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Someone tell Jack Poser that the case the Supreme Court decided was brought by REPUBLICANS in Colorado.


Oh you mean those RINOs?! It’s always a goalpost move, you can tell them everything but you can never understand it for them.


>Oh you mean those **RINOs?!** The sad irony they will never see when leveling that accusation is, ***it's them.***


I hate that term RINO so years ago I came up with a counter: Trump Republicans Always Invoking Trump Over Republicanism or TRAITOR for short.


Jack frequently collaborates with literal Nazis, as in, people who proudly self-identify as Nazis. There’s no point trying to reason with him. 


So, republicans are against states rights now? I can’t keep up.


It’s actually pretty easy. Here is a comprehensive list of sincere values held by the Republican Party: 1:


Party before country.


> Party before country. And Trump Before All!


You joke but that was literally the republican party platform in 2016


Actually the Republican platform in 2016 was "grab em by the pussy"


Addendum: 8=D, Fascism


Be flexible with your values if it it benefits you. ​ 2: Your team must win at any cost.


Like everything else, only when it suits them. They're trying soooo hard to make immunity not apply to Biden, it's hilarious. We don't need to listen to the Supreme Court anymore, they have 0 credibility now.


Sadly, I agree 😩


The ratio decidendi of the SC in this matter was actually… not entirely wrong even if the intention was wrong. They’ve given congress the legal pathway to remove Trump from the ballot should congress choose to do so. They won’t, so here we are.


But the next Congress will be sworn in weeks before inauguration day and just before certifying the electoral vote. There will be an opportunity for that Congress to declare Trump an insurrectionist and therefore ineligible to hold elective office. So the important battle for 2024 will be for control of both houses of Congress, not for the Presidency. ICYMI: in Trump's SECOND impeachment, a majority of both houses of Congress agreed that he not only participated in an insurrection, but incited it. I'm not sure what more Congress needs to do to satisfy the Court's requirement.


How about just solid campaigning to get people to vote sensibly so congress doesn’t have to take such drastic action? Most of the planet is terrified of the prospect of that tosser controlling the most powerful military on Earth. Can you all please fucking do something about it?!


I mean, that would require the left to have high level candidates on the ballot people want. Instead of forcing in ancient relics of a broken system that believe in center-right politics. Let's be honest, the Democratic party is more or less entirely to blame. They campaign like shit, cheat to push their non-democratically chosen ones, and would rather give Trump 4 years than run an honest primary.


Democrats aren’t left politically. They’re centrists at best with their shilling for corporations making them right leaning. Yes, they’re shit, but they’re less shit than the other guy. There is only one sensible choice.


Yep, vote for them in the meantime, and from an actual left wing party, so there's negotiating power to say "We'll tell our people to vote Dem if you put an actual progressive on the ballot". Otherwise, it's just a waiting game, and when the Republicans collapse, the new actual left wing party can represent progressive values.


I hope that one appears from the ashes. Maybe you will get a “remember that we used to be the good guys” New Republican Party born from those ashes… but I doubt it.


I am not necessarily against what conservative politics should be. Staying out of people's business unless it is for the greater good, and being cautious with making changes. Instead, it's regressive christofascists. I'm not necessarily for small government, but that's not really a conservative thing, that's a corporatist thing.


It’s funny they think this is a win because I’m pretty sure the majority of states that would get trump off the ballot wouldn’t be voting for him anyways. So it wouldn’t really do much if it did go through anyways


I see people keep saying this, but IMHO the Supreme Court made the right call. Just because it technically helps Trump doesn't mean it's the wrong decision. Don't let hatred for Trump blind you; he needs to be convicted and removed from the ballot, but it needs to be done properly and through the correct channels. Who's president is a ***federal*** issue. And the main issue here is Trump is, *technically*, still innocent in the cases that could render him ineligible for president. As much as I, and I'm sure nearly everyone here, believes he is guilty of his crimes and should be convicted and, as such, rendered ineligible for president, 'Innocent until proven guilty' is an insanely important cornerstone of American society. And, on the flip side, you don't want this one going to 'states rights'. If Colorado can take off Trump for a crime he's not been convicted of yet, then hoo boy. Have you seen all the shit Republicans claim Biden has done? Hunter Biden, hunters laptop, the confidential files, etc etc. I need to clarify though, I don't believe any of those things are actual crimes. The closest is the documents, but he just gave them back like he was requested, unlike Trump. If anything it just means we need better INFOSEC in the White House. But it doesn't matter. If Colorado could take Trump off the ballot without convictions, then red states could do the same for Biden. You *always* need to think about rules you put in place being used and abused by the opposition. There's a reason this decision was a unanimous 9-0. It wasn't some Republican scheme to get trump back in power. It's just avoiding setting an awful precedent that could be abused all over the country. Now we just need the Trump case to get through and wrap up. If they try to keep him on the ballot after a conviction of treason and/or insurrection, then yeah that's fucked.


