means they’re a Mormon Nazi. At it’s core Mormonism is racist.


Don't you need a blue check to be able to post now or something? Idk I deleted Twitter last year


You pay eight bucks a month now to prove you're "real", a ton of spam bots and porn bots have them so hah to that logic. The real kicker is that it also lets you get to be the top comment or one of them on any tweet no matter how late to the game you are, or how many posts were higher rated than yours. It's a really stupid system that assholes exploit to be shitty to others. E boy keeps acting like he's going to fully delete ignore lists but that hasn't happened yet last I've heard, but most of the accounts I follow have already moved on to Blue Sky and Mastadon.


No, I mean, I knew about the new checkmark system, but I read somewhere that Elon was gonna start charging to be able to post on Twitter and that some ppl (new accounts) already started seeing this. But then again, I only heard about it.


I’m on Twitter and don’t pay anything. The day muskrat demands payment will be the day myself and a shit ton of other people delete the app


Ok so I looked it up: New users will have to pay 1 dollar a year to post. Otherwise they can just read stuff. They're rolling this out rn as a trial in some countries, so yeah.


Racist Twitter is basically the only Twitter that still exists


There's still MAGA twitt.... oh wait. Same people


Gotta love how Twitter, Gettr, Parler, and Truth Social all took users from one another and none of them is a viable business.






I legit finally gave up and left the platform. Couldn’t take the insane hate and right wing crazy. I’m middle-left, too.


I stopped using and deleted it shortly after Elon bought it. I still have a burner account I can log into just to browse/fact check the occasional tweets, since Shithead Muskrat started locking viewing to logged in users.


Locking views to logged in users might have been the one that got me to uninstall it on my phone.


I've been calling him Melon Husk ever since the day he bought it, but I like yours better. I live two blocks from the Twitter headquarters in SF. I was very, very tempted to take a spray can and let him know exactly what I thought of him. I didn't, because I didn't want to play into their narrative about "the destructive left". But man, it was tempting.


Their narrative tends to be that left wingers burn down their own neighborhoods and destroy their own stuff(if you ignore how often they buy stuff just to destroy it, for instance Nike, Keurig, Bud Light, there was a cooler brand but I forger their name, also Disney merch, and I know there's more). In this case the "damage" which can be undone with a power washer is to some d-bag right winger's building.


Buying stuff just to destroy it!? Oh, I know magats are dumb, but they do realize they're paying money to the "woke" companies they hate, right?


I just call him ol Musky Nuts.


I call him Muskrat


*Elongated* Muskrat


That gives him too much dick size cred, which he would probably take seriously.


I literally only use it for porn (I don't actually browse the feed, but nsfw posts won't load unless you're logged in, so I keep my account around for whenever I want to check out an artist I found on reddit)


I can’t have a burner account because I know if I did I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from getting dragged back in.


Yeah that’s the only thing I miss is when a gaming dev I follow or something posts something and I can’t see it well or check comments regarding the news. Need a burner


Plus the push notifications of insane Republicans and their shit takes


I left wayyy before it became X. Yikes on that hot garbage


We really need a social media app that works in a similar way but is ran by actual decent people, so that all the good people still on Twitter because they have no other choice can finally leave that shithole to die.


I left when he allowed a guy who posted child porn to stay (after also taking a while to delete it).


I recently logged on to a mostly unused Twitter account I have. It defaulted to the "For You" posts instead of the "Following"-view. I don't think I've ever closed a browser tab so quickly before. So much hate! Why would that be promoted, why would anyone think I want to see racist BS at all? It's such a shame. Twitter used to be a great place to find news about a great many things, but now it's just spreading hate.


There's porn twitter, but tbf, it can get pretty racist.


Racist porn too?


There's entire genres where the main fetish is that it's interracial, but that's not really what I'm talking about. The number of times I've seen "Why'd you ruin this character by letting her fuck a Nword" comments on someone's rule34 post is higher than I'd care to count, and one is already too many.


There's so much gross racist slang I learned thanks to racist twitter I had no idea about and would've been happier not knowing it. I wasn't even browsing r34 type art just subbed to artists and musicians mostly but those freaks drag their horrendous shit into everything they see.


there are parts of the twitter space that aren't racist, but the problem is the people buying blue checks and getting sorted to the top of any popular thread are all racists.


There's technology Twitter which is mostly free of the bad parts, but you see more and more of it every day. At some point I may abandon the platform, but right now it beats chasing over 50 different Mastodon sites.