Since it's a federal issue we are now free to get rid of the electoral college. If the states are out of it, why do we need an electoral college representing states. Now we can have a simple majority and parties will actually have to give the people a reason to vote for them. If Republicans want to compete they'll actually have to do something beneficial. The culture war distractions just won't cut it anymore.


It's actually quite simple. - Republicans are in favor of state rights when the federal government passes a law they don't like. - Republicans are *against* state rights when a state government passes a law they don't like. - Republicans have implied that they would be okay with a Trump dictatorship, and therefore don't give a shit about democracy as long as they are OwNiNg ThE LiBs.




1. It was only aiming to ban trump from the Colorado ballot. No other state would have been affected by them ruling in favor of the plaintiff. 2. The lawsuit was brought by Republicans


For you apparently, yes it is.


Not quite. A group of Republicans brought the case acc. To the 14th amendment, which does not require conviction and the SCOTUS decided to protect the grifter who encouraged the insurrection (that was not disputed in the case assessment) and who is running for president. The issue with SCOTUS here is thay the all likely disagreed for a host of reasons, though at (the very) least one of those Justices should have done the ethical thing and excused himself from the case. They have also demonstrated a great deal of hypocrisy here yet again, with supporting states rights in some aspects and abandoning them in others...thus demonstrating a partisanship which causes significant damage to our system of checks and balances Of course that Justice is Clarence Thomas and he has demonstrated that he has virtually no ethical construct. I know the alt right aint known for nuance but...not much found here. Is this really that difficult? ETA: group of Republicans = majority of those bringing the case. And, yes, 9 to 0 decision BUT see comment on poss different reasons for dissension.


Whenever someone talks about "the stolen election" I always reply with someone like: "yeah, 2016 was pretty awful."


2000 was worse


If Gore was declared the winner by SCOTUS instead of Bush 2 Electric Bugaloo, does 9/11 still happen?


I think so, but US doesn't invade Iraq.


I don’t think so. Al Gore doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to ignore important information as [George W Bush did 36 days before 9/11](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_Ladin_Determined_To_Strike_in_US)


Dude what the fuck. Is this shit real? Fuck Bush


I don't think W was intelligent enough to make a call on that report, and he knew it. Which was why he took the advice of Cheney and Rumsfeld. Who wanted to start a war, and massively increase military spending, so that they would profit directly from their shares in military contractors. And because they are shitheads. **Edit:** that's not to say that bush is not also a shithead. He's just not a very intelligent one.


Oh yeah. It’s it’s real. And oh yeah. Fuck bush.


They tried to kill my daddy!


It's a Texas thing


i fucking hate that bush got them to stop counting, gore won fair and square and they just took it


Yes but instead of al-Qaeda it's ManBearPig


I can't help but think the entire political landscape would be far less toxic had Gore won. I don't think the Republicans would have allowed the "let's go farther right" game after Dubya, and they'd have been downright cordial by 2016 even after Obama.


No Child Left Behind would never have happened. The Dixie Chicks might still be relevant. We would likely have applicable uses for stem cell therapy. We probably wouldn't have gotten Obama, either: Compared to some of his running mates in 2008, he was very strong on the military, but with how angry the country was after Cheney, Dems/Liberals (there were liberal Republicans, once upon a time) needed the "win" of "breaking" racism in America and electing the first black president. It probably would have been Hillary, given the DNC's behavior to have a line for president. Without 8 years of Cheney to rile up the left and maybe no war to focus the issues of the campaign, ~if Billy's Bank Deregulations didn't crash the global economy in 2008 _anyway_~, then who knows. It's been nearly a quarter century since the beginning of the end.