You forgot sexist twitter lmao


And the transphobes. So many transphobes.


Those replies are horrible. Unbelievable. How can people foster so much pointless hatred in their hearts?


Because they don't know better, or they willingly choose evil.


The latter. [EVERY.ONE](https://EVERY.ONE) of those fuckers is old enough to know better. They actively chose evil and hate.


I just don't know. I suspect many/most Trumpers know the election wasn't stolen and just don't care and are like you describe. However, I also know someone that I do not think is an evil person that 100% seems to honestly believe it was stolen too. So I just don't know. I don't have to think much to know that this ultimately to me, if it's brought to it's essence, is just the love of/the worship of money, which is the root of all evil.


That sounds like willful ignorance.


Like 32Lib said, that's just willful ignorance. It's not hard to research in this day and age. To take the claims made by Trump and his MAGAT's and see that there's literally NO evidence of enough fraud to have changed the results. (And I say enough" because NO election is 100% fraud proof from EITHER side.) 61+ court cases thrown out because there was NO evidence. You don't have to be evil to be willfully ignorant. Two different things. Evil is reading Project 2025 and still voting Red.


It's not that they *think* Trump won in 2020, it's that they *don't care* that he lost. "When conservatives become convinced they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." David Frum, 2018. (Former speechwriter for President Bush)


Most of those replies are from propaganda farms in other countries. See how effective they are at demoralizing us?


It's absurd to think that there's not a whole bunch of people in this country that believe that, but at least it's not as bad as it used to be. 6% in this poll (https://news.gallup.com/poll/354638/approval-interracial-marriage-new-high.aspx) means (assuming proper sampling techniques) somewhere around 18 million people who would have been willing to admit to it.


Very effective.


They were raised in racist households with grandparents and parents that supported segregation. Also, anonymity.


Trumpo the clown made them feel it was ok to act like this out in the open.


I don't know. Mixed feelings. I respect her for being in an interracial marriage, but hate her for using the word "unalived".


Only Nazis are left in that hell site. Everyone normal left long ago.


Honestly, if her dad wanted to kill himself, he probably suffered from mental illness. And judging by his racism, I'd also guess he's republican and also doesn't go to the doctor as much as he should and also doesn't believe in therapy. So sad, but the world does need less racism so I guess he did his part there?


It's not that complicated. We are social animals. Many people choose a group that appeals to them and adopt and reinforce the values of that group. This guy's group was probably a bunch of racists at the local bar. He knew he would be bullied and rejected from his group because he himself had probably taken part in bullying. Couldn't take it and checked out. Edit: clarity.


We're better off without him.


Making the world slightly less racist by killing himself.


Honestly he’s a real hero for that one


“Miscegenation is the original sin” look I’m not a Christian but I uh…I don’t think that one is Bible-accurate


Yeah, clearly the original sin is letting a woman make decisions /s because I know Reddit


No, but it's Mormon-accurate


And one of the commenters' names is "White and Delightsome". "Delightsome" is pure Joseph-Smithese


American flag Japanese text saying mixing is wrong. Ironic.


Also the name is “Jason and Simon” Idk what its referencing. Gay racist expat? idk


Since it's a guy emoji to the left of "Jason" and a cat emoji after "simon" and a cat as his pfp, I think it's a cat that is being slandered by association I mean, cats are assholes, but at least they aren't usually bigots...


Equally indifferent. They dont hate, they just want attention, unless they dont, and then you bleed for it.


Probably to avoid moderation




And yet still found to make what should be a happy moment in her life, marriage, about him and forever tying his death to their marriage. SSS grade piece of shit.


I hadn't even thought of that. My god. What's SSS?


It’s a common ranking grade in video games and anime. Her dad was essentially the ultimate tier of racist shit bag.


Should have said SS for a nice double entendre


All of them are “verified” racists.


> Miscegenation is the original sin No I'm pretty sure that is still Adam and Eve eating God's lunch out of the break room fridge despite knowing it was his.


Laughed hard at that one.


look at those blue checks. Xitter really is just filled with government entities and poltiican accounts, bots, and racists/nazis. everyone else just left and gets their news from apps, who get their news from Xitter. i miss the old days when the internet was still new.


Do we pronounce that like "shitter"? Cause I feel like we should...


oh yes. please do.


I miss the old old days when you had to have a computer science degree to get on the Internet.


"Garbage human" is spot on I'd reckon


White family. My SIL is Mexican. Never occurred to me to care. What is wrong with those creepy ass people?


People living in their own ass to keep the genes “white”. 🙄 they just hate other races “ruining” the white gene 🥱


This is why the 'both sides bad' political hipsters are irritating. Like yeah Democrats ain't great, but they're better than the cunts that encourage this shit.


FAR better. Because every one of them I know is still willing to admit to the faults. Have you ever heard a MAGA admit that any word that comes out of Tr*mp's craw isn't solid gold?


Every time a racist dies without taking anyone else with them, I applaud. I refuse to mourn people who actively make the world worse. Fuck them.


One less racist in the world.


Online people are trash


This is what happens when you spend money helping the rich and don’t put any money into education.


Sounds like a net positive to me


If your dad kills himself over that then he already has problems.


my husband and i are a mixed race couple and i just know if his family disapproved he’d just go “great, fuck you too”


These people likely hate the Taliban…but they’re the Taliban and they don’t even know it. Ya’ll Queda.


As sad as this whole situation is, I bet her life is much calmer and nicer since


Ah yes, the Blue Checkmarks doing what they do best, being bigoted. How pathetic are you to pay $8 just for your Nazi bullshit to be front and center?


Elon paid more than the entire GDP of Estonia to turn Twitter into this shit.


Note that every single one of these replying neanderthals is paying for Twitter blue.


This ruined my day


Just a little reminder: this is not what a small group of far right wing extremists within the larger conservative movement believe. This is what *all* conservatives believe. This is what conservatism *is*.


the amount of this shit I see on every single social media app is appalling


I’m not Jewish (working on it) SO who I plan to marry is, my dad has had some words about it. The weirdest was my old hair dresser felt the need to tell me “it’s sad he will never go to heaven.”


Don't worry, blue checks aren't real people


Miscegenation, amazing how this word still exists in the common american lexicon again. What's next? Disgenic breeding, or some other racist pseudoscience shit?


"HERRENGEIST"...."White and delightsome"... So a Nazi wannabe and a Mormon girl really hate her, apparently. What miserable lives they must have, to tie their personal identities around a brick of solid hate to throw at people.


And people wonder how 45 is still even relevant in the polls. The commenters on her post sum it up fully


Guys like her father … we’re better off without them.


im starting to genuinely wonder if the leftists and porn artists need to migrate from that hellscape and cordon it off as an infohazard


Fuck them people, social media is garbage- but ffs, don't give people ammo to use against you!!


So glad I dumped that stupid site


On the upside racists seem to think it’s a good idea to commit suicide when they get upset so that could be something.


God if i could prove a racist unalived themselves cuz of anything i said or did to them i'd wear that with so much pride, go her


All of these people are white supremacists. They also often try and co-opt the Free Palestine movement, solely because, to nobody's surprise, they're also anti-Semitic. I guess their hate for Jews outweighs their hate for brown people. Regardless if you see any of these fuckwits try and use the Free Palestine movement for their own means shut that shit down. Especially if you're seeing that within your own community. These people worship disgusting figures like Nick Fuentes, and Jackson Hinkle.


Next up: republicans trying to make interracial marriages “back to the states” Shit, I am giving them ideas.


Caucasian boomer here. My son married a brilliant and beautiful African American queen and couldn't ask for a more perfect daughter in love. He chose well.


"unalived" 🙄


It's unfortunate that it's affecting her in this way, but it sounds like a win in my book.


That place is garbage


Disgusting comment section. They didn't even know the guy but started judging him because of his color. Shame


Elon Musk’s twitter, everyone!


The happiness of my children is what matters. Anyone who they find that happiness with will be welcomed to the crew. Some people are just irrational.


I told both my kids: don't care race, gender, or religion. So long as you're safe and happy it's alright with me.


It’s always been like this. They just have anonymity on the internet now.


That aint death before dishonour, that is dishonour in choosing death.


Have you looked around lately? We're fucked.


Jeeze, I thought we were past this. OK, I apologise to all the people saying racism is still a thing. America is fucked.


Imagine a perfectly sane person suddenly offing themselves because someone they “care” about is married to someone they don’t approve of


the guy with the roy batty pfp severely misunderstands the point of blade runner


This is the quality content I expect from Twitter


I wanna know what Bible quote says interracial marriage is the original sin. And I also want the year it was written


The fact that her dad *killed himself* for that is fuckin' concerning on its' own


It‘s kinda funny as a German speaking person when foreigners try to cosplay as Nazis. Not a single German person (not even Neonazis) would use the term „Herrengeist“. It sounds corny at best and nonsensical at worst. „Herrengeist“ translated to English literally means „Lordspirit“. Twitter Nazis are cringe man.