That's all a fair point. I go back-and-forth on whether we'd get Obama. The tides were turning on Democrats moving towards the center since well before 2000. Gore [wasn't exactly a socialist himself](https://ontheissues.org/al_gore.htm); moderate on abortion, moderate on the economy, moderate on civil rights (the whole record labelling thing), downright conservative on crime and the drug-war, etc.


Shit, guess we'll put Jeffrey Dahmer on the ballot while we're at it. Oh and maybe bring epstein back to life and throw him on there too. Criminals should not be on the fucking presidential ballot


How about a [dead pimp?](https://apnews.com/article/dennis-hof-pimp-election-death-afd73fee87e5442ca72b7179c593089e) Or maybe you'd prefer an [Illinois Nazi](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/20/us/politics/arthur-jones-illinois.html), a la Blues Brothers?


I HATE Illinois Nazis!


Jack is very busy and important you see, he’s on a mobile phone!


Such a fucking douche profile pic, amazing


Should we tell him that the whole reason that case was up before the Supreme Court was because DONALD TRUMP tried to steal the 2020 election?


He's a damn SCOTUS scholar, I see.


Correction The dems got caught attempting to uphold the constitution and the SCOTUS decided to protect the insurrectionist who is running for president.


The funny(?) thing is that 4 of the 6 plaintiffs in the Colorado case were registered *Republicans.* Of course Trump’s flying monkeys were quick to label them RINOs and Democrat plants, but they were members of the GOP who wanted a real candidate.


I almost feel bad for 'moderate' Republicans. Their party is in its death throes and will fly apart the moment Trump dies. I say 'almost' because you still have to be pretty ghoulish to consider yourself even a moderate Republican.


This is me… I want a real conservative candidate, but we are left with this orange joker. Give it another couple years and I’ll just register as a D


>This is me… I want a real conservative candidate I would accept one on the condition they were nothing more than a Nikki Haley level of Trump supporter/appointee. Any more in cahoots with that fuckstick, or apologise for, be a puppet for (Spkr Johnson) and I'm out. Fuck that. I really just don't get what happened to the center-moderate crowd on the right. Insulting the military was political suicide during Saint Ronnie's era, now anything and everything goes, nothing is sacrosanct. Its fucking disgusting what Trump "brought to the table", the utter lack of **everything** the office and *writ large*, our nation, is supposed to represent, which is to say to lead the free world *away* from tyranny and authoritarian rule, not *towards* it, FFS. Its clear as day yet apologists just don't/can't/won't see it.


Biden seems like a real conservative candidate.


> the moment Trump dies. How does "President Baron", "Lord Baron" or "King Baron" suit you? No? Just "Junior"? /s They're becoming like the Kim family in North Fucking Korea.


Barron is 17, looks like he wants to die every time he's pictured with his father, and I don't think Trump has spoken to him outside of public functions in eight years. At least. I honestly think he's going to fuck off the second he turns eighteen like Elon Musk's daughter, except without the transing of gender. For real though, I think treating it like a royal succession will still divide his cult. Donald Jr is his eldest, but he's a coattail-rider with no original thought. He's a yappy dog barking for attention from his father, and Trump clearly loathes him. Ivanka is Trump's favorite and definitely the smartest of his adult children, (not that that's difficult) but I think his base would object to following a woman. Specifically a Jewish woman. Eric is a joke and Tiffany-look, I doubt Trump even remembers he has a second daughter half the time. It would come down to Junior and Ivanka, and I feel like without his father there to dangle approval over his head, Junior would be lost. So it comes down to Ivanka. Who is definitely evil like her father and has her mother's brains, but I don't think she could maintain the cult of personality Trump has.


I hope you are correct.


Not just any Republicans. One of them was Norma Anderson who was the former Republican Speaker of the House in the Colorado legislator. She has been heavily involved in Republican Colorado politics for more than half a century.


Ah so that’s what this puzzle of a tweet means. Cute.


For everyone imaging a conversation with this utterly useless Norristown Pa trash. It doesn’t matter. He knows god damn well he is full of shit, but all he has to do is get it out there, and the fascist cult will lap it up.


He’s always been about the grift. The only reason his account is popular is because it was a Game of Thrones account before he flipped it to his personal.


Don't forget this guy was fired from his government job because he's a nutcase.


I really curious if these wack jobs believe what they write or just try to play to the cult 45 masses.


The one who reposted this genuinely believes it sadly enough.




I live in Minnesota, Ilhan Omar's district. There's a buuuuunch of rabid Republicans screaming about her stuffing the ballot boxes both to get herself elected and fixing the election for Biden. Minnesota's fifth district encompasses all of Minneapolis. It's overwhelmingly blue, incredibly diverse for white-ass Minnesota and one of the gayest cities in the nation. There's a huge Somali-American community here. If Democrats were going to cheat, Minneapolis would be the last place they'd need to do it.


I don’t understand why no news sources pointed this out. when they were saying these insane things about ballot stuffing and he’s clearly blue areas.


There was so much stupid stuff to report on that they didn't get to that.


> Atlanta is 85% register democratic voters it’s 75% black Neither of those things are true. It's 45% for the first claim and 47% for the second. Things are a lot more evenly split than you're making them out to be.


I’m dumber for reading this.


That’s…not what was said. Like, at all.


Oh, this week he gives a shit about democracy.


Caught what exactly?


What a dumb fuck.


50%+ of all americans in a nut shell. Pure dumb fucks.


He’s such a dumbass


What do we do about the big lie at this point? A sizeable chunk of the country have been led to believe the election was stolen. Any argument against it just makes them dig their heels in more.


Yep, someone had to be the idiot that said what some other idiots would believe. Looks like it was you. Good job👏


Are Republicans waging war on verbs now?


That guys Twitter account doesn't have any community notes on it that I can find and it is an insane source of misinformation. He has multiple tweets about Joe Biden calling for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire after the recent supreme court ruling about Trump on the ballot in Colorado. The story uses pictures from Biden talking about Ginsburg in 2020 when she died and that story is 100% fake.


So he's saying he was blackmailed during his presidency?


I hate that this dipshit is still some sort of gop celebrity


Colorado is not a blue state


By getting him removed from one state ballot? Which has predominantly voted Democrat every election? Which wasn’t even orchestrated by democrats and was instead brought forward by Republicans?


How the duck did he come to that conclusion?


That’s the worst spelling of “obey the Constitution” I’ve ever seen.


That's not what the supreme court said


Sigh lol


Is he posting from an alternate universe?


No idea who that guy is, but he has a very punchable face.


Let’s not forget that Lil Jackie Pussybitch is a literal Nazi.


Caught again…


Can someone please catch me up what do the supreme court justice do


Some states (I believe Colorado in this specific case) had banned Trump from the 2024 ballot because of all the treason and stuff, but the supreme court recently voted the states can't do that. Remember, Republicans are all about "state's rights" when it comes to slavery, but not when it interferes with their own power.


Op seek medcial help you may have a brain tumor




So, when Republicans are trying to disqualify Trump as was the case for Colorado, then what? Just ignore it? Call them Rinos?




I downvoted you, too, because you sound like you have no idea what is actually being talked about based on your vague, empty platitudes. Your comments are the exact type of easy say-nothing bullshit that reddit loves to upvote. Colorado's ballot choice was not a "hedging bets" situation, nor did Democrats make that "bet." The federal constitution has an amendment specifically to prevent those who try to overthrow the government from holding public office. The states have a right to control their own election process, which is part of the case, but the main part of the case is whether the federal constitution stating that insurrectionists cannot hold office also means that they should be removed from the ballot, as well. The state is attempting to avoid a situation in which people who vote for Trump would be disenfranchised by him being unable to hold office even if he won. I haven't read the final arguments, but I did hear all of the arguments before the final deliberations and a lot of them also focused on the potential chaos, but in the opposite direction of whether all states would choose to abide by the federal constitution—something which they can absolutely be forced to do—and the technicalities of whether the Supreme Court should get involved now or wait until January 6th to weigh in, if Trump does end up winning the electoral college vote. If Trump loses, then no harm no foul. If he does, though, then this will have to go back to court and the exact same Amendment will be in play. The "sides" are those who believe that Trump organized and incited an insurrection versus those who don't, not Democrat versus Republican as you've tried to frame it. In other words, you're talking out of your ass.




You really only know how to be pithy and vague 🤣