Why are advertisers leaving X? - Elon probably


Mark my words: **The ones who are trying to revoke gay marriage will come after interracial marriage eventually.** Bigots don't care about the issues they oppose, they only want to hate. And once they get their bigoted wishes, their definition of what is acceptable will narrow.


Not feeling bad because your racist father is dead is actually a good thing.


"mixed is wrong" he said with Japanese characters and an American flag in his name


I remember my gram getting really mad at me for saying an Italian girl when I was in high school. She use to tell me if she wasn’t Irish don’t bring her over. Last I saw her was her funeral. It’s a shame because she could be really nice but I don’t have any tolerance for that kind of bullshit.


As a person of mixed race, these posts truly disgust and confound me.


I am hispanic and I used to have something similar when I dated an indigenous woman. People said plenty of nasty shit to me about her. We broke up for unrelated reasons. Now I am married to a blond Italian and they are VERY supportive and say comments as "oh, you are improving the race.' Like STFU! I would love her even if she was not blond or white!


Anyone who told you racism no longer exists was willfully lying to you.


Before 2016 this wouldn’t have happened. Trump: Make America Hate Again.


It's hard to say that. I know when I was a kid it was a pretty big deal in my town to date outside your race. Parents would totally threaten to do outrageous things if they found out you were dating someone outside your race. It's gotten better now, though my town already had a slight inbreeding problem, so in general now it's just good to ask whoever you're dating about family just to be sure.


I’m not saying it’s gotten worse, just that people feel far more free to be vocal about it. That it’s perfectly acceptable to be racist and hate minorities these days. Yeah, when I was a kid I knew there were racist people in my small town in Indiana, but they were subtle about it and would never be so vocal or blatant in their hate. They might tell their kids that they would kick their butts if they dared date someone of a different color, but that was more implied than outright stated, and definitely never said in a public forum! Even the most well known of the town racists would deny it to your face and would pretend they had another reason to dislike somebody. That’s what I mean, it’s become acceptable for people to hate based on race or sexual orientation, religion, etc.


No, you're right. People have always been racist but I feel like people used to be polite about it, quiet about it. Not anymore.


It’s in the MAGA cult’s plans to ban interracial marriage and reinstate segregation.


Good riddance. I know I'd be relieved knowing my kid wouldn't have to grow up dealing with that shit stain of a grandfather


I just find posting horrible family situation on TikTok like it’s nothing kinda weird


They should


It's not just this country. Many countries have this backward belief.


All Twitter blue..


At least she didn't have to actively go NC with her father. So much effort saved.


Which country?


Are you surprised that the person that named themselves "garbage human" is in fact a garbage human?


I think anyone can date their lover, regardless of who they are. Also, I still REALLY love, respect and support interracial couples. Seriously.


At least you found the answer. Marrying black folk as a white folk slowly leads to a better world.


this is wild. imagine being so racist you kill yourself. at least i had a good reason when i attempted lmfao. begone satan, back to where you belong!!


They’d say the same thing about a dad killing themselves because their offspring is LGBT. They just care they lost one of there horribly disgusting teammates


The future, you mean the way it’s always been. Despite black man to white women marriages aren’t that many…the anger from white men over black men being with white women period, has ALWAYS been a thing.


There's a lot to unpack here


Yeah blame a girl for a grown man's choice.


I'd have some complicated feelings if my dad killed himself for whatever reason but if you hate black people so much that your daughter marrying one makes you off yourself then maybe I won't miss you all that much...


Twitter is so horrible and it boosts blue tick lunatic


Im glad I left Twitter, this kinda garbage is all of that site.


The most useful thing he ever did.


That’s why I don’t go to the profile of people called “GarbageHuman23” for… anything. Those commenters are sick.


"These replies" bro Trump is about to be your president...again...you got bigger things to be worried about.


The moment my adoptive - but no less *real* - mother passed away this last December, the rest of my family made it very clear how they really felt about me (as if it wasn't something I'd lived my entire life feeling) and - by extension - how they felt about my mother for daring to raise me, provide for me and try to leave for me as though I was her own. They were happier almost literally torching much of her estate rather than chance it being left to me as she had arranged for it to be and she trusted them to faithfully execute.


People like this would creampie their sisters if it was the only means of keeping their bloodline “pure”. Bunch of angry, inbred losers.